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崖柏群落优势乔木树种种间关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用样方调查法,对组成崖柏群落的乔木树种进行调查。通过计算重要值确定崖柏群落优势乔木树种,研究优势树种的总体联结性、2物种间的联结性和种间协变。结果表明:崖柏群落内的15个优势树种总体间存在负关联;2物种间具有显著正联结的种对有:高山栎-川陕鹅耳枥、高山栎-华中八角、大叶青冈-乌岗栎、铁杉-华西花楸、华千金榆-青榨槭、华千金榆-大叶青冈、大叶青冈-川鄂山茱萸、川陕鹅耳枥-华中八角;呈显著负联结的种对是高山栎-青榨槭;崖柏与其他优势树种的联结性均未达到显著程度;有26个种对表现出明显的正协变,12个种对表现出明显的负协变;种对正协变的存在是由于这些物种对环境资源的利用具有相似性所致。  相似文献   

Fortnightly experimental purse-seine hauls at fish aggregation devices (FADs) and open water control sites, over a 2-year period in oceanic waters o. the eastern coast of Majorca revealed that carangid, coryphaenid, serranid, balistid and centrolophid fishes caught there were mostly planktivores. Most of the species had a high food intake. The dominance of neustonic and holoplanktonic epipelagic prey could indicate a direct link between FADs, invertebrates (biofouling) and fish. Polyprion and Schedophilus were more generalist predators than the more specialized Naucrates and Trachurus spp. There was low variation in feeding intake and the types of prey categories important for each species. Naucrates , Coryphaena and Schedophilus characterized the autumn community under FADs, while Trachurus , Seriola and Balistes were present throughout the summer. There was little diet overlap among the species suggesting only limited competition for the food resources among Trachurus spp, Naucrates and Seriola , and among Seriola and Coryphaena.  相似文献   

Recently, three visually distinct forms of killer whales (Orcinus orca) were described from Antarctic waters and designated as types A, B and C. Based on consistent differences in prey selection and habitat preferences, morphological divergence and apparent lack of interbreeding among these broadly sympatric forms, it was suggested that they may represent separate species. To evaluate this hypothesis, we compared complete sequences of the mitochondrial control region from 81 Antarctic killer whale samples, including 9 type A, 18 type B, 47 type C and 7 type-undetermined individuals. We found three fixed differences that separated type A from B and C, and a single fixed difference that separated type C from A and B. These results are consistent with reproductive isolation among the different forms, although caution is needed in drawing further conclusions. Despite dramatic differences in morphology and ecology, the relatively low levels of sequence divergence in Antarctic killer whales indicate that these evolutionary changes occurred relatively rapidly and recently.  相似文献   

东祁连山高寒草地柳灌丛群落种间关联性   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王志泰  包玉  李毅 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1177-1180
采用联结系数和共同出现百分率,对东祁连山高寒地区柳灌丛群落种间关联性进行了研究。结果表明,柳灌丛群落内灌木植物种群间的关系表现为以下3种类型1)正联结。海拔3050m除坡柳与杯腺柳之间无关联外,其它种对均表现为正联结,海拔3050、3100、3200以及3250m处金露梅与高山绣线菊之间、海拔3150~3350m山生柳与金露梅之间、海拔3300、3350以及3450m处山生柳与头花杜鹃之间等,表现出正关联;2)负联结。海拔3100m处金露梅和川滇柳之间、海拔3150m处山生柳与坡柳以及金露梅和坡柳之间、海拔3450m处山生柳与杯腺柳之间、川滇柳和头花杜鹃之间,表现为负关联;3)无联结。海拔3050m坡柳与杯腺柳之间、海拔3100~3250m头花杜鹃与其它种群之间以及海拔3400m处除高山绣线菊与头花杜鹃之间外,各种群之间,无任何关联种对。  相似文献   

