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作者姓名:班贵宏  褚嘉祐  许绍斌  杨昭庆  钱亚屏  俞建昆  纳剑波  刘晓娟  张思仲
作者单位:1. 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学医学生物学研究所,
2. 华西医科大学,
摘    要:通过对中国13个群体(云南汉族、广东汉族、山东汉族、白族、傣族、拉祜族、黎族、纳西族、撒拉族、畲族、土族、佤族和云南藏族)共577例无亲缘关系的研究对象的DNA样本进行MICA基因微卫星扫描分型,获得了该微卫星的不同等位基因在各群体中的遗传数据。结果表明,该微卫星在不同群体中的分布存在差异,并有较高的多态信息含量(PIC),是一个有用的遗传标记,在人类进化研究、个体识别、亲子鉴定、基因作图与定位以及疾病诊断方面可能有较大的潜在应用价值。

关 键 词:MICA基因  微卫星  群体  遗传数据  多态性  中国人

Distribution of MICA Microsatellite in 13Population Groups of China
Abstract:The genetic data of MICA microsatellite were obtained by genotyping 577 samples in 13 population groups of China,which are Han YN,Han GD,Han SD,Bai,Dai,Lahu,Li,Naxi,Sala,She,Tu,Wa and Zang YN,with genescan. Five alleles have been observed in the population groups,which are A4,A5,A5.1,A6 and A9. A5 allele is the most frequent in all population groups except Lahu and Li,while the most frequent allele for Lahu and Li is A5.1 and A4 respectively. The second most frequent allele is the A5.1 in Han YN,Han SD,Dai,Naxi,Sala,She,and Wa. The lest frequent allele for Han YN,Han GD,Lahu,Naxi,She,Wa is the A6 which is not observed in Li. A4 allele is the lest frequent in Han SD,Bai,Dai,Sala,Tu,Zang YN. The results show that the distribution of MICA microsatellite is different in these population groups,and the polymorphism information contents ( PIC ) of this microsatellite is high. It is a potential useful marker in the study of human origin and migration,personal identification,gene mapping and location,and disease diagnosis.
Keywords:MICA  microsatellite  population groups  genetic data
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