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我国构建世界第一张人类器官蛋白质组“蓝图”;中科院发现新的肿瘤调控蛋白;高致病性蓝耳病灭活疫苗研制取得了突破性进展;台湾成大医院发表干细胞再生心脏细胞研究成果;试管内成功再现抑制mRNA翻译的过程;  相似文献   
Aims Fractal root system is phenotypic plasticity result of plant root architecture to respond to environmental heterogeneity, may reflect the growth strategy of plants to adapt to environmental conditions. Our objective was to explore the relationship between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance of fractal root system of Melica przewalskyi population in response to aspect variation in the northwest of China. Methods The study site was located in a degraded alpine grassland on the northern slope in Qilian Mountains, Gansu Province, China. Survey and sampling were carried out at 40 plots which were set up along four slope aspects transects with 20 m distance between adjacent plots. Handheld GPS was used to determine the elevation, longitude and latitude of each plot. ArcGIS was used to set up digital elevation model (DEM). Community traits were investigated and six individuals roots of M. przewalskyi were collected randomly at each plot. The samples were cleaned and divided into different organs, then scanning the root with the Win-RHIZO for measurements of fractal dimension and fractal abundance in laboratory, and their biomass were then measured after being dried at 80 °C in an oven. Important findings With the slope aspect turned from north to east, west, and south, the density, height and soil moisture content of the plant community displayed a pattern of initial decline, the height, density, root fractal abundance of M. przewalskyi increased and the root fractal dimension decreased. The root fractal dimension was negatively associated with the fractal abundance in all aspects, but the relationship varied along the slope aspects gradient; there was a highly significant negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance at north slope and south slope aspect, whereas the correlation only reached a significant level (p < 0.05) at the east slope aspect and west slope aspect; indicating that there is a trade-off between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance. In addition, when the slope aspect changed from north to east, west and south, the standardized major axis (SMA) slope of the regression equation in the scaling relationships between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance increased (p < 0.05), indicating that the roots of M. przewalskyi at the droughty southern slope have less branch and more sparse in the same soil volume of root exploitation and utilization. Consequently, the resource allocation pattern on reasonable trade-off between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance in different slope aspect of M. przewalskyi, reflects the relationship between the income and the cost of construction of plant root architecture.  相似文献   
系统分析兴山古洞口下奥陶统,包括南津关组、分乡组、红花园组及大湾组底部的几丁虫微体生物化石。鉴定几丁虫5属14种,含早奥陶世特征种Eremochitina baculata,早中奥陶世常见种Conochitina decipiens,以及华南上扬子区早奥陶世常见属种Euconochitina fenxiangensis和Lagenochitina chongqingensis。E.baculata是北冈瓦纳地区弗洛早中期的特征带化石,本文的材料为该种在华南的首次确切报道,且产出层位略低,为特马豆克期。在华南,常见于特马豆克晚期的带化石Euconochitina symmetrica在该剖面的同时段地层中暂未被发现,但形态上与之高度相似的Euconochitina fenxiangensis在该时段大量出现。比较以往发表的数据后发现,E.fenxiangensis在华南的分布广泛且产出层位较为稳定,较之E.symmetrica更易获得,或可将其作为特马豆克晚期至弗洛初期区域内地层对比的一个有效卡尺。  相似文献   
新疆绿蟾蜍的染色体组型初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴敏  赵亚江 《动物学研究》1987,8(4):339-342
近年来,有关两栖类的染色体组型已有不少报道。无尾两栖类中蜍蟾属(Bufo)的染色体数目分为两类:2n=22和2n=20(Blain,1972)。我们对采自新疆4个地区的绿蟾蜍进行了染色体组型分析,发现其二倍体细胞染色体数均为44,是四倍体。现将我们的初步研究报道如下。  相似文献   
莫新礼  钟业聪   《广西植物》1987,(4):287-291
<正> 小乔木。树高4—8米,嫩枝被灰黄色至黄褐色疏长毛。芽微小,倒卵形,密被灰黄色长柔毛。叶革质,狭椭圆形或披针状椭圆形,长(7)10—14厘米,宽(2)3—4厘米,先端尾状渐尖,尖尾长1—2.5厘米,基部阔楔形,表面无毛,背面沿叶脉上有疏长毛,叶片干后两面密布小瘤凸,叶缘1/2—2/3以上有细锯齿,近基部全缘,叶柄长1—1.5厘米,被疏长毛。花单生枝顶,花柄极短至近无柄,开花时直经3—4(5)厘米,苞片和萼片不分化,8—10枚,外面密被银灰色至灰黄色绢毛,里面无毛,质脆易碎;花辦淡黄白色,倒卵形至阔倒  相似文献   
陈秀香   《广西植物》1987,(4):301-302
几年来,我所在中草药资源调查工作中,发现一些我国及广西未曾记录过的植物,现整理成文,以供有关部门参考。本文引用的标本均收藏在广西中医药研究所植物标本室(GXMI)。 山椒子水番挑(博白)番落技科Annonaceae Uvar花a grandiflora Roxb.in FI.Ind.2:665.1524;李秉滔,植物分类学报14(1):98.2976,蒋英,李秉滔,中国植物志30(2):26,图版10. 1979。 广西东南部:博白县,浪平公社,水库边1971年5月9日,王鉴均2247外北流县,隆盛公社,天堂,坡地疏林中,1977年9月26日北流调查队8一44口7。 分布:广东南部,广西东南部;印度、缅甸、泰国、越南、马来…  相似文献   
河南淅川始新世核桃园组兔类化石   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
这里记述了河南淅川核桃园组中两种始新世兔类:石皮沟壮兔 (Strenulagus shipigouensis gen. et sp. nov.) 和丹江卢氏兔 (Lushilagus danjiangensis sp. ov.).从这些原始兔类标本上似可证实:上前臼齿和臼齿的中央主尖分别相当于前尖(或并尖)和后尖;两者的舌侧沟(次沟)似乎不同源.兔类上臼齿上的外凹、釉质圆环和舌侧沟的出现,是与三角座和跟座之间沟的形变密切相关.  相似文献   
草芍药,野牡丹和黄牡丹的核型研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
本文报道了国产芍药属(Paeonia L.)植物草芍药、野牡丹和黄牡丹的染色体数目及核型,均为2n=10=6m 2sm 2st,它们分别具2、3和4对次缢痕,所具次缢痕的数目和位置可以作三种核型的区别特征。  相似文献   
黄山北草核的核型和G带带型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭超文  董永文 《遗传》1989,11(1):18-20
本文研究了北草晰的核型和G带带型,结果表明,北草蝴的染色体数2。二38,由18对常染色休和 1对性染色休组成.常染色体可分成三组:1组有2对染色体;11组包括15对染色体;而川组仅含 1对微小染色体。性染色体为ZW型.这个种的染色体均为端部着丝粒,其AN二38包括1对Z染色 体),从核型特征上看,可能是晰蝎类中较原始的种。从G带显示结果可见,北草晰的各染色体对均有 其特有的带型,容易辨别。  相似文献   
红豆草根瘤侵染细胞的超微结构变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
红豆草(Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.)是一种抗旱、耐寒、耐热和耐瘠薄的优良豆科牧草,不仅是很好的饲料和绿肥,而且还能大量结瘤固氮,提高土地肥力。因此,它在我国甘肃和其他北方干旱和半干旱贫瘠地区广为种植。虽然不少学者曾对它的引种条件、生产性能、营养成分和形态解剖作过许多研究,但对其共生固氮,特别是与共生固氮息息相关的根瘤在发育中的变化却至今尚无系统报道。因此,为了更好开发利用这一资源,  相似文献   
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