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The early Neolithic sites of La Lámpara and La Revilla del Campo in the Meseta Norte (Northern Meseta) plateau in central Spain produced evidence for early agriculture from the last third of the 6th millennium B.C. The hulled wheats Triticum monococcum (einkorn) and T. dicoccum (emmer) were identified from carbonised plant remains as well as from imprints in pottery and daub. Single finds of charred remains of Hordeum vulgare (barley), Papaver somniferum/setigerum (poppy) and Linum usitatissimum (linseed) indicated other cultivated crops. The wild plants mainly indicated arable weeds, partly from less fertile soils, and garrigue vegetation from poor pastures. The spectrum of crops from the Ambrona sites was compared to other inner Iberian sites as well as to Mediterranean sites. Sediment samples as well as mineral crusts from graves were analysed from the Neolithic tumulus of La Peña de la Abuela. Its diachronic collective burials had originated from a period of time during the first third of the 4th millennium B.C. Probably no crops, but many green vegetative parts of pine, oak, and juniper had been used as funeral gifts. Oak cupula development indicated early summer activities in the grave-mound. Wickerwork made of willow was used for embedding the dead bodies.  相似文献   
针对村落人居环境研究过于注重村落本体的现状,以GIS的技术方法结合实地调研,选取梯田聚落所处的元江流域及典型样本大瓦遮河子流域为研究范围,探讨流域视野下人居环境空间的宏观与微观特征。结论如下:1)哀牢山区的崎岖山脉与密集水系造就了元江流域的格局,以水平、垂直特征奠定子流域尺度中梯田聚落的人居环境基础;2)大瓦遮河子流域的人居环境以“典型山地本底、帚状水系关联”为共性,在中低山区形成“面状森林核心、村落散布周边、旱地梯田混合”的彝族聚落区,在中山区形成“面状梯田核心、村落环绕周边、带状森林围合”的哈尼族聚落区,二者差异源自不同民族适应垂直分异效应的差异化农作策略;3)流域是人居环境研究的基本单元,超越村落本体之外的流域视野对复杂地理环境中的人居环境研究具有重要价值与普遍意义。  相似文献   
肖娟  杨永清 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4529-4537
以川东地区传统聚落为研究对象,基于现代生态适应性理论,探索了川东传统聚落空间格局的构建方法和驱动因素,以期为传统聚落的生态适应性和空间结构演变提供理论依据。研究表明:传统聚落实质体现了其对自然地理要素及生态系统完整性的适应。在聚落选址方面具体化为山、河、路、池等环境要素,形成理想聚居模式以适应环境。传统聚落营建风水林以弥补原自然环境的不足,这不仅起到了维持生物多样性的作用,且使人和其它生物及环境要素一起构成一个完整的生态系统。在房屋形式的选择上,传统聚落建筑极富地域特色,反映了对自然的尊崇和适应。传统聚落是一种以人类行为为主导,自然环境为依托,资源流动为命脉,社会、文化为经络的人工复合生态系统。经济、文化和制度三者相辅相成构成社会系统的原动力。  相似文献   
基于RS与GIS的农村居民点空间变化特征与景观格局影响研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
任平  洪步庭  刘寅  周介铭 《生态学报》2014,34(12):3331-3340
农村居民点作为乡村地域空间人口聚居形态,是乡村聚落景观重要组成部分,其空间布局、演变特征受自然、社会、经济多重因素的影响。利用都江堰市2005年和2010年两期遥感影像提取农村居民点、坡度、道路、河流等矢量数据,借助RS、GIS空间分析技术,定量研究都江堰市农村居民点的空间变化过程、格局和趋势,并选取景观格局指数对影响农村居民点布局特征的因素进行深入分析。结果表明:(1)2005年和2010年都江堰市农村居民点的空间分布总体上均表现出显著的聚集趋势,2010年农村居民点的聚集程度要比2005年高,但居民点集聚的空间态势没有发生明显变化,仍然集中在都江堰市的东南部;(2)坡度、道路和河流对都江堰市农村居民点的布局有显著影响,其中超过80%的居民点分布在0—10°坡度范围内,超过50%的居民点分布在道路500 m范围内,近60%居民点分布在河流1000 m范围内;(3)农村居民点空间布局除了受地形因素影响外,还与国家级风景名胜区、世界文化遗产区等保护政策,农村土地综合整治和灾后重建等规划因素密切相关。该研究以期为农村居民点动态变化监测、农村土地整理效果评价、新农村规划等理论和实践提供重要决策参考和技术支撑。  相似文献   
Ostrea edulis was once prolific throughout Europe and considered as the continent's native oyster. However, O. edulis currently exists in small fragmented assemblages where natural unaided recovery is rarely encountered. This research identified the small semi‐enclosed sea Lough of Strangford on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland as one of the few locations within Europe where the native oyster displayed gregarious natural rejuvenation. On close examination, four influential parameters appeared to assist in concentrated settlement; raised topographical cultch formations, shell coverage, the number of fecund in situ adults, and site protection. If these components were to be combined and managed as part of reintroduction and restoration initiatives, high‐density settlements and self‐sustaining populations may be possible. The research also identified that unregulated harvesting of intertidal O. edulis assemblages has the potential to seriously hinder natural recoveries. Indeed, the findings suggest that a review of policy in regards to intertidal hand gathering is necessary. However, naturally occurring high‐density settlements recorded during this research should be inspirational to all involved in the restoration of the native oyster.  相似文献   
