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在"探索生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度"的探究实验教学中,禀承有效性、直观性、真实性、可操作性和有利于课堂教学目标顺利达成的原则,用大蒜作为材料对此实验进行了有效改进,并对探究过程进行了初步研究,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

“探索生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度”的实验探究活动.是引导学生将生物学知识运用于生产实践的好素材,从实验教学内容、学情、教学目标、教学过程的组织和教学建议等几个方面进行了分析和研究,希望通过有效的教学组织提高课堂的高效性,同时用生活化的内容充实课堂教学.为课程改革增添新的活力。  相似文献   

在"探究生长素类似物促进插条生根的最适浓度"一节教学中,创设开放、真实的科学探究活动,学生不断发现、讨论和解决问题,如实地记录、整理和分析实验数据,定量表述实验结果,达到了培养学生的科学思维和训练科学探究技能的目的.  相似文献   

“影响酶活性的因素”是高中现行生物学课本中的一个实验内容,也是第1个探究性实验一但是.教材中所介绍的实验药品(α-淀粉酶)价格较贵,实验设计思路为定性实验。能否改进实验设计方案,使其不仅能培养学生的实验技能和实验设计能力。通过实验过程理解影响酶活性的因素的知识内容,而且促使学生积极参与探究活动,养成实事求是的科学态度和一丝不苟的科学探究精神呢?为此,笔者进行了一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

王建森 《生物学通报》2005,40(12):29-29
探究活动旨在激发学生的创新意识和培养实践能力。把提高全体学生的科学素养的目标落到实处。一个简便实用的探究实验不仅能实现这一目标,而且能大大提高探究活动的质量,使学生在实验过程中获得明晰的科学方法。下面,笔者就尝试以一实例,来介绍在7年级上册,第1单元第2章第2节“环境对生物的影响”一节教学内容中,是如何组织学生开展探究实验活动的。  相似文献   

探究性学习是学生自主地获取知识和技能、体验和了解科学探究的过程和方法、形成和提高创新意识、树立科学的价值观的活动过程。随着教育、教学改革的不断深入,改变学生的学习方式,倡导和探索探究性学习,无疑是信息时代对学校教育要求的体现,是培养学生创新精神和创新能力的一种新的尝试和实践。在生物学教学活动中,教师要多给学生创设主动参与的机会。学生只有注重实践并积极地参与到实践中,才能在理解的基础上构建起自己头  相似文献   

从学生的认知和逻辑出发,对教材资源进行了整合,并对重、难点进行了精心的设计,通过构建渗透作用模型,并应用其进行水稻细胞吸水和失水的探究活动,提升学生的科学探究、科学思维等生物学学科核心素养。  相似文献   

王书胜  张雅慧  邹芹  单文  李晓花  张乐华 《广西植物》2016,36(12):1468-1475
为探明有鳞大花亚组杜鹃扦插生根的最佳IBA浓度和扦插时间,该研究以江西杜鹃、百合花杜鹃为材料,分别采用腐叶土+河沙(1:1)、泥炭+珍珠岩+蛭石(3:1:1)基质,开展了4个IBA浓度和4个扦插时间的生根试验.结果表明:IBA浓度对除老叶留存数外的所有指标有显著影响,其中100 mg·L-1 IBA处理生根率、新梢长最大,腐烂率最低,其它指标也表现良好,为最佳生根浓度;50 mg·L-1 IBA处理根幅、新梢率最大,但不定根数最少,效果其次;200 mg·L-1 IBA处理促进根系生长,但生根率较低、特别是显著抑制新梢发育;对照处理生根效果最差.扦插时间对所有生根指标均有显著影响,早春(04-18)木质化硬枝扦插除老叶留存数较差外,其它指标均表现极佳,为最适扦插时间;秋季(10-19)半木质-木质化过渡枝扦插效果其次;夏季(06-21)嫩枝及(08-16)半木质化枝生根效果极差,不宜进行扦插育苗.物种、基质对生根指标也有显著影响,百合花杜鹃扦插生根能力强于江西杜鹃,泥炭+珍珠岩+蛭石(3:1:1)基质生根效果优于腐叶土+河沙(1:1).该研究结果首次发现早春新梢萌发前采用木质化硬枝扦插可以显著提高两种杜鹃的生根效果,为该亚组杜鹃的扦插育苗提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

基于《义务教育科学课程标准(2022年版)》,借助科学史创设的情境,引领学生经历实验室制取二氧化碳的药品选取、反应原理、实验装置、检验与验满等环节的探究过程,探索了可供借鉴的发展学生科学探究素养的模式与案例。  相似文献   

