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3种杓兰属植物菌根真菌系统发育和多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰科植物菌根真菌(Orchid mycorrhizal fungi, OrMF)在兰科植物种子萌发和后续生长发育过程中具有重要作用。该研究采用培养(菌丝团分离)和非培养(克隆文库)2种方法获得同一栖息地3种不同杓兰属植物根中菌根真菌ITS序列并划分可操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic units, OTUs),分析其系统发育关系和多样性。结果表明:(1)所有根段中都有菌丝团定植,共分离出菌根真菌64株,其中63株为胶膜菌科(Tulasnellaceae)真菌,1株为角担菌科(Ceratobasidiaceae)真菌;可划分为7个OUT,每个OTU代表菌株的菌丝都能形成OrMF典型的近球形或椭球形链状排列的念珠状细胞;分离出来的菌根真菌均为无性型菌丝且不产生无性孢子。(2) 非培养法得到的3种杓兰属植物的根中OrMF分别隶属于胶膜菌科(Tulasnellaceae),腊壳菌科(Sebacinaceae)、角担菌科(Ceratobasidiaceae)和革菌科(Thelephoraceae),其中胶膜菌科OTU在种类和数量上占有绝对优势,培养和非培养2种方法得到的OrMF OTU类型和数量均为西藏杓兰(Cypripedium tibeticum)>无苞杓兰(C. flavum)>黄花杓兰(C. bardolphianum),但培养法少于非培养法。(3)对胶膜菌进行系统发育分析显示,优势和非优势OTU均分布在系统发育树的3个不同分支上,这种与多种亲缘关系较远的OrMF共生的现象可能与杓兰属植物对环境的适应性有关,且不同杓兰的OrMF物种丰富度没有显著差异,但群落结构存在差异。  相似文献   
We compared the anatomical characteristics of vegetative organs, peduncle and mycorrhizal morphology of the two known species of Sirhookera (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) to identify anatomical markers for identification and the ecological adaptations of these species. The leaves are hypostomatic bearing tetracytic stomata and the walls of subsidiary cells are smooth in Sirhookera lanceolata and undulate in Sirhookera latifolia. On the adaxial and abaxial surfaces the leaves are covered by a thick cuticle. The hypodermis is dimorphic and present on both sides of the leaf; chlorenchyma is homogenous and the vascular bundles are collateral. The rhizome of Sirhookera possesses a single-layered epidermis, thick cuticle, thin-walled parenchymatous ground tissue containing starch grains and scattered collateral vascular bundles. A thick-walled sclerenchymatous band separates the cortex from the parenchymatous ground tissue comprising of banded cells in the peduncle. Starch grains are present in the ground tissue of the S. latifolia peduncle. The roots consist of the velamen, ∩-thickened exodermis, thin-walled cortex consisting of water-storage cells, O-thickened endodermis and a vascular cylinder with parenchymatous pith. Starch grains are present in the root cortical cells of S. lanceolata but absent in S. latifolia. Fungal pelotons that aids in nutrient acquisition were observed in the root cortical region of both species. The study revealed significant differences between the anatomical characteristics of the two species and that most of the anatomical features of Sirhookera relate to their ecological adaptations.  相似文献   
This paper describes the hitherto unreported aspects of orchid mycorrhizae. The host cells harbour upto 4 generations of fungal pelotons which are formed after each peloton is digested. There are two types of hyphae in a host cell, one forming the pelotons, and the other which lies close to the host cell wall and separated from the former by a callosic wall. The later, called non-pelotonic hyphae form the fresh peloton when the former is digested. Consequently, there are also cytochemical differences between these two types of hyphae. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
采用石蜡切片技术对白及Bletilla striata、黄花白及B. ochracea和小白及B. formosana的栽培种在生长期、花期、果期和休眠期的菌根解剖结构特征、菌根真菌入侵方式和菌丝特征等进行观察研究,以进一步了解菌根真菌与白及属植物的共生关系。结果表明,3种白及属植物的菌根真菌均是通过通道细胞侵入根皮层薄壁细胞,侵入后菌丝靠近皮层细胞的细胞核分布,最终在皮层细胞形成菌丝团;真菌侵染率和菌丝形态随着植物生长发育变化而变化,3种白及属植物均表现为花期和生长期的真菌侵染率较高,以丝状菌丝团为主,而果期和休眠期较低,以团块状菌丝团居多;同一时期不同植物类型的菌根特征无显著差异。  相似文献   
Energy saving mechanisms in nature allow following organisms to expend less energy than leaders. Queues, or ordered rows of individuals, may form when organisms exploit the available energy saving mechanism while travelling at near‐maximal sustainable metabolic capacities; compact clusters form when group members travel well below maximal sustainable metabolic capacities. The group size range, given here as the ratio of the difference between the size of the largest and smallest group members, and the size of the largest member (as a percentage), has been hypothesized to correspond proportionately to the energy saving quantity because weaker, smaller, individuals sustain the speeds of stronger, larger, individuals by exploiting the energy saving mechanism (as a percentage). During migration, small individuals outside this range may perish, or form sub‐groups, or simply not participate in migratory behaviour. We approximate drag forces for leading and following individuals in queues of the late Devonian (c. 370 Ma) trilobite Trimerocephalus chopini. Applying data from literature on Rectisura herculea, a living crustacean, we approximate the hypothetical walking speed and maximal sustainable speeds for T. chopini. Our findings reasonably support the hypothesis that among the population of fossilized queues of T. chopini reported in the literature, trilobite size range was 75%, while the size range within queues was 63%; this corresponds reasonably with drag reductions in following positions that permit c. 61.5% energy saving for trilobites following others in optimal low‐drag positions. We model collective trilobite behaviour associated with hydrodynamic drafting.  相似文献   
四种杓兰的菌根结构及其周年动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高倩  李树云  胡虹 《广西植物》2009,29(2):187-191
对黄花杓兰、云南杓兰、西藏杓兰和紫点杓兰四种高山杓兰成年植株的根进行了一个生长周期的切片观察。发现四种杓兰的的菌根结构及其在一个生长周期中的动态变化有以下共同特征:在其成年生活期的各个时期,都有真菌入侵形成内生菌根结构,菌丝在其根部皮层细胞内有四种存在状态:(a)咖啡色或黄色、菌丝扭结缠绕而成的大菌丝结;(b)灰褐色或黄色、由片断菌丝组成的大菌丝结;(c)无色、零散的菌丝;(d)橘红色和黄色、菌丝形态模糊的小菌丝结。真菌的入侵-消解在其成年生活期中周而复始地进行,四种状态的菌丝是处于入侵-消解循环不同阶段的菌丝。并由此对高海拔环境下二者的共生关系进行了初步的探讨:真菌侵入杓兰根部以获得自身生存和繁衍所需的营养物质,杓兰利用真菌菌丝消解后的营养物质,进行混合营养。  相似文献   
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