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Higher activity of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, accompanied by higher tyrosine hydroxylase activity is frequently and consistently reported in human essential hypertension as well as in animal models of hypertension. However, results obtained in the adrenals, particularly in young animals before the development of hypertension, are scarce and controversial. In the present study tyrosine hydroxylase activity and catecholamine content in the adrenals of spontaneously hypertensive rats and of age-matched control Wistar Kyoto rats were evaluated before, during and after the development of hypertension (5, 12 and 22-week-old animals). Results show that both tyrosine hydroxylase activity and total amine content in the adrenals of spontaneously hypertensive rats were significantly reduced (35% reduction) at all studied ages. Determination of the kinetic parameters for tyrosine hydroxylase in the adrenals of 5 week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats revealed a 38% reduction in V(max) values (13.4 versus 21.3 nmol L-DOPA/mg prot/h in age-matched controls) accompanied by lower levels of expression of both tyrosine hydroxylase total protein and phosphoSer40 observed by Western-Blot. In contrast, norepinephrine content in both plasma and tail artery were significantly higher in the spontaneously hypertensive strain. In conclusion, contrary to the higher peripheral sympathetic activity, tyrosine hydroxylase activity and catecholamine content in the adrenals of spontaneously hypertensive rats are markedly reduced before, during and after the development of hypertension. End product, long-term feedback inhibition by the high norepinephrine plasma levels could be responsible for this reduction, establishing yet another regulatory mechanism of tyrosine hydroxylase operating in adrenal cromaffin cells.  相似文献   

The consumption of a wet mash of biscuits or pellets, outside the home cage, was determined in adult spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive (NT) Wistar rats. Rats were deprived of food for 24 h or satiated. Regardless of the testing conditions, SHR showed a higher food interest than NT rats, which was reflected in a shorter latency to start eating, a longer time of eating to the first interval as well as to the 30 sec interval which terminated the trial, and a larger amount of food consumed during the test trial. The speed of eating was greater in SHR. In the competition for food SHR won almost all encounters with NT rats. The mean time of eating by SHR increased over the consecutive encounters up to 90%. These findings indicate that alimentary motivation of SHR was higher than that of NT rats. The results are discussed in terms of hyperreactivity of SHR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We analysed the effect of aldosterone on calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) mediated vasodilation in noradrenaline precontracted endothelium denuded mesenteric arteries segments from Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and the effect of aldosterone on calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CL receptor) and receptor activity modifying protein 1 (RAMP1) expression in endothelium-denuded mesenteric arteries from SHR rats. RESULTS: CGRP 0.1 nM-0.1 microM induced a concentration-dependent relaxation that was enhanced by aldosterone 1 microM in SHR only. Incubation with RU 486 10 microM significantly reduced the enhancement of CGRP-relaxation produced by aldosterone in SHR. CL receptor expression was not modified in either strain, while RAMP1 expression was enhanced in SHR by aldosterone 1 microM 120 min and 0.1 microM 120 min. This up-regulation of RAMP1 was prevented by RU 486 10 microM. CONCLUSIONS: Aldosterone, through glucocorticoid receptor activation, increases the vasodilatory effect of CGRP in SHR mesenteric arteries, which seems to be mediated by increased RAMP1 expression.  相似文献   

The brain CRF concentration of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) was examined by rat CRF radioimmunoassay. Anti-CRF serum was developed by immunizing rabbits with synthetic rat CRF. Synthetic rat CRF was also used as tracer and standard. The displacement of 125I-rat CRF by serially diluted extracts of male Wistar rats hypothalamus, thalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and neurointermediate lobe was parallel to the displacement of synthetic rat CRF. In both WKY and SHR the highest levels of CRF immunoreactivity were shown by the hypothalamus and neuro-intermediate lobe, and considerable CRF immunoreactivity was also detected in other brain regions. The CRF immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus, neurointermediate lobe, midbrain, medulla oblongata and cerebral cortex was significantly reduced in SHR and it may suggest that CRF abnormality may be implicated in the reported abnormalities in the pituitary-adrenal axis, autonomic response and behavior of SHR.  相似文献   