中国特有植物——华南五针松群落的种间关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张璐  苏志尧  陈北光 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1063-1072
采用连续样带取样法,在分析广东南岭华南五针松群落结构的基础上,测定了优势种群的种间协变系数,并将典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis,CCA)和聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)相结合,探讨了华南五针松与群落中其它种群的种间相互关系.结果表明:(1)广东南岭华南五针松群落以A级频度占绝对优势,华南五针松在主林层占据显著地位,但在演替层和更新层中的优势远不及其他优势种群;(2)Spearman秩相关分析和相关分析的计算结果基本一致,华南五针松群落优势种群正协变种对数显著多于负协变的种对数,且Spearman秩相关比相关分析具有更高的灵敏度.华南五针松与长叶木姜存在显著负协变,与其它优势种群种对间协变关系不明显;(3)海拔高度、坡度、坡位、坡形、腐殖质层厚度以及枯枝落叶层厚度与3个排序轴都有较强的相关性,环境因子在第一和第二排序轴的位置明显反映其生态特点.105 个乔木种类沿第一排序轴的分类完全与物种的性状特征相符.海拔高度是影响华南五针松分布的主导因素;(4)华南五针松群落种间关系揭示了群落内不同乔木种类因受小生境因子影响而体现在空间分布上的差异.典范对应分析和聚类分析结果共同揭示环境因子影响物种的分布,并通过生态习性表达出来.  相似文献   

山西黄河湿地植被优势种群种间关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李秋玲  范庆安  马晓勇  高昆  张峰 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1516-1520
在样方调查的基础上,应用2×2列联表的Fisher精确检验、Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验了山西黄河湿地植被优势种群的种间关系,分别测定了24个优势种,共73个种对的种间关联。结果表明:(1)2×2列联表的精确检验共有33个种对为正关联,4个种对为负关联;Pearson相关系数有16个种对呈正相关,没有种对出现负关联;Spearman秩相关系数有40个种对呈正相关,4个种对为负关联。(2)2×2列联表的精确检验不能精确反映种对间的数量变化关系,只能反映种对间关联与否;应用Pearson相关系数和Sperman秩相关检验可帮助刻划种对间的数量变化关系。(3)依Spearman秩相关系数的半矩阵图将24个优势种分为旱生、中生、湿生、水生4个生态种组,各生态种组内的种对具有相同的资源利用方式和生态要求。  相似文献   

Previous studies of an epilithic algal-bacterial community in a pristine mountain stream suggested that heterotrophic bacteria were responding to the metabolic activities of the phototrophic population. Subsequent studies were performed to follow the flow of labeled carbon, from its initial inorganic form, through the trophic levels of the mat community. A majority of primary production metabolites were excreted by the algal population during active growth; this shifted to an incorporation into cellular material as phototrophic activity declined. Results suggest that there was a direct flux of soluble algal products to the bacterial population, with little heterotrophic utilization of dissolved organics from the overlying stream water. Both phototrophic productivity and bacterial utilization of algal products peaked at approximately the same time of year. Activity of the diatom-dominated algal population declined as silica concentrations in the stream water dropped, leading to a situation in which the sessile bacteria were substrate limited. These events resulted in an almost complete disappearance of the community in early September.  相似文献   

