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In the first of this three paper series, an in vitro latex coagulation was shown to arise from aggregation of rubber particles (RP) and lutoid membranes. RP aggregation was shown to be induced by a specific Hevea latex lectin-like protein (HLL) present on the lutoid membrane. In this second paper, a binding protein (BP) ligand counterpart for HLL was identified. This RP-HLLBP, having a specific interaction, with HLL was isolated from RP and characterized. The protein was extracted from the small RP in the presence of a surfactant (0.2% Triton-X-100) and further purified to homogeneity. Purification steps included acetone precipitation, heat-treatment, and column chromatography. The presence of RP-HLLBP was monitored by its ability to compete with erythrocytes in the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. The purified RP-HLLBP had an HI titre of 1.37 microgml(-1), a pI value of 5.4, optimum activity at pH 5-8 and was thermostable up to 60 degrees C. On SDS-PAGE a single glycoprotein with M(r) of 24 kDa was detected while on native PAGE the major Mr was about 120 kDa. The purified RP-HLLBP was shown to inhibit latex coagulation. Chitinase, but no other glycosidase tested, abolished its HI action and inhibited HLL-induced RP aggregation in a competitive dose dependent manner. This indicated the presence of, and role for, N-acetylglucosamine residues in the binding recognition. The Hevea latex lectin-like protein can thus be referred to as a Hevea latex lectin. Based on protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting, the RP-HLLBP was confirmed to be the small rubber particle protein (SRPP). This work has unambiguously determined the role of an intrinsic RP glycoprotein (RP-HLLBP or SRPP) as a key component in formation of the rubber latex coagulum.  相似文献   

An in vitro aggregation of washed lutoid membrane and rubber particles, respectively, prepared from the bottom (lutoid) fraction and rubber layer of centrifuged fresh latex, leading to the formation of rubber coagulum necessary for a latex coagulation was demonstrated. A Triton X-100 extract of washed lutoid membrane proteins, isolated and prepared from the bottom fraction of centrifuged fresh latex was examined for its role in the latex coagulation process. It induced agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes, indicating the presence of a lectin-like protein. Hevea latex lectin-like protein (HLL) was purified to homogeneity by active chitin binding separation, followed by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography. Its M(r) analyzed by SDS-PAGE was 17 kDa, whereas that determined by gel filtration was 267 kDa. The HLL had a pI value of 7.2. Several glycoproteins were shown to inhibit the HLL-induced hemagglutination. The hemagglutinin activity of HLL was enhanced by Ca(2+). Of most interest was the finding that HLL strongly induced aggregation of the Hevea latex rubber particles (RP). This strong RP aggregation leads to latex coagulation, indicating the possibility that it is involved in the formation of the coagulum that plugs the latex vessel ends and stops the flow of latex upon tapping. In addition, the purified HLL also induced aggregation of RP taken from several other non-Hevea latex producing plants. This might indicate either a common or universal role of this lectin-like protein in RP aggregation and hence latex coagulation. This paper, for the first time, provides clear and unequivocal evidence for either a key biological role or physiological function of an endogenous latex lectin-like protein in the sequential process of latex coagulation.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was isolated from the B-serum obtained after repetitive freeze-thawing of the bottom fraction isolated from ultracentrifuged fresh latex. The B-serum was subjected to acetone precipitation and CM-Sepharose chromatography, affording two PPOs, PPO-I and PPO-II, which, upon SDS-PAGE, were 32 and 34 kDa, respectively. Both PPOs possessed the same pI (9.2), optimum pH (7) and optimum temperature (35-45 degrees C). They are stable up to 60 degrees C and active at broad pH ranges from 4-9. The K(m) values of PPO-I for dopamine, L-dopa and catechol as substrates are 2.08, 8.33 and 9.09 mM, while those for PPO-II are 2.12, 4.76 and 7.14 mM, respectively. Among various PPO inhibitors tested, 4-hexylresorcinol was the most potent. Anionic detergents were among the most effective activators of the enzymes, while cationic and nonionic detergents showed little and no effect on the PPO activities, respectively.  相似文献   

