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太白蝎蛉消化道形态学与组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘书宇  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):808-813
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜, 在形态学和组织学水平上研究了太白蝎蛉Panorpa obtusa Cheng成虫消化道的结构。结果表明: 蝎蛉消化道由前肠、中肠、和后肠组成。前肠包括咽喉、食道、和前胃, 但没有嗉囊,其中咽喉可分为骨化的前咽和附着扩肌的后咽(咽喉唧筒); 前胃壁很厚,内膜上长有许多排列整齐、紧密的棕色胃刺,司过滤、暂时储存和磨碎食物的功能; 前肠末端有6个贲门瓣伸入中肠。中肠较长且膨大,其肠壁细胞由柱状细胞和再生细胞组成; 肠壁细胞外分别为环肌和纵肌,无胃盲囊,也未观察到围食膜。6根棕红色的马氏管位于中、 后肠分界处。后肠分为不对称的“V”字型回肠、环状结肠、以及膨大透明的直肠, 直肠内壁上有6个交替排列的直肠垫。最后简要讨论了蝎蛉消化道的结构与功能,及其在蝎蛉科昆虫分类中的意义。  相似文献   
The Mecoptera are thought to be one of the most primitive groups in the Holometabola, but their embryology is rarely studied. By means of scanning electron microscopy, we studied the external features of the embryo of the scorpionfly Panorpa emarginata in middle and late development. The embryo remains in the superficial position until hatching. Embryonic development can be divided into 10 stages along with the first‐instar larva. The external features are described from the germ band to the first‐instar larva, with special reference to the components and segmentation of the head, the segmentation of abdomen and the formation of abdominal prolegs. Our results confirm that the head consists of an anterior‐most acron and six trunk segments: the labral, antennal, intercalary, mandibular, maxillary, and labial segments. The labrum is confirmed to derive from the paired appendages. Our observations also provide additional direct evidence that the abdominal prolegs are not serially homologous with the thoracic legs. The presence of the eleventh abdominal segment is clarified. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
记述采自河南省王屋山的蝎蛉属Panorpa Linn.1新种:王屋山蝎蛉Panorpa wangwushana,sp.nov.。模式标本分别保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆和郑州大学生物系。  相似文献   
马娜  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2010,53(11):1220-1226
卵巢管结构及卵子发生过程在探讨昆虫系统发育关系中有重要意义, 深入研究长翅目昆虫卵巢管结构及卵子发生可为确定其在全变态类昆虫中的系统发育地位提供依据。本文利用光学显微镜和扫描、透射电子显微镜技术研究了刘氏蝎蛉Panorpa liui Hua卵巢管超微结构及卵子发生过程。结果表明:蝎蛉卵巢由12根多滋式卵巢小管组成, 每个卵巢小管分为端丝、生殖区和生长区。根据滋养细胞、卵母细胞及滤泡细胞的变化, 卵子发生过程可分为5个阶段:卵黄发生前早期、卵黄发生前中期、卵黄发生前后期、卵黄发生期及卵壳形成期。在卵黄发生期, 滋养细胞为卵母细胞提供养分后逐渐消亡, 而此时的卵母细胞可通过滤泡之间的细胞间隙从血淋巴中获取营养。在卵壳形成期间, 3种不同类型的滤泡细胞参与形成不同区域的卵壳, 从而形成不同花饰的卵壳表面。据此推测, 与其他目的滋养细胞数目相比, 每个卵室中2次有丝分裂形成3个滋养细胞可能是比较原始的特征, 表明长翅目昆虫可能是全变态类群中近基部的分支。  相似文献   
姜碌  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2016,(9):1004-1012
【目的】蝎蛉科(Panorpidae)是长翅目(Mecoptera)最大的科,是重要的生态指示昆虫。然而,由于对环境条件要求苛刻,饲养困难,其幼期研究很不充分。【方法】本研究通过人工饲养成虫获得了长蝎蛉Panorpa macrostyla Hua的卵、幼虫和蛹等全部虫态,运用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微技术观察了其超微形态,并简要记载了其生物学特性。【结果】长蝎蛉每年发生1代,成虫发生于6月末至8月初。卵椭球形,卵壳表面覆盖一层隆起的网状结构。幼虫蠋型,具3对分4节的胸足和8对不分节的腹足;头壳高度骨化,具1对由26个小眼组成的复眼和1对3节的触角,口器咀嚼式;腹部第1-9节背面具有成对的背毛突,第10节仅有1根背毛突,腹部末端具有一个可伸缩的吸盘;呼吸系统为周气门式,具1对前胸气门和8对腹气门。幼虫共4个龄期,以预蛹期在土室内越冬。蛹为强颚离蛹,外形接近成虫,雄蛹腹部末端膨大。【结论】基于幼虫形态特征,长蝎蛉明显区别于新蝎蛉属Neopanorpa、华蝎蛉属Sinopanorpa、双角蝎蛉属Dicerapanorpa以及单角蝎蛉属Cerapanorpa幼虫。然而,长蝎蛉幼虫头部刚毛L2和SO2,腹部末节刚毛D2,SD1和SD2端部均膨大呈棒状,与蝎蛉属Panorpa其他种类区别明显,表明长蝎蛉的属级地位需要进一步研究。  相似文献   
