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近几年来夏季,在我国南方一些省市发现一些散发性病毒性脑炎病例,主要是儿童。他们的流行性乙型脑炎抗体阴性。病因不明。 为了研究本病的病因,于1983年4月至10月,我们在广州市儿童医院收集了34例散发性脑炎病人的双份血清,15例其它病种(如百日咳、心肌炎、钩端螺旋体脑炎、多发性神经根  相似文献   
近年来萤光抗体技术有了很多改进,但萤光血清的非特异染色问题,仍未获得满意的效果。本文报告消除异硫氰酸萤光黄标记抗体的非特异性萤光染色的试验结果。一、萤光血清的制备及染色法 1.免疫血清直接染色法免疫血清甲型流感病毒PR8株,用豚鼠血球吸附游离法提纯病毒,心脏注射免疫豚鼠(400-500克),每只1毫升,2周后取血测效价为1:640-1:2560.(血球凝集抑制试验) 间接染色法免疫血清取正常豚鼠血清,用10%甲明矾沉淀,沉淀物用生理盐水洗两次,然后溶解在适量的生理盐水中,肌肉注射家免,每周1次,共两次,第二次注射后两周取血测效价为I:16000。(沉淀试验) 2.提取球蛋白用半饱和硫酸铵法提取球蛋白。一般总蛋白量为3.5%-5%。  相似文献   
我国呼吸道合胞病毒抗原亚型的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
An analysis of subtypes of 9 respiratory syncytial (RS) viruses isolated from Guangzhou and Nanjing areas of china was carried out with eight Sweden RS-subtype specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and 7 internal anti-RS MAbs. All these MAbs directed against respectively the large Glycoprotein (G), fusion protein (F), nucleoprotein (NP), and phosphoprotein (P) components of the prototype Long strain of RS virus. The patterns of the reactions of these MAbs to the nine isolated strains of RS virus were compared with indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), alkaline phosphoesterase-anti alkaline phosphoesterase (APAAP) enzyme-linked assay and Western blotting. The antigenic variations were founded among the strains of RS virus, and two subtypes allocated to the subtype A and B of RS virus by using the eight RS-subtype specific MAbs. Seven out of the 9 isolated strains of RS virus belonged to the subtype A, and two were being to the subtype B. The antigenic diversities were also founded within the same subtype, and the main pronounced difference were observed on the G glycoprotein by using the internal anti-RS MAbs. These findings are potentially important both for vaccine development and for the understanding of clinical and epidemiological characteristics of RS virus.  相似文献   
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