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中国清风藤属Sabia Colebr.(清风藤科)的订正   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
归并了清风藤属5个名称,Sabia campanulata Wall.ex Roxb.var,kingiana Nayar et Majumder处理为S.campanulata Wall.ex Roxb。的异名,S.metcalfiana L.Chen处理为S.leptandra Hook.f.et Thoms.的异名,S.longruiensis X.X.Chen et D.R,Ling和S.swinhoei Hemsl.ex Forbes et Hemsl.ex FOrb.et Hemsl。的异名,S.nervosa Chun ex Y.F.Wu处理为S.coriacea Rehd.et Wils.的异名,订正了缅甸清风藤S.burmania L.chen在中国有分布的错误报道。  相似文献   
中国清风藤科一新记录种——狭叶清风藤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了清风藤科Sabiaceae狭叶清风藤Sabia lanceolata Colebr.在中国的分布新记录。该种与其他国产种类的区别在于叶基部心形,抱茎。该种与小花清风藤S.parvifolia Wall.区别在于叶椭圆状矩圆形至披针形,基部心形,聚伞花序具花10-30朵,核果倒卵球形至矩圆状倒卵球形或梨形,直径7-10mm。  相似文献   
Summary The structure and anatomy of mature flowers of four species of Meliosma is investigated using scanning electron and light microscopy. The vasculature of the flower, including the structure of the gynoecium, is described in detail. The mechanism of stamen maturation and pollen release is illustrated and discussed. The existence of an explosive pollination mechanism is questioned for at least part of the species. Flowers are proterandrous and fertile stamens are kept spatially separate from the style by a ring of large staminodes. Anthers are disporangiate by the loss of the adaxial pollen sacs. During maturation the filament bends progressively outwards and releases the pollen on the extension of the connective that acts as a secondary pollen presentation system. The nectary has five appendages topped with stomata secreting abundant nectar. The relationships of Sabiaceae are discussed relative to other early diverging eudicots. The significance of Sabiaceae as an isolated clade is highlighted, although some features point to a link with Menispermaceae.  相似文献   
林祁  赵燃  班勤 《广西植物》2002,22(1):4-6
报道了槭树科、漆树科、大戟科、清风藤科、无患子科、苦木科共 1 8种植物在我国 1 3个省区中的分布新记录。其中福建分布新记录的植物有山地五月茶 ,甘肃分布新记录的有鸡爪槭 ,广东、江苏和云南分布新记录的有湖北算盘子 ,广西分布新记录的有五尖槭和滇赤才 ,贵州分布新记录的有甜叶算盘子 ,河南分布新记录的有红叶野桐 ,湖南分布新记录的有狭序泡花树 ,江西分布新记录的有长柄槭、柳叶五月茶和黑面神 ,陕西分布新记录的有川滇无患子 ,四川分布新记录的有伞花木 ,西藏分布新记录的有五裂槭、中华槭、藤漆、小花清风藤和柔毛鸦胆子  相似文献   
Endoapertures, the inner openings of compound apertures in pollen grains, are common in eudicots, but occur infrequently in early-divergent eudicot lineages, in which they are restricted to three families: Menispermaceae, Sabiaceae and Buxaceae. Pollen of Sabiaceae was examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The endoapertures are large and lalongate, and intine onci are associated with their development. Optimisation of endoapertures onto an existing angiosperm phylogeny indicates that endoapertures have evolved at least three times independently: in Menispermaceae, in Sabiaceae plus Buxaceae (or possibly separately in these two families), and in the core eudicot clade. Sabiaceae are unusual among early-divergent eudicots in that they possess some characters that are more common in core eudicots, including pollen with endoapertures and pentamerous flowers. This indicates either that they are more closely related to core eudicots than is indicated by current molecular evidence, or that these characters are homoplastic. The latter would suggest a high degree of experimentation prior to evolutionary canalisation of some key morphological features in eudicots. The evolution of endoapertures in early-divergent eudicots is probably associated with possession of endexine sculpture (endosculpture) such as endocracks; endoapertures may have been retained in eudicots as a harmomegathic mechanism.  相似文献   
  • Explosive pollen release is a mechanism used by some angiosperms that serves to attach pollen to a pollinator's body. It is usually adopted by species with zygomorphic tubular flowers and pollinated by birds and bees. The tree genus Meliosma (Sabiaceae, Proteales) has unique disc‐like flowers that are externally actinomorphic, but internally zygomorphic, and release pollen explosively.
  • To elucidate the adaptive significance of explosive pollen release, we observed flowering behaviour, the breeding system and pollinator visits to flowers of the Japanese species Meliosma tenuis in a temperate forest. Flowers bloomed in June and were nectariferous and protandrous. Explosive pollen release was triggered by slight tactile stimuli to anther filaments or staminodes in male‐stage flowers.
  • Because pollen cannot come into contact with the pistils enclosed by staminodes, M. tenuis is functionally protandrous. Artificial pollination treatments revealed that M. tenuis is allogamous. The dominant flower visitors were nectar‐seeking drones of the bumblebee species Bombus ardens (Apidae). The drones’ behaviour, pollen attachment on their bodies and fruit set of visit‐restricted flowers suggest that they are the only agent triggering the explosive pollen release mechanism, and are the main pollinator of M. tenuis.
  • The finding that bumblebee workers rarely visit these flowers suggests that the explosive pollen release has another function, namely to discourage pollen‐harvesting bumblebee workers.
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