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A total of 10 non-repetitive multi-drug-resist-ant Acinetobacter strains were collected. With reference to A. calcoaceticus (ATCC23055), A. baumannii (ATCC19606), A. lwoffii (ATCC17986), and A. junii (NCTC5866), DNA fingerprint technique, amplified ribo-somal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), and random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) were carried out to identify the genomic species of Acinetobacter spp. The distances between them were calculated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic (UPGMA). Genotypes ofAcinetobacter spp. were effectively classified and an A. junii together with nine A. baumannii isolates was genomically identified. The combination of ARDRA and RAPD DNA-fingerprint technique shows high com-plementarity, and could be a useful tool in Acinetobacter genomic species identification.  相似文献   

采用RAPD分子标记方法分析11个花椒品种的遗传多样性,以及遗传多样性与环境因素的相关性。从60条随机引物中筛选出10条引物,共扩增出67条带,平均每个引物扩增出6.7条,其中56条具有多态性,多态比例为84%。根据品种间的遗传距离构建的聚类分析树状图,11个花椒品种的相似系数在0.08-0.92之间,可分为2个类群,这种分类与花椒的叶的外形分类结果一致。不同地域种植的同一品种材料遗传距离较大,显示花椒的遗传多样性与地域分布有关系。  相似文献   

随机扩增多态DNA(randomly amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)标记可快速提供连锁信息,特别是在针叶树单倍体的大配子体中RAPD基因型也能得以确定[3]。在对多态性的RAPD片段进行分析时,传统的平板凝胶电泳分析法因人工操作,其有效的鉴别受到一定程度的限制,只能得到一些有关RAPD片段半定量信息。我们将整合微流控芯片系统作为一种新的工具运用于黄山松的多态性RAPD片段分析中。发现基于芯片的检测方法比琼脂糖凝胶电泳方法灵敏度更高,所需的样品量要少得多,所需的时间仅为其1/4。并且能自动对DNA片段进行定性、定量分析。它是一种高效、灵敏、迅速、重复性好的检测新技术。 Abstract:Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers quickly provide linkage information[1~2],especially in conifers where haploid megagametophytes can be used for genotyping[3].Traditionally use of slab gel electrophresis results in qualitative data that can be manually manipulated to gain semiquantitative information about the polymorphic RAPD fragments.We have proposed the use of an integrated microfluidic chip-based system as a new tool in the analysis of polymorphic RAPD fragments.The chip-based method was found to be very sensitive,requiring much less sample and only quarter the time compared to the agarose gel method.The automated data analysis sizes and quantitates the DNA fragments,thus yielding a more thorough,reproducible,sensitive,and rapid analysis.  相似文献   

三系杂交稻亲本随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23  
选用9个随机引物对31份杂交水稻亲本材料进行了RAPD分析, 共检测到60条多态性带。聚类分析结果表明,所有供试材料可以被明确地区分。在9个随机引物中,有8个具有较高的多态性检测能力。以这8个引物为基础,选用任两个引物即可在任一对材料中检测出多态性的频率在96.13%以上,而选用任3个引物则该频率在99.21%以上。这显示了运用RAPD鉴定稻种具有简便、灵敏、高效的优点,在鉴定杂交稻种的实践中有着良好的应用前景。 Abstract:Seven rice sterile lines,12 maintainer lines and 12 restorer lines were analyzed by RAPD with 9 primers.Altogether,118 fragments were generated,of which 60 detected polymorphisms among rice marker.Eight of nine primers can detect high polymorphism.The frequencies of polymorphism in any primers were used,the frequencies would be higher than 99.21%.The eight primers were therefore recommended as candidates for the identification of hybrid rice seeds.  相似文献   

湖南四种尾矿环境下的狗牙根遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁长春  施苏华  赵运林 《广西植物》2003,23(1):36-40,47
选择湖南4种有代表性的有色金属尾矿地所生长的野生狗牙根作为研究对象,并以正常生境下的野生狗牙根作为对照,采用RAPD技术分析了这些特别环境下的狗牙根的遗传多样性。17条10个核苷酸长的引物用于PCR扩增,共得到432条DNA带。检测位点160个,其中多态位点134个,占83.75%。各个类群间的Jaccard相似系数平均为0.4475±0.0806,遗传距离平均为0.3825±0.0712。结果显示生长于这些不同尾矿环境下的狗牙根种群在遗传本质上均产生了明显的分化,完全可以根据其尾矿基质的不同而划分为不同的生态型或品种,甚至可能处理为新的变种。狗牙根种群具有丰富的遗传多样性,作为先锋植物可为尾矿的复垦提供更多的品种选择。  相似文献   

