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The allometric relationships between canine base area, first molar and summed molar crown area, and the glabella–opisthocranion distance, and the direct allometric relationships between canine and molar size have been established in five primate taxa. Separate sex and combined sex ‘intraspecific’, and ‘interspecific’ regression and ‘best fit’ allometry coefficients were computed. This analysis showed that for any increase in glabella–opisthocranion length, the rate of increase in canine size exceeds the rate of increase in molar area, and ‘best fit’ solutions indicate that canine base area is positively allometric when related directly to molar crown area. These results were compared with data available for the ‘gracile’ australopithecine, A. africanus, and two ‘robust’ australopithecine taxa, A. boisei and A. robustus. The differences in canine and molar size which occur between the ‘gracile’ taxon and the two ‘robust’ taxa do not correspond to any of the trends in the comparative allometric models. Data on glabella–opisthocranion length for the fossils, meagre though they are, show that while the proportional increase in molar crown area between the taxa corresponds to comparative allometry models, the reduced canine size in the ‘robust’ taxa is against comparative allometric trends. These results indicate that, at least in terms of canine/molar proportions, the differences between the ‘gracile’ and ‘robust’ australopithecines are not merely allometric and may indicate significant dietary or behavioural differences.  相似文献   
Multi-decadal time-series of biological indices that reflect the state of a population are rare in ecological studies, but invaluable for assessing environmental regulation of population dynamics. We utilized canine teeth extracted from ringed seals (Pusa hispida) killed by polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Beaufort Sea, Canada, in 1985–2011, to obtain widths of annual growth layers in the cementum. Canine teeth for 75 individuals were measured and compared across years using a proportional width index (PWI) spanning 1965–2007. PWI was positively correlated with ringed seal ovulation rate obtained independently from other studies and was significantly lower than normal during ringed seal reproductive declines in 1974–75, 1984–87, 1991–93, and 2004–05, suggesting that PWI reflects ringed seal reproductive capacity. The PWI was also examined against climatic and sea ice factors to assess environmental regulation of ringed seal reproduction. Results suggest that ringed seals benefit from cyclonic circulation regimes in the Beaufort Sea, and an earlier breakup of sea ice in summer that may positively influence the quality and quantity of food during the open water season. Results highlight how cementum annuli in the canine teeth of ringed seals can provide an index of body state and linkages to sea ice conditions. Canine teeth from ringed seals can function as a means to monitor the effects of past Arctic marine variability on area-specific populations for which there are few independent empirical data.  相似文献   
This study documents odontometric variation in four populations of related genetic background. It is found that the transplanted populations of Cuanalan and Saltillo have undergone significant microdifferentiation in tooth size relative to the two home valley populations. The extent and direction of this microdifferentiation is seen as reflecting differential amounts of admixture from African and European sources in demographic subunits of the two transplanted populations. The dental variables found to discriminate significantly between populations are the same variables predicted to be evolutionarily labile by Butler's Field Theory. Principal component analysis confirms the presence of morphological fields in these data and supports the position that each class has a stable tooth, with stability decreasing with increasing distance from the key tooth. The importance of hybridization in determining which variables significantly discriminate between populations is confounded by the effects of development of the dentition in morphogenetic fields. These data suggest the odontometric data provide an adequate, if somewhat conservative, base from which to evaluate microdifferentiation of human populations.  相似文献   
