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Summary In order to study the distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus, an immunocytochemical localization of this peptide was performed. Using antibodies developed against synthetic porcine neuropeptide Y (NPY), we have been able to localize immunoreactivity in neuronal cell bodies located exclusively in the infundibular nucleus. Immunostained fibers were found in several regions in the hypothalamus with a high concentration in the periventricular areas. Fibers were also found in the neurovascular zone of the median eminence, the pituitary stalk and the posterior pituitary. These results suggest that immunoreactive material related to porcine NPY is present in the human hypothalamus, with a distribution similar to that observed in the rat.  相似文献   

The manner of release of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) from the rat hypothalamus was studied in a perifusion system using a highly sensitive radioimmunoassay for rat GRF. The recovery of GRF in this system was 50-60%. The release of GRF from the rat hypothalamic blocks was almost stable for 20-240 min after the start of the perifusion and was stimulated by depolarization induced by high K+ concentration. The release of GRF was inhibited by somatostatin at concentrations of 10(-11) to 10(-8) M with maximum inhibition to 52.5% of the basal release at a concentration of 10(-9) M. These results suggest that this system is useful in studying the regulatory mechanism of GRF release and that, in addition to its action on the pituitary, somatostatin appears to act at the level of the hypothalamus in inhibiting GRF release in the regulation of GH secretion.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a cyclic nonadecapeptide involved in the regulation of feeding behavior, which acts through a G protein-coupled receptor (SLC-1) inhibiting adenylcyclase activity. In this study, 57 analogues of MCH were investigated on the recently cloned human MCH receptor stably expressed in HEK293 cells, on both the inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP production and guanosine-5'-O-(3-[(35)S]thiotriphosphate ([(35)S]- GTPgammaS) binding. The dodecapeptide MCH-(6-17) (MCH ring between Cys(7) and Cys(16), with a single extra amino acid at the N terminus (Arg(6)) and at the C terminus (Trp(17))) was found to be the minimal sequence required for a full and potent agonistic response on cAMP formation and [(35)S]- GTPgammaS binding. We Ala-scanned this dodecapeptide and found that only 3 of 8 amino acids of the ring, namely Met(8), Arg(11), and Tyr(13), were essential to elicit full and potent responses in both tests. Deletions inside the ring led either to inactivity or to poor antagonists with potencies in the micromolar range. Cys(7) and Cys(16) were substituted by Asp and Lys or one of their analogues, in an attempt to replace the disulfide bridge by an amide bond. However, those modifications were deleterious for agonistic activity. In [(35)S]- GTPgammaS binding, these compounds behaved as weak antagonists (K(B) 1-4 microm). Finally, substitution in MCH-(6-17) of 6 out of 12 amino acids by non-natural residues and concomitant replacement of the disulfide bond by an amide bond led to three compounds with potent antagonistic properties (K(B) = 0.1-0.2 microm). Exploitation of these structure-activity relationships should open the way to the design of short and stable MCH peptide antagonists.  相似文献   

The distribution of growth hormone releasing factor (GHRF) immunoreactive structures in the rat hypothalmus was studied after colchicine treatment with PAP immunocytochemistry in vibratome sections using an antiserum directed to rat hypothalamic GHRF. The majority of the GHRF-immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the arcuate nucleus, the medial perifornical region, and the ventral premammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus. Scattered cells were seen in the lateral basal hypothalamus, the medial and lateral portions of the ventromedial nucleus, and the dorsomedial and paraventricular nuclei. Immunoreactive fibers were observed in all the regions mentioned above. GHRF terminals were located in the central region of the median eminence. In addition, GHRF-immunoreactive neuronal processes were seen in the ventral region of the dorsomedial nucleus, the medial preoptic and suprachiasmatic regions, dorsal portion of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminals and the hypothalamic portion of the stria terminals. The localization of GHRF-immunoreactive terminals in the median eminence reinforces the view that GHRF plays a physiological role in the regulation of pituitary function. In addition, the localization of GHRF-immunoreactive structures in areas not usually considered to project to the median eminence suggest that GHRF may act as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the human growth hormone releasing factor (GRF 1-29) in a solution mixture of 60% aqueous phosphate buffer:40% 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol-d3 has been investigated by two-dimensional 1H-nmr spectroscopy. Sequential resonance assignments and elements of secondary structure were obtained from phase-sensitive correlation spectroscopy, relayed coherence spectroscopy, and nuclear Overhauser spectroscopy experiments. The observation of a large number of α-amide and amide-amide interresidual nuclear Overhauser effect connectivities as well as the existence of 11 slowly exchanging amide protons indicates that the peptide adopts a well-defined secondary structure most likely constituted of a single long helix. This conclusion is consistent with the CD measurements.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum raised against locust adipokinetic hormone I, considerable quantity of adipokinetic hormone-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the human cerebrospinal fluid. The immunoreactivity was characterized by gel permeation and high performance liquid chromatography. The main immunoreactive component in the cerebrospinal fluid coeluted with adipokinetic hormone I. These results suggest that adipokinetic hormone may contribute to the neuronal function in the human central nervous system.  相似文献   