Two species of chironomid midges are currently described in the genus Belgica Jacobs, 1900. Belgica antarctica Jacobs, 1900 is endemic to parts of the maritime Antarctic, and Belgica albipes (Séguy, 1965) is endemic to Îles Crozet, a sub‐Antarctic archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean. The relationships between these species, and their closest known relative (Eretmoptera murphyi Schaeffer, 1914, endemic to sub‐Antarctic South Georgia), were examined by sequencing DNA fragments for domains 1 and 3–5 of 28S ribosomal DNA and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase 1 (cox1). The resulting molecular relationships between the three species were unclear, although their position within the subfamily Orthocladiinae of the Chironomidae, as generated by classical taxonomy, was confirmed. Our data reinforce earlier doubts, based on classical morphological approaches, that the generic placement of E. murphyi may be incorrect. Further analyses may indeed confirm that the species represents a third member of the genus Belgica. Genetic distance analysis, limited to the barcode region of cox1, indicated high differentiation between the two populations of B. albipes sampled (one obtained from the type location), suggesting the likely presence of cryptic species within this taxon, and that the taxonomic status of this species should be revised. Analysis of cox1 sequences in B. antarctica highlighted a strong genetic structure between populations obtained from 12 locations along the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands archipelago, with a number of distinctive mtDNA lineages inhabiting geographically distinct areas. In particular, we found four different haplogroups constituting geographically close but genetically distinct populations, a pattern likely to have been encouraged by the brachyptery of the members of this genus. We suggest that the different genetic patterns shown by each haplogroup have probably been determined by historical dispersal and colonization events during the Pleistocene, and are consistent with their survival in refuges in situ during successive glacial maxima over this period. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 258–274.  相似文献   

The Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) is a difficult species to study because of its low visual detectability and preference for living within the sea ice habitat, accessible only by ice‐strengthened vessels. Recent identification of the Antarctic minke whale as the source of the seasonally ubiquitous bio‐duck call has allowed the use of this sound, as well as downsweeps, to investigate seasonality trends and diel patterns in Antarctic minke whale call production, and their relationship to sea ice cover. Passive acoustic data were collected using an autonomous Acoustic Recording Package (ARP) off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Bio‐duck calls were classified into four distinct call variants, with one variant having two subtypes. Bio‐duck calls were detected between April and November, with increasing call duration during the austral winter, indicating a strong seasonality in call production. Downsweeps, which were also attributed to Antarctic minke whales, were present throughout most months during the recording period, with a peak in July, and an absence in March and April. Both bio‐duck and downsweeps were significantly correlated with sea ice cover. No diel patterns were observed in bio‐duck calls or in downsweep call production at this site.  相似文献   

云南中度退化的喀斯特天坑草地植物群落优势种种间关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喀斯特天坑作为独特的宏大地表负地形,其坑底生境与外界环境相互独立,呈现出独特的植物群落格局及特征.本研究选取云南沾益天坑群中可进入性较强的中度退化天坑--巴家陷塘为对象,筛选出重要值大于1的优势种,结合总体关联性分析、χ2检验、AC联结系数及Spearman秩相关系数对巴家陷塘退化天坑植物群落中11种优势种的种间关联性和相关性进行研究.结果表明: 巴家陷塘退化天坑植物群落种间联结指数VR=1.377>1,总体呈显著正关联,但正负关联差异较大,阳生型植物和阴生型植物呈极显著负关联,现阶段仍具有独立的分布格局,但呈逐渐趋于稳定的趋势;Spearman分析中种间正相关对数(26对)少于种间负相关对数(29对),结合天坑微环境的差异,将退化天坑的优势物种划分为3个生态种组,群落总体呈现出一定的圈层分布规律.  相似文献   

The increased availability and production of lignocellulosic agroindustrial wastes has originated proposals for their use as raw material to obtain biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) or derived products. However, for biomass generated from lignocellulosic residues to be successfully degraded, in most cases it requires a physical (thermal), chemical, or enzymatic pretreatment before the application of microbial or enzymatic fermentation technologies (biocatalysis). In the context of enzymatic technologies, fungi have demonstrated to produce enzymes capable of degrading polysaccharides like cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin. Because of this ability for degrading lignocellulosic material, researchers are making efforts to isolate and identify fungal enzymes that could have a better activity for the degradation of plant cell walls and agroindustrial biomass. We performed an in silico analysis of alpha-glucoronidase in 82 accessions of the genus Aspergillus. The constructed dendrograms of amino acid sequences defined the formation of 6 groups (I, II, III, IV, V, and VI), which demonstrates the high diversity of the enzyme. Despite this ample divergence between enzyme groups, our 3D structure modeling showed both conservation and differences in amino acid residues participating in enzyme–substrate binding, which indicates the possibility that some enzymes are functionally specialized for the specific degradation of a substrate depending on the genetics of each species in the genus and the condition of the habitat where they evolved. The identification of alpha-glucuronidase isoenzymes would allow future use of genetic engineering and biocatalysis technologies aimed at specific production of the enzyme for its use in biotransformation.  相似文献   

