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研究人员已经查明了一种基因变异与血糖水平的个体差异之间存在着关系。这将是一种可能影响疾病风险的因素,甚至连非糖尿病患者也不例外。流行病学研究已经显示.空腹血浆葡萄糖水平(即基线血糖水平.通常是在整晚禁食之后所测量的血糖浓度)略有升高的健康个人具有较高的罹患心血管疾病的危险。Nabila Bouatia-Naji及其在欧洲和加拿大的同事找到了一种单个DNA“字母”的变异,即所谓的单核苷酸多态性.或称SNP,是促成非糖尿病者空腹血浆葡萄糖浓度个体间差异的原因。  相似文献   
Methods to measure consistent individual differences in behavior (i.e. animal personality) fall into two categories, subjective ratings and behavioral codings. Ratings are seldom used despite being potentially more efficient than codings. One potential limitation for the use of ratings is that it is assumed that long-term observers or experts in the field are required to score individuals. This can be problematic in many cases, especially for long-term ecological studies where there is high turnover in personnel. We tested whether raters who were unacquainted with subjects could produce reliable and valid personality assessments of yellow-bellied marmots Marmota flaviventris. Two raters, previously unacquainted with individuals and marmot be- havior, scored 130 subjects on fifteen different adjectives in both open-field (OF) and mirror image stimulation (MIS) trials. Eight OF and nine MIS adjectives were reliable as indicated by both a high degree of intra-observer and inter-observer reliability. Additionally, some ratings were externally valid, correlating with behavioral codings. Our data suggest that activity/exploration and sociability can be a reliable and valid measurement of personality traits in studies where raters were unacquainted with subjects. These traits are observable with the personality tests we used; otherwise researchers using unacquainted raters should be cautious in the tests they employ [Current Zoology 60 (2): 162-169, 2014].  相似文献   
【目的】草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是新入侵我国的迁飞性害虫,为了筛选出有效和不易受损的形态鉴别特征。【方法】本研究运用比较形态学和外生殖器解剖技术,筛选稳定、可靠的外部形态特征,描述雌雄外生殖器特征。【结果】草地贪夜蛾的大小等21个外形特征在不同个体间存在差异,不适合用于草地贪夜蛾的准确鉴定。新筛选的翅基部黑斑等4个前翅特征,下唇须节黑色横带、前足胫节密被长鳞片、前足跗节黑色、腹部腹面黑斑、肩板颜色均一、前足基节内侧长毛6个非翅面外形特征在草地贪夜蛾个体间稳定,其中前翅中部倾斜的椭圆环形斑等4个特征、颜色均一肩板等5个特征、环形斑内部颜色特征分别存在于草地贪夜蛾雌雄蛾、雄蛾和雌蛾中。新筛选的外形特征可分别用于准确区别草地贪夜蛾与斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾。新描述了阳茎基环长大于宽等6个雄性外生殖器特征和囊导管基部明显宽于端部等4个雌性交配囊特征,其中3个雄性外生殖器特征和3个雌性交配囊特征可分别用于准确鉴定草地贪夜蛾和斜纹夜蛾雄蛾、草地贪夜蛾雌蛾和甜菜夜蛾雌蛾。【结论】本研究结果不仅为草地贪夜蛾雄蛾鉴定提供了新的前翅特征,还首次为雄蛾鉴定提供了非翅面特征和为雌蛾鉴定提供了前翅特征,也筛选了新的雄性外生殖器特征和雌性交配囊特征,对我国夜蛾科昆虫生殖器研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
俗话说":一目生九子,连母十个样"。所以,每个学生由于先天因素和后天因素导致了他们间存在着个体差异,有多少学生就有多少个独特的世界。面对学生个体差异,作为教师,在提升自身理念和能力的同时,还要采取各种措施和方法提高教学效率,满足不同层次学生的学习发展需要,使每个学生都能得到充分地发展。  相似文献   
经引种栽培,作者观察研究了野生掌叶复盆子(Rubus chingii Hu)的栽培性状,包括植株形态、花果期、产量、果实大小等。通过对11个单株个体性状的统计分析,发现在单株产量、可育花比例、果实大小方面个体间差异极大。认为掌叶复盆子适合驯化栽培,野生种群中有很大的选优潜力。  相似文献   
背景:卡马西平(carbamazepine,CMZP)主要由CYP3A酶家族代谢,其代谢酶主要包括CYP3A5。本研究探讨了CYP3A5基因多态性与卡马西平血清浓度(CMZP)之间的关系,对个体化药物治疗的开展具有十分积极的意义。目的:CYP3A5*3的基因型可以影响CYP3A药物的药代动力学。本研究旨在评估CYP3A基因多态性对癫痫患者血清卡马西平稳态浓度及其代谢物水平的影响。方法:研究共纳入278例患者,检测个体卡马西平的血清浓度及CYP3A5基因型,并探讨CYP3A5基因型对卡马西平稳态血药浓度的影响。结果:根据基因型分为成CYP3A5表达组(CYP3A5*1/*1和CYP3A5*1/*3)和非表达组(CYP3A5*3/*3)两组。278例患者中120例为CYP3A5表达组,158例患者为CYP3A5非表达组。CYP3A5非表达组的总卡马西平剂量和剂量标准化后的卡马西平血清浓度均高于CYP3A5表达组(P=0.608和P=0.000)。CYP3A5表达组中卡马西平环氧化物浓度更高(P=0.000),但这两组间的血清药物浓度无显著差异(P=0.090)。结论:CYP3A5*3基因多态性与卡马西平的血清浓度之间有密切的关系。CYP3A5基因影响了卡马西平血药浓度水平和代谢过程,其可能是导致卡马西平在癫痫患者中个体变异的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