Upon centrifugation, rubber latex is divided into a layer of rubber particles, the cytosol, and the lutoid-body fraction, which is of vacuolar origin. One of the proteins isolated from the lutoid-body fraction is a protein with a molecular mass of 43 kDa, which has esterase activity on p-nitrophenylpalmitate and which shows significant sequence similarity with patatin, a vacuolar protein with esterase activity from potato (Solanum tuberosum). This protein is a major allergen in rubber latex products (Hev b 7) and can also be isolated from the cytosol fraction of rubber latex. The mature protein isolated from lutoid-bodies has no structural features expected for a vacuolar protein: the N-terminal methionine in the cDNA-derived sequence is cleaved off, the second residue is N-acetylated, and the C-terminal sequence is identical to that in the cDNA-derived sequence. Thus the patatin-like protein in Hevea brasiliensis is not a vacuolar protein, but may be associated with not yet characterized particles in the cytoplasm, which either sediment with lutoid-bodies or remain in the cytosol fraction, depending on the centrifugation conditions.  相似文献   

The latex of Hevea brasiliensis, expelled upon bark tapping, is the cytoplasm of anastomosed latex cells in the inner bark of the rubber tree. Latex regeneration between two tappings is one of the major limiting factors of rubber yield. Hevea species contain high amounts of cyanogenic glucosides from which cyanide is released when the plant is damaged providing an efficient defense mechanism against herbivores. In H. brasiliensis, the cyanogenic glucosides mainly consist of the monoglucoside linamarin (synthesized in the leaves), and its diglucoside transport-form, linustatin. Variations in leaf cyanide potential (CNp) were studied using various parameters. Results showed that the younger the leaf, the higher the CNp. Leaf CNp greatly decreased when leaves were directly exposed to sunlight. These results allowed us to determine the best leaf sampling conditions for the comparison of leaf CNp. Under these conditions, leaf CNp was found to vary from less than 25 mM to more than 60 mM. The rubber clones containing the highest leaf CNp were those with the highest yield potential. In mature virgin trees, the CNp of the trunk inner bark was shown to be proportional to leaf CNp and to decrease on tapping. However, the latex itself exhibited very low (if any) CNp, while harboring all the enzymes (β-d-diglucosidase, linamarase and β-cyanoalanine synthase) necessary to metabolize cyanogenic glucosides to generate non-cyanogenic compounds, such as asparagine. This suggests that in the rubber tree bark, cyanogenic glucosides may be a source of buffering nitrogen and glucose, thereby contributing to latex regeneration/production.  相似文献   

Isolating high-quality RNA from latex of H. brasiliensis is a prerequisite to elucidating the molecular mechanisms of rubber biosynthesis and its regulation. Here, an improved protocol was developed for latex collection, transportation, storage, and RNA isolation. Compared with existing ones, our protocol eliminated liquid nitrogen for latex collection and subsequent low-temperature (-70 degrees C) condition for latex storage, making it more convenient and feasible when latex was collected in remote sampling sites, and latex storage and RNA isolation were conducted in poorly-equipped laboratories. Different methods (UV absorbance scans, denaturing gel electrophoresis, autoradiograph monitoring of cDNA synthesis) were used to confirm the high quality of the RNA prepared with this protocol, whose usefulness was further verified by several practical applications, including construction of one high-quality cDNA library, cloning of the full-length cDNAs of 3 novel Hevea sucrose transporter genes, and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis of two rubber-biosynthesis essential genes and one sucrose transporter gene.  相似文献   

