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报道了越南木樨科(Oleaceae)植物1 新记录种大果素馨(Jasminum macrocarpum Merr.).该种产自越南中南部嘉来省的K’Bang, Kon Ha Nung 地区, 凭证标本保存在 HN, IBSC.  相似文献   
为探索越南粉苞茉莉(Jasminum dichotomum)扦插生根的影响因素,建立扦插繁育技术体系,以1年生越南粉苞茉莉枝条为插穗,采用L16(44)正交试验,探讨生长调节剂种类及其浓度、处理时间、基质种类对越南粉苞茉莉茎段扦插生根的影响,利用排队评分法和公式评分法对正交试验进行分析。结果表明,A2B3C3D2为试验的最优处理组合,即将插穗在250 mg·L-1 IBA和500 mg·L-1 NAA混合药剂中浸泡20 min后扦插于沙子上。  相似文献   
The chloroplast (cp) DNA sequence of Jasminum nudiflorum (Oleaceae-Jasmineae) is completed and compared with the large single-copy region sequences from 6 related species. The cp genomes of the tribe Jasmineae (Jasminum and Menodora) show several distinctive rearrangements, including inversions, gene duplications, insertions, inverted repeat expansions, and gene and intron losses. The ycf4-psaI region in Jasminum section Primulina was relocated as a result of 2 overlapping inversions of 21,169 and 18,414 bp. The 1st, larger inversion is shared by all members of the Jasmineae indicating that it occurred in the common ancestor of the tribe. Similar rearrangements were also identified in the cp genome of Menodora. In this case, 2 fragments including ycf4 and rps4-trnS-ycf3 genes were moved by 2 additional inversions of 14 and 59 kb that are unique to Menodora. Other rearrangements in the Oleaceae are confined to certain regions of the Jasminum and Menodora cp genomes, including the presence of highly repeated sequences and duplications of coding and noncoding sequences that are inserted into clpP and between rbcL and psaI. These insertions are correlated with the loss of 2 introns in clpP and a serial loss of segments of accD. The loss of the accD gene and clpP introns in both the monocot family Poaceae and the eudicot family Oleaceae are clearly independent evolutionary events. However, their genome organization is surprisingly similar despite the distant relationship of these 2 angiosperm families.  相似文献   
“同时蒸馏-萃取”分析茉莉花香成分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用一种经过改进的“同时蒸馏-萃取”仪提取了茉莉花的香成分,以 GC/MS 和 Kovats保留指数法鉴定了提取物中的28个化学成分。主要成分为:芳樟醇、乙酸苯甲酯、顺-石竹萜烯、榧烯醇、苯甲酸顺-3-己烯酯、邻氨基苯甲酸甲酯、二十三烯-11及吲哚。讨论了鲜花香成分和植物精油的采集与分析方法。  相似文献   
The volatile fragrance components of Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton flower were collected by a modified simultaneous steam distillation and solvent extraction apparatus (SDE). The obtained extract was concentrated to 100 μL by the gas entrainment method in which the extract was distilled under reduced pressure with the influence of a steam of nitrogen. The concentrate was analyzed by GC-MS with PEG-20 M capillary column, and the Kovats indexes were determined at the same time whereby the nalkanes were added into extract. 28 compounds were identified. The major components were: linalool, benzyl acetate, ciscaryophyllene, cis-3-benzyl benzoate, methyl anthranilate and indole. These results show the components of the extract have no qualitative difference from absolute oil. The advantages of the above procedure were discussed in detail.  相似文献   
