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基于遥感影像的广州市植被覆盖度内部结构与时空变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以覆盖广州市的4个时相(1990、1995、2000和2005年)的TN遥感影像为数据源,经大气辐射校正,获得植被指数的计算模型,估算广州市域范围内的植被覆盖度,分5个等级研究植被覆盖度等级结构特征及其时空分异。结果表明:1990年至1995年间,广州市植被覆盖度下降幅度较大;植被覆盖等级结构也表明植被状态明显向不利于城市生态环境的方向变化。2000年至2005年间,植被覆盖度有所增加,等级结构也显示植被覆盖度有逆转的趋势。植被覆盖度变化幅度相对较大的是中心城区以外的新区,表明城市向郊区不断扩展。  相似文献   
生物化学授课过程中,教师通过丰富课堂资源、进行问题导向式教学、加强在线学习、建立多元化的课程考核方式及设定定时答疑制度等多种方法,激发学生学习兴趣,提升生物化学教学和学习效果,建设"笑起来""动起来"的活跃的课程。同学们普遍认为,生物化学课程内容充实有趣,教学形式多样,并且在课堂上学到了很多前沿知识。  相似文献   
著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(5):8-12
随着全球建造业向数字化全面转型,建筑信息模型(BIM)的教学将是未来几年风景园林设计与实施的重要主题。介绍了风景园林专业BIM的教学方法和数字化竖向设计及其应用在BIM场地设计项目中的重要性。数字化竖向设计是实现BIM的途径。风景园林教育必须在其教学中讲解BIM建模方法和过程。  相似文献   
Urothelial carcinoma (UC) is the most common bladder tumour. Proper treatment requires tumour resection for diagnosing its grade (aggressiveness) and stage (invasiveness). White‐light cystoscopy and histopathological examination are the gold standard procedures for clinical and histopathological diagnostics, respectively. However, cystoscopy is limited in terms of specificity, histology requires long tissue processing, both procedures rely on operator's experience. Multimodal optical spectroscopy can provide a powerful tool for detecting, staging and grading bladder tumours in a fast, reliable and label‐free modality. In this study, we collected fluorescence, Raman and reflectance spectra from 50 biopsies obtained from 32 patients undergoing transurethral resection of bladder tumour using a multimodal fibre‐probe. Principal component analysis allowed distinguishing normal from pathological tissues, as well as discriminating tumour stages and grades. Each individual spectroscopic technique provided high specificity and sensitivity in classifying all tissues; however, a multimodal approach resulted in a considerable increase in diagnostic accuracy (≥95%), which is of paramount importance for tumour grading and staging. The presented method offers the potential for being applied in cystoscopy and for providing an automated diagnosis of UC at the clinical level, with an improvement with respect to current state‐of‐the‐art procedures.   相似文献   
R. G. Blanks 《Cytopathology》2011,22(3):146-154
R. G. Blanks
Estimation of disease severity in the NHS cervical screening programme. Part I: artificial cut‐off points and semi‐quantitative solutions Objective: Current cytology and histology classifications are based on ordered categories and have a strong emphasis on providing information that decides a woman's management rather than the best estimate of disease severity. This two‐part paper explores the use of a quantitative approach to both cytology and histology disease severity measurements. Methods: In Part I the problem of artificial cut‐off points is discussed and a simple semi‐quantitative solution to the problem is proposed. This closely relates to the revised British Society for Clinical Cytology (BSCC) terminology. The estimates