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Protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) plays an important role in the regulation of glycogen synthesis by insulin. Protein targeting to glycogen (PTG) enhances glycogen accumulation by increasing PP1 activity against glycogen-metabolizing enzymes. However, the specificity of PTG's effects on cellular dephosphorylation and glucose metabolism is unclear. Overexpression of PTG in 3T3-L1 adipocytes using a doxycycline-controllable adenoviral construct resulted in a 10-20-fold increase in PTG levels and an 8-fold increase in glycogen levels. Inclusion of 1 microg/ml doxycycline in the media suppressed PTG expression, and fully reversed all PTG-dependent effects. Infection of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with the PTG adenovirus caused a marked dephosphorylation and activation of glycogen synthase. The effects of PTG seemed specific, because basal and insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of a variety of signaling proteins was unaffected. Indeed, glycogen synthase was the predominant protein whose phosphorylation state was decreased in 32P-labeled cells. PTG overexpression did not alter PP1 protein levels but increased PP1 activity 6-fold against phosphorylase in vitro. In contrast, there was no change in PP1 activity measured using myelin basic protein, suggesting that PTG overexpression specifically directed PP1 activity against glycogen-metabolizing enzymes. To investigate the metabolic consequences of altering PTG levels, glucose uptake and storage in 3T3-L1 adipocytes was measured. PTG overexpression did not affect 2-deoxy-glucose transport rates in basal and insulin-stimulated cells but dramatically enhanced glycogen synthesis rates under both conditions. Despite the large increases in cellular glucose flux upon PTG overexpression, basal and insulin-stimulated glucose incorporation into lipid were unchanged. Cumulatively, these data indicate that PTG overexpression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes discretely stimulates PP1 activity against glycogen synthase and phosphorylase, resulting in a marked and specific increase in glucose uptake and storage as glycogen.  相似文献   

The activation of protein phosphastase-1 (PP1) by insulin plays a critical role in the regulation of glycogen metabolism. PTG is a PP1 glycogen-targeting protein, which also binds the PP1 substrates glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase, and phosphorylase kinase (Printen, J. A., Brady, M. J., and Saltiel, A. R. (1997) Science 275, 1475-1478). Through a combination of deletion analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, the regions on PTG responsible for binding PP1 and its substrates have been delineated. Mutagenesis of Val-62 and Phe-64 in the highly conserved (K/R)VXF PP1-binding motif to alanine was sufficient to ablate PP1 binding to PTG. Phosphorylase kinase, glycogen synthase, and phosphorylase binding all mapped to the same C-terminal region of PTG. Mutagenesis of Asp-225 and Glu-228 to alanine completely blocked the interaction between PTG and these three enzymes, without affecting PP1 binding. Disruption of either PP1 or substrate binding to PTG blocked the stimulation of PP1 activity in vitro against phosphorylase, indicating that both binding sites may be important in PTG action. Transient overexpression of wild-type PTG in Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing the insulin receptor caused a 50-fold increase in glycogen levels. Expression of PTG mutants that do not bind PP1 had no effect on glycogen accumulation, indicating that PP1 targeting is essential for PTG function. Likewise, expression of the PTG mutants that do not bind PP1 substrates did not increase glycogen levels, indicating that PP1 targeting glycogen is not sufficient for the metabolic effects of PTG. These results cumulatively demonstrate that PTG serves as a molecular scaffold, allowing PP1 to recognize its substrates at the glycogen particle.  相似文献   

