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The LINE-1 (L1) family of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons is a major force shaping mammalian genomes, and its members can alter the genome in many ways. Mutational analyses have shown that coexpression of functional proteins encoded by the two L1-specific open reading frames, ORF1 and ORF2, is an essential prerequisite for the propagation of L1 elements in the genome. However, all efforts to identify ORF2-encoded proteins have failed so far. Here, applying a novel antibody we report the presence of proteins encoded by ORF2 in a subset of cellular components of human male gonads. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed coexpression of ORF1 and ORF2 in prespermatogonia of fetal testis, in germ cells of adult testis, and in distinct somatic cell types, such as Leydig, Sertoli, and vascular endothelial cells. Coexpression of both proteins in male germ cells is necessary for the observed genomic expansion of the number of L1 elements. Peptide mass fingerprinting analysis of a approximately 130-kDa polypeptide isolated from cultured human dermal microvascular endothelial cells led to the identification of ORF2-encoded peptides. An isolated approximately 45-kDa polypeptide was shown to derive from nonfunctional copies of ORF2 coding regions. The presence of both ORF1- and ORF2-encoded proteins in vascular endothelial cells and its apparent association with certain stages of differentiation and maturation of blood vessels may have functional relevance for vasculogenesis and/or angiogenesis.  相似文献   

All living organisms need to consume nutrients to grow, survive, and reproduce, making the successful acquisition of food resources a powerful selective pressure. However, acquiring food is only part of the challenge. While all animals spend much of their daily activity budget hunting, searching for, or otherwise procuring food, a large part of what is involved in overall nutrition occurs once the meal has been swallowed. Most nutritional components are too complex for immediate use and must be broken down into simpler compounds, which can then be absorbed by the body. This process, digestion, is catalyzed by enzymes that are either endogenous or produced by the host's microbial population .1 Research shows that the nutritional value of food is partially constrained by the digestive abilities of the microbial community present in the host's gut and that these microbes rapidly adapt to changes in diet and other environmental pressures .2 An accumulating body of evidence suggests that endogenously produced digestive enzymes also have been, and still are, common targets of natural selection, further cementing their crucial role in an organism's digestive system .3–5  相似文献   

An analysis of skulls from several primate species shows that a “worm-track” surface pattern, first identified in the brow region in fossil adult hominids and subsequently in olive baboons, chimpanzees, and macaques, is also present in numerous other species. Fine cancellous bone and its attendant vermiculate surface pattern have been observed in subadult and adult gelada baboons, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans as well as in modern Homo sapiens and several Plio-Pleistocene fossil hominids. In contemporary primates, fine cancellous bone has been identified not only in the brow region, but also along the zygomatic arch, on the pterygoid plates, on the maxilla, along the temporal line, on the mastoid process, and in the region of inion. Given the widespread distribution of this trait, caution is advised when using it as a diagnostic indicator of the evolutionary or functional significance of craniofacial morphology.  相似文献   

Cell type-specific expression of the human renin gene.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have previously produced transgenic mice carrying the human renin gene, whose expression is regulated in a tissue-specific manner. In the present study, we further characterized expression of the transgene. Northern blot analysis showed that the human renin gene is expressed in the kidney but not in the liver of two lines of transgenic mice with 10 and 50 copies of the transgene, suggesting that the integrated copy number of the human renin gene does not influence the dominant-renal expression pattern. Immunohistochemical study using a monoclonal antibody specific for human renin demonstrated that expression of human renin in the transgenic mouse kidney is confined to the epithelioid juxtaglomerular cells. Transfection experiments indicated that the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase fusion gene containing the 3-kb upstream sequences of the renin gene is activated only in human epithelioid embryonic 293 cells derived from kidney but not in human HepG2 cells from liver. These findings suggest that transfer of the cloned renin gene into mice and in vitro cultured cell lines can give rise to cell type-specific expression.  相似文献   

Social communication by means of odor signals is widespread among mammals. In pigs, for example, the C19-steroids 5-alpha-androst-16-en-3-one and 5-alpha-androst-16-en-3-ol are secreted by the boar and induce the mating stance in the sow. In humans, the same substances have been shown to be compounds of body odor and are presumed to affect human behavior. Using an instrumental conditioning paradigm, we here show that squirrel monkeys, spider monkeys and pigtail macaques are able to detect androstenone at concentrations in the micromolar range and thus at concentrations at least as low as those reported in pigs and humans. All three species of nonhuman primates were considerably less sensitive to androstenol, which was detected at concentrations in the millimolar range. Additional tests, using a habituation-dishabituation paradigm, showed that none of the 10 animals tested per species was anosmic to the two odorous steroids. These results suggest that androstenone and androstenol may be involved in olfactory communication in the primate species tested and that the specific anosmia to these odorants found in approximately 30% of human subjects may be due to their reduced number of functional olfactory receptor genes compared with nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

