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<正>Dear Editor,Shortly after initiating the"Physical Anthropological Research on Han Chinese"research project,we applied uniform sampling methods as well as methods and instruments of measurement to obtain a complete set of measurements of physical anthropological indicators among Han populations across China.Among these measurements,body stature was a key indicator.Currently,there should be reliable  相似文献   
Association between the reward caused by consuming drugs and the context in which they are consumed is essential in the formation of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Glucocorticoid receptor (GRs) activation in different regions of the brain affects reward-based reinforcement and memory processing. A wide array of studies have demonstrated that blockage of GRs in some brain areas can have an effect on reward-related memory; however, to date there have been no systematic studies about the involvement of glucocorticoids (GCs) in morphine-related reward memory. Here, we used the GR antagonist RU38486 to investigate how GRs blockage affects the sensitization and CPP behavior during different phases of reward memory included acquisition, retrieval and reconsolidation. Interestingly, our results showed RU38486 has the ability to impair the acquisition, retrieval and reconsolidation of reward-based memory in CPP and sensitization behavior. But RU38486 by itself cannot induce CPP or conditioned place aversion (CPA) behavior. Our data provide a much more complete picture of the potential effects that glucocorticoids have on the reward memory of different phases and inhibit the sensitization behavior.  相似文献   
利用SSR标记分析云南、西藏和新疆小麦的遗传多样性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用185对SSR引物对52份中国西部特有小麦的遗传多样性进行了研究分析。在31份云南小麦材料中,共检测到488个等位变异,每一个SSR引物可检测到1至9个等位变异,平均为2.64个;平均PIC值为0.2764。在15份西藏小麦材料中,共检测到472个等位变异,每个引物可扩增出1到8个等位变异,平均为2.55个;平均PIC值为0.3082。在6份新疆小麦材料中,共检测到308个等位变异,每一个SSR引物可检测1到5个等位变异,平均为1.66个;平均PIC值为0.1944。185对SSR引物在云南、西藏和新疆小麦的21条染色体、7个部分同源群和3个染色体组上检测到的等位位点的多态性存在明显差异。云南、西藏和新疆小麦均以3B染色体较高,而1D染色体最低;在7个部分同源群中,均以第三部分同源群最高,第六部分同源群最低;在A、B和D染色体组上,均以B染色体组最高,D染色体组最低,A染色体组居中。利用185对SSR引物计算了云南、西藏和新疆小麦群体内及其群体间的遗传距离(GD)和平均遗传距离,结果显示,西藏小麦和云南小麦群体内的平均遗传距离要高于新疆小麦,而云南小麦和西藏小麦间的平均遗传距离低于两者与新疆小麦的平均遗传距离。聚类分析结果也表明,云南小麦和西藏小麦的亲缘关系较近,但两者与新疆小麦的亲缘关系相对较远。  相似文献   
以Ms2近等基因系处于减数分裂期的可育小穗cDNA作为驱动因子(driver),以同一时期的不育小穗cDNA作为测验因子(tester)进行缩减杂交(SSH),将扩增后的缩减杂交产物进行克隆,构建了一个包含882个重组克隆的SSH文库.分别以可育小穗和不育小穗的cDNA为探针与SSH文库克隆进行反式Northern杂交,结果显示接近90%的克隆在不育小穗中呈上调表达.对文库中21个克隆插入片段的序列相似性分析表明其中有18个与来源于穗部或减数分裂期的花药cDNA同源.13个克隆的编码产物与已知功能的蛋白质同源,其中5个参与碳代谢活动,4个参与胞内分子的运输,2个蛋白产物参与染色体的构成及染色体的结构变化,1个是生长素抑制蛋白,1个是转录因子.用中国春缺体四体材料对9个克隆进行了染色体定位,其中一个克隆定位于第四染色体同源群,与Ms2所在的染色体同属一个同源群.通过搜索水稻的同源BAC(bacterial artificialchromosome)和PAC(P1 artificial chromosome)克隆,推测另外11个克隆的染色体位置,其中4个克隆可能位于第四染色体同源群.用RNA点杂交对11个克隆进行表达谱分析,其中8个克隆在不育株的小穗和花药中呈上调表达.  相似文献   