Lafora disease (LD) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease that results in progressive myoclonus epilepsy and death. LD is caused by mutations in either the E3 ubiquitin ligase malin or the dual specificity phosphatase laforin. A hallmark of LD is the accumulation of insoluble glycogen in the cytoplasm of cells from most tissues. Glycogen metabolism is regulated by phosphorylation of key metabolic enzymes. One regulator of this phosphorylation is protein targeting to glycogen (PTG/R5), a scaffold protein that binds both glycogen and many of the enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis, including protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), glycogen synthase, phosphorylase, and laforin. Overexpression of PTG markedly increases glycogen accumulation, and decreased PTG expression decreases glycogen stores. To investigate if malin and laforin play a role in glycogen metabolism, we overexpressed PTG, malin, and laforin in tissue culture cells. We found that expression of malin or laforin decreased PTG-stimulated glycogen accumulation by 25%, and co-expression of malin and laforin abolished PTG-stimulated glycogen accumulation. Consistent with this result, we found that malin ubiquitinates PTG in a laforin-dependent manner, both in vivo and in vitro, and targets PTG for proteasome-dependent degradation. These results suggest an additional mechanism, involving laforin and malin, in regulating glycogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake is inversely associated with the muscle glycogen concentration. To investigate whether this association is a cause and effect relationship, we compared insulin-stimulated muscle glucose uptake in noncontracted and postcontracted muscle of GSL3-transgenic and wild-type mice. GSL3-transgenic mice overexpress a constitutively active form of glycogen synthase, which results in an abundant storage of muscle glycogen. Muscle contraction was elicited by in situ electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Right gastrocnemii from GSL3-transgenic and wild-type mice were subjected to 30 min of electrical stimulation followed by hindlimb perfusion of both hindlimbs. Thirty minutes of contraction significantly reduced muscle glycogen concentration in wild-type (49%) and transgenic (27%) mice, although transgenic mice retained 168.8 +/- 20.5 micromol/g glycogen compared with 17.7 +/- 2.6 micromol/g glycogen for wild-type mice. Muscle of transgenic and wild-type mice demonstrated similar pre- (3.6 +/- 0.3 and 3.9 +/- 0.6 micromol.g(-1).h(-1) for transgenic and wild-type, respectively) and postcontraction (7.9 +/- 0.4 and 7.0 +/- 0.4 micromol.g(-1).h(-1) for transgenic and wild-type, respectively) insulin-stimulated glucose uptakes. However, the [14C]glucose incorporated into glycogen was greater in noncontracted (151%) and postcontracted (157%) transgenic muscle vs. muscle of corresponding wild-type mice. These results indicate that glycogen synthase activity is not rate limiting for insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and that the inverse relationship between muscle glycogen and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is an association, not a cause and effect relationship.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) promote astrocytic differentiation of cultured subventricular zone stem cells. To determine whether BMPs regulate the astrocytic lineage in vivo, transgenic mice were constructed that overexpress BMP4 under control of the neuron-specific enolase (NSE) promoter. Overexpression of BMP4 was first detectable by Western analysis on embryonic day 16 and persisted into the adult. The overexpression of BMP4 resulted in a remarkable 40% increase in the density of astrocytes in multiple brain regions accompanied by a decrease in the density of oligodendrocytes ranging between 11 and 26%, depending on the brain region and the developmental stage. No changes in neuron numbers or the pattern of myelination were detected, and there were no gross structural abnormalities. Similar phenotypes were observed in three independently derived transgenic lines. Coculture of transgenic neurons with neural progenitor cells significantly enhanced astrocytic lineage commitment by the progenitors; this effect was blocked by the BMP inhibitor Noggin, indicating that the stimulation of astrogliogenesis was due to BMP4 release by the transgenic neurons. These observations suggest that BMP4 directs progenitor cells in vivo to commit to the astrocytic rather than the oligodendroglial lineage. Further, differentiation of radial glial cells into astrocytes was accelerated, suggesting that radial glia were a source of at least some of the supernumerary astrocytes. Therefore, BMPs are likely important mediators of astrocyte development in vivo.