伪钝绥螨Amblyseius fallacis Garman是控制害螨的有效天敌,研究迎春花花粉和二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticaeKoch对伪钝绥螨生长发育和繁殖的影响,比较伪钝绥螨取食2种食料时各种参数的异同。结果表明,迎春花花粉可使伪钝绥螨正常生长发育并产卵,但发育时间较取食二斑叶螨的长,产卵量与取食二斑叶螨的相当。取食迎春花花粉时伪钝绥螨的内禀增长率、净增殖率和周限增长率均低于取食二斑叶螨时的值,世代平均周期较取食二斑叶螨略短,而种群倍增所需时间更长。由以上结果可知迎春花花粉可作为伪钝绥螨的替代或补充食料。  相似文献   
迎春花中黄酮类化合物含量的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以75%乙醇为溶剂,索氏提取器提取,采用比色法和HPLC法研究了迎春花中黄酮类化合物的含量。以芦丁为对照物,比色法测定出其花、叶、茎中总黄酮的含量分别为13.7%、16.2%、6.77%.RSD分别为2.63%、2.57%、2.96%;以槲皮素、山奈素、异鼠李素为对照物,HPLC法测定出其花、叶、茎中的黄酮总量,以甙元计分别为4.205%、3.371%、1.703%,RSD分别为1.76%、1.58%、1.98%。  相似文献   
对茉莉花喷施100 μmol·L–1赤霉素(GA3),分析赤霉素对茉莉花主要香气组分及其合成相关结构基因和转录因子表达水平的影响。结果显示,外施GA3可提高花朵开放过程中总香气成分以及芳樟醇、法呢烯含量,与此同时,花朵开放过程中总香气物成分、法呢烯含量高峰提前;外施GA3使花朵开放过程中JsTPS2、JsTPS3、JsTPS4基因表达峰值提高,JsTPS1基因的表达水平降低;外施GA3后,在花朵开放过程中花香相关转录因子JsMYB305、JsMYB86、JsMYB108的表达水平提高,JsMYC2的表达水平降低,而基因JsbHLH13的表达水平提高。研究结果可为施加植物生长调节物质提高茉莉花香气提供理论依据。  相似文献   
李娟  邹琳  吕亚媚  肖明昆  杜凡 《广西植物》2019,39(9):1271-1280
元江素馨(Jasminum yuanjiangense)为云南省元江河谷狭限分布的特有植物,该研究采用典型选样法在元江素馨较为集中分布地布置4个样方,包含干热灌丛、稀树灌木草丛2个植被类型,调查分析种群年龄结构及存活曲线,量化种群结构类型,比较各局域元江素馨种群的差异性,并运用时间序列预测种群数量动态,以揭示元江素馨种群结构及动态特征。结果表明:(1)元江素馨种群属于增长型,Vpi'=0.004 1,表明该种群趋近于稳定型;种群结构在发展过程中存在一定的波动性,种群生长前期个体数多于生长后期;存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅲ型和Deevey-Ⅰ型;幼苗充足,死亡率高,幼龄阶段到中龄阶段个体生长发育受阻。(2)时间序列预测分析表明,元江素馨种群具备一定的恢复能力,未来2、4个龄级时间后种群个体数均呈现小幅度的增加趋势。(3)各局域元江素馨种群结构存在差异,但依据其年龄结构大致可划分为两类,即样地1、样地2和样地4种群为增长型,存活曲线表现出Deevey-Ⅲ型;样地3的种群为稳定型,存活曲线呈现出Deevey-Ⅰ型,稳定型种群生境较增长型种群生境更适宜于元江素馨的生长。  相似文献   
The concrete extracted from the flowers of Jasminum sambac is a precious perfume. The absolute has been analysed by CC-MS with two capillary columns of non-polar (OV-101) and polar (PEG-20 M) stationary phase respectively. The Kovats indices of the peaks on OV-101 were determined also. The results were highlighted on minor components and are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Several important components are: 2,6-dimethyl heptanal; methyl n-methyl anthranilate; bergmotene; torreyol; cis-3-hexenyl butyrate; cislinalool oxide; 2H-pyran-3-ol, 6-ethenyl tetrahydro-2,2,6-trimethyl and a few sesquiterpenes. Together with those previously determined, 50 components of the absolute have been identified, their contents have been determined also. These results offer quite detailed information to the compounding and technology in perfumery.  相似文献   
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