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For a better understanding of the role of mesopelagic fish in the Southern Ocean food web, the energy and water content of Bathylagus antarcticus, Electrona antarctica and Gymnoscopelus braueri from the Lazarev Sea were investigated. Mean dry weight energy content of B. antarcticus (20.4 kJ g−1) was significantly lower than in E. antarctica and G. braueri (both 29.4 kJ g−1). In E. antarctica, an increase of dry weight energy density with age was evident from 26.9 kJ g−1 in juveniles of less than 1 year of age to 32.0 kJ g−1 in 3-year-old fish. Water content decreased with size in all three species. Abundant high-energy species such as E. antarctica are at a key position in the food web. Due to a marked influence of age on energy content, population structure can be an important variable in estimates of energy fluxes in the Southern Ocean ecosystem.  相似文献   

The incidence and character of the bacteremia associated with elective suction abortion was investigated in volunteer subjects aged 19 to 35 years who were to undergo first trimester abortion by suction curettage. One hundred and forty-four blood cultures were obtained from thirteen pregnant and four non-pregnant (control) subjects matched for age. Transient bacteremia occurred during or soon after suction abortion in 11 of 13 (84.7%) study subjects. Four of these patients were bacteremic after bimanual pelvic examination, just prior to initiation of the abortion procedure. Seven others developed bacteremia temporally related to cervical dilatation and suction abortion. The bacteremia was intermittent in some, persistent in others, existed as long as one hour after the procedure, and was transient in all patients. Microorganisms isolated from the blood were all normal genital tract flora and were predominantly anaerobes, although alpha hemolytic streptococci were also recovered. Mixed bacteremia occurred in six patients. In contrast, blood cultures from four non-pregnant women were sterile. This study indicates that the systemic circulation-uterine cavity barrier is significantly disrupted during abortion by suction curettage permitting endogenous genital tract microorganisms to gain access into the bloodstream. These observations also suggest that there may be some risk of developing endocarditis during suction abortion in patients with cardiac deformities, and lend some support to the current practice of giving antibiotic prophylaxis to abortion patients with cardiac lesions which predispose them to endocarditis.  相似文献   

Many fishes use a powerful bite of the oral jaws to captureor tear their prey. This behavior has received less study fromfunctional morphologists and physiologists than suction feeding,and presents an opportunity to examine motor control of fishfeeding across alternative prey-capture strategies. We usedelectromyography to compare muscle activity patterns of thefeeding bite in five teleost fishes representing at least threelineages in which biting has been independently acquired: twoparrotfish (Cetoscarus bicolor and Scarus iseri), a wrasse (Cheilinuschlorourus), and two serrasalmines, a pacu (Piaractus brachypomus)and a piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri). Multivariate analysisindicated that muscle activity patterns differed significantlyamong species, although a four-way ANOVA designed to test fordifferences within a phylogenetic hierarchy revealed that thebiting motor pattern was largely similar for both narrow andbroad phylogenetic comparisons. A comparison of the motor patternsof biting and suction feeding species revealed that biters hadsignificantly shorter durations of the epaxialis and sternohyoideusand significantly longer relative onset times of the epaxialis,adductor mandibulae, and sternohyoideus. Character mapping oftiming variables suggested that short relative onset times areprimitive for suction feeders and that this characteristic isgenerally retained in more advanced species. Despite these differences,all species overlap extensively in multivariate EMG space. Ourresults demonstrate that change in the feeding motor patternhas accompanied morphological and behavioral change in transitionsfrom suction to biting, which suggests that the neuromotor systemhas not acted as a constraint on the evolution of the feedingsystem in fishes.  相似文献   



Rats prefer energy-rich foods over chow and eat them to excess. The pattern of eating elicited by this diet is unknown. We used the behavioral satiety sequence to classify an eating bout as a meal or snack and compared the eating patterns of rats fed an energy rich cafeteria diet or chow.


Eight week old male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to lab chow or an energy-rich cafeteria diet (plus chow) for 16 weeks. After 5, 10 and 15 weeks, home-cage overnight feeding behavior was recorded. Eating followed by grooming then resting or sleeping was classified as a meal; whereas eating not followed by the full sequence was classified as a snack. Numbers of meals and snacks, their duration, and waiting times between feeding bouts were compared between the two conditions.


