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Cloning of the Zea mays controlling element Ac from the wx-m7 allele   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The cloning of the controlling element Ac from the wx-m7 allele of Zea mays is described. The cloned fragment carries a 4.3 kb insertion that by restriction analysis is indistinguishable from the Ac insertion in Ac wx-m9. It is located approximately 2.5 kb upstream of the Ac wx-m9 insertion. Offprint requests to: P. Starlinger  相似文献   
The application of culture-dependent studies to quantify Fe-metabolizing microorganisms from the environment is a necessity, as there are so far no universal functional marker genes for application in culture-independent studies. Media composition can vary between studies, therefore, we determined the effects of three different growth media on the quantification (MPNs) and identity (via cloning and sequencing of dominant DGGE bands) of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers and lactate- or acetate-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducers from a lacustrine sediment: low sulphate freshwater medium (FWM), sterile filtered bicarbonate-buffered lake water (BLW) and a mixture of both (MIX). We consistently found fewer cells in the BLW than in the FWM and the MIX. The DGGE banding patterns of the microbial communities enriched in different media types clustered together according to the e? donor and acceptor couples and not according to the medium used. Thus, although the medium composition significantly influenced the quantification and thereby conclusions on the abundance and potential significance of the targeted group within the ecosystem, biodiversity assessments through enrichment cultures were less influenced by the medium, but instead were affected by the type and concentration of the e? donor/acceptor.  相似文献   
Biological Invasions - Native to the Ponto-Caspian region, the benthic round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) has invaded several European inland waterbodies as well as the North American Great Lakes...  相似文献   
The ability to taste bitterness evolved to safeguard most animals, including humans, against potentially toxic substances, thereby leading to food rejection. Nonetheless, bitter perception is subject to individual variations due to the presence of genetic functional polymorphisms in bitter taste receptor (TAS2R) genes, such as the long-known association between genetic polymorphisms in TAS2R38 and bitter taste perception of phenylthiocarbamide. Yet, due to overlaps in specificities across receptors, such associations with a single TAS2R locus are uncommon. Therefore, to investigate more complex associations, we examined taste responses to six structurally diverse compounds (absinthin, amarogentin, cascarillin, grosheimin, quassin, and quinine) in a sample of the Caucasian population. By sequencing all bitter receptor loci, inferring long-range haplotypes, mapping their effects on phenotype variation, and characterizing functionally causal allelic variants, we deciphered at the molecular level how a subjects’ genotype for the whole-family of TAS2R genes shapes variation in bitter taste perception. Within each haplotype block implicated in phenotypic variation, we provided evidence for at least one locus harboring functional polymorphic alleles, e.g. one locus for sensitivity to amarogentin, one of the most bitter natural compounds known, and two loci for sensitivity to grosheimin, one of the bitter compounds of artichoke. Our analyses revealed also, besides simple associations, complex associations of bitterness sensitivity across TAS2R loci. Indeed, even if several putative loci harbored both high- and low-sensitivity alleles, phenotypic variation depended on linkage between these alleles. When sensitive alleles for bitter compounds were maintained in the same linkage phase, genetically driven perceptual differences were obvious, e.g. for grosheimin. On the contrary, when sensitive alleles were in opposite phase, only weak genotype-phenotype associations were seen, e.g. for absinthin, the bitter principle of the beverage absinth. These findings illustrate the extent to which genetic influences on taste are complex, yet arise from both receptor activation patterns and linkage structure among receptor genes.  相似文献   