of disease severity are designed as extensions of the existing methods, with an emphasis on probability rather than certainty, as a more natural way of approaching the problem. Borderline changes are treated as categorical variables, but koilocytosis, mild, moderate and severe dyskaryosis, and ?invasive as quasi‐continuous and the disease severity estimated as a grade number (GN) with any value between 0–4 and the margin of error as a calculated grade range (CGR). Results: As an example, if the reader is unsure between moderate dyskaryosis (HSIL favouring CIN2) and mild dyskaryosis (LSIL favouring CIN1) they can register this uncertainty as a probability, such as 60%/40% moderate/mild. With 2 and 1 as the mid‐points of the grade numbers for moderate and mild dyskaryosis the GN value is ((60 × 2) + (40 × 1))/100 = 1.6. The CGR is 1.5 ? 0.4 to 1.5 + 0.6 = 1.1 to 2.1. The GN (CGR) estimate of disease severity is therefore 1.6 (1.1–2.1). In a similar manner the disease severity from all slides showing koilocytosis or dyskaryosis can be estimated as a number between 0 and 4 with an associated error. Histology can be treated in a similar way. Conclusions: This semi‐quantitative approach provides a framework more suitable for research and audit of disease severity estimates. It avoids the paradox inherent in the current systems using artificial cut‐points to produce categories whereby increasing agreement can only be achieved by losing information.  相似文献   
目的 了解北京市医管局所属的22家市属医院现有手术分级管理工作开展现状,探讨其在运行中出现的问题,并提出改进意见。方法 采用问卷普查的方法,发放《市属医院手术分级管理现况调查表》至22家市属医院进行调研,通过被调查机构的相关负责人员填写收集数据。结果 22家市属医院除3家因专业特色未开展手术分级管理,其余19家医院均已进行,但手术分级目录、医师授权、动态管理工作进展各异。各家医院在制定手术分级目录时参照的标准不统一;84.2%的医院是按照手术级别对医师进行授权,参考指标为职称、手术级别和手术技能;14家医院已对手术分级进行信息化管理。结论 统一手术分级目录、扩充医师授权体系、完善分级管理信息系统是加强手术分级管理进一步落实的重要举措。  相似文献   
雷杰锋  雷光华 《生物磁学》2011,(22):4269-4272
目的:通过检测人膝骨关节炎裸露软骨下骨中OPN的表达,探讨OPN在OA发病及病情进展中的意义。方法:选取接受膝关节置换手术的膝关节骨关节炎患者软骨下骨标本50例,采用综合评分法对OA患者进行严重程度分级,分为轻、中、重度三组,取正常膝关节软骨下骨(股骨髁关节面)10例作为正常软骨下骨对照;对标本进行免疫组织化学染色,用SPSS17.0统计软件包分析各组间OPN表达的差异及OA患者OPN表达与综合评分、K-L分期的相关性。结果:人膝骨关节炎裸露软骨下骨OPN表达明显高于正常软骨下骨组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);OPN在轻、中、重度膝骨关节炎裸露软骨下骨的表达差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);膝骨关节炎裸露软骨下骨OPN的表达与骨关节炎的综合评分、K—L分期呈正相关。结论:OA患者膝关节软骨下骨OPN表达与疾病严重程度呈正相关,提示OPN在骨关节炎发病及病情进展中可能起作用。  相似文献   
目的:研究超声评分法及肾动脉阻力指数(RRI)对胎儿肾积水预后的评价价值。方法:将从2016年1月2019年1月经我院超声检查发现的孕晚期肾积水胎儿210例纳入研究,测定其肾实质厚度(RPT)、肾盂前后径(APD)以及肾盂肾盏形态,对上述各项超声检测指标进行评分,累计计算分值。此外,对所有胎儿的积水肾脏肾门部位的RRI值进行测定,并以受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析超声评分法与RRI值诊断胎儿肾积水预后类型的价值。结果:所有胎儿出生1年内分别行超声检查以及临床诊断,结果显示210例胎儿,共计420只肾脏,共发生285只肾积水,包括病理性肾积水84只(病理性组),非病理性肾积水201只(非病理性组)。病理性肾积水胎儿超声评分为13分的肾只数占比显著低于非病理性胎儿(P<0.05),而79分的肾只数占比显著高于非病理性胎儿(P<0.05)。病理性肾积水胎儿的平均RRI值为0.74±0.05,显著高于非病理性肾积水胎儿的0.63±0.02,差异有统计学意义(t=26.563,P=0.000)。超声评分法与RRI联合诊断病理性肾积水的曲线下面积(AUC)、敏感度、特异度、准确度均显著高于超声评分法或RRI单独诊断(P<0.05)。结论:超声评分法及RRI诊断对胎儿肾积水预后评价具有较重要的价值,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
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