主要探究“二氧化碳浓度对植物光合作用强度的影响”,用质壁分离实验直观佐证高浓度碳酸氢钠溶液降低植物光合作用强度的原因,结合溶液的物理性质与化学性质等进行误差分析。本次探究通过2个实验、1个讨论,层层递进,激发学生的求知欲;在教学实践中提升了学生的科学探究能力,锻炼了严谨的科学思维,使生物学学科核心素养落地生根。  相似文献   

Cytogenetic effects of different concentrations of 2,4-D on suspension cultures ofVicia hajastana Grossh. andHaplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray were studied using a simple, chemically defined medium. InVicia, the frequency of dicentric chromosomes showed a negative association with the 2,4-D concentration. In both the species, the frequencies of anaphase bridges were negatively associated, while those of the diploid cells showed a positive association with the 2,4-D concentration in the culture medium. A decrease in the frequency of diploid cells was observed in the cultures transferred to a lower concentration of 2,4-D. This decrease was transient inVicia, while inH. gracilis a new equilibrium at a lower level was established. Both endoreduplication and selection appear to be involved in the achievement of the lower equilibrium inH. gracilis, although selection appears to be the major factor.  相似文献   

大蒜根系分泌物对不同受体蔬菜的化感作用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用组织培养技术,在无菌条件下研究大蒜根系分泌物对莴苣、辣椒、萝卜、黄瓜、白菜和番茄等蔬菜作物的化感作用.结果表明:大蒜根系分泌物对6种蔬菜作物的发芽率、发芽指数、苗高及保护酶活性没有影响;对根长、地上部鲜质量及根鲜质量略有促进作用,其中,莴苣与对照差异达显著水平,化感效应指数分别为+0.163、+0.106、+0.318,白菜根长与对照差异达显著水平,化感效应指数为+0.120,其它受试作物与对照差异均未达显著水平;大蒜根系分泌物对受试作物叶绿素含量及根系活力有促进作用,与对照差异达显著水平,对萝卜的叶绿素含量促进作用最强,化感效应指数为+0.282,对黄瓜的根系活力促进作用最强,化感效应指数为+0.184;大蒜根系分泌物使受试作物对养分的吸收能力有所提高.  相似文献   

The meristematic mitotic cells of Allium cepa is an efficient cytogenetic material for chromosome aberration assay on environmental pollutants. For assessing genotoxicity of pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2-chloro-2,6-diethyl-N-(butoxymethyl) acetanilide (butachlor), 50% effective concentration (EC(50)), c-mitosis, stickiness, chromosome breaks and mitotic index (MI) were used as endpoints of genotoxicity. EC(50) values for PCP and butachlor are 0.73 and 5.13 ppm, respectively. 2,4-D evidently induced morphological changes at higher concentrations. Some changes like crochet hooks, c-tumours and broken roots were unique to 2,4-D at 5-20 ppm. No such abnormalities were found in PCP and butachlor treated groups, however, root deteriorated and degenerated at higher concentrations (<3 ppm) in PCP. MI in 2,4-D showed a low average of 14.32% followed by PCP (19.53%), while in butachlor it was recorded 71.6%, which is near to the control value. All chemicals induced chromosome aberrations at statistically significant level. The highest chromosome aberration frequency (11.90%) was recorded in PCP at 3 ppm. Large number of c-mitotic anaphases indicated that butachlor acts as potent spindle inhibitor, whereas, breaks, bridges, stickiness and laggards were most frequently found in PCP showing that it is a potent clastogen.  相似文献   

Transfer of the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) degradation plasmids pEMT1 and pJP4 from an introduced donor strain, Pseudomonas putida UWC3, to the indigenous bacteria of two different horizons (A horizon, depth of 0 to 30 cm; B horizon, depth of 30 to 60 cm) of a 2,4-D-contaminated soil was investigated as a means of bioaugmentation. When the soil was amended with nutrients, plasmid transfer and enhanced degradation of 2,4-D were observed. These findings were most striking in the B horizon, where the indigenous bacteria were unable to degrade any of the 2,4-D (100 mg/kg of soil) during at least 22 days but where inoculation with either of the two plasmid donors resulted in complete 2,4-D degradation within 14 days. In contrast, in soils not amended with nutrients, inoculation of donors in the A horizon and subsequent formation of transconjugants (10(5) CFU/g of soil) could not increase the 2,4-D degradation rate compared to that of the noninoculated soil. However, donor inoculation in the nonamended B-horizon soil resulted in complete degradation of 2,4-D within 19 days, while no degradation at all was observed in noninoculated soil during 89 days. With plasmid pEMT1, this enhanced degradation seemed to be due only to transconjugants (10(5) CFU/g of soil), since the donor was already undetectable when degradation started. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA genes showed that inoculation of the donors was followed by a shift in the microbial community structure of the nonamended B-horizon soils. The new 16S rRNA gene fragments in the DGGE profile corresponded with the 16S rRNA genes of 2,4-D-degrading transconjugant colonies isolated on agar plates. This result indicates that the observed change in the community was due to proliferation of transconjugants formed in soil. Overall, this work clearly demonstrates that bioaugmentation can constitute an effective strategy for cleanup of soils which are poor in nutrients and microbial activity, such as those of the B horizon.  相似文献   

