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Genetical, cytogenetical and molecular analysis was made for 5 generations of mice transgenic for bovine satellite DNA (Sat). In all cases transgenic mice were generated by crosses of transgenic males and females with normal (CBA x C57B1) mice. No abnormalities in the founder development were noticed. A normal (near 50 %) ratio of transgenic and nontransgenic offsprings was observed in blastocysts. However, profound differences occurred in the rate of transgene bearing offsprings, depending on the sex of grandparents rather than of parents. The grandfather Sat transmission resulted in the appearance of 0-52.4 % transgenic grandchildren, whereas the grandmother transmission ended in the theoretically expected rate. This means that stabilization of transsatellite took place upon the female germ line transmission (a positive grandmother effect). It is essential that in hemizygous transsatellite mice Sat integration led to the occurrence of mammary tumors, inflammation of uterine horns, and infringement of mother care of transgenic females. Simultaneous FISH and G-banding showed Sat to be localized in the internal region of chromosome 12 near Pax 9 and Brms 11 genes. Commonly, these genes are implicated in tumorigenesis as their expression decreases. Thus, a kind of silencing effect of these genes' expression may be supposed.  相似文献   

Little is known about how foreign DNA is randomly integrated into chromosomes in transgenic animals. In the current study, the insertion sites of 36 transgenic mice were mapped by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR, and 38 junction sequences were obtained from 30 samples. Analysis of the 38 sequences revealed that 44.7 % of integration events occurred within host gene regions, including 13.2 % (5/38) in exonic regions and 31.6 % (12/38) in intronic regions. The results also revealed that all non-end side integrations of foreign DNA were mediated by short sequence homologies (microhomologies) and that the end side integrations occurred in the presence or absence of microhomologies. In addition, microhomology-mediated mechanisms were also confirmed in four transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines. The results indicate that foreign DNA is easily integrated into host gene regions. These results also suggest that the integration of both ends of foreign DNA follows the above-mentioned mechanism in many transgenic/transformed organisms.  相似文献   

We have generated two lines of transgenic mice with integrated copies of a 14-kilobase pair (kb) human DNA fragment containing the angiotensinogen gene, which includes 1.3 kb of 5'- and 3'-flanking regions. In both transgenic lines, a considerable quantity of the correctly initiated and processed angiotensinogen mRNA was detected in the liver and it was detectable in heart. Unexpectedly, mRNA for the transgene was accumulated in the kidney, where is normally the minor source of angiotensinogen, to levels comparable to that in the liver. In addition, an in vitro transfection analysis suggested that the 1.3-kb 5'-flanking sequences are essential for expression of the angiotensinogen gene in hepatic and renal cells and that neither DNA segment within the 14-kb construct contributes significantly to repression of the gene expression in renal cells.  相似文献   

The N-myc gene is expressed specifically in the early developmental stages of numerous cell lineages. To assay for sequences that could potentially regulate N-myc expression, we transfected constructs that contained murine N-myc genomic sequences linked to a reporter gene and genomic clones that contained the complete human or murine N-myc genes into cell lines that either express or do not express the endogenous N-myc gene. Following either transient or stable transfection, the introduced N-myc sequences were expressed regardless of the expression status of the endogenous gene. In contrast, when the clones containing the complete human N-myc gene were introduced into the germline of transgenic mice, expression in some transgenic lines paralleled the tissue- and stage-specific expression of the endogenous murine gene. These findings demonstrate differences in the regulation of N-myc genes in recipient cells following in vitro versus in vivo introduction, suggesting that early developmental events may play a role in the regulation of N-myc expression.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning the centromeric region of the human Y chromosome were introduced into mouse LA-9 cells by spheroplast fusion in order to determine whether they would form mammalian artificial chromosomes. In about 50% of the cell lines generated, the YAC DNA was associated with circular extrachromosomal structures. These episomes were only present in a proportion of the cells, usually at high copy number, and were lost rapidly in the absence of selection. These observations suggest that, despite the presence of centromeric sequences, the structures were not segregating efficiently and thus were not forming artificial chromosomes. However, extrachromosomal structures containing alphoid DNA appeared cytogenetically smaller than those lacking it, as long as yeast DNA was also absent. This suggests that alphoid DNA can generate the condensed chromatin structure at the centromere. Edited by: H. F. Willard  相似文献   