Cafeteria-fed rats ate more protein, fat and carbohydrate, consistently ingesting double the energy of chow-fed rats, and were significantly heavier by week 4. Cafeteria-fed rats tended to take multiple snacks between meals and ate fewer meals than chow-fed rats. They also ate more snacks at 5 weeks, were less effective at compensating for snacking by reducing meals, and the number of snacks in the majority of the cafeteria-fed rats was positively related to terminal body weights.


Exposure to a palatable diet had long-term effects on feeding patterns. Rats became overweight because they initially ate more frequently and ultimately ate more of foods with higher energy density. The early increased snacking in young cafeteria-fed rats may represent the establishment of eating habits that promote weight gain.  相似文献   

The widespread availability of high-throughput genotyping technology has opened the door to the era of personal genetics, which brings to consumers the promise of using genetic variations to predict individual susceptibility to common diseases. Despite easy access to commercial personal genetics services, our knowledge of the genetic architecture of common diseases is still very limited and has not yet fulfilled the promise of accurately predicting most people at risk. This is partly because of the complexity of the mapping relationship between genotype and phenotype that is a consequence of epistasis (gene-gene interaction) and other phenomena such as gene-environment interaction and locus heterogeneity. Unfortunately, these aspects of genetic architecture have not been addressed in most of the genetic association studies that provide the knowledge base for interpreting large-scale genetic association results. We provide here an introductory review of how epistasis can affect human health and disease and how it can be detected in population-based studies. We provide some thoughts on the implications of epistasis for personal genetics and some recommendations for improving personal genetics in light of this complexity.  相似文献   

Ecological studies of extant tetrapod predators indicate that morphologically similar species which coexist in the same habitats routinely reduce interspecific competition for food by regular spacing of body size. The biggest predator species in the assemblage often differ more from one another in size than the smallest species. When coexisting carnivore species do not differ greatly in size, they commonly show morphological differences related to prey handling that may reduce dietary overlap. If carnivore species are very similar in both size and morphology, competition is avoided by habitat partitioning. Two tyrannosaurid species from the late Campanian Dinosaur Park Formation of western Canada are similar in both size and morphology, suggesting that they were segregated on the basis of habitat and/or biogeographic province. However; consideration of the living-space requirements of predator species of such large body size suggests that this kind of spatial separation would only have been possible had tyrannosaurids been more like ectotherms than endotherms in their metabolic rates. Distribution of different large theropod species across different, and surprisingly small (for the size of the animals) portions of Mesozoic landscapes may also account for the remarkably high diversity of morphologically similar large theropods in other dinosaur faunas.  相似文献   

The feeding kinematics, suction and hydraulic jetting capabilities of captive harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) were characterized during controlled feeding trials. Feeding trials were conducted using a feeding apparatus that allowed a choice between biting and suction, but also presented food that could be ingested only by suction. Subambient pressure exerted during suction feeding behaviors was directly measured using pressure transducers. The mean feeding cycle duration for suction-feeding events was significantly shorter (0.15±0.09 s; P<0.01) than biting feeding events (0.18±0.08 s). Subjects feeding in-water used both a suction and a biting feeding mode. Suction was the favored feeding mode (84% of all feeding events) compared to biting, but biting comprised 16% of feeding events. In addition, seals occasionally alternated suction with hydraulic jetting, or used hydraulic jetting independently, to remove fish from the apparatus. Suction and biting feeding modes were kinematically distinct regardless of feeding location (in-water vs. on-land). Suction was characterized by a significantly smaller gape (1.3±0.23 cm; P<0.001) and gape angle (12.9±2.02°), pursing of the rostral lips to form a circular aperture, and pursing of the lateral lips to occlude lateral gape. Biting was characterized by a large gape (3.63±0.21 cm) and gape angle (28.8±1.80°; P<0.001) and lip curling to expose teeth. The maximum subambient pressure recorded was 48.8 kPa. In addition, harbor seals were able to jet water at food items using suprambient pressure, also known as hydraulic jetting. The maximum hydraulic jetting force recorded was 53.9 kPa. Suction and hydraulic jetting where employed 90.5% and 9.5%, respectively, during underwater feeding events. Harbor seals displayed a wide repertoire of behaviorally flexible feeding strategies to ingest fish from the feeding apparatus. Such flexibility of feeding strategies and biomechanics likely forms the basis of their opportunistic, generalized feeding ecology and concomitant breadth of diet.  相似文献   

