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Acylgalactosylceramides (AGC) from forebrains of normal and dysmyelinating (quaking and shiverer) mice were purified by Florisil column chromatography and preparative TLC. These procedures resolved the AGC on the basis of their Rf values into two main fractions which co-nigrate with their homologs from rat forebrains. In control animals, AGC were detectable in mouse forebrains from the eighth postnatal day and reached maximal values within 20 days. The same developmental pattern was obtained in dysmyelinating shiverer mice but the AGC content was reduced to approximately 30% of control values. In quaking mutants, the AGC were hardly detected. They were also present in sciatic nerve of normal mice and to a lesser extent in trembler mice. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of both ester- and amide-linked fatty acids isolated from AGC of normal and shiverer mice shows that the shiverer mutant AGC display a chemical structure similar to that of normal AGC. AGC constituents of control myelin are reduced by approximately 70% in shiverer myelin, indicating that these molecules can be considered as early markers of oligodendrocyte differentiation. The early arrest of myelinogenesis in the quaking animals and the near absence of AGC are in good agreement with this proposal. Moreover, the reduced amount of AGC in the trembler PNS indicates that AGC could also be early markers for differentiation of the Schwann cell.  相似文献   
Abstract: Myelin basic protein (MBP) is a highly heterogeneous family of membrane proteins consisting of several isoforms resulting from alternative splicing and charge isomers arising from posttranslational modifications. Although well characterized in the bovine and human species, those in the mouse are not. With the availability of a number of transgenic and knockout mice, the need to understand the chemical nature of the MBPs has become very important. To isolate and characterize the MBP species in murine brain, two methods were adapted for use with the small amounts of MBP available from mice. The first was a scaled-down version of the preparative CM-52 chromatographic system commonly used to isolate MBP charge isomers; the second was an alkaline-urea slab gel technique that required five times less material than the conventional tube gel system and, from these gels, western blots were readily obtained. Murine MBP was resolved into two populations of charge isomers: the 18.5- and 14-kDa isoforms. Isolation and characterization of these charge isomers or components permitted us to assign possible posttranslational modifications to some of them. Component 1 (C-1), the most cationic isomer, had a molecular weight of 14,140.38 ± 0.79. C-2 consisted of two 14-kDa species, 14,136.37 ± 0.74 and 14,204.45 ± 0.70. Two variants, 14,215.57 ± 0.94 and 18,413.57 ± 0.76, constituted C-3. C-4, C-5, and C-8 (the least cationic isomer) each consisted of both 14- and 18.5-kDa isoforms. During myelinogenesis, the 18.5-kDa isoform appeared first (day 4); the 14-kDa isoform appeared at day 16 and subsequently became the dominant isoform. The transgenic shiverer mutant synthesized mainly the 18.5-kDa isoform, but none of the 14-kDa isoform, similar to the 4-day-old mouse. We concluded that the trangenic shiverer was able to initiate myelinogenesis with the 18.5-kDa isoform, but was unable to complete myelinogenesis because of the absence of the 14-kDa isoform.  相似文献   
Abstract: Glycoproteins from central nervous system myelin were evaluated for developmental alterations in their carbohydrate composition by autoradiographic analysis of radioiodinated lectin binding after separation by high-resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate-pore gradient slab gel electrophoresis (SDS-PGE). Sixteen lectin-binding components were assessed in highly purified myelin preparations from 15-day, 18-day, and adult rat brains, using the lectins Triticum vulgaris (wheat germ agglutinin) and Ulex europeus (gorse agglutinin I). Developmental changes in lectin binding for individual glycoproteins were evaluated semiquantitatively by comparing densitometric scans of the auto radiographs. Both increases and decreases in lectin binding for individual components were observed as a consequence of development, as well as the appearance and disappearance of lectin binding to three low-molecular-weight components. No changes in electrophoretic mobility and hence glycoprotein molecular weight were observed in any components when using these lectins. These developmental changes in lectin binding suggest that increases in glycoprotein (receptor) density occur, as well as an elaboration of oligosaccharide branching for individual glycoproteins. In addition, the appearance of a new glycoprotein in the adult myelin membrane could imply a new functional role not present in the immature membrane. These observations suggest that dynamic alterations of myelin-associated glycoproteins occur during development. Such developmental regulation of membrane glycoproteins increases the significance of their potential role in myelination and myelin maintenance.  相似文献   
Abstract: Snell dwarf mice (dw) showed a lower CNPase activity (59% of the normal controls) only in the cerebrum among different parts of the CNS, and a strikingly reduced level of spontaneous locomotion activity with an indistinct diurnal periodicity in a 24-h record at 40 days of age. Daily administration of bGH and T4 to the dwarfs during the first 40 days of postnatal life restored CNPase activity to the level of the normal controls, and was accompanied by normalization of the pattern of spontaneous locomotion activity. Daily administration of bGH alone also restored CNPase activity and spontaneous locomotion, but to a lesser extent. The daily administration of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) alone, however, failed to restore CNPase activity, in spite of the fact that the thyroid glands of the TSH-treated dwarfs were indistinguishable from the normal controls in organization and appearance. These results indicate that the restoration of both the retarded myelinogenesis and abnormal behavior of the Snell dwarf mice might essentially depend upon GH levels and the synergistic effects of T4.  相似文献   