Dynamic mutation resulting in the expansion of CGG repeats in the untranslated region (UTR) of the first exon of the FMR1 gene in humans results in fragile X syndrome. Long stretches of CGG repeats that are known to be highly unstable in humans have so far failed to show similar intergenerational instability in transgenic mice. We generated transgenic lines that show a dramatic increase from 26 to >300 repeats in three generations. One of the salient features of our transgene is the inclusion of the origin of replication of simian virus-40 (SV40), which is known to exclude nucleosomes. Three founder mice in FVB/NJ background show expansion of CGG repeats present in the transgene, supporting a postzygotic mechanism for CGG expansion that is independent of a genomic imprinting effect. We discuss here the results of analyzing one of the lines established.  相似文献   

Saito Y  Edpalina RR  Abe S 《Genetica》2007,131(2):157-166
Satellite DNA clones with a 37 bp repeat unit were obtained from BglII-digested genomic DNA of Masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and Chum salmon (O. keta). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis with the isolated clones as a probe showed that these repetitive sequences were localized in the telomeric regions of chromosomes in both species. Southern and dot blot analyses suggested conservation of homologous sequences with similar repeat unit in other salmonids including the species of the genus Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus, but lack or scarcity of such sequences in the genus Hucho and Salmo. Similarly, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based cloning of satellite DNA referring to a reported Rainbow trout (O. mykiss) centromeric sequence was successful for the Oncorhynchus, Salvelinus and Hucho species. The obtained satellite DNA clones were localized with FISH in the centromeric regions of chromosomes of the species from these three genera. Although PCR cloning of the centromeric satellite DNA had failed in the Salmo species due to some base changes in the priming sites, dot blot hybridization analysis suggested conservation of homologous satellite DNA in the genus Salmo as in the other three genera. In the neighbor-joining tree of cloned centromeric satellite DNA sequences, the genus Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus formed adjacent clades, and the clade of the genus Hucho included the reported centromeric sequence of the genus Salmo. Conservation pattern and molecular phylogeny of the telomeric and centromeric satellite DNA sequences isolated herein support a close phylogenetic relationship between the genus Oncorhynchus and Salvelinus and between the Salmo and Hucho.  相似文献   

Because the P1 bacteriophage packages DNA inserts of 80–100 kb, which are much larger than inserts of bacteriophage λ or cosmid vectors, P1 DNA can be used to express large genes in cultured cells and transgenic mice. We obtained a P1 bacteriophage clone with a 79.5-kb insert (p158) that spanned the entire human apolipoprotein (apo-) B gene. We used the insert from p158 to express the human apo-B gene in both cultured rat hepatoma cells and transgenic mice. In this article, we review our apo-B expression studies and discuss the techniques that we have used for these expression studies.  相似文献   