The hymenopteran wasp Leptopilina boulardi (Figitidae) is a larval solitary parasitoid of Drosophila larvae of the melanogaster sub-group. The factors used by parasitoid females to prevent encapsulation of their eggs by the host are localized in the female long gland and reservoir. We report here the physiological effects of these factors on host haemocytes using in vivo injection experiments. The total number of haemocytes, the number of plasmatocytes and the number of crystal cells were not modified by injection of long gland extracts. In contrast, long gland extracts either from virulent or avirulent strains had a significant effect on the lamellocyte number. Compared to the Ringer control, the avirulent long gland products induced an increase of the lamellocyte number while virulent extracts induced a drastic decrease together with an alteration of the morphology of these cells. Interestingly, changes in the lamellocyte morphology were also observed following injection of the P4 protein, a major component of L. boulardi female long glands that displays a strong immune suppressive effect on Drosophila larvae. The implication of the P4 protein in suppressing the host cellular immunity is discussed in correlation with its predicted molecular function as a Rho-GAP protein.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the Xenopus homologue of cold-inducible RNA binding protein, XCIRP-1, is required for the morphogenetic migration of the pronephros during embryonic development. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we report that XCIRP is essential for embryonic cell movement, as suppression of XCIRP by microinjection of anti-sense mRNA and morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MOs) significantly reduced protein expression, inhibited the cell migration rate, and inhibited eFGF and activin-induced animal cap elongation. By immunoprecipitation and RT-PCR, we further showed that the mRNA of a panel of adhesion molecules, including alphaE- and beta-catenin, C- and E-cadherin, and paraxial proto-cadherin, are the targets of XCIRP. Consistently, in animal cap explant studies, suppression of XCIRP by MOs inhibited the expression of these adhesion molecules, while over-expression of sense XCIRP-1 mRNA fully rescued this inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest for the first time that XCIRP is required to maintain the expression of adhesion molecules and cell movement during embryonic development.  相似文献   

Im SH  Lee J 《FEBS letters》2003,554(3):455-461
Many protein components of telomeres, the multifunctional DNA-protein complexes at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, have been identified in diverse species ranging from yeast to humans. In Caenorhabditis elegans, CEH-37 has been identified by a yeast one hybrid screen to be a double-stranded telomere-binding protein. However, the role of CEH-37 in telomere function is unclear because a deletion mutation in this gene does not cause severe telomere defects. This observation raises the possibility of the presence of genetic redundancy. To identify additional double-stranded telomere-binding proteins in C. elegans, we used a different approach, namely, a proteomic approach. Affinity chromatography followed by Finnigan LCQ ion trap mass spectrometer analysis allowed us to identify several candidate proteins. We further characterized one of these, HMG-5, which is encoded by F45E4.9. HMG-5 bound to double-stranded telomere in vitro as shown by competition assays. At least two telomeric DNA repeats were needed for this binding. HMG-5 was expressed in the nuclei of the oocytes and all embryonic cells, but not in the hatched larvae or adults. HMG-5 mainly localized to the chromosomal ends, indicating that HMG-5 also binds to telomeres in vivo. These observations suggest that HMG-5 may participate, together with CEH-37, in early embryogenesis by acting at the telomeres.  相似文献   

The Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium exhibits an extreme resistance to ionizing radiation. Here, we investigated the in vivo role of DdrB, a radiation-induced Deinococcus specific protein that was previously shown to exhibit some in vitro properties akin to those of SSB protein from Escherichia coli but also to promote annealing of single stranded DNA. First we report that the deletion of the C-terminal motif of the DdrB protein, which is similar to the SSB C-terminal motif involved in recruitment to DNA of repair proteins, did neither affect cell radioresistance nor DNA binding properties of purified DdrB protein. We show that, in spite of their different quaternary structure, DdrB and SSB occlude the same amount of ssDNA in vitro. We also show that DdrB is recruited early and transiently after irradiation into the nucleoid to form discrete foci. Absence of DdrB increased the lag phase of the extended synthesis-dependent strand annealing (ESDSA) process, affecting neither the rate of DNA synthesis nor the efficiency of fragment reassembly, as indicated by monitoring DNA synthesis and genome reconstitution in cells exposed to a sub-lethal ionizing radiation dose. Moreover, cells devoid of DdrB were affected in the establishment of plasmid DNA during natural transformation, a process that requires pairing of internalized plasmid single stranded DNA fragments, whereas they were proficient in transformation by a chromosomal DNA marker that integrates into the host chromosome through homologous recombination. Our data are consistent with a model in which DdrB participates in an early step of DNA double strand break repair in cells exposed to very high radiation doses. DdrB might facilitate the accurate assembly of the myriad of small fragments generated by extreme radiation exposure through a single strand annealing (SSA) process to generate suitable substrates for subsequent ESDSA-promoted genome reconstitution.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a novel eggshell protein (OvESP) with high-glycine (49.2%) and -tyrosine (27.8%) content was cloned from the human liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini. In the adult parasite, the RNA products of the OvESP gene are limited to the vitelline follicles. They have a size of 800 nucleotides and are already present in 2-week-old juveniles. Immune sera of hamsters, experimentally infected, and humans, naturally infected with O. viverrini, detect bacterially expressed recombinant OvESP (rOvESP). A rabbit anti-rOvESP antiserum only reacts with the shells of intrauterine eggs in tissue sections of the parasite. Comparison of rOvESP with the parasite's excretion/secretion products as diagnostic tools for human opisthorchiasis shows a higher sensitivity (0.82-0.48) and specificity (0.97-0.91) of the recombinant protein in the ELISA technique. But the observed weak cross-reactivity of immune sera from mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma mekongi, and Fasciola gigantica in Western blots of rOvESP indicates that the diagnostic quality of this protein might be compromised if infections by other trematodes are present.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile (C.difficile) is a nosocomially acquired intestinal bacillus which can cause chronic diarrhea and life-threatening colitis. The pathogenic effects of the bacillus are mediated by the release of two toxins, A and B. The C-terminal portions of both toxins are composed of 20 and 30 residue repeats known as cell wall binding (CWB) domains. We have cloned and expressed the CWB-domains of toxins A and B and several truncated CWB-domain constructs to investigate their structure and function. The smallest CWB-domain that folded in a cooperative manner was an 11 repeat construct of toxin A. This differentiates the C-terminal domains of toxins A and B from the CWB-domain of Streptococcus pneumoniae LytA, which only requires six repeats to fold. The 11 repeat toxin A construct bound Ca2+ directly with millimolar affinity and interacted with mammalian cell surfaces in a concentration and Ca2+-dependent fashion. Millimolar Ca2+ levels also accelerated toxin mediated CHO cell killing in an in vitro cell assay. Together, the data suggest a role for extracellular Ca2+ in the sensitization of toxin A/cell-surface interactions.  相似文献   

Several clinical trials have reported beneficial effects of the Ginkgo biloba extract EGb761 in the prevention and therapy of cognitive disorders including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The aim of the present long-term feeding trial was to study the impact of dietary EGb761 on Amyloid precursor protein (APP) metabolism in mice transgenic for human APP (Tg2576). Tg2576 mice were fed diets with and without EGb761 (300 mg/kg diet) for 1 and 16 months, respectively. Long-term treatment (16 months) with EGb761 significantly lowered human APP protein levels by ∼50% as compared to controls in the cortex but not in the hippocampus. However, APP levels were not affected by EGb761 in young mice. Current data indicate that APP seems to be an important molecular target of EGb761 in relation to the duration of the Ginkgo biloba treatment and/or the age of the animals. Potential neuroprotective properties of EGb761 may be, at least partly, related to its APP lowering activity.  相似文献   

Tracheal and nervous system development are two model systems for the study of organogenesis in Drosophila. In two independent screens, we identified three alleles of a gene involved in tracheal, cuticle and CNS development. Here, we show that these alleles, and the previously identified cystic and mummy, all belong to the same complementation group. These are mutants of a gene encoding the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase, an enzyme responsible for the production of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, an important intermediate in chitin and glycan biosynthesis. cyst was originally singled out as a gene required for the regulation of tracheal tube diameter. We characterized the cyst/mmy tracheal phenotype and upon histological examination concluded that mmy mutant embryos lack chitin-containing structures, such as the procuticle at the epidermis and the taenidial folds in the tracheal lumen. While most of their tracheal morphogenesis defects can be attributed to the lack of chitin, when compared to krotzkopf verkehrt (kkv) chitin-synthase mutants, mmy mutants showed a stronger phenotype, suggesting that some of the mmy phenotypes, like the axon guidance defects, are chitin-independent. We discuss the implications of these new data in the mechanism of size control in the Drosophila trachea.  相似文献   

A lack of selectable markers was a hindrance in investigating gene function in Metarhizium robertsii. A reliable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system based on the use of chlorimuron ethyl as the selectable marker was developed which could serve as a useful tool to inactivate genes involved in insect pathogenicity.  相似文献   

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