昆虫的产卵是昆虫生物学最重要的内容之一,雌虫产卵量的多少受多种环境因素和雌虫个体因素的影响。本文从环境因素和个体因素两方面综述了影响雌虫产卵量的因素,包括温度、湿度、光照、温室气体、食物、密度、音乐、个体体型、交配、滞育等,分析了各因素影响产卵量的原因及其规律,并提出了未来的研究发展方向。不仅丰富了昆虫繁殖生物学的内容,也为田间害虫和室内养殖昆虫管理过程中的数量预测以及种群调控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
【目的】草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是新入侵我国的迁飞性害虫,为了筛选出有效和不易受损的形态鉴别特征。【方法】本研究运用比较形态学和外生殖器解剖技术,筛选稳定、可靠的外部形态特征,描述雌雄外生殖器特征。【结果】草地贪夜蛾的大小等21个外形特征在不同个体间存在差异,不适合用于草地贪夜蛾的准确鉴定。新筛选的翅基部黑斑等4个前翅特征,下唇须节黑色横带、前足胫节密被长鳞片、前足跗节黑色、腹部腹面黑斑、肩板颜色均一、前足基节内侧长毛6个非翅面外形特征在草地贪夜蛾个体间稳定,其中前翅中部倾斜的椭圆环形斑等4个特征、颜色均一肩板等5个特征、环形斑内部颜色特征分别存在于草地贪夜蛾雌雄蛾、雄蛾和雌蛾中。新筛选的外形特征可分别用于准确区别草地贪夜蛾与斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾。新描述了阳茎基环长大于宽等6个雄性外生殖器特征和囊导管基部明显宽于端部等4个雌性交配囊特征,其中3个雄性外生殖器特征和3个雌性交配囊特征可分别用于准确鉴定草地贪夜蛾和斜纹夜蛾雄蛾、草地贪夜蛾雌蛾和甜菜夜蛾雌蛾。【结论】本研究结果不仅为草地贪夜蛾雄蛾鉴定提供了新的前翅特征,还首次为雄蛾鉴定提供了非翅面特征和为雌蛾鉴定提供了前翅特征,也筛选了新的雄性外生殖器特征和雌性交配囊特征,对我国夜蛾科昆虫生殖器研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
The past decade has seen an extraordinary rise in the number of papers devoted to the study of consistent individual differences in behavior, termed variably as "personality", "behavioral types", "temperament", "cor related phenotypes", and/or "behavioral syndromes". In earnest, the acceleration of this field was initiated by a handful of reviews that focused on the ecological and evolutionary implications of personality,  相似文献   
Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of studies devoted to consistent individual differences in behavior, termed "behavioral syndromes" or animal "personality". In particular, ecologists and evolutionary biologists alike seek to explore the functional consequences of individuals' personalities and explanations for their general maintenance. Understand ing the mechanistic underpinnings to personality is arguably key to a deeper understanding of their functional consequences and maintenance. In particular, consistent individual differences in metabolic rate have been proposed as a general explanation for the maintenance of consistent individual differences in boldness, aggressiveness, and activity level. In this paper we explore whether consistent individual differences in boldness are associated with heat rate, a proxy for metabolic rate, in two species of orbweaving spider: Larinioides cornutus and L. patagiatus. We first documented consistent individual differences in boldness in L. cornutus but not L. patagiatus, as estimated by individuals' latency to resume movement following an aversive stimulus. We also measured individuals' heart rate twice in a separate situation. We then tested for an association between individuals' boldness and their heart rate during these two events. We found that increased boldness was associated with increased heart. Thus, indi viduals that resumed movement quickly following an aversive stimulus also exhibited faster heart rates. Our studies provide fur ther evidence that consistent individual differences in key physiological attributes, like metabolic rate, might be a general mecha nism underlying consistent individual differences in behavior .  相似文献   
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