In sharks bioluminescence is only known from the family Squalidae. It evolved independently in two out of six squalid subfamilies, Dalatiinae and Etmopterinae. The distribution of photophores was mapped in several species. It is suggested that in the Dalatiinae, which do not school, but migrate vertically, luminescence serves as ventral countershading. The Etmopterinae school and feed close to the bottom. Their luminescence is an aid in schooling. Four different placoid scale patterns are found in luminescent sharks and they allow to accommodation the photophores in the skin.  相似文献   

Bulk-filter feeding is an energetically efficient strategy for resource acquisition and assimilation, and facilitates the maintenance of extreme body size as exemplified by baleen whales (Mysticeti) and multiple lineages of bony and cartilaginous fishes. Among mysticetes, rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae) exhibit an intermittent ram filter feeding mode, lunge feeding, which requires the abandonment of body-streamlining in favor of a high-drag, mouth-open configuration aimed at engulfing a very large amount of prey-laden water. Particularly while lunge feeding on krill (the most widespread prey preference among rorquals), the effort required during engulfment involve short bouts of high-intensity muscle activity that demand high metabolic output. We used computational modeling together with morphological and kinematic data on humpback (Megaptera noveaangliae), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) whales to estimate engulfment power output in comparison with standard metrics of metabolic rate. The simulations reveal that engulfment metabolism increases across the full body size of the larger rorqual species to nearly 50 times the basal metabolic rate of terrestrial mammals of the same body mass. Moreover, they suggest that the metabolism of the largest body sizes runs with significant oxygen deficits during mouth opening, namely, 20% over maximum at the size of the largest blue whales, thus requiring significant contributions from anaerobic catabolism during a lunge and significant recovery after a lunge. Our analyses show that engulfment metabolism is also significantly lower for smaller adults, typically one-tenth to one-half . These results not only point to a physiological limit on maximum body size in this lineage, but also have major implications for the ontogeny of extant rorquals as well as the evolutionary pathways used by ancestral toothed whales to transition from hunting individual prey items to filter feeding on prey aggregations.  相似文献   

During the Triassic, the Bayan Har Basin is a huge triangular basin surrounded by the North China Platform, South China Platform and Qingtang Terrane. It is filled by a Triassic turbidite sequence, the Bayan Har Group. For a long time, the series of Bayan Har Group in the eastern part of the basin were considered to be a Lower to Upper Triassic sequence, and in the western part, was attributed to the Upper Triassic. A well-preserved diversified radiolarian fauna was recovered from radiolarian chert and tuffite interbeds of the Bayan Har Group turbidites and adjacent stratigraphic units in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet. Sixty-seven species are identified and subdivided into two assemblages: late Anisian and early Carnian. Combined with the discovery of the Late Permian and Early Triassic turbidite in the Bayan Har Group in this area by Huang et al., it proves that all the Triassic is also present in the Bayan Har Group sequence in the western part. The evolution of the Bayan Har Basin may be traced back to the Late Permian. The massive sequence of the Bayan Har Group and its provenance indicate that the Kunlun and Qinling orogenic belts rapidly rise during the Middle-Late Triassic. The basin extended to the end of the Triassic, possibly locally to the Jurassic.  相似文献   