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that glycogen targeting subunits of protein phosphatase-1 play a critical role in regulation of glycogen metabolism. In the current study, we have investigated the effects of adenovirus-mediated overexpression of a specific glycogen targeting subunit known as protein targeting to glycogen (PTG) in cultured human muscle cells. PTG was overexpressed both in muscle cells cultured at high glucose (glycogen replete) or in cells incubated for 18 h in the absence of glucose and then incubated in high glucose (glycogen re-synthesizing). In both glycogen replete and glycogen resynthesizing cells, PTG overexpression caused glycogen to be synthesized at a linear rate 1-5 days after viral treatment, while in cells treated with a virus lacking a cDNA insert (control virus), glycogen content reached a plateau at day 1 with no further increase. In the glycogen replete PTG overexpressing cells, glycogen content was 20 times that in controls at day 5. Furthermore, in cells undergoing glycogen resynthesis, PTG overexpression caused a doubling of the initial rate of glycogen synthesis over the first 24 h relative to cells treated with control virus. In both sets of experiments, the effects of PTG on glycogen synthesis were correlated with a 2-3-fold increase in glycogen synthase activity state, with no changes in glycogen phosphorylase activity. The alterations in glycogen synthase activity were not accompanied by changes in the intracellular concentration of glucose 6-phosphate. We conclude that PTG overexpression activates glycogen synthesis in a glucose 6-phosphate-independent manner in human muscle cells while overriding glycogen-mediated inhibition. Our findings suggest that modulation of PTG expression in muscle may be a mechanism for enhancing muscle glucose disposal and improving glucose tolerance in diabetes.  相似文献   

Disrupting the interaction between glycogen phosphorylase and the glycogen targeting subunit (G(L)) of protein phosphatase 1 is emerging as a novel target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. To elucidate the molecular basis of binding, we have determined the crystal structure of liver phosphorylase bound to a G(L)-derived peptide. The structure reveals the C terminus of G(L) binding in a hydrophobically collapsed conformation to the allosteric regulator-binding site at the phosphorylase dimer interface. G(L) mimics interactions that are otherwise employed by the activator AMP. Functional studies show that G(L) binds tighter than AMP and confirm that the C-terminal Tyr-Tyr motif is the major determinant for G(L) binding potency. Our study validates the G(L)-phosphorylase interface as a novel target for small molecule interaction.  相似文献   

The Cullin 4A(Cul4A) gene is important in cell survival, development, growth, and cell cycle control and is amplified in breast and hepatocellular cancers. Recently, we reported that Cul4A plays an oncogenic role in the pathogenesis of mesothelioma. An important strategy for studying Cul4A in different tissues is targeted overexpression of this gene in vivo. Studies of Cul4A in mice have been restricted to the loss-of-function studies using Cul4A knockout mice; gain-of-function studies of Cul4A using transgenic mice have not been reported. We, therefore, generated a gain-of-function transgenic mouse model that overexpresses Cul4A in a Cre-dependent manner. Before Cre recombination, these mice express LacZ during development in most adult tissues. After Cre-mediated excision of the LacZ reporter, the transfected Cul4A gene is expressed along with a C-terminal Myc-tag in different tissues. In this study, Cre-excision was induced in mouse lungs by inhalation of an adenovirus vector encoding Cre recombinase. This mouse model provides a valuable resource for investigating the significance of Cul4A overexpression in various tissues.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) function contribute to the development of hypertriglyceridemia, one of the characteristic disorders observed in the metabolic syndrome. In addition to the hydrolyzing activity of triglycerides, LPL modulates various cellular functions via its binding ability to the cell surface. Here we show the effects of catalytically inactive LPL overexpression on high-fat diet (HFD)-induced decreased systemic insulin sensitivity in mice. The binding capacity of catalytically inactive G188E-LPL to C2C12 skeletal muscle cells was not significantly different from that of wild type LPL. Insulin-stimulated IRS-1 phosphorylation and glucose uptake were increased by addition of wild type or mutant LPL in C2C12 cells. After 10 weeks' of HFD feeding, mice had significantly higher blood glucose levels than chow-fed mice in insulin tolerance tests. The blood glucose levels after insulin injection was significantly decreased in mutated LPL-overexpressing mice (G188E mice), as well as in wild type LPL-overexpressing mice (WT mice). Overexpression of catalytically inactive LPL, as well as wild type LPL, improved impaired insulin sensitivity in mice. These results show that decreased expression of LPL possibly causes the insulin resistance, in addition to hypertriglyceridemia, in metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Expression