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1. Fish community structure and habitat distribution of the abundant species roach, perch and ruffe were studied in Lake Nordborg (Denmark) before (August 2006) and after (August 2007) aluminium treatment to reduce internal phosphorus loading. 2. Rapid changes in fish community structure, abundance and habitat distribution occurred following a decline in in‐lake phosphorus concentrations from 280 to 37 μg P L?1 and an increase in Secchi depth transparency from 1.1 to 1.9 m (August). The proportion of perch in overnight gill net catches increased, whilst roach decreased, and the average weight of all key species increased. 3. The habitat distribution of perch and roach changed from a high proportion in the upper pelagic and littoral zones in 2006, towards enhanced proportions in the deeper pelagic and profundal zone in 2007. The abundance of large‐bodied zooplankton increased and the abundance of benthic invertebrates decreased in the same period, suggesting that the habitat shift was not induced by food limitation. 4. Ruffe shifted from the littoral and upper profundal zones towards the deep profundal zone, likely reflecting an increased predation risk in the littoral zone and better oxygen conditions in the deep profundal. 5. Our results indicate that enhanced risk of predation in the upper pelagic and the littoral zones and perhaps improved oxygen concentrations in the deeper profundal zone at decreasing turbidity are responsible for the observed habitat shift. The results indicate that fish respond rapidly to changes in nutrient state, both in terms of community structure and habitat use.  相似文献   
1. Oligotrophic softwater lakes represent a special type of aquatic ecosystem with unique plant communities where generalisations from other aquatic plant communities to rising CO2 in the water column may not apply. 2. In the present study, we set up large in situ mesocosms and supporting laboratory experiments with isoetid vegetation (Littorella uniflora) where water column CO2 and light could be manipulated in order to test whether (i) light and CO2 availability affect nutrient concentrations in isoetid vegetation, and (ii) if changes in light and CO2 climate affect fluxes of inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from sediment to water column, which potentially could result in increased growth of epiphytic algae. 3. The results showed that the standing stocks of phosphorus and nitrogen in the L. uniflora vegetation were significantly influenced by CO2 concentration and light intensity. Both standing stocks of P and N were significantly higher in the mesocosm treatments with high CO2 concentration than in those at low CO2 concentration. Similarly, standing stocks of P and N enhanced with increasing light intensity. 4. Measurements of nutrient fluxes both in the field and the laboratory did not show any significant release of nutrients to the water column from plants or sediments at any of the light or CO2 treatments. However, mats of epiphytic algae developed from the beginning of June to late September and caused a light reduction for the isoetid vegetation. 5. Increasing CO2 concentrations in the water column may over time potentially result in a change in soft water plant communities.  相似文献   
1. The relative importance of zooplankton grazing and nutrient limitation in regulating the phytoplankton community in the non-stratified Lake Kvie, Denmark, were measured nine times during the growing season.
2. Natural phytoplankton assemblage bioassays showed increasing importance of nutrient limitation during summer. Growth rates at ambient nutrient concentrations were continually below 0.12 per day, while co-enrichment with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to above concentration-saturated conditions enhanced growth rates from May to the end of July.
3. Stoichiometric ratios of important elements in seston (C : N, C : P, N : P), in lake water (TN : TP), in external loading (TN : TP) and in internal loading (DIN : DIP) were measured to determine whether N or P could be the limiting nutrient. TN : TP molar ratio of both lake water, benthic fluxes and external loading suggested P limitation throughout the growing season. However, seston molar ratios suggested moderate P-deficiency only during mid-summer.
4. Abundance and community structure of the zooplankton varied considerably through the season and proved to be important in determining the responses of algal assemblages to grazing. High abundance of cladocerans and rotifers resulted in significant grazing impact, while cyclopoid copepods had no significant effect on the phytoplankton biomass.