Sections of the hypothalami and pituitary glands of normal (Sprague-Dawley) and homozygous diabetes insipidus (Brattleboro) rats were stained with antiserum to a human pituitary glycopeptide (HPGP) by using the immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase method at the light microscopic level. Our results show in normal rats that immunoreactive HPGP was localized in the perikarya of the magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamus, in the posterior pituitary, and in the nerve fibers distributed in the median eminence (ME) and in the areas between the supraoptic nuclei (SON), paraventricular nuclei (PVN), and median eminence and also in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), a part of the parvocellular system. In the Brattleboro rats, however, no staining was found either in the hypothalami or pituitary glands. The present data strongly support our previous hypothesis that HPGP, a 39 residue glycopeptide isolated from human neurohypophysis, may be part of the precursor of arginine-vasopressin and its neurophysin II (Pro-NP-AVP).  相似文献   

We report here the discovery of a class of MCH R1 ligands based on a biphenyl carboxamide template. A docked-in model is presented indicating key interactions in the putative binding site of the receptor. Parallel high throughput synthetic techniques were utilised to allow rapid exploration of the structure-activity relationship around this template, leading to compound SB-568849 which possessed good receptor affinity and selectivity. This compound proved to be an antagonist with stability in vivo, an acceptable brain-blood ratio and oral bioavailability.  相似文献   

Monoclonal anti-rat thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptor (TRHR)-specific antibodies (mAb) were generated by immunization with synthetic peptides of rat TRHR partial amino acid sequences; one (TRHR01) was directed against a sequence (84-98) in the extracellular portion of the rat TRHR reported to be constant among different species, including man, and the second (TRHR02) recognizes the C-terminal region sequence 399-412. In lysates from GH4C1 cells, a clonal rat pituitary cell line, both mAb recognize the TRHR in Western blot analysis, and TRHR02 immunoprecipitates the TRHR. Incubation of GH4C1 cells with the mAb causes a fluorescence shift in fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis. The cells were stained specifically by both mAb using immunocytochemical techniques. Furthermore, TRHR01 is agonistic in its ability to trigger Ca2+ flux, and desensitizes the TRH receptor. We tested for TRHR in several rat organs and found expression in lymphoid tissues. TRHR01 recognizes the human TRHR, and analysis of human peripheral blood lymphocyte and tonsil-derived leukocyte populations showed receptor expression in non-activated and phytohemagglutinin-activated T and B cells.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of the Fe(II) oxidation with human serum ferroxidase-II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nonceruloplasmin ferroxidase (ferroxidase-II) has recently been identified and purified from whole human serum and from the Cohn IV-1 fraction of human plasma. Ferroxidase-II has been shown to differ greatly from ferroxidase-I (ceruloplasmin) in molecular weight, copper content, absorption spectra, inhibition by anions, Chromatographic behavior, and electrophoretic mobility.A cell designed for the simultaneous measurement of absorbance and oxygen concentration has permitted a detailed study of the kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation by highly purified ferroxidase-II and a comparison of these kinetic properties to those previously determined for ferroxidase-I. Ferroxidase-I has been shown to exhibit two Km values for Fe(II), and a mechanism based on substrate activation has recently been proposed to account for this finding. In contrast, ferroxidase-II has only one Km for Fe(II) and does not appear to be subject to substrate activation. The pH optimum of ferroxidase-II is 7.2 compared to 6.5 for ferroxidase-I. The low Km (4.1 μm) for oxygen for ferroxidase-II indicates that it would be capable of catalyzing the oxidation of Fe(II) at oxygen concentrations comparable to or far below those normally present in human blood. Even though the two ferroxidases differ considerably in molecular weight and copper content, the molar activities and activities per Cu atom of the two enzymes are quite similar. These kinetic studies suggest that ferroxidase-II would be capable of functioning as an alternative for ferroxidase-I in human serum and as the major ferroxidase in the sera of several species that contain low ferroxidase-I levels.  相似文献   