Results of the tree-ring dating of samples from the three Russian settlements of the 18th century (Bjornbeinflyene, Palffyodden, and Schonningholmane) at Svalbard are presented. The present study is a development of a previous work (Chochorowski and Krapiec, 2017). These stations were discovered during excavations conducted by the Polish archaeological expedition of Jagiellonian University in the Sorkappland and Hornsund fjord regions of the Svalbard Archipelago. In total, 5 non-dated samples of the previous work were reanalyzed for these sites: Bjornbeinflyene (2 samples), Palffyodden (1 sample), Schonningholmane (1 sample) and relics from the landing site on the Torrflya coast (1 sample). All samples from these settlements are constructional elements of dwellings, appearing to be prefabricates brought from the continent, and only one of them is a driftwood timber. These floating chronologies were cross-dated against more than 200 master tree-ring chronologies from the Arctic coast, including as well our own data. Cross-dating was performed by CORINA software which includes t-values calculated with different detrending options. As a result, it was possible to successfully date and determine the place of origin of these samples. Results obtained do not contradict the data of radiocarbon and archaeological dating and indicate the possible use of wood from the territories of the White and Kara Sea basins as a building material for the Russian Pomor settlements in Svalbard.  相似文献   
广东永汉传统农村的聚落生态观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
姜雪婷  严力蛟  后德仟 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5654-5662
生态观作为人类对人与自然关系以及人类生态系统的基本看法,是一种综合了聚落生态、社会、文化、空间等多重属性的研究视角。采用田野调查法,走访了永汉300余个传统农村聚落中的98个,获得由68个聚落个体组成的样本。"后龙山林地+建筑群+地堂+鱼塘+耕地"为这些聚落的基本构成模式。其生态观主要由社会、经济、文化三类因素构成,三者共同影响了聚落选址、规模和结构。社会因素主要包括同一聚落內部以及不同聚落之间的社会关系;经济因素主要包括饮食和居住的生存需求;文化因素的主要内容是风水。改革开放以来聚落发生演替,原因是生态观中经济因素地位大大提高,风水的影响降低,社会结构发生重大改变。演替过程中出现土地浪费等一系列问题,必须发展一种基于传统农村聚落保护及再生的新的生态观及可持续发展模式以修正演替过程中出现的问题。  相似文献   
Sea‐level rise (SLR) due to global warming will result in the loss of many coastal areas. The direct or primary effects due to inundation and erosion from SLR are currently being assessed; however, the indirect or secondary ecological effects, such as changes caused by the displacement of human populations, have not been previously evaluated. We examined the potential ecological consequences of future SLR on >1,200 islands in the Southeast Asian and the Pacific region. Using three SLR scenarios (1, 3, and 6 m elevation, where 1 m approximates most predictions by the end of this century), we assessed the consequences of primary and secondary SLR effects from human displacement on habitat availability and distributions of selected mammal species. We estimate that between 3–32% of the coastal zone of these islands could be lost from primary effects, and consequently 8–52 million people would become SLR refugees. Assuming that inundated urban and intensive agricultural areas will be relocated with an equal area of habitat loss in the hinterland, we project that secondary SLR effects can lead to an equal or even higher percent range loss than primary effects for at least 10–18% of the sample mammals in a moderate range loss scenario and for 22–46% in a maximum range loss scenario. In addition, we found some species to be more vulnerable to secondary than primary effects. Finally, we found high spatial variation in vulnerability: species on islands in Oceania are more vulnerable to primary SLR effects, whereas species on islands in Indo‐Malaysia, with potentially 7–48 million SLR refugees, are more vulnerable to secondary effects. Our findings show that primary and secondary SLR effects can have enormous consequences for human inhabitants and island biodiversity, and that both need to be incorporated into ecological risk assessment, conservation, and regional planning.  相似文献   
The Duvensee originated before the Alleroed in the Late Glacial, and had its largest areal coverage during the Preboreal. After the lake retreat, which began in early Boreal times, the marginal shore areas and nearshore islands were repeatedly inhabited by man in the early Mesolithicum. Archaeological excavations of human settlements and pollen analyses of sediment cores show evidence of lake level fluctuations in the ensuing period. The results disclose that shallow water sediments such as lake marls, algal muds and coarse detrital gyttjas predominate in the sequence. In keeping with the shallow water conditions, strong lateral facies changes were observed in the cores. The early Holocene deposits have almost the same thickness irrespective of their position in the shallow or deep parts of the lake basin. The subaerial exposure of the nearshore and island areas sometimes resulted in fern and reed peats. The last remnants of the lake, which was drained in 1850, lay in the marginal areas over shallow water sediments.  相似文献   
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