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Fourteen laboratories participated in a national slide exchange study to investigate whether borderline nuclear changes (BNC) constitute a reliable reporting category. Slides were submitted by participating laboratories, having achieved a 100% intralaboratory consensus at the primary screener, checker, and medical levels. Sets of seven slides were examined in laboratories for 1 week, and exchanges were undertaken over a 6-month period. Each laboratory was requested to submit three consensus opinions on each slide at the primary screener, checker, and medical levels.
Response patterns for submitted slides achieving a reporting category consensus at the 50 and 80% consensus levels indicated that negative, BNC, and mild dyskaryosis are distinct and comparable categories. Similarly, the two subcategories of BNC with or without human papillomavirus (HPV) are nearly as distinct as the overall BNC category.
The percentage of submitted slides achieving consensus at consensus levels between 50 and 80% produced variable findings with regard to the practical success of the main reporting categories. The negative category was reasonably successful, whereas mild dyskaryosis was consistently poor. Borderline nuclear changes were successful at the 50% consensus level but showed a rapid decline by the 65% consensus level. The reason(s) for this remains speculative but indicates a possible potential of BNC to work successfully with additional training and education.
Reporting practices were not consistent among the laboratories and differences were identified between medical and nonmedical staff. A high use of the BNC category was noted in slides that failed to achieve consensus. A national study assessing all grades of abnormalities would appear essential.  相似文献   
The rates of germ tube elongation in vitro of pollen from cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV)-infected birch (Betula pendula) did not differ significantly from those of pollen from virus-free trees. Differences in percentage germination of pollen collected from trees at different sites were significant but percentages of germination of pollen from virus-infected and virus-free trees did not differ greatly from one another. In vivo, pollen from infected trees germinated on healthy and CLRV-infected stigmas and callose plugs formed in both types of tissues. However, the extent of callose plug formation was greater in the pollen tubes of virus-free grains germinating in infected stigmas than in reciprocal crosses. CLRV coat antigen was detected by ELISA in stigmatic tissue, from healthy trees, on which virus-carrying pollen grains had germinated. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated to CLRV-specific γ-globulin, viral coat antigen was detected throughout germ tubes from virus-carrying but not virus-free pollen germinating in vitro. Protoplasts released following Driselase digestion of pollen germ tubes from virus-infected trees contained CLRV antigen detectable by ELISA. During germination of virus-infected pollen there was little synthesis of viral coat protein or nucleic acid but, following inoculation with purified virus particles, protoplasts made from healthy germinating pollen produced increasing amounts of CLRV-specific antigen implying that CLRV replicated in this system.  相似文献   
Estimation in change-point hazard rate models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
球体蛛在我国首次被发现,本文记述了产于我国海南的纳尔蛛属一新种,定名为华纳尔蛛Wendilgarda sinensis sp. nov.,模式标本保存在河北教育学院生物系。  相似文献   
本文记述我国皿蛛科一新纪录属:前延首蛛届Archaraeoncus Tanasevitch 1987,并对天山前延首蛛A.tianshanicus(Hu et Wu,1989)n.comb.重新作了描述,本种的雌蛛系首次发现。本文还对Araeoncus tianschanica Hu et Wu 1989原学名命名的原始拚缀作了改正。文中测量数据均以mm为单位。  相似文献   
石蝴蝶属(Petrocosmea Oliv.)植物的现代分布与分化中心位于中国的西南山地以及周边国家和地区,如印度(阿萨姆邦)、缅甸、泰国、越南等也有分布。近年来,中国和中南半岛上各个国家和地区的新分类群和国家级新记录层出不穷,进一步加深了研究人员对中国和中南半岛植物区系以及该属植物在上述区域的多样性的理解。例如,滇黔石蝴蝶[Petrocosmea martinii (H. Léveillé)H. Léveillé]和丝毛石蝴蝶(P. sericea C.Y. Wu ex H. W. Li)曾被认为是中国的特有种,前者分布于贵州、广西北部和云南东南部,而后者仅见于云南东南部。该文报道了这两种石蝴蝶属植物的越南国家级分布新记录。这两个新记录种的发现,使得越南分布的石蝴蝶属植物种的数量上升到了5 种,这些新记录种的报道或暗示未来在与中国西南山地邻近的地区还将会有更多该属的新分类群或新记录有待发现。该文还同时提供了这两个国家级分布新记录物种的描述、图示、濒危等级现状评价以及目前所有越南已知分布的石蝴蝶属植物的检索表以备检索和核对。  相似文献   
中越边境喀斯特地区是全球生物多样性热点地区,也是生物多样性保护的关键区域,近年来在该地区发现了多个蛛毛苣苔属植物的新种。微花蛛毛苣苔于2001年在越南北部喀斯特地区首次采集到标本,直到2018年才被发表出来,由于发表时仅基于一号花发育未成熟的标本,所以该物种的诸多形态特征仍不清楚。作者开展中越边境喀斯特地区植物多样性调查时,在我国云南东南部发现了微花蛛毛苣苔,并采集到花发育成熟的植株,对其进行了解剖观察和测量,现对该物种进行补充描述,并提供墨线图和野外生态照片以资辨认。微花蛛毛苣苔与腺花蛛毛苣苔在光滑无毛而反折的花萼以及被腺毛的花冠等形态上最相似,但不同之处在于微花蛛毛苣苔的叶上面幼时被褐色蛛丝状绵毛,后变近无毛,花序顶生,花冠长9~12 mm,蒴果直,不旋扭,长1.2~2.8 cm。微花蛛毛苣苔在滇东南的发现,说明中国南部喀斯特地区和越南北部喀斯特地区构成了一个完整的植物区系地理单元。  相似文献   
中越边境喀斯特地区有着异乎寻常的植物多样性,已经成为全球生物多样性研究和保护的热点区域,近年来在该区发现了多个苦苣苔科植物的新种或新属。凹柱苣苔属是2010年才被建立的新属,该属的花与叶相比,花较大,叶相对较小,叶片边缘稍外卷,花序仅单花,柱头盘状或凹坑状,蒴果长椭球形而有别于苦苣苔科的其他属。凹柱苣苔属为喀斯特专性植物,目前仅包括分布于黔西南的凹柱苣苔和分布于滇东南的水晶凹柱苣苔两个物种。作者在开展中越边境喀斯特地区植物多样性调查时,在越南北部的河江省发现了水晶凹柱苣苔,基于该新发现居群的植物标本,对其进行了补充描述,确认其花期为11月—12月,并对该物种濒危状况进行了重新评估,同时提供了野外生态照片以资辨认。目前,越南已记录苦苣苔科植物32属150余种,凹柱苣苔属在越南北部的发现,不仅丰富了该国苦苣苔科植物的多样性,再一次充分证明了中越边境喀斯特地区是一个完整的植物区系地理单元,而且为稀有的水晶凹柱苣苔提供了更加丰富的野外本底资料,对其将来的深入研究和保护具有重要的生物地理学和保护生物学意义。  相似文献   
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