5. Regeneration of ammonium and phosphate by zooplankton were periodically important for phytoplankton growth. A comparison of nutrient regeneration by zooplankton with nutrient inputs from sediment and external sources indicated that zooplankton may contribute significantly in supplying N and P for the growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
1. The vulnerability of softwater, oligotrophic lakes to eutrophication has caused the disappearance of many, if not most, of the unique isoetid plant communities. We tested whether the presence or disappearance of the isoetid Littorella uniflora (L.) could be predicted from environmental parameters, soil types and land use in the catchment area, and atmospheric nitrogen deposition. 2. We found that the topographic catchment area of a lake was an irrelevant unit to study effects of soil type and land use. Instead, using a GIS‐generated buffer zone around the lakes it proved feasible to classify 472 lakes into historical (if L. uniflora had disappeared) or recent (if L. uniflora was still present) Littorella lakes, based on soil type and land use. Our analysis showed that aeolian sand deposits and heath in the buffer zone favoured the presence of L. uniflora, whereas moraine clay and agriculture were strongly linked to the disappearance of L. uniflora. 3. However, in order to understand fully the presence or disappearance of L. uniflora, environmental data were needed in addition to soil types, land use and nitrogen deposition, and the use of discriminant analysis allowed us to classify 96% of the investigated lakes correctly into recent or historical sites. Alkalinity, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, aeolian sand deposits and heath were the most important parameters explaining the presence or disappearance of L. uniflora. Our analysis also indicated that eutrophication, rather than acidification, has likely caused the disappearance of L. uniflora from 218 of the 472 lakes investigated. 4. Our findings have widespread implications for the conservation or restoration of isoetid habitats and we recommend applying a wide buffer zone around lakes, with restrictions on farming and traditional forestry activities. In addition, our buffering concept may prove a useful tool for aquatic ecologists to investigate relationships between catchment features and organisms (plants, insects and amphibians) with aquatic as well as terrestrial life forms.  相似文献   
1. It has been hypothesised that the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) leads to a higher uptake of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) in aquatic plants, but it has never been shown experimentally without the use of fungicides. In particular, the symbiosis may be important for nutrient uptake by isoetids in oligotrophic lakes, where low concentrations of inorganic N and P both in the water and in the sediment limit the growth of plants and where symbiosis facilitates the uptake of nutrients from the sediment. 2. Plants of the isoetid Littorella uniflora were propagated under the sterile conditions without an AMF infection. The plants were then grown for 60 days with and without re‐infection by AMF, and with either high (150 μm ) or low (ambient concentration approximately 15 μm ) CO2 concentration. 3. The study proved that the symbiosis between AMF and L. uniflora had a positive impact on the retention of N and P in the plants at very low nutrient concentrations in the water and on biomass development. Shoot biomass and standing stocks of both P and N were significantly higher in re‐infected plants. 4. Raised CO2 concentration resulted in a fivefold increase in hyphal infection, but had no impact on the number of arbuscules and vesicles in the cross sections. There were significantly higher biomass and lower tissue P and N concentrations in the plants from high CO2 treatments. This resulted in similar standing stocks of P and N in plants from low and high CO2 treatments. 5. The results from this study showed that the symbiosis between AMF and L. uniflora is an important adaptation enabling isoetids to grow on nutrient‐poor sediments in oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   
Sediment columns from an oligotrophic lake were percolatedwith artificial porewater in two 46-day experiments toexamine the effects of Littorella uniflora and benthicmicroalgae on retention of phosphorus (P) by either iron(Fe) or manganese (Mn). Cumulative retention of P, Fe, andMn was 2–5 times higher in sediment with L. uniflora thanin sediment with microalgae, because of higher P uptake andmore efficient Fe and Mn oxidation by L. uniflora than bymicroalgae. Thus 34% and 21%of added P was retained in L. uniflora inhabited sediments asmetal-oxide bound P compared to 11% and2% in microalgae inhabited sediments, inexperiments supplied with Fe and Mn, respectively. Theatomic ratio of Fe/P precipitation was about 1 and forMn/P precipitation it was about 5. These ratios indicateprecipitation of Fe(III)-phosphate (strengite) and metastableMn(IV)-compounds containing phosphate and hydroxide ions invariable amounts. In addition to metal-oxide P precipitation,increased P retention in the vegetated sediment was also causedby the presence of humic acid compounds, which accountedfor about 26% of total retained P.  相似文献   
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