Galactolipid metabolism was investigated as a function of development in primary cultures initiated from 19-21-day-old dissociated fetal rat brain. Significant amounts of galactocerebrosides, sulfatides, and monogalactosylglycerides were synthesized and accumulated by 8 days in culture. Thereafter the synthetic rates and levels of these galactolipids increased rapidly, reaching maximal values approximately 22-29 days in culture. Galactolipids containing nonhydroxy or 2-hydroxy fatty acid were both synthesized at approximately equal rates. The initial rates of synthesis, investigated at 15, 29, and 50 days in culture, were three- to fivefold higher for galactocerebrosides than for sulfatides and two- to threefold higher than for monogalactosylglycerides. The total number of cells staining with antisera against galactocerebroside of sulfatide also increased very rapidly between 8 and 22 days in culture, reaching levels of 4-5 million cells per seeded fetal brain. The amount of galactocerebroside or sulfatide per cell stained with the corresponding antiserum increased severalfold from 10 to 27 days in culture and remained high until at least 36 days in culture (the latest time point examined). Thus, the temporal expression of galactolipid accumulation in the cell cultures was comparable to that occurring in rat brain, but some important quantitative reductions in the levels of accumulation per cell in culture were noted. In addition, in contrast to normal brain in which galactolipid synthetic rates are reduced after the period of most active myelination, in culture both synthesis and turnover of these galactolipids remained high, suggestive of a partial arrest in myelin maturation.  相似文献   
Expression of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) was examined in the nuclei and polysomes of 12-27-day-old quaking, jimpy, and shiverer mouse brains and in 2-27-day-old normal brains and compared with expression of the myelin basic proteins (MBPs). Northern blots showed the presence of multiple mouse PLP RNAs, the developmental expression of which coincided with myelination. Two major mouse PLP RNAs, 3.5 and 2.6 kilobases in length, were observed in both cytoplasmic polyribosomes and nuclei, and, in addition, a larger 4.6-kilobase PLP RNA was observed in nuclei. Quantitative measurements with slot blot analyses showed that the levels of PLP and MBP RNAs peaked simultaneously at 18 days in nuclei but that maximal levels of PLP RNA lagged behind MBP RNA by several days in the polysomes. The developmental expression of both major classes of myelin protein mRNAs was affected in all three mutants. In shiverer brains, the levels of PLP mRNA in polysomes and nuclei were only 30-55% of control levels after 15 days. Thus, the deletion of a portion of the MBP gene appeared to have a major effect on the expression of the PLP gene in this mutant. In jimpy mice, where the mutation has been shown to involve the PLP gene, expression of MBP mRNA was also severely reduced, to less than 25% of control values. In quaking brains, the expression of each gene followed its own developmental course, different from each other and different from the normal mouse. The extent to which the expression of PLP and MBP was affected by the quaking mutation depended on the age at which it was examined.  相似文献   
Mice affected by the autosomal dominant Trembler mutation exhibit a severe hypomyelinization of the PNS. Previous biochemical studies have shown that the accumulation of the major PNS myelin proteins, P0 and myelin basic protein (MBP), is strongly diminished in Trembler sciatic nerves during postnatal development. We performed Northern blots which showed that the size of mRNA species for P0 and MBP in normal and mutant mice are indistinguishable. Densitometric analysis of Northern blots showed that, in normal mice, the proportion of P0 mRNA increases up to the 12th day, then decreases slowly. At day 40, the proportion is 60% of the maximal value. In the mutant, the proportion of P0 mRNA increases up to the 12th day and then decreases much faster than in the control. At days 12 and 40, the P0 mRNA proportion measured in Trembler sciatic nerves represents only 40% and 7%, respectively, of the proportion measured in control littermates. The MBP mRNA proportion in the normal mice increases up to the 16th day, and then decreases to attain 45% of the maximum level at day 40. In the Trembler mouse, there is a maximum level at day 12, representing 25% of the normal level, but the MBP mRNA is barely detectable at days 8 or 40. Thus, these data seem to indicate that in the Trembler sciatic nerves, the proportions of P0 and MBP mRNAs are too small to allow the synthesis of normal levels of the corresponding proteins.  相似文献   
Summary The development of the egg envelope and its incorporation into the larval cuticle of the polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa, was studied by correlative scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The mature egg possesses an envelope composed of five zones including an outer granular zone formed by the tips of the egg microvilli. The formation of the granules is described and their functions are discussed. The entire egg envelope is retained as the larval cuticle up to the 16 h trochophore stage. From this stage to about the 60 h larval stage, the envelope is gradually lost and replaced by a cuticle consisting of branching microvilli. The cuticle of the 20 day larva is composed of highly branching microvilli penetrating a homogeneous electron opaque cuticle. The possible functions of the cuticle among the Annelida are discussed.We thank Mrs. P.A. Linley, Mr. R. Koss, and Mr. G.D. Braybrook for technical assistance. Special appreciation is extended to Dr. Edward Ruppert for his contributions to many stimulating discussions during the course of this investigation. This study was partially supported by a National Research Council of Canada grant to F.S. ChiaContribution No. 76, Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc.  相似文献   
The occurrence and regulation by thyroid hormone of four protein kinases (cyclic AMP independent and dependent, calcium/calmodulin stimulated, and calcium/phosphatidyl serine stimulated protein kinases) was studied in primary cultures of cells dissociated from embryonic mouse brain. Serum from a thyroidectomized calf, which contained low levels of L-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine, T3 (<25 ng/100 ml), and thyroxine, T4 (<1 g/100 ml) was used in the culture medium in place of normal calf-serum (T3, 130 ng/100 ml; T4 5.9 g/100 ml) to render the cultures responsive to exogenously added T3. Cultures grown in hypothyroid calf-serum containing medium had less cAMP dependent and independent protein kinase activity than control cultures grown in normal calf-serum containing medium. However, this activity was restorable to a considerable degree if the cultures grown in hypothyroid calf serum containing medium were supplemented with L-3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3). The presence of calcium/calmodulin stimulated protein kinase was also distinctly observed. In comparison, the activity of calcium/phosphatidyl serine stimulated protein kinase was less than the other protein kinases.  相似文献   
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