Brain expression of heme oxygenase (HO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in hypertension may participate in the pathogenesis of hypertension-related neuronal disorders, such as vascular dementia. In the present study, expression levels of HO and NOS in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were investigated using Western immunoblotting assay. Expression level of inducible HO-1 in hippocampus of 4-wk prehypertensive SHR was about twofold of that in age-matched Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (p<0.01). In 23-wk SHR with fully developed hypertension, hippocampal HO-1 level was significantly greater than that of age-matched SD rats (p<0.05), but not different from 4-wk SHR. There was no difference in expression levels of hippocampal HO-2 between SHR and SD rats at different ages. Total enzymatic activity of hippocampal HO was significantly greater in 23-wk SHR than in age-matched SD rats or 4-wk SD/SHR (p<0.01). Although hippocampal expression of nNOS protein was relatively unchanged, iNOS expression in 23-wk SHR was about fourfold lower than that in age-matched SD rats and 4-wk SD/SHR (p<0.01). Total enzymatic activity of hippocampal NOS was significantly lower in 23-wk SHR than in age-matched SD rats or 4-wk SD/SHR (p<0.01). Significantly suppressed Morris water maze performance was found in 23-wk SHR in comparison with age-matched SD rats. Because SHR has been used as a model of vascular dementia and hippocampus is essential for spatial learning and memory, understanding of altered HO/CO and NOS/NO systems in the hippocampus of adult SHR may shed light on the pathogenic development of memory deficits associated with vascular dementia.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that genistein (GEN), a phytoestrogen in soy products, is an epigenetic modulator in various types of cells; but its effect on endometrium has not yet been determined. We investigated the effects of GEN on mouse uterine cells, in vivo and in vitro. Oral administration of GEN for 1 week induced mild proliferation of the endometrium in ovariectomized (OVX) mice, which was accompanied by the induction of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) gene expression. GEN administration induced demethylation of multiple CpG sites in the SF-1 promoter; these sites are extensively methylated and thus silenced in normal endometrium. The GEN-mediated promoter demethylation occurred predominantly on the luminal side, as opposed to myometrium side, indicating that the epigenetic change was mainly shown in regenerated cells. Primary cultures of endometrial stromal cell colonies were screened for GEN-mediated alterations of DNA methylation by a high-resolution melting (HRM) method. One out of 20 colony-forming cell clones showed GEN-induced demethylation of SF-1. This clone exhibited a high proliferation capacity with continuous colony formation activity through multiple serial clonings. We propose that only a portion of endometrial cells are capable of receiving epigenetic modulation by GEN.  相似文献   

To clarify the involvement of phospholipase D (PLD) in the mechanism underlying genetically-induced hypertension, we investigated the activity and expression levels of PLD in tissues taken from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), and their normotensive controls, Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). The ADP-ribosylation factor 3 (ARF3)-dependent PLD activity and protein levels of PLD1 from SHR increased significantly in the brain and liver, but not in the heart and kidney, compared to those of WKY. The activity and expression of PLD were the same between the homogenated whole kidneys of the two strains; however, there were topographical differences in the expression and activity of PLD between the kidneys of the two strains. The activity and expression level of PLD gradually increased from the cortex to the inner medulla of WKY. The enzyme activity, and amount of PLD in the inner stripe of the outer medulla and in the inner medulla, was significantly lower in SHR than in WKY. Taken together, these results suggest that the distinctly distributed patterns of PLD in the kidney may be associated with differential signal transduction pathways that are involved in hypertension in conjunction with an increase of PLD activity in the brain and liver.  相似文献   

In ISIAH rat strain with stress-sensitive form of hypertension, the expression level of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene has been evaluated in hippocampus, hypothalamus and pituitary under basal and 2-hr restraint stress conditions. Corticosterone (CS) level in peripheral blood was also evaluated. Normotensive WAG strain was used as a control. Under basal condition, there were no interstrain differences in GR-mRNA level in any brain region under study. However, under stress condition, ISIAH rats demonstrated a significant fall of GR-mRNA in hippocampus and increase the pituitary gland as compared to basal level. On the contrary, no differences with basal level were found in stressed WAG rats. CS concentration in blood was nearly the same in nonstressed WAG and ISIAH rats. Stress influence led to a marked increase of CS in both strains. However CS level was significantly higher in stressed ISIAH rats than in stressed WAG group.  相似文献   