Genetic variability within and among four Spanish natural populations of Salmo trutta L. was evaluated on the basis of 25 enzyme loci, 3 microsatellite loci, and 9 randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). A total of 21 allelic markers were found, 12 of which were reported by microsatellites, whereas enzyme and RAPD accounted only for 6 and 3, respectively. Genetic variation within samples was significantly higher for microsatellites and RAPD than for enzyme loci. Although all methods reported a high degree of allelic heterogeneity among samples, also revealing a high degree of gene diversity, genetic relationships depicted by UPGMA dendrograms closely agreed for all kinds of data. Microsatellite loci appeared to be the most feasible technique when searching for specific alleles for a population or an area, owing to the higher number of allelic variants found. Received July 1, 1998; accepted January 14, 1999  相似文献   

A total of 10 non-repetitive multi-drug-resistant Acinetobacter strains were collected. With reference to A. calcoaceticus (ATCC23055), A. baumannii (ATCC19606), A. lwoffii (ATCC17986), and A. junii (NCTC5866),DNA fingerprint technique, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), and random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) were carried out to identify the genomic species of Acinetobacter spp. The distances between them were calculated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic (UPGMA). Genotypes of Acinetobacter spp. were effectively classified and an A. junii together with nine A. baumannii isolates was genomically identified. The combination of ARDRA and RAPD DNA-fingerprint technique shows high complementarity, and could be a useful tool in Acinetobacter genomic species identification. __________ Translated from Microbiology, 2007, 34(2): 303–306 [译自:微生物学通报]  相似文献   

Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng is a perennial grass and belongs to genus Psathyrostachys under Triticeae.sathyrostachys is found in the center of Middle Asia and the Caucasus Mountain,while P.huashanica,a species endemic to China,is only located in Mt.Hua in the Shaanxi province,China.At present,the population of this species is decreasing,and reaching the edge of extinction.Due to the limitation in distribution and the importance as breeding material for germplasm storage,it has been considered as first class among the national protected rare plants.For this reason,the present study is significant in probing plant flora,origin and evolution of Triticeae,and crop breeding.Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)markers were used to analyze the genetic structure and differentiation of P.huashanica populations sampled in three valleys (Huangpu,Xian,and Huashan Valleys)in Mr.Hua.One hundred and twenty-two RAPDfragments were obtained in all 266 individuals with 20 primers with a mean of 6.1 (2-10)fragments per primer.The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB)was 60.66%in Huangpu Valley,90.98%in Xian Valley,95.08%in Huashan Valley,and the total PPB was 95.08%,which indicated a highly genetic variability of P.huashanica.The Shannon's Information index and GST were 0.3306 and 0.3263,respectively,indicating that there were more genetic variations within the subpopulations than those among the subpopulations.The gene flow among the subpopulations of P.huashanica (Nm=1.0322)was much less than that of the common anemophytes (Nm=5.24).Mean genetic distance is 0.1571(range:0.0022-0.2901).The highest value of genetic distance was found between the subpopulation (hp1)of Huangpu Valley and the highest altitude subpopulation (h8)of Huashan Valley.Correlation analysis detected significant correlation between genetic distance and vertical distance of altitude.Clustering analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed the genetic differentiation among the populations of P.huashanica.Differentiation mainly occurred between the higher altitude subpopulations and the lower altitude subpopulations,suggesting that altitude might be the major factor that restricted the gene flow between different altitude subpopulations and resulted in differentiation of subpopulations.  相似文献   