The dental structure of all species ofCallithrix, C. argentata, C. humeralifer, C. aurita, C. flaviceps, C. geoffroyi, C. penicillata, andC. jacchus is examined.Callithrix are divided intoC. jacchus group andC. argentata group, based on the analysis of dental characters.C. jacchus group consists ofC. jacchus, C. penicillata, C. geoffroyi, C. flaviceps, andC. aurita, whileC. argentata andC. humeralifer are assigned toC. argentata group. InC. jacchus group,C. aurita andC. flaviceps were differentiated from the original stock of their common ancestor, followed byC. geoffroyi, last byC. penicillata, and finallyC. jacchus. Based on the relationships among species ofCallithrix, it is possible to infer the relative age of the formation of the refuges which caused their speciation. First, the forests in southeastern Brazilian coast were split from Amazonia. In southeastern Brazilian coast, the Paulista center separated, followed by the Rio Doce center, the Bahia center, finally by the Pernambuco center.  相似文献   

Synopsis On a rocky shore of Lake Tanganyika aufwuchs-eating is practiced by 18 fish species: 17 cichlids and 1 cyprinid. The majority takes mostly either filamentous or unicellular algae.Tropheus moorei and its taxonomically related species most closely resemble one another in diet among the species taking mostly filamentous algae, and thePetrochromis species do so among the species taking mostly unicellular algae.Petrochromis polyodon andT. moorei severely interfere with the feeding activities of related species. These two dominant species share both intensive grazing sites and temporal grazing patterns, and there seems to be a symbiotic relationship between them. Symbiotic relationships are also seen in seven cases of associated feeding by carnivorous fishes. Differences in diet or feeding behavior are found between these symbionts. Small but clear differences are found betweenP. polyodon andT. moorei and between the associating and the carnivorous host fishes in the four cases of associated feeding. These small differences seem attributable to morphological differences and may have been effective for the evolution of symbiotic relationships.Contribution from the Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Kyoto University, No. 461.  相似文献   

Right whales (genus: Eubalaena) are among the most endangered mammals, yet their taxonomy and phylogeny have been questioned. A phylogenetic hypothesis based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation recently prompted a taxonomic revision, increasing the number of right whale species to three. We critically evaluated this hypothesis using sequence data from 13 nuclear DNA (nuDNA) loci as well as the mtDNA control region. Fixed diagnostic characters among the nuclear markers strongly support the hypothesis of three genetically distinct species, despite lack of any diagnostic morphological characters. A phylogenetics analysis of all data produced a strict consensus cladogram with strong support at nodes that define each right whale species as well as relationships among species. Results showed very little conflict among the individual partitions as well as congruence between the mtDNA and nuDNA datasets. These data clearly demonstrate the strength of using numerous independent genetic markers during a phylogenetics analysis of closely related species. In evaluating phylogenetic support contributed by individual loci, 11 of the 14 loci provided support for at least one of the nodes of interest to this study. Only a single marker (mtDNA control region) provided support at all four nodes. A study using any single nuclear marker would have failed to support the proposed phylogeny, and a strong phylogenetic hypothesis was only revealed by the simultaneous analysis of many nuclear loci. In addition, nu DNA and mtDNA data provided complementary levels of support at nodes of different evolutionary depth indicating that the combined use of mtDNA and nuDNA data is both practical and desirable.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents an analysis of zooplankton net sampling surveys carried out during four expeditions to the Antarctic Peninsula region. Cluster analysis documented two to three site groupings for the epipelagic zone and one mesopelagic site cluster below 200 to 300 m depth. Analysis of species dominance, constancy, diversity and evenness indices did not allow clear designation and separation of communities in terms of these parameters.Computation of a rank correlation matrix for each season allowed the characterization of species groups. There were no perfect indicator species in the very strict sense. The main differences in the composition of the zooplankton between the site clusters were due mainly to changes in abundance rather than to presence or absence of particular species. However, the interpretation of the complex species and site groupings led to the conclusion that we can define three distinct communities: an oceanic, a neritic, and a mesopelagic community beneath 200 to 300 m. A so-called transitional cluster represents a mixing zone created by frequent occurrence of species from both the oceanic and neritic community. The location of the described oceanic and neritic community sites seem to be relatively stable with minor latitudinal changes during the seasons, while occurrence and abundance of most species changes with the time of the year. The usefulness of particular species (e.g. Euphausia superba) as indicator species also change during the year  相似文献   