Trehalose is a non-reducing disaccharide of glucosewidely distributed in microorganisms, plants and in-sects. It usually functions as a compatible solute in thestabilization of biological structures under several en-vironment stresses[1,2]. Trehalose has proved to be anactive stabilizer of enzymes, proteins, biomasses, pharmaceutical preparations and even organs fortransplantation. Thus much attention has been paid tothe synthesis pathway of trehalose and the develop-ment of novel and economic…  相似文献   
Human disturbance and climate change have increased the risk of extinction for rare and endangered wild plant species.One effective way to conserve these rare and endangered species is through reintroduction.In this review,we summarize the advances in wild plant reintroduction from five perspectives:the establishment of reintroduction biology as an important tool for biodiversity conservation;the importance of genetic diversity in reintroduction;reintroduction under global climate change;recruitment limitation in reintroduction;and reintroduction and ecological restoration.In addition,we consider the future of plant reintroduction strategies.  相似文献   
人工湿地系统对污水磷的净化效果   总被引:118,自引:0,他引:118  
建立以亚热带湿生、水生植物为主的十二套下流行一上流-上行流人工湿地系统作为处理城镇生活污水的对策。以其中四套研究其在不同的水力负荷及气候条件下对污水中磷的去除效果。人工湿地系统随处理运行时间的推移趋于稳定,对污水中的总磷、无机磷显示较好的净化效率,平均去除率在冬季达到40%以上,夏季达到60%以上,出水达到国家地面水Ⅲ级标准。水生植物在系统中起到明显作用,有植物系统的除磷效率及稳定性均高于无植物对照,其中2号茭白-石菖蒲系统的效果最好,总磷平均去除率为65%。4号9蔗-苔草系统在高水力负荷下的净效果优于2号。水力负荷的增加对系统的净效果没有明显影响。  相似文献   
小麦—大赖草易位系的RFLP分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用辐射、花药培养及杀配子基因效应已创制出一系列小麦-大赖草易位系.为在其中找出可能的纯合易位系、明确易位所涉及的相关染色体以及易位断裂点的确切位置,利用了已被定位于小麦7个部分同源群染色体长、短两臂上的67个探针进行了RFLP分析,结果鉴定出3个纯合的易位系:T1BL*7Lr#1S、T4BS*4BL-7Lr#1S和T6AL*7Lr#1S.其中,易位系T1BL*7Lr#1S和T6AL*7Lr#1S中染色体7Lr#1的断裂点位于标记MWG808和标记ABG476.1之间,而1B和6A染色体上的断裂点都在着丝粒附近.易位系T4BS*4BL-7Lr#1S中染色体7L#1的断裂点位于标记BCD349和标记CDO595之间,4B染色体断裂点则位于标记CDO541和标记PSR164之间的长臂上.  相似文献   
为转移与利用百萨偃麦草耐盐、抗病等优良基因,用普通小麦中国春-百萨偃麦草双倍体与中国春杂交,通过染色体C-分带、分子原位杂交并结合减数分裂中期I的染色体配对分析,从回交后代中选育出一套小麦-百萨偃麦草二体异附加系。对这套异附加系进行的鉴定与分析表明,各附加系除添加了一对百萨偃麦草染色体外,小麦的21对染色体未见明显变化。各附加系所添加的百萨偃麦草染色体在减数分裂中期I配对基本正常,仅有少量单价体,其自交后代中外源染色体亦能正常传递。这说明所培育的这套二体异附加系在细胞学上已相对稳定,暂分别编号为DAJ1、DAJ2、DAJ3、DAJ4、DAJ5、DAJ6和DAJ7。各异附加系中百萨偃麦草染色体在小麦族中的部分同源群归属和百萨偃麦草耐盐抗病基因在染色体上的定位研究正在进行之中。  相似文献   
Maan[1] and Endo[2] et al. first reported that some chromosomes from Ae. longgissima, Ae. sharonensis and Ae. triuncialis showed preferential transmission when introduced into wheat background. The mechanism for this phenomenon rests with the fact that contrary to the normal fertility of gametes with these chromosomes, chromosome structural aberrations occur seriously in the gametes without these chromosomes, causing less compatibility in selective fertilization and resulting in semi-sterilit…  相似文献   
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