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The p53 gene encodes a 393 amino acid nuclear phosphoprotein that appears to act as a cell cycle checkpoint, possibly by transactivating other target genes. Abnormalities of the p53 gene are common in a wide range of human tumours and are associated in many cases with immunologically detectable p53 protein. Detection of p53 immunoreactivity is uncommon in normal cells, but is frequently seen in neoplasia. Here we define the optimum conditions for the detection of p53 immunoreactivity in cytological material, including fixation and storage. Immersion in acetone-methanol for 10 min is optimal, and after air drying, smears or cytospin preparations can be stored at - 70°C for at least 6 months. We describe the range of controls necessary, including the use of positive control cell lines with known mutations of the p53 gene and defined abnormalities of p53 protein. Negative controls should include cell lines (or strains) with no p53 abnormality as well as the conventional negative immunological controls. It is only with these technical caveats and controls that p53 immunoreactivity can be performed reliably on cytological specimens. Le géne p53 code pour une phosphoprotéine nucléaire de 393 acides aminés qui semble jouer en rôle dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire, probablement par transactivation d'autres gènes cibles. Les anomalies du gène p53 sont présentes dans un large éventail de tumeurs humaines et sont associées a la présence d'une protéine p53 détectable immunologiquement. La détection d'une immunoréactivité anti p53 est rare dans les cellules normales alors qu'elle est fréquente dans les tumeurs. Nous avons défini dans ce travail les conditions optimales pour la détection de l'immunoréactivité anti p53 sur matériel cytologique, y compris les conditions de fixation et de conservation. L'immersion dans l'acétone-méthanol pendant 10 minutes est optimale. Aprés séchage à l'air, les frottis ou les préparations par cytocentrifugation peuvent être stockés à—70°C pendant au moins 6 mois. Nous décrivons aussi l'éventail des contrôles nécessaires incluant I'utilisation, comme contrôle positif, de lignées cellulaires avec des mutations connues du gène p53 et des anomalies définies de la protéine p53. Les contrôles négatifs doivent comporter des lignées cellulaires (ou des espèces) sans anomalie de p53 ainsi que les contrôles immunologiques négatifs convrentionnels. C'est seulement lorsque ces précautions techniques et ces contrôles sont respectés que l'immunoréactivité anti p53 peut être étudiée valablement sur les prélèvements cytologiques. Das p53 kodiert ein aus 393 Aminosären bestehendes Phosphoprotein, das offensichtlich den Zellzyklus blockiert, möglicherweise durch Aktivierung anderer Gene. Veränderungen des p53-Gens wurden in zahlreichen menschlischen Tumoren nachgewiesen, sodaß eine positive Reaktion in Neoplasien häufig, in Normalzellen jedoch ungewöhnlich ist. Die optimalen Bedingungen für den p53-Nachweis in cytologischem Material werden hinsichtlich Fixation und Lagerung untersucht. Eine 10minütige Aceton-Methanol-Fixierung mit anschlies-sender Lufttrocknung erlaubt die Lagerung von Ausstrichen und Cytozentrifugen-präparaten bei - 70°C für mindestens 6 Monate. Die erforderlichen Kontrollen einschließlich positiver Zellinien mit bekannten Mutationen des p53-Gens und definierten Anomalien des Proteins werden beschrieben. Negativkontrollen sollten Zellinien ohne p53-Anomalie ebenso umfassen wie die üblichen negativen immunologischen Kontrollen. Nur unter diesen Bedingungen ist ein zuverlässiger Nachweis von p53 mögloch.  相似文献   
We compare the performances of local and global rules for smoothingparameter choice, in terms of asymptotic mean squared errorsof the resulting estimators. In some instances there is surprisinglylittle to choose between local and global approaches; our analysisidentifies contexts where the differences are small or large.This work motivates development of smoothing rules that forma ‘half-way house’ between local and global smoothing.There, interpolation provides a basis for partial local smoothing.A key result shows that interpolation on even a coarse gridcan produce a very good approximation to full local smoothing.Our theoretical and numerical results lead us to suggest linearinterpolation of a bandwidth obtained by integral approximationson discrete intervals.  相似文献   
A water flux model, which assumes that the dynamic functioning of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum may be described by a series of steady states, was examined as a means for interpreting leaf water potential measurements in ‘Valencia’ orange trees (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck). According to the model, leaf water potential should be related to transpirational flux, which in this experiment was estimated by the ratio of vapor pressure deficit of the atmosphere to leaf diffusion resistance (VPD/rleaf). Leaf water potentials decreased in a specific relationship with increasing values of VPD/rleaf provided that soil water was adequate and soil temperature was not too low, but regardless of season of the year or climatic or edaphic differences among 3 field locations. When soil water tensions exceeded 0.3 bar or when soil temperatures were lower than 15°C, deviations from the model occurred in the form of more negative leaf water potentials than predicted by VPD/rleaf. The model predicts from simple measurements made on intact plants that these differences were due to the modification of flow resistances by cool temperatures and the modification of both resistances and the potential of water at the source in the case of soil water depletion. The model may be a useful tool for interpreting plant water potential data under contrasting environmental conditions.  相似文献   
The relationships between changes in WSD,2 stomatal resistance,and hormone levels during stress and stress recovery have beeninvestigated in a perennial plant, Populus robusta, over anextended stress period, involving a number of stress cyclesof differing duration. There were marked increases in WSD, stomatal resistance, freeABA levels, and ethylene levels in leaves and stems during stressimposition. However, during stress recovery, WSD declined mostrapidly, while decreases in other parameters were related tothe duration of the preceding stress. In general, the declinein stomatal resistance and free ABA levels to control valueswas protracted. Although there were increases in bound ABA levels,above control values, there was no close correlation with changesin free ABA levels. The concentrations of bound ABA observedin the latter phases of these experiments were higher than freelevels. No clear pattern of change in IAA concentration emerged in responseto stress or stress recovery. Although ethylene concentrations rise in response to initialstress imposition and fall during relief, subsequent stressand stress relief periods were without significant effect. The results are discussed in relation to the role of endogenousgrowth regulators in the response of plants to stress and inparticular the fate of stress-induced ABA.  相似文献   
On nonparametric multivariate binary discrimination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HALL  PETER 《Biometrika》1981,68(1):287-294
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