DNA from Plethodon cinereus cinereus separates into two fractions on centrifugation to equilibrium in neutral CsCl. The smaller of these fractions has been described as a high-density satellite. It represents about 2% of nuclear DNA from this species, and it has a density of 1.728 g/cm3. It is cytologically localized near the centromeres of all 14 chromosomes of the haploid set. In P. c. cinereus the heavy satellite DNA constitutes about 1/4 of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin. The nature of the rest of the DNA in centromeric heterochromatin is unknown. The number of heavy satellite sequences clustered around the centromeres in a chromosome from P. c. cinereus is roughly proportional to the size of the chromosome, as determined by in situ hybridization with satellite-complementary RNA, and autoradiography. Likewise the amount of contromeric heterochromatin, as identified by its differential stainability with Giemsa, shows a clear relationship to chromosome size. — The heavy satellite sequences identified in DNA from P. c. cinereus are also present in smaller amounts in other closely related forms of Plethodon. Plethodon cinereus polycentratus and P. richmondi have approximately half as many of these sequences per haploid genome as P. c. cinereus. P. hoffmani and P. nettingi shenandoah have about 1/3 as many of these sequences as P. c. cinereus. P. c. cinereus, P. c. polycentratus, and P. richmondii all have detectable heavy satellites with densities of 1.728 g/cm3. Among these forms, satellite size as determined by optical density measurements, and number of satellite sequences as determined from hybridization studies, vary co-ordinately. P. c. cinereus heavy satellite sequences are not detectable in P. nettingi, P. n. hubrichti, or P. dorsalis. The latter species has a heavy satellite with a density of 1.718 g/cm3, representing about 8% of the genomic DNA, and two light satellites whose properties have not been investigated. The heavy satellite of P. dorsalis is cytologically localized in the centromeric heterochromatin of this species. — These observations are discussed in relation to the function and evolution of highly repetitive DNA sequences in the centromeric heterochromatin of salamanders and other organisms.  相似文献   

1. The composition and phyletic distribution of a highly repetitive satellite DNA, isolated from Podarcis sicula, was studied. 2. This DNA was rich in adenine and thymine and displayed frequent adenine stretches. It was always located on the centromeric heterochromatin even in quite taxonomically distant species. 3. Southern blot hybridization of the Taq I satellite on various species of lacertid families showed a close affinity among Podarcis, Algyroides and Lacerta dugesii. 4. All the other taxa investigated did not seem to possess this repeated sequence.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of biotin-labeled mouse major satellite DNA clone pMR196 was applied toMus domesticus andMus spretus chromosomes (Chr). The same karyotypes were counterstained with distamycin A-DAPI to identify AT-rich heterochromatin. Chromosomes from the laboratory mouse, C57BL/6Ros (BL/6;M. domesticus) were uniformly labeled at the centromere except for the Y, while chromosomes from the divergentMus speciesM. spretus showed little or no hybridization. Differences betweenMus species in copy number of the major satellite DNA sequence were used to identify chromosomes ofM. domesticus andM. spretus in their F1 hybrids and to discriminatedomesticus andspretus centromeres in backross progeny. The distribution pattern of heterochromatic regions demonstrated by distamycin A-DAPI counterstaining was comparable with that of in situ hybridization with pMR196, suggesting that A-T rich heterochromatin inM. domesticus is mainly constructed by the pMR196-related sequence. The in situ technique was used to examine segregation ofdomesticus centromeres in backcross progeny obtained by mating F1 hybrid females withM. domesticus orM. spretus males. The segregation of centromeres did not deviate from the expected among the backcross progeny from C57BL/6Ros males, whereas chromosomes withM. domesticus centromeres were prone to appear in the progeny from backcross matings byM. spretus males.  相似文献   

A highly abundant repetitive DNA sequence family of Arabidopsis, AtCon, is composed of 178-bp tandemly repeated units and is located at the centromeres of all five chromosome pairs. Analysis of multiple copies of AtCon showed 95% conservation of nucleotides, with some alternative bases, and revealed two boxes, 30 and 24 bp long, that are 99% conserved. Sequences at the 3' end of these boxes showed similarity to yeast CDEI and human CENP-B DNA-protein binding motifs. When oligonucleotides from less conserved regions of AtCon were hybridized in situ and visualized by using primer extension, they were detected on specific chromosomes. When used for polymerase chain reaction with genomic DNA, single primers or primer pairs oriented in the same direction showed negligible amplification, indicating a head-to-tail repeat unit organization. Most primer pairs facing in opposite directions gave several strong bands corresponding to their positions within AtCon. However, consistent with the primer extension results, some primer pairs showed no amplification, indicating that there are chromosome-specific variants of AtCon. The results are significant because they elucidate the organization, mode of amplification, dispersion, and evolution of one of the major repeated sequence families of Arabidopsis. The evidence presented here suggests that AtCon, like human alpha satellites, plays a role in Arabidopsis centromere organization and function.  相似文献   

