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To study the salt-licking behavior of South China sika deer (Cervus nippon kopschi), black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifrons) and Chinese muntjac(M. reevesi), twelve artificial salt fields were set up in the Tianmushan National Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province, China.Two cameras were set up in each site to monitor the visits of deers from April 2018 to March 2019.The frequency and duration of each visits were recorded to reveal the daily salt-licking rhythm and seasonal pattern of different species, and the allometricl model was employed to test the gender differences of visitors.The results show that:(1) all the three species use artificial salt fields, but Chinese muntjac and South China sika deer have relatively high frequency of visiting;(2) The South China sika deer and black muntjac prefer to use salt fields at high and low altitude, respectively, however Chinese muntjac have no preference for altitude;(3) Chinese muntjac is a typical morning-dusk animal to visit salt fields, and South China sika deer and black muntjac mainly at dusk and night;(4) most identifiable visitors are single sex, and no more than two species appear in a same record;(5) the three species have different salt-licking patterns:South China sika deer has relatively low frequency but large quantity, black muntjac with low frequency and small quantity, and Chinese muntjac with high frequency and large quantity.Accordingly, We suggest that the wildlife management departments could set up more artificial salt fields in spring and summer, and appropriately reduce the salt bricks in autumn and winter.  相似文献   
查旦乡位于三江源腹地,生态地位极其重要,但兽类和鸟类本地资源尚未明确。本研究采用样线和样方结合法对该区域夏季兽类与鸟类多样性进行调查。共记录到到大中型兽类9种,隶属于5目5科8属,其中国家重点保护兽类4种。西藏野驴、藏原羚在区内为优势种,分别占兽类个体总数的45.5%和21.6%;鸟类11目26科44属52种,其中国家重点保护鸟类11种。鸟类中雀形目为优势种,占鸟类个体总数的81.0%。样区内兽类与鸟类物种数在不同海拔间存在显著差异(兽类:P<0.001;鸟类:P<0.001),兽类的垂直分布随海拔增加呈递减趋势,在海拔4800~4849 m段生物多样性水平最高;鸟类垂直分布格局符合向左偏移的“中峰模式”, 物种多样性指数随海拔增加而先增加后减小。本次研究掌握了查旦乡样区内夏季鸟兽组成情况,丰富了三江源保护区和唐古拉山脉的鸟兽资料,同时为相对较小尺度下物种空间分布格局的研究提供案例。  相似文献   
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