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The aims of this study were to examine the effect of implant neck design and cortical bone thickness using 3D finite element analysis and to analyse the stability of clinical evidence based on micromotion and principal stress. Four commercial dental implants for a type IV bone and maxillary segments were created. Various parameters were considered, including the osseointegration condition, loading direction and cortical bone thickness. Micromotion and principal stresses were used to evaluate the failure of osseointegration and bone overloading, respectively. It was found that the maximum stress of the peri-implant bone decreased as cortical bone thickness increased. The micromotion level in full osseointegration is less than that in non-osseointegration and it also decreases as cortical bone thickness increases. The cortical bone thickness should be measured before surgery to help select a proper implant. In the early stage of implantation, the horizontal loading component induces stress concentration in bone around the implant neck more easily than does the vertical loading component, and this may result in crestal bone loss.  相似文献   
Intentional cranial deformations (ICD) have been observed worldwide but are especially prevalent in preColombian cultures. The purpose of this study was to assess the consequences of ICD on three cranial cavities (intracranial cavity, orbits, and maxillary sinuses) and on cranial vault thickness, in order to screen for morphological changes due to the external constraints exerted by the deformation device. We acquired CT‐scans for 39 deformed and 19 control skulls. We studied the thickness of the skull vault using qualitative and quantitative methods. We computed the volumes of the orbits, of the maxillary sinuses, and of the intracranial cavity using haptic‐aided semi‐automatic segmentation. We finally defined 3D distances and angles within orbits and maxillary sinuses based on 27 anatomical landmarks and measured these features on the 58 skulls. Our results show specific bone thickness patterns in some types of ICD, with localized thinning in regions subjected to increased pressure and thickening in other regions. Our findings confirm that volumes of the cranial cavities are not affected by ICDs but that the shapes of the orbits and of the maxillary sinuses are modified in circumferential deformations. We conclude that ICDs can modify the shape of the cranial cavities and the thickness of their walls but conserve their volumes. These results provide new insights into the morphological effects associated with ICDs and call for similar investigations in subjects with deformational plagiocephalies and craniosynostoses. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:110–119, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
记述中国皿蛛科1新纪录属和1新种:莫蛛属Moebelia Dahl,1886,方胫莫蛛 Moebelia rectangula sp.nov.模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京. 方胫莫蛛,新种Moebelia rectangula sp.nov.(图1~11) 正模♂,河北嶂石岩, 2005-09-12 ,李枢强采;副模8♀♀,12 ♂♂,河北嶂石岩,李枢强等采; 4♀♀,7♂♂,北京门头沟,王倩等采。 新种与产自芬兰的毛笔莫蛛Moebelia penicillata(图12~22)相近,两者主要区别:前者触肢胫节无毛笔状毛簇;前者触肢前侧胫节突方形,后者锥形;前者超盾片突无三角形片状突起;前者外雌器后缘比后者宽;前者纳精囊之间的距离窄于后者。  相似文献   
【目的】明确小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫下唇须感器的形态结构及感器神经元的投射。【方法】利用光学显微镜观察和扫描电子显微镜观察下唇须结构和感器类型,利用神经回填技术和激光共聚焦显微镜观察下唇须感器神经元在脑部的投射。【结果】小菜蛾成虫下唇须共3节,其上存在Böhm氏鬃毛、钟形感器、鳞形感器、锥形感器、微毛形感器5种不同类型的感器和一个陷窝器结构。Böhm氏鬃毛短小尖细,钟形感器形如顶部凹陷的圆帽,两种感器均分布于下唇须第1节,且大小上均无雌雄二型差异;鳞形感器形同柳叶,锥形感器粗而直,均散生于下唇须的第2和3节,两种感器在大小上均存在雌雄二型差异,其中雌性的鳞形感器显著大于雄性的,根据其雌雄二型差异现象推测雌蛾的鳞形感器可能与感受寄主植物挥发物有关;下唇须第3节中上部具有一个圆形陷窝器结构,雄虫的陷窝器内径为5.68±0.33μm,雌虫的为6.03±0.23μm,雌雄间无显著性差异;凹坑内长有表面光滑的微毛形感器。小菜蛾下唇须感器神经元主要投射于脑部咽下神经节、每个触角叶的下唇须陷窝器神经纤维球和腹神经索3条通路。