重金属污染下曼陀罗种群分化的RAPD分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
将不同空间地段上获得的同一种质但污染年代各不相同的4个曼陀罗材料种子易地种植在同一模拟重金属污染生境中,对这4个曼陀罗种群进行RAPD分析,结果表明,在105个检测位点中发现有78个位点呈多态性。在这些多态位点中未发现与重金属抗性有关的特异性多态DNA片段。S hannon-Weiner指数计算结果表明,在短期污染时间内曼陀罗种群遗传多样性水平降低。随着污染时间的推移,曼陀罗种群逐渐在污染迹地上稳定下来,曼陀罗种群遗传多样性水平有所回升和提高,4个曼陀罗种群遗传多样性由高到低排列顺序为L>CK>M>S。遗传多样性指数表明曼陀罗种群间变异程度远小于种群内的遗传变异。4个种群两两间遗传距离较小,遗传距离最大的种群为L和S,最小的为L和CK种群。因此,在重金属胁迫环境选择下,曼陀罗种群发生了一定程度的分化与微进化,轻高水平的遗传多样性可能是植物适应重金属污染胁迫环境的基础。  相似文献   

五种品系猪亲缘关系的RAPD分析   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
应用190个RAPD引物对贵州小型猪,巴马小型猪、西双版纳近交系小耳猪JB和JS亚系、荣昌猪Ⅰ系、长白猪的亲缘关系进行了初步分析,其中39个引物的扩增结果具有非常明显的品系间多态性,将其扩增结果以RAPDistance package Version 1?04程序进行分析,计算相对遗传距离指数1-F,再用NJ法进行聚类分析,构建系统树。结果表明,三种小型猪相互间亲缘关系较近,尤以贵州小型猪与巴马小型猪更近。荣昌猪Ⅰ系和长白猪关系较近,但与小型猪关系较远。 关键词:随机扩增多态DNA;小型猪;亲缘关系 The phylogenetic relationship of five species of pigs including Guizhou miniature pig,Bama pig,Xisuangbanna inbred pig,Rongchang Pig and Landrance was studied by RAPD analysis.Thirty-nine single polymorphic primers were selected out of 190 primers.The amplified fragments of thirty-nine primers were analysed by the RAPDistance package version 1.04 and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using NJ method.The results indicated as the following: three strains of miniature pigs have close phylogenetic relationship and the phylogenetic relationship between Guizhou miniature pig and Bama miniature pig was much closer.Landrance and Rongchang pig have close phylogenetic relationship too,but their phylogenetic relationship is far from the three strains of miniature pigs.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) analysis was done to assess the diversity among 10 species of Pleurotus. Understanding of the pattern not only addresses questions concerning evolutionary process and the development of conservation strategies, but also a pre-requisite of the efficient use of genetic resources in breeding programme. The RAPD dendogram obtained by using the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) programme were grouped into the investigated strains into five clusters. RAPD bands were scored as present (1) or absent (0) for all the Pleurotus isolate. Each band was assumed to represent a unique genetic locus. The pattern and extent of RAPD variation were analysed with respect to primer, polymorphic locus and isolate. Total number of amplified fragment and polymorphic fragment produced by 40 decamer primer was 229 and 226, respectively. Polymorphism percentage was 98.69. Ten primers; SBSA11, SBSA13, SBSA15, SBSA16, SBSA18, SBSA19, SBSA20, SBSB14, SBSB15 and SBSB17 were not amplified to the DNA from any of the isolate.  相似文献   

In order to study genetic variation among populations of Rhynchosporium secalis, 65 isolates were sampled from the West Asian and North African regions and used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based DNA marker analyses [namely random amplified polymorphism DNAs (RAPDs) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs)]. The study revealed that genetic diversity among and within populations accounted for 80 and 20%, respectively, of the total genetic diversity, indicating that the local field populations of R. secalis in West Asia and North Africa originated from genetically diverse source populations. Furthermore, high genetic similarity among isolates from the same location suggests that scald populations originated from a local founder population, possibly through rain‐splash‐dispersed conidia.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis of natural populations of Acanthopanax brachypus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Random amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) analysis is a new technology of molecular marking which has proved very powerful in detecting genetic diversity at the level of population.The genomic DNAs used in our experiment were extracted from fresh leaves taken from 59 individuals sampled from three natural populations in Yan an,Shanxi Province.Through more than 2,000 PCRs,deep-going RAPD analysis was carried out on DNA samples from 49 inviduals.The percentage of polymorphic RAPD loci found in these three populations were respectively 27.2%,18.6% and 5.4%;the average genetic distances within population,0.055,0.026 and 0.008;the average genetic distances between populations (I-II),(I-III) and (II-III),0.105,0.096 and 0.060.The genetic diversity of A.brachypus within and between populations was found,for the first time,to be rather poor,thus revealing innate factors as the cause contributing to its endangered status.In addition,our work also provides basic materials for elucidating the underlying cause of its endangerment and for its protection biology.  相似文献   

