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Abstract The effects of an unusual high frequency mowing regime, which involved the removal of slash, were compared to moderate grazing through the method of paired quadrats across a fenceline, which was orthogonal to a weak environmental gradient. The mown plots proved superior in their conservation characteristics to the moderately grazed plots. The mowing regime produced greater cover of rare or threatened species, greater native cover and lesser exotic grass cover. It thus presents an opportunity for maintaining or improving the condition of previously grazed remnants in reserves without resorting to the use of stock or fire for biomass reduction.  相似文献   
Community assembly theory is suggested as a guiding principle for ecological restoration to help understand the mechanisms that structure biological communities and identify where restoration interventions are needed. We studied three hypotheses related to propagule limitation, stress‐dominance, and limiting similarity concepts in community assembly in a restoration field experiment with a trait‐based null model approach. The experiment aimed to assist the recovery of sand grassland on former arable land in the Kiskunság, Pannonian biogeographic region, Europe. Treatments included initial seeding of five grassland species, carbon amendment, low‐intensity mowing, and combinations in 1 m by 1 m plots in three old fields from 2003 to 2008. The distribution of 10 individual plant traits was compared to the null model and the effect of time and treatments were tested with linear mixed effect models. Initial seeding had the most visible impact on species and trait composition confirming propagule limitation in grassland recovery. Reducing nutrient availability through carbon amendment strengthened trait convergence for length of flowering as expected based on the stress‐dominance hypothesis. Mowing changed trait divergence to convergence for plant height with a strengthening impact with time, supporting our hypothesis of increasing dominance of limiting similarity with time. Our results support the idea that community assembly is simultaneously influenced by propagule limitation and multiple trait‐based processes that act through different traits. The limited impact of manipulating environmental filtering and limiting similarity compared to seeding, however, supports the view that only targeting the dispersal and environmental filters in parallel would improve restoration outcome.  相似文献   
In the past, insect species richness was high in Central European seminatural grasslands, which were characterized by low‐intensity land use. Currently, however, the hay in most of these grasslands is mechanically harvested, which negatively impacts insect biodiversity. One way to reduce this negative effect is to leave unmown patches as refuges. In the current research we evaluated the short‐term effects of leaving an unmown patch on the taxonomic and functional diversity of the Orthoptera assemblage in a meadow. We found that orthopteran species richness and abundance were significantly reduced by mowing, whether or not a patch was left uncut. In contrast, functional evenness, indicating distribution of species abundances in a niche space, was reduced by mowing only if the plot lacked an uncut refuge. Functional richness, indicating the amount of niche space occupied by species, was elevated if the plot had an uncut refuge. Larger species were negatively affected by mowing, while habitat specialists, mobile species and soil‐ovipositing species benefitted from it. We infer that the presence of an uncut patch increased the diversity of habitats available to orthopterans and maintained even distribution of species among niche space. In summary, leaving an unmown refuge in grasslands could increase the functional diversity of orthopterans, even if it does not preserve taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   