of the glycogen-targeting protein PTG promotes glycogen synthase activation and glycogen storage in various cell types. In this study, we tested the contribution of phosphorylase inactivation to the glycogenic action of PTG in hepatocytes by using a selective inhibitor of phosphorylase (CP-91149) that causes dephosphorylation of phosphorylase a and sequential activation of glycogen synthase. Similar to CP-91194, graded expression of PTG caused a concentration-dependent inactivation of phosphorylase and activation of glycogen synthase. The latter was partially counter-acted by the expression of muscle phosphorylase and was not additive with the activation by CP-91149, indicating that it is in part secondary to the inactivation of phosphorylase. PTG expression caused greater stimulation of glycogen synthesis and translocation of glycogen synthase than CP-91149, and the translocation of synthase could not be explained by accumulation of glycogen, supporting an additional role for glycogen synthase translocation in the glycogenic action of PTG. The effects of PTG expression on glycogen synthase and glycogen synthesis were additive with the effects of glucokinase expression, confirming the complementary roles of depletion of phosphorylase a (a negative modulator) and elevated glucose 6-phosphate (a positive modulator) in potentiating the activation of glycogen synthase. PTG expression mimicked the inactivation of phosphorylase caused by high glucose and counteracted the activation caused by glucagon. The latter suggests a possible additional role for PTG on phosphorylase kinase inactivation.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) subunit protein targeting to glycogen (PTG) markedly enhances cellular glycogen levels. In order to disrupt the endogenous PTG-PP1 complex, small interfering RNA (siRNA) constructs against PTG were identified. Infection of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with PTG siRNA adenovirus decreased PTG mRNA and protein levels by >90%. In parallel, PTG reduction resulted in a >85% decrease in glycogen levels 4 days after infection, supporting a critical role for PTG in glycogen metabolism. Total PP1, glycogen synthase, and GLUT4 levels, as well as insulin-stimulated signaling cascades, were unaffected. However, PTG knockdown reduced glycogen-targeted PP1 protein levels, corresponding to decreased cellular glycogen synthase- and phosphorylase-directed PP1 activity. Interestingly, GLUT1 levels and acute insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis rates were increased two- to threefold, and glycogen synthase activation in the presence of extracellular glucose was maintained. In contrast, glycogenolysis rates were markedly increased, suggesting that PTG primarily acts to suppress glycogen breakdown. Cumulatively, these data indicate that disruption of PTG expression resulted in the uncoupling of PP1 activity from glycogen metabolizing enzymes, the enhancement of glycogenolysis, and a dramatic decrease in cellular glycogen levels. Further, they suggest that reduction of glycogen stores induced cellular compensation by several mechanisms, but ultimately these changes could not overcome the loss of PTG expression.  相似文献   

Alzheimer′s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder which is the primary cause of dementia in the elderly. Telomere attrition has been proposed as a hallmark of aging. Our study aimed to explore the mechanism of the protection of telomere 1 (POT1) in regulating telomere length and affecting cellular senescence in AD. The AD mouse model was established by d -galactose and aluminum chloride, and the water maze test and dark avoidance test were used to detect the behaviors of mice and confirm the success of AD mouse model. AD cell model was established with HT22 cells induced by Aβ42 oligomers. POT1 expression in the AD model was detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cellular telomere length in hippocampal tissue was analyzed by telomere restriction fragment. Localization of intracellular POT1, telomerase, and telomeres was analyzed by immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Dual-luciferase assay was used to validate the targeted binding relationship between microRNA-340-5p (miR-340-5p) and POT1. After inhibiting POT1 expression, the symptoms of AD in mice were improved. Aβ1–42 deposition was reduced, whereas telomere length and telomerase activity was increased. Dual-luciferase assay verified the binding relationship between miR-340-5p and POT1. An increase in miR-340-5p expression could alleviate cellular senescence and AD symptoms. miR-340-5p increased cellular telomere length and delayed cell senescence by inhibiting POT1 expression to improve AD symptoms. This study made a conclusion that miR-340-5p increased cellular telomere length and delayed cell senescence by inhibiting POT1 expression to improve AD symptoms in mice.