We examined demographic records from 13 captive primate species and a human population to determine age-related changes in female reproduction. In most species age-specific fertility declined and interbirth intervals increased with age. Using an operational definition of termination of reproduction based on individual variance in interbirth intervals, a proportion of females in most nonhuman species had terminated reproduction before death. Compared to other primates, a greater proportion of chimpanzees and human females ceased reproduction, and humans, in particular, were reproductively inactive for relatively longer than would be expected from their body weight. These empirical data quantify the extent of reproductive termination and thereby extend hitherto anecdotal accounts of this phenomenon in primates.  相似文献   

We examined demographic records from 13 captive primate species and a human population to determine age-related changes in female reproduction. In most species age-specific fertility declined and interbirth intervals increased with age. Using an operational definition of termination of reproduction based on individual variance in interbirth intervals, a proportion of females in most nonhuman species had terminated reproduction before death. Compared to other primates, a greater proportion of chimpanzees and human females ceased reproduction, and humans, in particular, were reproductively inactive for relatively longer than would be expected from their body weight. These empirical data quantify the extent of reproductive termination and thereby extend hitherto anecdotal accounts of this phenomenon in primates.  相似文献   

We studied the cell type-specific expression of human beta-carotene 15,15'-mono-oxygenase (BCO1), an enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the conversion of dietary provitamin A carotenoids to vitamin A. Immunohistochemical analysis using two monoclonal antibodies against different epitopes of the protein revealed that BCO1 is expressed in epithelial cells in a variety of human tissues, including mucosa and glandular cells of stomach, small intestine, and colon, parenchymal cells in liver, cells that make up the exocrine glands in pancreas, glandular cells in prostate, endometrium, and mammary tissue, kidney tubules, and in keratinocytes of the squamous epithelium of skin. Furthermore, BCO1 is detected in steroidogenic cells in testis, ovary, and adrenal gland, as well as skeletal muscle cells. Epithelia in general are structures that are very sensitive to vitamin A deficiency, and although the extraintestinal function of BCO1 is unclear, the finding that the enzyme is expressed in all epithelia examined thus far leads us to suggest that BCO1 may be important for local synthesis of vitamin A, constituting a back-up pathway of vitamin A synthesis during times of insufficient dietary intake of vitamin A.  相似文献   

Cell type-specific expression of a human histone H1 gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The taste responsiveness of six squirrel monkeys, five pigtail macaques, four olive baboons and four spider monkeys to monsodium glutamate (MSG) and to sodium chloride was assessed in two-bottle preference tests of brief duration (2 min). When given the choice between tap water and defined concentrations of the two tastants dissolved in tap water, the animals were found to significantly discriminate concentrations of MSG as low as 2 mM (spider monkeys and olive baboons), 50 mM (pigtail macaques) and 300 mM (squirrel monkeys) from the solvent. With sodium chloride, taste preference thresholds were found to be 1 mM (spider monkeys), 20 mM (pigtail macaques), 50 mM (olive baboons), and 200 mM (squirrel monkeys), respectively. Across-species comparisons of the degree of preference for MSG and sodium chloride displayed by the four primate species showed the same order of spider monkeys>olive baboons>pigtail macaques>squirrel monkeys. When presented with equimolar concentrations of different tastants, all four species preferred sucrose as well as a mixture of sucrose and sodium chloride over MSG, and--at least at one concentration--they preferred MSG over sodium chloride. The results support the assertion that the taste responsiveness of the four primate species to MSG and sodium chloride might reflect an evolutionary adaptation to their respective dietary habits.  相似文献   

Differentiation is an epigenetic program that involves the gradual loss of pluripotency and acquisition of cell type-specific features. Understanding these processes requires genome-wide analysis of epigenetic and gene expression profiles, which have been challenging in primary tissue samples due to limited numbers of cells available. Here we describe the application of high-throughput sequencing technology for profiling histone and DNA methylation, as well as gene expression patterns of normal human mammary progenitor-enriched and luminal lineage-committed cells. We observed significant differences in histone H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation (H3K27me3) enrichment and DNA methylation of genes expressed in a cell type-specific manner, suggesting their regulation by epigenetic mechanisms and a dynamic interplay between the two processes that together define developmental potential. The technologies we developed and the epigenetically regulated genes we identified will accelerate the characterization of primary cell epigenomes and the dissection of human mammary epithelial lineage-commitment and luminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent advances in taste physiology provide evidence against the traditional “western” notion that there are only four basic tastes. Each substance elicits a singular “signature” on the peripheral taste nerve, but in some cases the signals form separate clusters within the continuum of taste perceptions. We will discuss the taste abilities of nonhuman primates in terms of threshold and above-threshold responses to potential foods. As diets have evolved in species' environments, tastes have responded adaptively in order to maximize energy intake. In turn, food plants have evolved nutrients and toxins in relation to the tasting abilities of consumers. These compounds can be beneficial or harmful in various environments and at different concentrations. This cost-benefit ratio concerns all primates, including Homo sapiens populations living at subsistence level, and must be taken into account, together with psychosensory and sociocultural factors, to understand food choices.  相似文献   