For decades, the bio-duck sound has been recorded in the Southern Ocean, but the animal producing it has remained a mystery. Heard mainly during austral winter in the Southern Ocean, this ubiquitous sound has been recorded in Antarctic waters and contemporaneously off the Australian west coast. Here, we present conclusive evidence that the bio-duck sound is produced by Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). We analysed data from multi-sensor acoustic recording tags that included intense bio-duck sounds as well as singular downsweeps that have previously been attributed to this species. This finding allows the interpretation of a wealth of long-term acoustic recordings for this previously acoustically concealed species, which will improve our understanding of the distribution, abundance and behaviour of Antarctic minke whales. This is critical information for a species that inhabits a difficult to access sea-ice environment that is changing rapidly in some regions and has been the subject of contentious lethal sampling efforts and ongoing international legal action.  相似文献   

采用样方调查法,在分析历山青檀群落结构的基础上,测定了优势种的种间协变系数,并将典范对应分析和聚类分析相结合,探讨了历山青檀与群落中其他物种的种间关系。结果表明:(1)历山青檀群落以A级频度(1%~20%)占绝对优势,青檀在群落中占据优势地位,但在演替层和更新层中的优势不及其他优势树种;(2)Spearman秩相关分析和Pearson相关分析的结果基本一致,历山青檀群落乔木层物种间正协变种对数少于负协变的种对数,青檀和君迁子种对间负协变程度最高,且在所有包含青檀的显著或极显著协变种对中,青檀与另一个物种间总是显著或极显著的负相关。(3)坡度、土壤含水量及枯枝落叶层厚度与3个排序轴相关性强,18个乔木优势种沿第2排序轴的分类与物种的性状特征较为相符,土壤含水量是影响历山青檀分布的主导因素。(4)聚类分析把历山青檀群落乔木层优势种分为3大类。  相似文献   

The Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) is one of the major krill predators in Antarctic waters. A reported decline in energy storage over almost two decades indicates that food availability for the whales may also have declined recently. To test this hypothesis, catch data from 20 survey years in the Japanese Whale Research Program in the Antarctic (JARPA) and its second phase (JARPA II) (1990/91–2009/10), which covered the longitudinal sector between 35°E and 145°W south of 58°S, were used to investigate whether there was any annual trend in the stomach contents weight of Antarctic minke whales. A linear mixed-effects analysis showed a 31 % (95 % CI 12.6–45.3 %) decrease in the weight of stomach contents over the 20 years since 1990/1991. A similar pattern of decrease was found in both males and females, except in the case of females sampled at higher latitude in the Ross Sea. These results suggest a decrease in the availability of krill for Antarctic minke whales in the lower latitudinal range of the research area. The results are consistent with the decline in energy storage reported previously. The decrease in krill availability could be due to environmental changes or to an increase in the abundance of other krill-feeding predators. The latter appears somewhat more likely, given the recent rapid recovery of humpback whale. Furthermore, humpback whales are not found in the Ross Sea, where both Antarctic krill and ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias) are available, and where no change in prey availability for Antarctic minke whales is indicated.  相似文献   

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