The dynamics of nutrients, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbohydrates, during cyanobacteria cell lysis was investigated under darkness incubation in the laboratory. The cell lysis rate of cyanobacteria sampled from Lake Taihu was measured using an esterase assay. Based on particulate esterase activity, the calculated cyanobacteria lysis rate was 0.094 d–1. During 30 days of darkness incubation, Chlorophyll a concentration decreased from 56 μg L–1 to 2.0 μg L–1. Parallel to this, total particulate carbohydrate concentration decreased rapidly. The fluctuation of dissolved organic carbon concentration was a function of the production of non‐carbohydrate by cyanobacteria and the decomposition of carbohydrate by bacteria. Total dissolved carbohydrates and dissolved polysaccharides concentrations showed a similar pattern, declining at the beginning of the experiment and keeping relatively stable, thereafter. In contrast, the concentration of dissolved monosaccharides remained constant during the entire process. The concentrations of NH4+ and PO43– increased at the early stage, and then decreased afterwards. A gradual decrease in NO3 concentration after day 8 indicated that anaerobic conditions might be produced during the cell lysis process. The present results demonstrated cyanobacteria cell lysis has a big influence on the nutrient status of the surrounding water. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Genetic variation is usually estimated empirically from statistics based on population gene frequencies, but alternative statistics based on allelic diversity (number of allelic types) can provide complementary information. There is a lack of knowledge, however, on the evolutionary implications attached to allelic-diversity measures, particularly in structured populations. In this article we simulated multiple scenarios of single and structured populations in which a quantitative trait subject to stabilizing selection is adapted to different fitness optima. By forcing a global change in the optima we evaluated which diversity variables are more strongly correlated with both short- and long-term adaptation to the new optima. We found that quantitative genetic variance components for the trait and gene-frequency-diversity measures are generally more strongly correlated with short-term response to selection, whereas allelic-diversity measures are more correlated with long-term and total response to selection. Thus, allelic-diversity variables are better predictors of long-term adaptation than gene-frequency variables. This observation is also extended to unlinked neutral markers as a result of the information they convey on the demographic population history. Diffusion approximations for the allelic-diversity measures in a finite island model under the infinite-allele neutral mutation model are also provided.  相似文献   

We studied some feeding behaviors of the purple‐throated fruitcrow (Querula purpurata) in two Colombian Amazonian forests, which affect the primary seed dispersal of the plants on which it feeds. Visit length, number of fruits removed and dispersed, feeding rates, and fruit‐handling times were compared to those obtained for two other cotingas feeding on the same fruiting trees. Querula purpurata exhibited shorter visits (98 sec) and fruit‐handling times (4 sec), and higher mean feeding rates (1.6 fruits/min) than Phoenicircus nigricollis and Cotinga cayana. In contrast, P. nigricollis dispersed the highest number of seeds of four of the five tree species studied. Although Q. purpurata and P. nigricollis exhibited feeding behaviors that increase seed dispersal, Q. purpurata may be more important in the transport of seeds between habitats, while P. nigricollis may be a major seed disperser within the primary forest.  相似文献   

Absence of the phasmid was demonstrated with the transmission electron microscope in immature third-stage (M3) and fourth-stage (M4) males and mature fifth-stage males (M5) of Heterodera schachtii, M3 and M4 of Verutus volvingentis, and M5 of Cactodera eremica. This absence was supported by the lack of phasmid staining with Coomassie blue and cobalt sulfide. All phasmid structures, except the canal and ampulla, were absent in the postpenetration second-stage juvenile (J2) of H. schachtii. The prepenetration V. volvingentis J2 differs from H. schachtii by having only a canal remnant and no ampulla. This and parsimonious evidence suggest that these two types of phasmids probably evolved in parallel, although ampulla and receptor cavity shape are similar. Absence of the male phasmid throughout development might be associated with an amphimictic mode of reproduction. Phasmid function is discussed, and female pheromone reception ruled out. Variations in ampulla shape are evaluated as phylogenetic character states within the Heteroderinae and putative phylogenetic outgroup Hoplolaimidae.  相似文献   

Infanticide by Males and Its Implications. Carel P. van Schaik and Charles H. Janson. eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.569 pp.  相似文献   

Male humpback whales produce a long, complex, and stereotyped song on low-latitude breeding grounds; they also sing while migrating to and from these locations, and occasionally in high-latitude summer feeding areas. All males in a population sing the current version of the constantly evolving display and, within an ocean basin, populations sing similar songs; however, this sharing can be complex. In the western and central South Pacific region there is repeated cultural transmission of song types from eastern Australia to other populations eastward. Song sharing is hypothesized to occur through several possible mechanisms. Here, we present the first example of feeding ground song from the Southern Ocean Antarctic Area V and compare it to song from the two closest breeding populations. The early 2010 song contained at least four distinct themes; these matched four themes from the eastern Australian 2009 song, and the same four themes from the New Caledonian 2010 song recorded later in the year. This provides evidence for at least one of the hypothesized mechanisms of song transmission between these two populations, singing while on shared summer feeding grounds. In addition, the feeding grounds may provide a point of acoustic contact to allow the rapid horizontal cultural transmission of song within the western and central South Pacific region and the wider Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

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