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作者描述了产自塔里木盆地的HistiodellaHass的四个种,并探讨了它们与中国北方和北美中大陆暖水型牙形石及中国南方和北大西洋冷水型牙形石的对比关系。认为Histiodellasinuosa带对比北美中大陆牙形石动物群3的下部、中国南方Amorphognathusvariabilis带下部和中国北方Aurilobodusleptosomatus-Loxodusdissectus带下部。Histiodellaholodentata带下部相当于中国北方Aurilobodusleptosomatus-Loxodusdissectus带中部或中国南方的Amorphognathusvariabilis带至Eoplacognathussuecicus带的下部。Histiodellakristinae带对比北大西洋区的Eoplacognathussuecicus带中上部和中国北方的Tangshanodustangshanensis带。Histiodellabellburnensis带对比北大西洋区的Eoplacognathussuecicus带的上部到Eoplacognathusfoliaceus带下部。HistiodellaHass与北大西洋区和中国北方区典型牙形石的共同出现可以作为一个桥梁,建立起北美中大陆、北大西洋、塔里木盆地及华北地区牙形石的对比关系。  相似文献   
内蒙古巴特敖包地区早泥盆世牙形刺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
内蒙古达茂旗(达尔罕茂明安联合旗)巴特敖包地区以碳酸岩相古生代地层发育而引人注意。经多年研究,特别是李文国等(1985)的研究,使本区珊瑚、腕足类、层孔虫、鹦鹉螺等大化石的研究工作已有一定基础,并依据牙形刺首先确定了在阿鲁共剖面有泥盆纪地层的存在。但本区泥盆纪地层仍存在很多问题,必须通过对牙形刺的研究加以解决。在王成源研究员的精心安排和亲自指导下,作者等在巴特敖包地区的七个剖面进行了系统取样研究。经对158个样品(重667kg)的分析,在本区发现了大量的原定为志留纪的早泥盆世地层,包括西别河组命名剖面。分析结果同时证明,本区不存在志留系温洛克统的沉积。巴特敖包剖面断层发育,志留—泥盆纪地层交替出现,巴特敖包组应取消,原定的阿鲁共剖面层序颠倒。本区地层应厘订为志留系的西别河组(罗德洛统—普里道利统)和下泥盆统的阿鲁共组(Lochkovian阶),前者以包尔汉图剖面为标准剖面,后者应寻找更好的标准剖面。本文重点总结巴特敖包地区早泥盆世的牙形刺。本区共建立了4个牙形刺带,文中共描述了8牙形刺属,21种,其中包括4亚种、1新种(Belodellataeniocuspidatasp.nov.)和1未定种。  相似文献   
The composition of conodont apparatuses is crucial for understanding the feeding mechanisms of these early vertebrates. However, the multielement apparatus reconstructions of most species remain equivocal because they have been inferred from loose element collections, guided by knowledge from rare articulated ‘bedding plane assemblages’ and fused clusters, often from distantly related taxa. Even these natural assemblages can be difficult to interpret because the component elements can be closely juxtaposed or embedded in matrix, making it hard to discern the morphology of each element and their relative positions within the architecture of the feeding apparatus. Here we report five exceptionally preserved conodont clusters from the Middle Triassic Luoping Biota, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. These materials were scanned using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM), revealing the morphology and positional homology of the component elements in the fused clusters. We confirm that the apparatus of Nicoraella was composed of eight types of elements, comprising a total of 15 elements. SRXTM reveals the positional homologies of the component elements, viz. a single alate element is located in the S0 position, flanked successively abaxially by pairs of breviform digyrate S1 and S2 elements, bipennate S3 and S4 elements, and a pair of inwardly curved breviform digyrate M elements. Carminate elements occupy the P1 and P2 positions. The apparatus of Nicoraella is among the most completely characterised of all conodonts and serves as a template for the reconstruction of gondollellids.  相似文献   
内蒙古达茂旗巴特敖包地区包尔汉图剖面牙形刺生物地层   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
内蒙古达茂旗(达尔罕茂明安联合旗)巴特敖包地区志留纪、泥盆纪碳酸岩相地层发育,本区珊瑚、腕足类、层孔虫等底栖大化石的研究工作已有一定基础。但志留纪、泥盆纪地层在时代确定和对比上还存在很多问题,必须用主导化石门类牙形刺加以解决。研究表明:包尔汉图剖面的顶部属泥盆系无疑,应归入阿鲁共组,而不是西别河组;巴特敖包地区的海侵,始于罗德洛统卢德福德阶(Ludfordian)早期。本剖面没有发现文洛克世和罗德洛世早期的海相沉积。本文描写了一个志留纪牙形刺新种:Ozarkodina uncrispa sp.nov.。  相似文献   
本文对多年来积累的江苏下扬子区寒武系-三叠系牙形刺CAI材料进行了系统收集和整理,并采用Anita Harris建立的统一标准,编制了本区寒武系-三叠系的5幅牙形刺CAI图;进而结合牙形刺CAI与镜质组反射率(Ro)的对应关系,对上述各系的有机质成熟度进行了评价,对本区海相中、古生界油气勘探具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