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a well-established etiological factor for atherogenesis. We previously showed that transgenic mice overexpressing translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) develop systemic arterial hypertension. In this study we explored the cardiovascular effects of TCTP overexpression and possibly of the resultant hypertension on the severity of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Through multiple mating of TCTP-overexpressing transgenic mice (TCTP-TG) with apolipoprotein E knock-out mice (ApoE KO), we generated non-transgenic (nTG), TCTP-TG, nTG/ApoE KO and TCTP-TG/ApoE KO mice with similar genetic background. Male mice, 7-week old, were fed a lipid-enriched Western diet for 16?weeks, and blood pressure and body weight change were monitored every 2?weeks. Plasma lipid profiles and atherosclerotic lesions in aorta were quantified at the end of study. We found that blood pressure levels of TCTP-TG and TCTP-TG/ApoE KO, were similarly elevated while nTG and nTG/ApoE KO mice were normotensive. TCTP overexpression in ApoE KO mice led to significant exacerbation of atherosclerotic lesions. Feeding Western diet resulted in increases in total cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) and low density lipoprotein, and decreased high density lipoprotein (HDL) in ApoE KO mice. No significant differences were found in plasma lipid profiles of nTG/ApoE KO and TCTP-TG/ApoE KO. This study suggests that overexpression of TCTP, which induces hypertension, also accelerates the development of atherosclerotic lesion caused by high-fat and high-cholesterol diet without significantly altering plasma lipid profiles. We conclude that TCTP-induced hypertension could increase the severity of atherosclerotic lesion and suggest that inhibition of TCTP or its signaling pathways may be a potential approach to the therapy of both diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 11 (BMP11) is a key regulatory protein in skeletal development. BMP11 propeptide has been shown to antagonize GDF11 activity in vitro. To explore the role of BMP11 propeptide in skeletal formation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice with skeleton-specific overexpression of BMP11 propeptide cDNA. The mice showed a transformation of the seventh cervical vertebra into a thoracic vertebra in our previous report. Presently, further characterizations of the transgenic mice indicated that ossification in calvatia was dramatically enhanced in transgenic fetuses at 16.5 dpc in comparison with their wild-type littermates. At 10 weeks of age, bone mineral content and bone mineral density were significantly (P<0.05) higher in transgenic mice than that in their wild-type littermates based on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis. The relative trabecular bone volume measured by histological analysis was dramatically increased in transgenic mice compared with their wild-type littermates. The enhanced bone formations in the transgenic mice appear to result from increase osteoblast activities as the expressions of four osteoblast markers - α1 type 1 collagen, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and phex were significantly higher in transgenic fetuses than that in their wild-type littermates. These results suggest that over-expression of BMP11 propeptide stimulates bone formation by increasing osteoblast cell functions.  相似文献   

Imbalance between histone acetylation/deacetylation critically participates in the expression of hypertrophic fetal genes and development of cardiac hypertrophy. While histone deacetylases play dual roles in hypertrophy, current evidence reveals that histone acetyltransferase such as p300 and PCAF act as pro-hypertrophic factors. However, it remains elusive whether some histone acetyltransferases can prevent the development of hypertrophy. Males absent on the first (MOF) is a histone acetyltransferase belonging to the MYST (MOZ, Ybf2/Sas3, Sas2 and TIP60) family. Here in this study, we reported that MOF expression was down-regulated in failing human hearts and hypertrophic murine hearts at protein and mRNA levels. To evaluate the roles of MOF in cardiac hypertrophy, we generated cardiac-specific MOF transgenic mice. MOF transgenic mice did not show any differences from their wide-type littermates at baseline. However, cardiac-specific MOF overexpression protected mice from transverse aortic constriction (TAC)-induced cardiac