Alpha satellite DNA is composed of variants of a short consensus sequence that are repeated in tandem arrays in the centromeric heterochromatin of each human chromosome. To define centromeric markers for linkage studies, we screened human genomic DNA for restriction fragment length polymorphisms using a probe detecting alphoid sequences on chromosomes 13 and 21. We describe one such DNA polymorphism. Analysis of linkage of this DNA marker to other polymorphic markers in the CEPH pedigrees demonstrates linkage to markers on the proximal long arm of chromosome 13 and defines the centromeric end of the linkage map of this chromosome.  相似文献   

Repetitious DNA sequences have been isolated from a number of the primates in both Suborders Anthropoidea and Prosimii by hydroxyapatite chromatography at a C0t of 10. In addition to finding previously unreported possible AT-rich satellite DNAs in Orangutan, Gibbon, Rhesus and Slow Loris a clear similarity to human DNA was found in the non-satellite repetitious DNA sequence properties of the primates in the Suborder Anthropoidea. This is based on the presence of the hydroxyapatite isolated 1.703 and 1.714 g/cm3 DNA families in CsCl gradients in the analytical ultracentrifuge following renaturation and extensive DNA hyperpolymer network formation. Within the superfamily Hominoidea the amount of the 1.714 g/cm3 DNA family was greater than that of the 1.703 g/cm3 DNA family while the reverse situation was true within the Superfamily Cercopithecoidea. The orangutan 1.703 and 1.714 g/cm3 DNA families were shown to exhibit the same differential reassociation behavior demonstrated previously in human DNA (Marx et al., 1976a). These data are interpreted as preliminary evidence for a similar sequence organization in the Order Primates Suborder Anthropoidea.  相似文献   

A highly repeated satellite DNA (Hy500) located in the centromeric heterochromatin of the European plethodontid salamander Speleomantes (formerly Hydromantes) was studied. The Hy500 family represents about 1% of the Speleomantes supramontis genome and has a major repeating unit of about 500 base pairs, which may have evolved from the progressive amplification of shorter sequences. This centromeric satellite is conserved in all the Speleomantes species, which nevertheless show distinct patterns of chromosomal distribution, which are of relevance as to their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Although major efforts in elucidating different DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathways and their contribution to accurate repair or misrepair have been made, little is known about the influence of chromatin structure on the fidelity of DSB repair. Here, the repair of ionizing radiation-induced DSBs was investigated in heterochromatic centromeric regions of human cells in comparison with other genomic locations. A hybridization assay was applied that allows the quantification of correct DSB rejoining events in specific genomic regions by measuring reconstitution of large restriction fragments. We show for two primary fibroblast lines (MRC-5 and 180BR) and an epithelial tumor cell line that restriction fragment reconstitution is considerably more efficient in the centromere than in average genomic locations. Importantly, however, DNA ligase IV-deficient 180BR cells show, compared with repair-proficient MRC-5 cells, impaired restriction fragment reconstitution both in average DNA and in the centromere. Thus, the efficient repair of DSBs in centromeric DNA is dependent on functional non-homologous end joining. It is proposed that the condensed chromatin state in the centromere limits the mobility of break ends and leads to enhanced restriction fragment reconstitution by increasing the probability for rejoining correct break ends.  相似文献   

Native highly repetitive DNA sequences have been allowed to react in situ with DNA-depleted polytene chromosomes of chironomids in cytological preparations. The double-stranded DNA can bind specifically to the centromeric heterochromatin, where these sequences have been localized previously by in situ hybridization. Various control experiments support the conception that heterochromatin-specific DNA-binding proteins are involved in the in situ binding. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Beermann for his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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