An efficient and novel method of direct shoot regeneration from root tips in garlic was developed. The influence of growth regulators, basal media and age of root explant on shoot initiation and proliferation was examined. The best growth regulator combination was 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and 6-benzyladenine at 1 and 10 μM, respectively, inducing shoot initiation from 75% of the explants. The frequency of shoot initiation on different basal media was similar. Explant root tips from plantlets taken 15 to 18 days after sprouting showed the highest shoot initiation (95%). In contrast to Murashige and Skoog medium, which produced more than 10 shoots per explant, B5 medium produced smaller shoots, although the number was higher. Rooting of individual shoots was induced after transfer to medium without growth regulators. Plantlets, after acclimatization in a growth cabinet, were successfully transplanted to the field, and no phenotypic variation was observed among them. The technique has potential applicability for rapid propagation of garlic. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in nutrient-rich media (high-nitrogen and malt extract media) by wild-type Phanerochaete chrysosporium and by a peroxidase-negative mutant of this organism. Mass balance analysis of [U-ring-14C]2,4-D mineralization in malt extract cultures showed 82.7% recovery of radioactivity. Of this, 38.6% was released as 14CO2 and 27.0, 11.2, and 5.9% were present in the aqueous, methylene chloride, and mycelial fractions, respectively. 2,4-D and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) were simultaneously mineralized when presented as a mixture, and mutual inhibition of degradation was not observed. In contrast, a relatively higher rate of mineralization of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T was observed when these compounds were tested as mixtures than when they were tested alone.  相似文献   

 This study describes the formation of somatic embryos directly on the surface of hypocotyl sections of Daucus carota L. after exposure to 450 μM of 2,4-D for 2 h, followed by culturing without 2,4-D for 2 weeks. A search for differentially expressed genes immediately after the 2,4-D treatment resulted in the identification of two genes, Dchsp-1 and Dcarg-1. Dchsp-1 has homology to low-molecular-weight heat-shock proteins, while Dcarg-1 has homology to auxin-regulated genes. Dchsp-1 was expressed upon the exposure to 2,4-D treatment but also responded to general stress responses. Dcarg-1 responded primarily to auxin; however, a parallel relationship between the expression of Dcarg-1 and the formation of somatic embryos on the hypocotyl sections was observed. It seems the exposure to auxin shock could serve as a trigger in inducing cell division in the epidermal cells and promoting their further differentiation to somatic embryos. These results are discussed in relationship to our current understanding of the molecular basis of somatic embryogenesis. Received: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 9 August 1999  相似文献   

Optimization of experimental problems is a challenging task in both engineering and science. In principle, two different design of experiments (DOE) strategies exist: statistical and stochastic methods. Both aim to efficiently and precisely identify optimal solutions inside the problem‐specific search space. Here, we evaluate and compare both strategies on the same experimental problem, the optimization of the refolding conditions of the lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus with 26 variables under study. Protein refolding is one of the main bottlenecks in the process development for recombinant proteins. Despite intensive effort, the prediction of refolding from sequence information alone is still not applicable today. Instead, suitable refolding conditions are typically derived empirically in large screening experiments. Thus, protein refolding should constitute a good performance test for DOE strategies. We compared an iterative stochastic optimization applying a genetic algorithm and a standard statistical design consisting of a D‐optimal screening step followed by an optimization via response surface methodology. Our results revealed that only the stochastic optimization was able to identify optimal refolding conditions (~1.400 U g?1 refolded activity), which were 3.4‐fold higher than the standard. Additionally, the stochastic optimization proved quite robust, as three independent optimizations performed similar. In contrast, the statistical DOE resulted in a suboptimal solution and failed to identify comparable activities. Interactions between process variables proved to be pivotal for this optimization. Hence, the linear screening model was not able to identify the most important process variables correctly. Thereby, this study highlighted the limits of the classic two‐step statistical DOE. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

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