西伯利亚蝗基因组DNA提取及RAPD分析条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以西伯利亚蝗Gomphocerus sibiricus(L.)为研究材料,利用改良的SDS法提取高质量的DNA,分别测试了dNTP浓度、镁离子浓度、TaqDNA聚合酶用量、模板DNA的量等因素对反应结果的影响。通过各因子的组合比较,建立了西伯利亚蝗RAPD优化体系:25μLPCR反应体系,10×buffer2·5μL;dNTP0·24mmol/L;MgCl22·0mmol/L;Taq DNA聚合酶1U;DNA模板45ng;引物30ng。扩增程序为:94℃预变性1min45s、94℃变性30s、35℃退火1min30s、72℃延伸2min,45个循环、72℃延伸10min。结果表明,利用优化的反应条件进行西伯利亚蝗基因组DNA分析,实验有着良好的重复性和稳定性。  相似文献   

Aim: As a biosafety laboratory, we take samples from surfaces in microbiological laboratories to survey the handling of micro‐organisms. Whereas contaminations with other micro‐organisms were rare, Staphylococcus aureus was found in the working environment of many laboratories. As 20–60% of the healthy population are carriers of S. aureus we wanted to asses the effect of carriers on our sampling results. Methods and Results: Nasal swabs of staff members in nonmicrobiological laboratories and offices as well as surface samples from their personal work environment were taken and analysed for S. aureus DNA. In addition S. aureus strains were isolated using S. aureus‐specific agar plates and analysed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)–PCR and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Our data show that contaminations with S. aureus in nonmicrobiological environments are common with 29% of the surface samples containing S. aureus DNA. In the working environment of carriers, the number of contaminations was significantly increased compared to the environment of noncarriers. Conclusion: The carrier status of staff members significantly affects the number of contaminations on laboratory surfaces. Therefore, even in the absence of intentional handling of S. aureus, contaminations can be detected on a substantial amount of surfaces. Significance and Impact of the Study: Sampling procedures need to be adapted based on these results with respect to the locations where samples are taken and the threshold for significant contaminations. Because of its wide distribution, S. aureus can serve as a marker for hygienic standards in laboratories.  相似文献   

自咬症是危害笼养水貂的一种慢性疾病, 造成水貂自咬创伤而影响其生长发育和毛皮质量。文中从遗传基因角度探讨水貂自咬症的发病原因在国内外尚属首次, 采用RAPD 技术分别对正常水貂和自咬水貂样本进行了分子水平的遗传结构分析。从100 个随机引物中筛选出26个重复性好的标记引物, 对60只水貂群体(健康与患病)进行随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记研究。结果表明, 26个引物扩增出105条带, 其中29条带呈现多态, 多态率为27.62%。不同引物扩增出的DNA 片段在健康与患病水貂群体中的分布频率不同。水貂群体间相似系数为0.8471, 遗传距离(变异)指数为0.1529。引物S356(序列为CTGCTTAGGG)扩增出健康与患病水貂互不相同的条带, 如在患病水貂群体中扩增出的1000 bp左右的DNA 片段, 可初步作为区分健康和患病水貂群体的分子遗传标记, 逐渐剔除自咬水貂个体, 达到净化水貂群的目的, 减少水貂饲养业的经济损失, 为今后水貂的分子育种及其疾病的预防提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity within and among populations of Hepatacodium miconioides collected at three different altitudes in Tiantai Mountain,Zhejiang Province and its relationships to environmental factors were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)technique.Amplification using 12 random primers of 60 plants and 122 repetitive loci were produced.The percentage of polymorphic loci of three populations ranged from 18.85% to 23.77% with an average of 21.86%,indicating the relatively low genetic diversity of H.miconioides.The average Shannon index of phenotypic diversity(0.1329)and Nei index(0.0925)within populations were relatively low.A distinct genetic differentiation existed among populations Of H miconioides in spite of the relatively small geographical distribufion.The average genetic diversity within populations of H.miconioides accounted for 33.58% of the total genetic diversity while the genetic diversity among populations accounted for 66.42% as estimated by the Shannon index of phenotypic diversity,The genetic differentiation among populations of H.miconioides was 0.6546,as estimated by Nei index.The gene flow estimated from Gsr was only 0.2656 and it indicated that gene flow among populations of H.miconioides was relatively low.The mean value of the genetic identity among populations of H.miconioides was 0.7126 and the average of genetic distance of H.miconioides was 0.3412.The genetic identity between populations at the elevation of 990m and at the elevation of 780 m was the highest.The genetic identity between population at the elevation 500 m and other two populations was relatively low.The correlation analysis showed that the genetic diversity within populations was significantly related with the soil total nitrogen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Sixteen Trypanosoma rangeli strains were compared by isoenzyme and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Eight strains were isolated from either Rhodnius prolixus or Homo sapiens from Honduras, Colombia and Venezuela. Another eight strains were isolated from either Panstrongylus megistus or the rodent Echimys dasythrix from the State of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. All six T. rangeli strains isolated from P. megistus were co-infections with Trypanosoma cruzi , demonstrating an overlap of the sylvatic cycles of these parasites and that the accurate identification of species is of utmost importance. Both isoenzyme and RAPD analysis revealed two distinct groups of T. rangeli strains, one formed by the strains from Santa Catarina and the other, by the strains from Honduras, Colombia and Venezuela. With the five enzymes used, all the strains from Santa Catarina had identical profiles which overlapped with those of the other regions only in the pattern obtained with malic enzyme. Analysis of 138 RAPD bands by means of an unweighted pair group method analysis (UPGMA) phenogram using the Dice similarity coefficient allowed the separation of the two groups based on their divergence at a lower level of similarity than the phenon line. We show that the identification of T. cruzi and T. rangeli in naturally mixed infections is readily achieved by either RAPD or isoenzyme analysis.  相似文献   