吉林长白山蝎蛉记述(长翅目:蝎蛉科)   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
天津自然博物馆收藏的四川省蝎蛉科记述(长翅目)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文天津自然博物馆所收藏的产于中国四川省蝎蛉科昆虫共7种,其中有5个已知种,即:Neopanorpa niaritis Carpenter,N.heii Cheng,N.chelata Carpenter,Panorpa kimminsi Carpenter,P.cruva Caropenter;另外发现2新种,即Panorpa Jinchuana,sp.n.和Panorpa emeishana sp.n。  相似文献   
Abstract  Three new species of the genus Neopanorpa Weele are described and illustrated from Xizang in China. The previously reported three species from Xizang, Panorpa guttata Navas, P. davidi Navas, and P. stigmalis Navas, are verified to distribute in Sichuan Province, instead of in Xizang. The type specimens are deposited in Northwest Agricultural University and China Agricultural University separately. A key to the Tibetan species of Neopanorpa is provided.  相似文献   
Na Ma  Baozhen Hua 《Acta zoologica》2011,92(4):398-403
Ma, N. and Hua, B. 2010. Structural evidence why males of Panorpa liui offer prey rather than salivary mass as their nuptial gift. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 398–403. The scorpionflies are considered as ideal model animals for the study of mating systems in insects. The males generally offer both prey and salivary mass as nuptial gifts to the females during copulation. Our field observations show that Panorpa liui is peculiar because the males offer only prey rather than salivary secretions as nuptial gift. Through anatomical and histological examinations, the salivary glands of P. liui were found to be devoid of sexual dimorphism in Panorpa for the first time. Both the male and female P. liui bear simple salivary glands, which are only composed of a common duct and two short sac‐like glands. This is the first attempt to explore the relationship between the salivary glands and the mating tactics from the structural aspect in Panorpa, speculating that the simple structure of the male salivary glands in P. liui might be responsible for its failing to produce salivary mass as a nuptial gift during copulation. Compared with Boreidae, Meropidae, Bittacidae and Panorpidae, we presume that the absence of sexual dimorphism of the salivary glands might represent a plesiomorphy in P. liui. The origin and evolutionary process of the nuptial gift behaviour are tentatively speculated in Panorpa.  相似文献   
侯小燕  花保祯 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):237-240
解剖并描述了刘氏蝎蛉Panorpa liui Hua的雌性生殖系统。结果表明,刘氏蝎蛉外生殖器包括下生殖板、内骨,内生殖器官包括卵巢、侧输卵管、中输卵管、附腺、受精囊以及生殖腔。每个卵巢由10~13根多滋式卵巢管组成,12根出现频率最高。  相似文献   
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