黔南石炭-二叠系界线牙形刺序列的再研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文详细描述了华南贵州罗甸纳水和紫云羊场石炭-二叠系的界线牙形刺序列,并自上而下可划分为:Streptognathodus barskovi,S.constrictus,S.isolatus,S.wabaunsensis.S.tenuialueus和S.firmus带,而Strep-tognathodus isolatus的首现则代表了二叠系的底界,本文讨论了世界各地石炭-二叠系界线牙形刺序列的对比。  相似文献   
Conodont elements are the earliest vertebrate dental structures. The dental tools on elements responsible for food fracture—cusps and denticles—are usually composed of lamellar crown tissue (a putative enamel homologue) and the enigmatic tissue known as ‘white matter’. White matter is unique to conodonts and has been hypothesized to be a functional adaptation for the use of elements as teeth. We test this quantitatively using finite-element analysis. Our results indicate that white matter allowed cusps and denticles to withstand greater tensile stresses than do cusps comprised solely of lamellar crown tissue. Microstructural variation is demonstrably associated with dietary and loading differences in teeth, so secondary loss of white matter through conodont phylogeny may reflect changes in diet and element occlusal kinematics. The presence, development and distribution of white matter could thus provide constraints on function in the first vertebrate dental structures.  相似文献   
河南内乡晚奥陶世石燕河组牙形石及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅仕龙 《古生物学报》1995,34(6):674-687
将河南内乡晚奥陶世石燕河组牙形石自下而上建立了Oulodusuirichi-Aphelognathusshoshonensis带,Onodusrobustus带,Aphelognathusgrandis带,Aphelognathusdivergens带和Aphelognathuszuoquensis带。这个序列与北美中大陆的很相似,两者可详细对比。充分证实了北美中大陆型牙形石动物群以及中国合此类型牙形石的最高奥陶纪地层在华北地台以南的武当地块北缘的存在,并指明了其古生物地理分区和构造意义。  相似文献   
Transfer of sediments from shallow shelf to basin usually implies vertical (stratigraphic) reworking of fossils, but in a few instances produces only lateral reworking (actually within the time span of a subzone). An Upper Devonian (Frasnian) pelagic carbonate sequence with allodapic intercalations and thick intraclast parabreccias triggered by seismic shocks and related tsunami and turbidity currents has been studied. Here, the standard biozone sequence is undisturbed at the zonal as well as the subzonal level. However, distribution of conodonts is discontinuous, and ranges of some important species are altered; mature specimens are commonly broken, whereas complete specimens are mostly juvenile forms. Maxima and minima of element frequency and anomalous thickening or thinning of subzones are recognized. Such distribution patterns of conodonts are compared with the four main facies distinguished and related to the environmental interpretation (a platform-basin system, the original gentle slope of which was fragmenting in fault-controlled blocks). The mean frequency of shallow-water, proximal conodonts is 10% whereas transitional to distal deeper-water genera dominate throughout the entire section. In the dominant biofacies, conodonts settled vertically, in the subordinate one they were transported laterally. The 'intraclast parabreccia' is interpreted as a peculiar type of seismitc. The anomalous thickness variation of biozones is related to the step topography of the slope in a fault-controlled carbonate basin.  相似文献   
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