S100-immunoreactivity (ir) was examined in tooth pulp primary neurons of the rat. An immunofluorescence method demonstrated that the molar tooth pulp contained S100-immunoreactive (ir) nerve fibers. In the root pulp, pulp horn and roof of the pulp chamber, S100-ir smooth and varicose fibers ramified and formed subodontoblastic nerve plexuses. All the fibers became varicose at the base of the odontoblastic layer and extended to the odontoblastic layer. Some varicose endings could be traced into the dentin. The trigeminal neurons retrogradely labeled with fluorogold (FG) from the first and second maxillary molar tooth pulps exhibited S100- and parvalbumin-ir. Approximately 60% and 24% of the labeled cells were ir for S100 and parvalbumin, respectively. Virtually all parvalbumin-ir FG-labeled cells showed S100-ir, while 40% of S100-ir ones coexpressed parvalbumin-ir. An immunoelectron microscopic method revealed that all myelinated axons and half of the unmyelinated axons in the root pulp contained S100-ir. In the odontoblastic layer, predentin and dentin, S100-ir neurites lost the Schwann cell ensheathment and made close contact with cell bodies and processes of odontoblasts. The odontoblastic layer also contained parvalbumin-ir neurites. These neurites were devoid of the Schwann cell ensheathment and in close apposition to cell bodies and processes of odontoblasts. S100-ir pulpal axons seemed to be insensitive to repeated neonatal capsaicin treatment. This study suggests that S100-ir tooth pulp primary neurons are mostly myelinated and that S100-ir unmyelinated axons in the root pulp are preterminal segments of myelinated stem axons.  相似文献   
Mutations in the gene-encoding vesicle lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor (LITAF) protein cause Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 1C (CMT1C) disease, a neurological disorder. The LITAF gene is mapped to chromosome number 16 and can be found at cytogenetic location 16p13 of the chromosome. CMT1C-linked small integral membrane protein of lysosome/late endosome mutants are loss-of-function mutants that act in a dominant negative manner to impair endosomal trafficking, leading to prolonged extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 signaling downstream of ErbB activation. Mutation W116G in the LITAF decreases the stability of the protein and also interrupts the functioning of gene. We have analyzed the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) results of 28 nsSNPs obtained from dbSNP. We also carried out multiple molecular dynamics simulations of 200 ns and obtained results of root-mean-square deviation, root-mean-square fluctuation, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface area, H-bond, and principal component analysis to check and prove the stability of both the wild type and the mutant. The protein was then checked for its aggregation and the results showed loss of helix. The loss of helix leads to the instability of the protein.  相似文献   
Explant culture allows manipulation of developing organs at specific time points and is therefore an important method for the developmental biologist. For many organs it is difficult to access developing tissue to allow monitoring during ex vivo culture. The slice culture method allows access to tissue so that morphogenetic movements can be followed and specific cell populations can be targeted for manipulation or lineage tracing.In this paper we describe a method of slice culture that has been very successful for culture of tooth germs in a range of species. The method provides excellent access to the tooth germs, which develop at a similar rate to that observed in vivo, surrounded by the other jaw tissues. This allows tissue interactions between the tooth and surrounding tissue to be monitored. Although this paper concentrates on tooth germs, the same protocol can be applied to follow development of a number of other organs, such as salivary glands, Meckel''s cartilage, nasal glands, tongue, and ear.  相似文献   
王慧媛  张春光  刘玉红  艾林  姚东  王富 《生物磁学》2013,(34):6647-6649
目的:通过有限元法,探讨高嵌体修复根管治疗后的下颌第一磨牙后,牙体预备形式对牙体组织受力的影响,为临床提供力学理论依据。方法:模拟右侧下颌第一磨牙的三维有限元模型,磨牙存在合面I类洞缺损,根管治疗后采用高嵌体修复,分别设计三种牙体预备形式,即覆盖全部牙尖、覆盖全部功能尖和覆盖部分功能尖的高嵌体修复,对模型进行加载,观察牙体组织的应力大小及分布。结果:覆盖全部牙尖高嵌体修复时牙釉质出现一个应力集中区,其他两种设计出现两个应力集中区。垂直载荷下,釉质的最大主应力在全部牙尖组分别低于其他两组92.29%和89.76%;舌颊向载荷下比其他两组分别降低80.91%和76.53%。三组牙本质的应力集中区趋于一致。垂直载荷下,牙本质的最大主应力在全部牙尖组分别高出其他两组12.92%和14.73%;舌颊向载荷下较其他两组高1.26%和5.08%。结论:从生物力学角度,覆盖全部牙尖的高嵌体更有利于牙体硬组织的受力,可以更好的对牙釉质起到保护作用。  相似文献   
干细胞是一类能够自我更新并分化形成多种组织细胞类型的原始细胞.基于其特殊的生物学性质,干细胞可作为器官再生的理想种子细胞.干细胞已成功被诱导为神经、心肌、皮肤、软骨、肝脏、胰岛、造血等不同类型组织细胞,为神经损伤、退行性变、胰岛素依赖性糖尿病、造血功能障碍等多种难活性疾病提供替代疗法.牙齿是人体中唯一的能在成体中再次发育而且结构相对简单的一个器官,因此牙齿再生已成为组织工程研究领域的热点.目前,在模式动物小鼠以及小型猪中已开展许多利用干细胞进行釉质、本质、牙髓以及牙周韧带等牙齿组织再生和整牙再生的研究.本文系统地概括了不同来源的干细胞(胚胎干细胞、成体干细胞和诱导多能干细胞)在牙齿再生研究中的应用.其中,成体干细胞具有来源广泛、便于采集培养以及不导入外源基因等优势,在牙齿再生的基础研究和临床应用中具有更大的价值.  相似文献   
北京门头沟区斋堂镇东胡林遗址是重要的新石器时代早期遗址。本文描述了东胡林4号人(14C年龄约为8540aBP., 树轮校正年龄约为7500aBC.) 的上颌牙、下颌牙21枚。多数牙齿重度磨耗, 意味着当时人类处于狩猎—采集经济时代, 食物结构可能主要以坚硬食物(如朴树果核) 或高纤维食物为主。上第三臼齿退化缩小, X光透视检查为东胡林人下第三臼齿阻生提供了确凿无疑的证据。在4枚牙齿上发现龋洞, 其中左上第一臼齿、第二臼齿的龋蚀已破坏牙本质全层。严重的龋齿病揭示了东胡林4号人的口腔状态, 在一定程度上可能与经常性地摄取富含碳水化合物的食物有关。  相似文献   
作为一种特殊形式的牙齿磨耗与使用痕迹,牙齿崩裂与古人类及古代人群食物质地、获取与制作食物方式、某些行为活动、生活习俗密切相关。然而,迄今对人类牙齿崩裂的关注程度及开展的研究还不多,尤其缺乏更新世晚期人类牙齿崩裂出现率和表现特点方面的数据。本文对发现于贵州兴义猫猫洞的更新世晚期人类牙齿釉质崩裂痕迹大小、出现率、表现特点进行了观测分析。研究发现,附连在3件猫猫洞人类下颌骨上的牙齿具有明显的釉质崩裂现象,出现率与生活环境恶劣的狩猎-采集人群接近。值得注意的是猫猫洞人类牙齿釉质崩裂出现在几乎所有臼齿的咬合面边缘。作者认为出现在猫猫洞人类臼齿的釉质崩裂是由于强力咀嚼和研磨坚硬食物所致,推测当时人类的食物粗糙,坚硬,富含颗粒(如坚果、种子等)。在猫猫洞下颌骨上观察到的波及几乎全部牙齿的牙周病也为猫猫洞人类严酷生活环境和粗糙食物的推测提供了一定程度的支持。此外,几乎所有具有釉质崩裂的臼齿都呈现大小不等的多发性的釉质崩裂痕迹的表现特点提示猫猫洞人类长时间大量食用这种粗糙、坚硬食物。  相似文献   
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