hypertrophy, with reduced radios of heart weight (HW)/body weight (BW), lung weight/BW and HW/tibia length, decreased left ventricular wall thickness and increased fractional shortening. We also observed lower expression of hypertrophic fetal genes in TAC-challenged MOF transgenic mice compared with that of wide-type mice. Mechanically, MOF overexpression increased the expression of Catalase and MnSOD, which blocked TAC-induced ROS and ROS downstream c-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway that promotes hypertrophy. Taken together, our findings identify a novel anti-hypertrophic role of MOF, and MOF is the first reported anti-hypertrophic histone acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

Drak2 is a death-associated protein family serine-threonine kinase. Its expression and roles in the immune system were investigated in this study. According to in situ hybridization, Drak2 expression was ubiquitous at the mid-gestation stage in embryos, followed by more focal expression in various organs in the perinatal period and adulthood, notably in the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, cerebellum, suprachiasmatic nuclei, pituitary, olfactory lobes, adrenal medulla, stomach, skin, and testes. Drak2 transgenic (Tg) mice were generated using the human beta-actin promoter. These Tg mice showed normal T cell versus B cell and CD4 versus CD8 populations in the spleen, but their spleen weight cellularity was lower in comparison with wild type mice. After TCR activation, the proliferation response in Drak2 Tg T cells was normal, although their interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-4 but not interferon-gamma production was augmented. Activated Drak2 Tg T cells demonstrated significantly enhanced apoptosis in the presence of exogenous IL-2. At the molecular level, Drak2 Tg T cells manifested a lower increase of anti-apoptotic factors during activation; such a change probably rendered the cells vulnerable to subsequent IL-2 insults. The compromised apoptosis in Drak2 Tg T cells was associated with reduced numbers of T cells with the memory cell phenotype (CD62L(lo)) and repressed secondary T cell responses in delayed type hypersensitivity. Our study demonstrates that Drak2 expresses in the T cell compartment but is not T cell-specific; it plays critical roles in T cell apoptosis and memory T cell development.  相似文献   

Dong J  Liu J  Lou B  Li Z  Ye X  Wu M  Jiang XC 《Journal of lipid research》2006,47(6):1307-1314
Sphingomyelin synthase 1 (SMS1) and SMS2 are two isoforms of SMS, the last enzyme for sphingomyelin (SM) biosynthesis. To evaluate the role of SMS in vivo in terms of plasma lipoprotein metabolism, we generated recombinant adenovirus vectors containing human SMS1 cDNA (AdV-SMS1), SMS2 cDNA (AdV-SMS2), or the reporter LacZ cDNA (AdV-LacZ) as a control. On day 7 after intravenous infusion of 2 x 10(11) particles of both AdV-SMS1 and AdV-SMS2 into mice, liver SMS1 and SMS2 mRNA levels as well as SMS activity were significantly increased (2.5-, 2.7-, 2.1-, and 2.3-fold, respectively; P < 0.001). Lipoprotein analysis indicated that AdV-SMS1 and AdV-SMS2 treatment caused no changes of total SM and cholesterol levels but significantly decreased HDL-SM and HDL-cholesterol (42% and 38%, and 27% and 25%, respectively; P < 0.05). It also significantly increased non-HDL-SM and non-HDL-cholesterol levels (50% and 35%, and 64% and 61%, respectively; P < 0.05) compared with AdV-LacZ controls. SDS-PAGE showed a significant increase in apolipoprotein B (apoB; P < 0.01) but no changes in apoA-I levels. Moreover, we found that non-HDL from both AdV-SMS1- and AdV-SMS2-treated mice was significantly aggregated after treatment with a mammalian sphingomyelinase, whereas lipoproteins from control animals did not aggregate. To investigate the mechanism of HDL changes, we measured liver scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) levels by Western blot. We found that AdV-SMS1 and AdV-SMS2 mouse liver homogenates contained 50% and 55% higher SR-BI levels than in controls, whereas no change was observed in hepatic ABCA1 levels. An HDL turnover study revealed an increase of plasma clearance rates for [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether-HDL but not for [125I]HDL in both AdV-SMS1 and AdV-SMS2 mice compared with controls. In conclusion, adenovirus-mediated SMS1 and SMS2 overexpression increased lipoprotein atherogenic potential. Such an effect may contribute to the increased plasma SM levels observed in animal models of atherosclerosis and in human patients with coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

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