The binding of cadmium(II) to human serum transferrin in 0.01 M N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid with 5 mM bicarbonate at 25 degrees C has been evaluated by difference ultraviolet spectroscopy. Equilibrium constants were determined by competition versus three different low molecular weight chelating agents: nitrilotriacetic acid, ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetic acid, and triethylenetetramine. Conditional equilibrium constants for the sequential binding of two cadmium ions to transferrin under the stated experimental conditions are log K1 = 5.95 +/- 0.10 and log K2 = 4.86 +/- 0.13. A linear free energy relationship for the complexation of cadmium and zinc has been prepared by using equilibrium data on 243 complexes of these metal ions with low molecular weight ligands. The transferrin binding constants for cadmium and zinc are in good agreement with this linear free energy relationship. This indicates that the larger size of the cadmium(II) ion does not significantly hinder its binding to the protein.  相似文献   

A sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay for human growth hormone (hGH) using monoclonal antibody is described. A monoclonal anti-hGH IgG-coated polystyrene ball was incubated with hGH and subsequently with affinity-purified rabbit anti-hGH Fab'-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. Peroxidase activity bound to the polystyrene ball was assayed by fluorimetry using 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid as a substrate. The detection limits of hGH in serum and urine were 1.5 ng/l using 20 microliters of serum and 0.2 ng/l using 0.15 ml of urine, respectively. The specificity and assay precision were satisfactory. hGH levels in serum and urine determined by the present sandwich enzyme immunoassay using monoclonal anti-hGH IgG-coated polystyrene balls were well correlated to those determined by the previous sandwich enzyme immunoassay using rabbit anti-hGH IgG-coated polystyrene balls. Levels of hGH in urine collected as first morning voids from healthy subjects aged 19-28 yr were 6.4 +/- 3.2 (SD) ng/g creatinine. However, the present assay gave lower hGH levels than the previous assay. This was at least partly explained by the fact that hGH in urine was less efficiently bound to monoclonal anti-hGH IgG-polystyrene balls than standard hGH, while the binding of hGH in urine and standard hGH to rabbit anti-hGH IgG-coated polystyrene balls was equally efficient. In addition, gel filtration showed that 22K hGH, a major component, in urine was less efficiently bound to monoclonal anti-hGH IgG-coated polystyrene balls than standard 22K hGH. The nature of hGH in serum and urine remains to be investigated.  相似文献   

Goat hypothalamic extract prepared by HCl extraction and chromatographed on a Sephadex G-50 column showed two immunoreactive CRF peaks. Most of the immunoreactivity coeluted with synthetic ovine CRF, and a small peak eluted near the void volume. Bovine, monkey, rat and human hypothalamic extracts prepared by acid-acetone or acid-methanol extraction showed three immunoreactive peaks. Most of the immunoreactivity coeluted with ovine CRF, and other smaller peaks eluted near the void volume and slightly before arginine vasopressin. Goat hypothalamic extract showed the highest cross-reactivity with anti-ovine CRF serum, followed by bovine hypothalamic extract. Less cross-reactivity was found in human, rat and monkey hypothalamic extracts. CRF immunoreactivity in goat hypothalamic extract coeluted with ovine CRF on reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and main CRF immunoreactivity in human and rat hypothalamic extracts eluted slightly later than ovine CRF. These results suggest that there is a heterogeneity among the CRF molecules in these species and that goat CRF may be more similar to that of sheep CRF and the amino acid sequence or molecular weight of other animals CRF may be different from that of sheep CRF. The monkey posterior pituitary and rat neurointermediate lobe showed similar elution patterns of CRF immunoreactivity to their hypothalamic extracts on Sephadex gel filtration and HPLC. These results indicate that the posterior pituitary contains a similar CRF to hypothalamic CRF.  相似文献   

The stability profile of mutant protein (SPMP) (Ota,M., Kanaya,S. and Nishikawa,K., 1995, J. Mol. Biol., 248, 733-738) estimates the changes in conformational stability due to single amino acid substitutions using a pseudo-energy potential developed for evaluating structure-sequence compatibility in the structure prediction method, the 3D-1D compatibility evaluation. Nine mutant human lysozymes expected to significantly increase in stability from SPMP were constructed, in order to experimentally verify the reliability of SPMP. The thermodynamic parameters for denaturation and crystal structures of these mutant proteins were determined. One mutant protein was stabilized as expected, compared with the wild-type protein. However, the others were not stabilized even though the structural changes were subtle, indicating that SPMP overestimates the increase in stability or underestimates negative effects due to substitution. The stability changes in the other mutant human lysozymes previously reported were also analyzed by SPMP. The correlation of the stability changes between the experiment and prediction depended on the types of substitution: there were some correlations for proline mutants and cavity-creating mutants, but no correlation for mutants related to side-chain hydrogen bonds. The present results may indicate some additional factors that should be considered in the calculation of SPMP, suggesting that SPMP can be refined further.  相似文献   

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