Enhanced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) as compared with Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) persists in long-term culture and is characterized by an accelerated entry of these cells into the synthetic S phase of the cell cycle and a higher specific growth rate, particularly evident at high cell density. In the present study, we investigated by Northern blot experiments the expression of genes putatively involved in the regulation of VSMC growth. One of them is the transforming growth factor beta 1 gene (TGF beta 1), a bifunctional modulator of cell growth whose action is dependent on cell density. The accumulation of TGF beta 1 mRNA was enhanced in growing SHR cells at every density studied as early as 24 h after inoculation with a further increase at later times. Protooncogenes c-fos and c-myc, which have been implicated in G1/S phase transition, have also been investigated in VSMC by Northern blot analysis. At low cell density, calf serum stimulated c-fos and c-myc mRNA expression was comparable in WKY and SHR cells whereas at high cell density, c-fos induction was higher in VSMC from SHR. SHR VSMC respond more to mitogenic stimulation and to environmental (e.g., heat) stress, particularly when growing near saturation density. hsp70 constitutes a gene family responsive to environmental stimuli (heat) and to mitogenic stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the possible involvement of endothelin-1 (ET-1), an endothelium-derived potent vasoconstrictor peptide, in the pathophysiology of hypertension, plasma ET-1 levels in 15-week-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and DOCA-salt hypertensive rats were measured with a sandwich-type enzyme immunoassay. The vasocontractile effect of ET-1 in aortic helical preparations was significantly more sensitive in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats than in control sham-operated rats, but plasma levels of ET-1 did not differ between them. Plasma ET-1 levels in genetically hypertensive rats (SHR and stroke-prone SHR) were significantly lower than those in age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. The plasma concentrations of big ET-1, a precursor of ET-1, in both SHR and SHR-SP were significantly lower than those of WKY, suggesting that the production of ET-1 is decreased in rats of genetic hypertension. Although the vascular reactivity to ET-1 increased in both DOCA-salt hypertensive and genetically hypertensive rats, present findings of the plasma ET-1 levels suggest that the role of ET-1 in the vascular control system may be different in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats and genetically hypertensive rats.  相似文献   

Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP), an endothelial cell membrane serine peptidase that inactivates angiotensin II and activates pre-kallikrein, is thought to have anti-hypertensive and anti-proliferative roles in cardiovascular homeostasis. We hypothesized that PRCP function may be altered in heart tissue under conditions that predispose to left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH) in rats. We therefore used real-time PCR and western-blotting to examine the mRNA and protein expression of PRCP in the hearts of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) at pre-hypertensive (5-week-old) and hypertensive (16-week-old) stages compared with age-matched hypertensive (2 kidney-1 clip; 2K-1C) rats and normotensive Wistar rats. PRCP mRNA expression was significantly reduced in hearts of 5- and 16-week-old SHR compared with age-matched Wistar controls, 2K-1C hypertensive rats and sham-operated normotensive rats. There were no significant differences in the PRCP mRNA and protein expression levels in hearts from hypertensive renovascular and sham-operated normotensive rats. Prolonged treatment of SHR with the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan (40 mg/kg, gavage for 8 weeks) reduced the left ventricular weight/body weight ratio (LVW/BW), as well as the mRNA expression of collagen type 1, collagen type 3 and MMP9 in left ventricular tissue, without affecting PRCP gene and protein expression. Our results suggest that diminished PRCP gene and protein expression might be constitutionally involved in the SHR phenotype. In addition, since neither the development of arterial hypertension in the 2K-1C model nor its successful treatment in SHR altered PRCP gene and protein expression in heart tissue, it appears unlikely that PRCP function is regulated by the renin–angiotensin system or by afterload conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to study the cardiovascular actions of the intrahypothalamic injection of Ang-(1-7) and its effects on the pressor response to Ang II in spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) animals. In anaesthetized SH and WKY rats, a carotid artery was cannulated for mean arterial pressure (MAP) measurement and a stainless-steel needle was inserted into the anterior hypothalamus for drug administration. The cardiovascular effects of the intrahypothalamic administration of Ang-(1-7) were determined in SH and WKY rats. In SH rats, the effect of irbesartan and D-Ala-Ang-(1-7) on Ang-(1-7) cardiovascular effect was also evaluated. Ang II was administered in the hypothalamus of SH and WKY rats and changes in blood pressure and heart rate were measured followed by the administration of Ang II, Ang II+Ang-(1-7) or Ang II+D-Ala-Ang-(1-7). Ang-(1-7) did not the change basal MAP in WKY rats, but induced a pressor response in SH animals. Whilst the co-administration of D-Ala-Ang-(1-7) did not affect the response to Ang-(1-7), the previous administration of irbesartan prevented the effect of the peptide. The intrahypothalamic injection of Ang II induced a significantly greater pressor response in SH animals compared to normotensive rats. The co-administration of Ang-(1-7) with Ang II did not affect the pressor response to Ang II in the WKY group. In SH rats, whilst the co-administration of Ang-(1-7) with Ang II reduced the pressor response to Ang II, the concomitant application of D-Ala-Ang-(1-7) with Ang II increased the pressor response to the octapeptide after 5 and 10 min of intrahypothalamic administration. In conclusion, our result demonstrated that the biologically active peptide Ang-(1-7) did not participate in the hypothalamic blood pressure regulation of WKY animals. In SH rats, Ang-(1-7) exerted pleiotropic effects on blood pressure regulation. High dose of the heptapeptide produced a pressor response because of an unspecific action by activation of AT1 receptors. The concomitant administration of lower doses of Ang-(1-7) with Ang II reduced the pressor response to the octapeptide. Finally, the effect of AT(1-7) antagonist on Ang II pressor response suggested that hypothalamic formed Ang-(1-7) are implicated in the regulation of the cardiovascular effects of Ang II.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated two different catecholaminergic patterns in genetic and experimental hypertension: a hyperdopaminergic state in spontaneously hypertensive (Okamoto) rats (SHR) and a hypernoradrenergic state in salt-sensitive Dahl rats. Plasma immunoreactive atrial natriuretic factor (IR ANF) concentrations increase in both models as a response to hypertension. To distinguish between the genetic and acquired components of these abnormalities, we measured adrenal dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (D beta H) activity and coeliac ganglionic atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) like immunoreactivity in the two animal strains. While adrenal D beta H activity was increased in Dahl S rats, it was diminished in SHR in the prehypertensive as well as in the hypertensive stages. In the hypertensive stage, the ANF-like immunoreactivity in the coeliac ganglia was lower in the Dahl S group but higher in SHR than in their respective normotensive controls; there were no changes in these animals when they were prehypertensive. Differences in D beta H activity, which determines the fine tuning of sympathoadrenomedullary catecholamine synthesis may account for the inheritance of mechanisms resulting in salt-sensitive hypertension (as in SHR) or salt-dependent hypertension (as in Dahl salt-sensitive rats). In contrast, plasma IR ANF concentrations may reflect a defense mechanism against hypertension. However ANF-like immunoreactivity in coeliac ganglia does not follow its plasma concentrations and changes in different directions in the two hypertensive strains; it may reflect a neuromodulatory function of ANF in the ganglionic neurotransmission and different implications of this role of ANF in the two hypertensive models.  相似文献   

Binding sites for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF-28) were studied in forebrain areas of spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) normotensive male rats by quantitative autoradiography. The maximum binding capacity of [125I]ANF-28 was significantly reduced in the subfornical organ and choroid plexus of 4 and 14 week old SHR rats compared to age-matched WKY controls. In contrast, the affinity constant for [125I]ANF-28 binding was elevated in the choroid plexus of 14 week old SHR rats. These findings indicate that marked reductions in the number of ANF-28 binding sites occur in weanling SHRs as well as in adult SHRs with elevated arterial blood pressures. Thus, these persistant reductions in forebrain ANF-28 binding sites in SHR rats may contribute to the development and maintenance of this form of experimental hypertension.  相似文献   

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