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ABSTRACT. Studies were completed on the natural population density of Paramecium bursaria syngen 1 and on the life cycle stages to which the individuals belonged. Green paramecia were collected from two streams once every 20 days for over one year: 413 individuals on 26 collection dates in Mikumarikyo stream and 83 individuals on 23 collection dates in Momijidani-gawa stream. Individuals in nature did not maintain at a steady density but fluctuated greatly depending on the month. It seems that conjugation occurred from April to June in the Mikumarikyo stream and from May to June in the Momijidani-gawa stream. The appearance of individuals with mating ability might be related closely to increasing population so that sexual reproduction probably occurred near the peak of the population density. The 413 individuals from Mikumarikyo stream were examined to determine their position within the life cycle; 309 (74%) were immature, 55 (13%) were adolescent, and 49 (12%) were mature. No senile individuals were observed. The fraction of individuals with mating ability was generally less than 30% at any collection. Four mating types were observed occurring with about equal frequencies in mature individuals. The results show the frequencies of the recessive genes for mating types (a and b) are higher than for dominant genes (A and B). Of 83 individuals from Momijidani-gawa stream, 44 (52%) were immature, 21 (25%) were adolescent, and 18 (21%) were mature. Again, no senile individuals were observed. Because only two mating types were found, II and III (genotypes aaB- and aabb), it seems possible that the dominant gene A was rare or absent in the Momijidani-gawa population.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Response of Chlamydomonas to temperature change was investigated. When the temperature of the medium was suddenly increased (decreased) the abrupt velocity rise (drop) was observed. This abrupt velocity change was induced immediately after the temperature change. Then, the high (low) level of the velocity was maintained for a few minutes. Finally the velocity decreased (increased), tending to a stationary level at the new temperature with the decay time of a few minutes. The rate of the temperature change determined the magnitude of response. The threshold value was found in the rate of the temperature change to produce the transient change of the velocity. It was ∼ 0.2 C/sec.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Dynein arms and isolated dynein from Paramecium tetraurelia ciliary axonemes are comparable in structure, direction of force generation, and microtubule translocation ability to other dyneins. In situ arms have dimensions and substructure similar to those of Tetrahymena. Based on spoke arrangement in intact axonemes, arms translocate axonemal microtubules in sliding such that active dynein arms are (-) end directed motors and the doublet to which the body and cape of the arms binds (N) translocates the adjacent doublet (N+1) upward. After salt extraction, based on ATPase activity, paramecium dynein is found as a 22S and a 14S species. the 22S dynein is a three-headed molecule that has unfolded from the in situ dimensions; the 14S dynein is single headed. Both dyneins can be photocleaved by UV light (350 nm) in the presence of Mg2-, ATP and vanadate; the photocleavage pattern of 22S dynein differs from that seen with Tetrahymena. Both isolated dyneins translocate taxol-stabilized, bovine brain microtubules in vitro. Under standard conditions, 22S dynein, like comparable dyneins from other organisms, translocates at velocities that are about three times faster than 14S dynein.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , showed marked decrease in respiration, and arrested movement after interaction with the fixed eggs. Immotile spermatozoa that had reacted with fixed eggs contained higher levels of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs than normal motile spermatozoa. On treatment with carnitine, the immotile spermatozoa became motile again and their intracellular concentrations of long chain fatty acyl-CoAs decreased. On incubation with anti-mycin A or CN for 20 min, the motility of normal spermatozoa decreased gradually but their long chain fatty acyl-CoA content changed only slightly. The decrease in sperm motility in the latter case was probably due to decrease in the level of ATP, resulting from inhibition of respiration by antimycin A or CN. The motility of spermatozoa extracted with Triton X-100 was restored by ATP and their movement was inhibited by long chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as myristoly CoA and palmitoyl-CoA, but was not by short chain fatty acyl-CoAs, such as acetyl-CoA, propionyl CoA and butyryl-CoA. Na-palmitate, Na-myristate and CoA did not inhibit the reactivation of extracted spermatozoa by ATP.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Tetrahymena thermophila mutants homozygous for the oad mutation become nonmotile when grown at the restrictive temperature of 39° C. Axonemes isolated from nonmotile oad mutants ( oad 39° C axonemes) lack approximately 90% of their outer dynein arms and are deficient in 22S dynein. Here we report that oad 39° C axonemes contain 40% of the 22S dynein heavy chains that wild-type axonemes contain and that oad axonemes do not undergo ATP-induced microtubule sliding in vitro. Wild-type 22S dynein will bind to the outer arm position in oad axonemes and restore ATP-induced microtubule sliding in those axonemes. Unlike wild-type 22S dynein, oad 22S dynein does not bind to the outer arm position in oad axonemes. These data indicate that the oad mutation affects some component of the outer arm dynein itself rather than the outer arm dynein binding site. These data also indicate that oad axonemes can be used to assay outer dynein arm function.  相似文献   
Methods for inducing selfing, and the relation between selfing and the life cycle of Euplotes woodruffi syngen 3 are reported. Three intercrossing stocks were used in this experiment. Selfing was induced with several treatments as follows: cell-free fluid from the cultures of complementary mating types; intact cells of GI or S phase in the cell cycle; heat-killed cells, and lysed cells of GI-, S-, and D-phase cells which were prepared by freeze-thawing. Stock SJ-27 was used as a parental stock from which Fl clones were originated through selfing. The other two stocks, SJ-8 and SJ-19, were used as testers. The period of immaturity varied from clone to clone. The heterotypic conjugation of clones with cells of stock SJ-8 seems to occur earlier in the life cycle than with cells of stock SJ-19. This result shows that this syngen has an adolescent period in the life cycle. The length of selfing immaturity seems to be different from that of crossing immaturity, and selfing appeared slightly later than crossing with testers. But the clones in which selfing 1st occurred are considered to be in adolescence or maturity, not in senility. Once selfing appeared in any clone, the clone continued to produce selfing pairs till just before clonal death. The viability of selfing and of outcrossing were compared and found not significantly different. Inbreeding depression took place in some of the F2 clones by successive selfing. The viability of F2 clones from young parents was significantly higher than that from old parents (220 to 230 fissions) both in selfing and outcrossing. The total life spans which were studied in three F1 clones were 168 to 264 fissions.  相似文献   
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