【结论】阐明了小菜蛾下唇须感器的类型、分布和形态特征及其感器神经元在脑部的投射形态,为深入了解小菜蛾下唇须感器的生理和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Maxillary sinusitis was studied as an indicator of poor air quality. Seven skeletal samples were examined from North America, England, and Nubia, and selected to represent different geographic locations, environments, and subsistence economies. Frequency rates varied from 17.2 to 51.5% of individuals affected with one or both sinuses preserved. Hardin Village had the highest frequency (51.5%), followed by the Aleuts (42.9%), "Illinois" (38.6%), Indian Knoll (38.5%), Kulubnarti (21.8%), Christchurch, Spitalfields (18.0%), and "South Dakota" (17.2%). Male frequencies ranged from 16.7 to 36.7%, but the female frequency ranged more widely from 18.0 to 76.5%. At most sites female rates exceeded male. The effect of urban and rural environment on sinusitis occurrence, and also subsistence economy, biological sex, and social status were explored, and comparative sites also considered; urban agricultural sites had a mean frequency of 48.5%, rural agricultural sites had a mean frequency of 45.0%, and hunter-gatherer sites had a mean frequency of 40.0%. In the urban sites male and female frequencies were near equal, but in the rural agricultural and hunter-gatherer sites female frequencies exceeded male frequencies. Dental disease was not found to have much impact on sinusitis frequency. The importance of the link between poor air quality and respiratory health is highlighted in clinical studies in both developed and developing countries, but also in bioarcheological studies.  相似文献   
Clinically, it is common for Class III patients with maxillary skeletal deficiency, which may result in a variety of adverse consequences. Protraction headgear and rapid maxillary expansion (PE) is an effective treatment, but its effect on upper airway hydrodynamics has not been reported. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of the flow in the upper airway after PE by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The sample includes fifteen patients (6 males, 9 females, age 11.00 ± 1.00) and the paired T-test was used to analyze the differences between the measured data before and after treatment. The maximum flow velocity decreased from 8.42 ± 0.16 m/s to 6.98 ± 0.36 m/s (p < 0.05), and the maximum shear force decreased from 3.72 ± 1.48 Pa to 2.13 ± 0.18 Pa. The maximum negative pressure decreased from −101.78 ± 33.60 Pa to 58.15 ± 9.16 Pa, only the changes of velopharynx and glossopharynx were statistically significant; while the maximum resistance decreased from 140.88 ± 68.68 Pa/mL/s to 45.95 ± 22.96 Pa/mL/s. PE can effectively reduce the airflow resistance of the upper airway and the probability of airway collapse, thus improving the patient’s ventilation function.  相似文献   
革胡子鲇上颌须离体标本味觉反应的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙天澄  黄溢明 《动物学报》1995,41(2):158-166
本实验采用革胡子鲇离体上颌须-传入神经标本,记录传入神经电活动,测定了须部味蕾对动物组织浸提液、氨基酸、酸盐化合物等多种化学刺激的反应。发现某些物质有较强的刺激作用。另外,机械刺激也引起较强的反应。分析传入神经单纤维的记录结果,可将化学刺激引起的味觉反应分为3种单元类型:(1)对精氨酸特别敏感;(2)对柠檬酸和氯化胺有较强的反应;(3)对多种刺激都有一定的反应。实验表明,革胡子鲇的须部味蕾可能是一  相似文献   
In modern man the pitch of the occlusal plane may vary along the tooth-row. When anterior cheek-teeth show a plane sloping upward palatally, whilst that on posterior cheek-teeth slopes upward buccally, there results a twisted or helicoidal occlusal plane (Ackermann). Several hypotheses have been proposed for the structural basis of the helicoidal occlusal plane. Campbell's proposal ('25) has gained widest acceptance, namely that the helicoid results from anteroposterior differences in upper and lower alveolar arch width. In the early 1960s, while studying the Olduvai hominids assigned to Homo habilis, the author noted changing occlusal slopes along the tooth-row and a slight helicoid, although these featues had not been noted in other early hominids. Subsequently, Wallace showed a total absence of the helicoid from South African australopithecines, and its presence in Swartkrans Homo, SK 45 and SK 80. Recent studies confirm the presence of the helicoid in all available specimens of H. habilis, including Stw 53 found at Sterkfontein in 1976. Hence, this trait may distinguish between Australopithecus and early Homo. Measurements of the maxillary arch widths have shown that, whereas in Australopithecus arch widths increase to a maximum at M3, in early Homo maxillary arch widths are greatest at M2. The decline in posterior maxillary arch width is part of a general reduction of that region. Thus despite striking elongation of premolars and M1 in early Homo, M2 and M3 are mesiodistally abbreviated. It is hypothesized that the onset of posterior arch reduction, with the appearance of a helicoid, was a structural and functional concomitant of the transition from the presumed australopithecine ancestor to H. habilis.  相似文献   
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