1. Human amniotic fluid fibronectin (aFn) was studied by using a monoclonal antibody 52DHl (DH) that recognizes the extra domain (ED-A) sequence of cellular Fn (cFn). 2. In immunoblotting the DH antibody reacted with a sharp polypeptide band at the top of the bulk of the diffuse aFn. Another monoclonal antibody 52BF12 (BF) against the cell binding site of Fn, recognized the whole aFn. 3. The ED-A sequence containing cFn (EcFn) formed a constant proportion in aFns from all amniotic fluid preparations studied. 4. In amniotic membranes the DH antibody revealed bright subepithelial immunofluorescence. 5. Also isolated and cultured human amnion epithelial cells were strongly positive in immunofluorescence and secreted EcFn into the culture medium as revealed by immunoblotting. 6. The results indicate that aFn is a composition of at least two different Fn subtypes of which the EcFn most probably originates from amnion epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Vocal communication in nonhuman primates receives considerable research attention, with many investigators arguing for similarities between this calling and speech in humans. Data from development and neural organization show a central role of affect in monkey and ape sounds, however, suggesting that their calls are homologous to spontaneous human emotional vocalizations while having little relation to spoken language. Based on this evidence, we propose two principles that can be useful in evaluating the many and disparate empirical findings that bear on the nature of vocal production in nonhuman and human primates. One principle distinguishes production-first from reception-first vocal development, referring to the markedly different role of auditory-motor experience in each case. The second highlights a phenomenon dubbed dual neural pathways, specifically that when a species with an existing vocal system evolves a new functionally distinct vocalization capability, it occurs through emergence of a second parallel neural pathway rather than through expansion of the extant circuitry. With these principles as a backdrop, we review evidence of acoustic modification of calling associated with background noise, conditioning effects, audience composition, and vocal convergence and divergence in nonhuman primates. Although each kind of evidence has been interpreted to show flexible cognitively mediated control over vocal production, we suggest that most are more consistent with affectively grounded mechanisms. The lone exception is production of simple, novel sounds in great apes, which is argued to reveal at least some degree of volitional vocal control. If also present in early hominins, the cortically based circuitry surmised to be associated with these rudimentary capabilities likely also provided the substrate for later emergence of the neural pathway allowing volitional production in modern humans.  相似文献   

The symmetrically cleaving beta-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase (BCO1) catalyzes the first step in the conversion of provitamin A carotenoids to vitamin A in the mucosa of the small intestine. This enzyme is also expressed in epithelia in a variety of extraintestinal tissues. The newly discovered beta-carotene 9',10'-monooxygenase (BCO2) catalyzes asymmetric cleavage of carotenoids. To gain some insight into the physiological role of BCO2, we determined the expression pattern of BCO2 mRNA and protein in human tissues. By immunohistochemical analysis it was revealed that BCO2 was detected in cell types that are known to express BCO1, such as epithelial cells in the mucosa of small intestine and stomach, parenchymal cells in liver, Leydig and Sertoli cells in testis, kidney tubules, adrenal gland, exocrine pancreas, and retinal pigment epithelium and ciliary body pigment epithelia in the eye. BCO2 was uniquely detected in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, prostate and endometrial connective tissue, and endocrine pancreas. The finding that the BCO2 enzyme was expressed in some tissues and cell types that are not sensitive to vitamin A deficiency and where no BCO1 has been detected suggests that BCO2 may also be involved in biological processes other than vitamin A synthesis.  相似文献   

We have reviewed the properties of luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropic (LH/hCG)-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (AC) of human corpus luteum (CL) and its regulation by several hormones and nonhormonal activators. We have also described the changes in enzyme activity in membrane preparations of human and cynomolgus monkey CL obtained at various stages of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. The data have been analyzed with respect to the functional status of the luteal tissue and to the species differences among primate CL. In the menstrual cycle, luteal AC responsiveness to LH/hCG was detectable during the midluteal phase, but not during the late luteal phase or in the follicular phase of the following cycle. In addition, nonhormonal stimulation was high in CL obtained during the midluteal and late luteal phases, but declined drastically by the follicular phase of the next cycle. In early pregnancy, the enzyme was unresponsive to LH/hCG stimulation, yet its sensitivity to nonhormonal stimulation was similar, if not identical, to that of midluteal phase CL. Functional activity was also evident at the end of pregnancy. These results demonstrate that expression of AC activity in primate luteal membrane changes significantly with varying hormonal status under physiologic conditions. It is concluded that the AC system in luteal membranes is an effective model to study the mechanisms that regulate function and life span of the human and nonhuman primate CL.  相似文献   

The U5 monoclonal antibody developed by immunizing mice with Japanese monkey lymphocytes could react with lymphocytes of primate species including Old World monkeys, apes, and human. However, the distributions of U5 antigen on major functional subsets of lymphocytes were different in primate species. The U5 antigen was mainly distributed on natural killer (NK) cells in human, but on B cells in Old World monkeys. On the other hand, U5 antigen was detected on both B and NK cells in chimpanzees and gibbons, indicating that the distribution of U5 antigen on lymphocyte might change from B cells to NK cells during primate evolution.  相似文献   

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