Exposure of corticoid-sensitive P1798 lymphocytes to cortisol results in inhibition of uridine uptake and incorporation with no effect on 2-deoxyglucose transport. Nucleoside uptake by corticoid-resistant cells is not affected by the hormone. Inhibition of uridine transport may play a key role in tumor regression and does not depend on reduced availability of glucose.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Pylorusanhänge (P. A.) von Asterias rubens L. wurden licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. — Die Wandung der P. A. gliedert sich in eine hohe Epithelschicht, in deren basalen Abschnitten zahlreiche Nervenfasern verlaufen, eine bindegewebige Basallamelle und ein Coelomepithel, dessen Zellen eine lockere Lage von glatten Muskelzellen und Axonen bedecken.Die Zellen des Epithels der P. A. sind mit einem dichten, gleichmäßig ausgebildeten Bürstensaum ausgestattet, ferner mit je einer langen, mit einer Wimperwurzel verbundenen Cilie (9+2-Typus), die sich in die Lichtung der Caeca erhebt. Die Wimperwurzeln besitzen eine periodische Gliederung. Vereinzelte Epithelzellen tragen ein plumperes, unregelmäßig gestaltetes Geäst von Mikrovilli. Die bereits lichtmikroskopisch wahrnehmbare zarte Streifung der Zellapices beruht auf dem Vorhandensein von parallelisierten Mikrotubuli. Starke Vesikulation der Saumzellen und das Vorhandensein pinozytotischer Bläschen an der Basis der Mikrovilli ist als Ausdruck lebhafter resorptiver Tätigkeit des Epithels der P. A. anzusehen. Vor allem in den basalen Abschnitten der Epithelzellen liegen kugelige Lipideinschlüsse, in anderen Zellen Mukopolysaccharidgranula. An der Oberfläche der Epithelzellen werden Mukopolysaccharide ausgestoßen, teilweise in Form zusammengesinterter, unregelmäßig gestalteter Bildungen. Das morphologische Äquivalent der von anderen Autoren beschriebenen sog. Zymogenkörnchen konnte mit Sicherheit nicht ermittelt werden. Intraepitheliale Sinneszellen wurden nicht beobachtet.Die nackten Axone innerhalb des Epithels der P. A. lagern sich den Basalteilen der Saumzellen an, bilden jedoch mit ihnen keine typischen, d. h. durch Membranverdickungen ausgezeichneten Synapsen. Ihr Axoplasma enthält außer Neurotubuli Bläschen mit massendichtem Inhalt, die Granula aminerger oder peptiderger Nervenfasern ähneln. Möglicherweise sind bei Asterias Nervenfasern jeweils verschiedenen Inhalts ausgebildet, da Profile von Axonen mit kleineren (1000–1200 Å Durchmesser) und größeren Granula (1200–1600 Å) nachzuweisen sind. Das Vorkommen von Ergastoplasmastrukturen und Golgimembranen in den Axonen sowie die Abschnürung von Vesikeln mit massendichtem Inhalt vom Golgiapparat spricht für eine Entstehung von Elementargranula in der Peripherie der entsprechenden Neurone. Das Bild synaptischer Bläschen kann durch entleerte Elementargranula vorgetäuscht werden.Die glatten Muskelzellen unter dem Coelomepithel stehen mit Nervenendigungen, die dense-cored vesicles enthalten, in Berührung, doch sind Synapsen mit Membranverdickungen, wie sie bei den Vertebraten angetroffen werden, nicht ausgebildet.
Summary The pyloric ceca (p. c.) of the starfish, Asterias rubens L., are investigated light- and electronmicroscopically.The wall of the p. c. consists of 1. a high columnar epithelium the basal part of which is permeated by many axons, 2. a basal lamina, 3. a loose layer of smooth muscle cells intermingled with thin nerve fibres, and 4. the coelomic epithelium. Intraepithelial sensory elements are lacking in the epithelium.The epithelial cells of the p. c. are provided with a very well developed brush border built up by microvilli of equal length and diameter. In addition each cell bears a long cilium (9 + 2 pattern) connected with a periodically structured rootlet. Only single cells are characterized by a more or less irregular seam of plump ramified microvilli. The parallel orientation of microtubules in the apical parts of the cells causes the striation already to be observed under the light microscope.The intense vesiculation of the cytoplasm and the occurrence of many pinocytotic invaginations on the basis of the brush border is considered to be the equivalent of the high absorption activity of the epithelial cells.Spheroidal lipid inclusions, mucopolysaccharide granules and large masses of unknown nature are embedded in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. Irregularly shaped mucopolysaccharide substances are extruded into the lumen of the p. c. The occurrence of so-called zymogen granules has not been observed in our material.The intraepithelial axons are closely attached to the basal parts of the epithelial cells without forming typical synapses with membrane thickenings. Apart from neurotubules, the axoplasm of these tiny fibres contains dense-cored vesicles (diameter 1000–1200 Å, 1200–1600 Å) resembling the elementary granules of aminergic and peptidergic nerve fibres. The presence of ergastoplasmic structures and Golgi membranes within the axoplasm and the gemmation of dense-cored vesicles from the Golgi apparatus speaks in favour of a peripheral elaboration of elementary granules in the axons of the starfish.The smooth muscle cells covered by the coelomic epithelium of the p. c. are in contact with axonal terminals containing dense-cored and empty vesicles. Typical synaptic structures as described for vertebrates apparently do not exist in the starfish.
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