水貂自咬症病因RAPD遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自咬症是危害笼养水貂的一种慢性疾病, 造成水貂自咬创伤而影响其生长发育和毛皮质量。文中从遗传基因角度探讨水貂自咬症的发病原因在国内外尚属首次, 采用RAPD 技术分别对正常水貂和自咬水貂样本进行了分子水平的遗传结构分析。从100 个随机引物中筛选出26个重复性好的标记引物, 对60只水貂群体(健康与患病)进行随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记研究。结果表明, 26个引物扩增出105条带, 其中29条带呈现多态, 多态率为27.62%。不同引物扩增出的DNA 片段在健康与患病水貂群体中的分布频率不同。水貂群体间相似系数为0.8471, 遗传距离(变异)指数为0.1529。引物S356(序列为CTGCTTAGGG)扩增出健康与患病水貂互不相同的条带, 如在患病水貂群体中扩增出的1000 bp左右的DNA 片段, 可初步作为区分健康和患病水貂群体的分子遗传标记, 逐渐剔除自咬水貂个体, 达到净化水貂群的目的, 减少水貂饲养业的经济损失, 为今后水貂的分子育种及其疾病的预防提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity within and among populations of Hepatacodium miconioides collected at three different altitudes in Tiantai Mountain, Zhejiang Province and its relationships to environmental factors were analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Amplification using 12 random primers of 60 plants and 122 repetitive loci were produced. The percentage of polymorphic loci of three populations ranged from 18.85% to 23.77% with an average of 21.86%, indicating the relatively low genetic diversity of H. miconioides. The average Shannon index of phenotypic diversity (0.1329) and Nei index (0.0925) within populations were relatively low. A distinct genetic differentiation existed among populations of H. miconioides in spite of the relatively small geographical distribution. The average genetic diversity within populations of H. miconioides accounted for 33.58% of the total genetic diversity while the genetic diversity among populations accounted for 66.42% as estimated by the Shannon index of phenotypic diversity, The genetic differentiation among populations of H. miconioides was 0.6546, as estimated by Nei index. The gene flow estimated from G ST was only 0.2656 and it indicated that gene flow among populations of H. miconioides was relatively low. The mean value of the genetic identity among populations of H. miconioides was 0.7126 and the average of genetic distance of H. miconioides was 0.3412. The genetic identity between populations at the elevation of 990 m and at the elevation of 780 m was the highest. The genetic identity between population at the elevation 500 m and other two populations was relatively low. The correlation analysis showed that the genetic diversity within populations was significantly related with the soil total nitrogen. __________ Translated from Journal of Zhejiang University (science Edition) 2005, 32 (4)[译81EA;: 浙江大学学报(理学版), 2005,32(4)]  相似文献   

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