农牧交错带草地生态系统兼受农业和牧业的影响, 属于脆弱生态系统, 尤其是养分贫瘠的盐碱化草地, 其生态系统结构和功能对外界干扰的响应更加强烈。位于晋西北地区的农牧交错带盐碱化草地, 地理位置独特, 区别于天然牧区草地生态系统。由于毗邻农田, 农业氮肥的过量使用促进了活性氮气体排放, 同时使得农牧交错带草地土壤碳氮循环发生改变。刈割是北方农牧交错草地生态系统的主要管理方式, 为了深入探究氮添加和刈割管理方式对农牧交错带草地碳循环的影响, 进一步厘清该区域草地生态系统的碳动态问题, 该研究设置了一个不同形态氮添加和刈割的裂区实验, 测定土壤呼吸对不同形态氮肥添加和刈割的响应, 为进一步科学管理该区域草地提供可靠的依据。实验样地位于山西省右玉县境内的“山西农业大学农牧交错带草地生态系统野外观测研究站”, 于2017年设置不同形态氮添加和刈割处理, 实验处理包括对照(不刈割和刈割)、尿素添加、缓释尿素添加、刈割+尿素添加、刈割+缓释尿素添加, 每种处理6个重复, 共36个小区。在不同处理条件下测定土壤呼吸速率、土壤温度、土壤水分、土壤微生物生物量、土壤无机氮含量、植物地上和地下生物量, 并计算土壤累积碳排放量及CO2通量。研究结果表明: (1)短期(2017-2018年)尿素和缓释尿素的添加显著提高了该地区土壤呼吸速率和土壤累积碳排放量。与添加缓释尿素相比, 添加尿素处理下的土壤呼吸速率和累积碳排放量更高; (2)刈割显著降低土壤呼吸速率和累积碳排放量; (3)短期氮添加和刈割的交互作用对土壤呼吸速率没有显著影响。因此, 短期氮添加促进了北方农牧交错带盐碱化草地土壤碳释放, 刈割抑制土壤呼吸, 降低了累积碳排放量, 这可能是由于刈割移除地上植物, 减少了凋落物的输入, 底物减少导致土壤微生物活性降低。但是随着处理时间的延长, 氮添加和刈割对该农牧交错带盐碱化草地土壤碳动态的影响还有待进一步探究和发现。  相似文献   
Determining the best management practices for plant invasions is a critical, but often elusive goal. Invasive removals frequently involve complex and poorly understood biotic interactions. For example, invasive species can leave potent legacies that influence the success of native species restoration efforts, and positive plant‐microbial feedbacks may promote continued reinvasion by an exotic species following restoration. Removal methods can vary in their effects on plant–soil feedbacks, with consequences for restoration of native species. We determined the effects of invasion by a leguminous shrub (French broom; Genista monspessulana) on the density and community composition of, and benefit conferred by, its microbial mutualists in its invading range. Densities of soil‐dwelling rhizobia were much higher in areas invaded by G. monspessulana relative to uninvaded areas, and this increased density of rhizobia fed back to increase seedling growth of both the invader and native legumes. We further compared how three techniques for removing G. monspessulana affected the densities of rhizobia relative to areas where G. monspessulana was still present. Removal by hand‐pulling reduced soil rhizobial densities, and reduced growth of one native legume, while having no effect on the growth of the invader. Overall, our results show that the consequences of restoration techniques, both above‐ and belowground, could be critical for the successful removal of an invasive legume and restoration of native species.  相似文献   
The long-term viability of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations is jeopardized by increased urbanization and habitat degradation owing to fire suppression. Because the species' remaining natural habitats in the southeastern United States exist within a mosaic of anthropogenic land uses, it is important to understand demographic responses to contrasting land uses and habitat management regimes. We examined differences in demographic parameters among fire-suppressed sandhill, restored sandhill, and former sandhill (i.e., ruderal) land use-land cover (LULC) types at Archbold Biological Station in south-central Florida, USA. Using Program MARK, we estimated population size, and sex-specific and LULC-specific survivorship based on 6 years of mark-recapture data. We also analyzed individual growth trajectories and clutch sizes to determine whether growth rates or reproductive output differed among LULC types. Tortoises in an open, ruderal field occurred at a higher density (7.79/ha) than in adjacent restored (1.43/ha) or fire-suppressed (0.40/ha) sandhill. Despite this higher density, both adult survivorship and body size were significantly higher in the ruderal field. Furthermore, the larger female body size in the ruderal field likely contributed to increased annual survivorship and slightly larger average clutch sizes. We did not detect offsetting negative demographic effects; in particular, we did not find significant biological or statistical differences in body condition, asymptotic body size, or growth rate among the 3 LULC types. Our results suggest that anthropogenic, grass-dominated land-cover types may be important components of the habitat mosaic currently available to this at-risk species. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
大气氮沉降增加深刻影响生态系统物种多样性、生产力及其稳定性,研究草原生态系统N库如何响应不断增加的大气氮沉降至关重要。本研究在内蒙古额尔古纳草甸草原开展刈割和不同水平外源氮添加试验,设置6个氮添加水平: 0、2、5、10、20和50 g·m-2·a-1,同时设置刈割处理,分为刈割和不刈割2个水平。在连续处理的第7年,采集群落中优势植物地上部分、群落根、地表凋落物和0~100 cm分层土壤样品,测定N含量并计算N库储量。结果表明: 氮添加显著增加植物地上部分和凋落物N含量,以及羊草、植物群落和凋落物的N库及生态系统N库总量。刈割处理显著增加羊草叶片和凋落物N含量,降低羊草、植物群落和凋落物N库,但并不改变它们对氮添加的响应格局。此外,刈割和氮添加对植物群落N库存在显著的交互作用。在不刈割处理下,高水平氮添加使更多的氮储存在凋落物中等待分解,植物群落N库的饱和阈值出现在10 g·m-2·a-1;在刈割处理下,植物群落N库表现为随氮添加量增加而不断增加,并且在相同水平氮添加条件下刈割后进入到植物群落N库中的氮更多。刈割可以缓解氮沉降不断增加对生物多样性和生态系统稳定性造成的不利影响,并可以在一定程度上推迟氮沉降增加引起的生态系统氮饱和的发生。  相似文献   
Increasing land use intensity and human influence are leading to a reduction in plant and animal species diversity. However, little is known about how these changes may affect higher trophic levels, apart from simply reducing species numbers. Here we investigated, over 3 years, the influence of different land practices on a tritrophic system in grassland habitats. The system consisted of the host plant Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), two monophagous weevils, Mecinus labilis Herbst and Mecinus pascuorum Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and their parasitoid Mesopolobus incultus Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). At over 70 sites across three geographic regions in Germany, we measured plant species diversity and vegetation structure, as well as abundance of P. lanceolata, the two weevils, and the parasitoid. Land use intensity (fertilization) and type (mowing vs. grazing) negatively affected not only plant species richness but also the occurrence of the two specialized herbivores and their parasitoid. In contrast, land use had a mostly positive effect on host plant size, vegetation structure, and parasitization rate. This study reveals that intensification of land use influences higher trophic organisms even without affecting the availability of the host plant. The observed relationships between land use, vegetation complexity, and the tritrophic system are not restricted locally; rather they are measureable along a broad range of environmental conditions and years throughout Germany. Our findings may have important implications for the conservation of insect species of nutrient‐poor grasslands.  相似文献   
Conservation of North American grasslands is hampered by the impact of invasive herbaceous species. Selective control of these plants, although desirable, is complicated by the shared physiology and phenology of the invader and the native components of the invaded plant community. Fortunately, there is evidence that some management practices, such as prescribed fire, herbicide, and mowing, can cause differential responses in native and invasive grassland species. However, timing of treatment is critical, and fire has been shown to increase rates of invasion when implemented during the dormant season. Bothriochloa ischaemum, an introduced C4 Eurasian grass is an increasing problem in grasslands, particularly in southern and central regions of North America. To date, there has been little success in effective selective control. Two invaded grassland sites representative of Blackland Prairie and Edwards Plateau ecoregions were subjected to two growing‐season prescribed fire treatments, single and double herbicide applications, and single and double mowing treatments. Mowing had no effect on either B. ischaemum or other dominant species at either site one‐year posttreatment. However, growing‐season fire and herbicide were both effective at reducing the abundance of B. ischaemum, with other codominant species responding either negatively to herbicide or neutrally or positively to fire. The vulnerability of B. ischaemum to growing‐season fire may be associated with the ecology of its native range. The negative growth response to growing‐season fire, combined with its lower implementation costs, indicates that this method warrants further investigation as a selective management tool for other problematic species in invaded grasslands.  相似文献   
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