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Birth seasonally at high latitudes is a complex phenomenon which is undoubtedly affected by a subtle interaction between environmental rhythmicity (most notably in photoperiod and temperature) and cultural adaption. There is intriguing evidence that human gonadotrophic activity (and hence fertility) may be affected by seasonal fluctuations in light intensity and duration. Nevertheless, cultural factors are important insofar as they mediate between environmental rhythmicity and human fertility/birth patterns. This article examines the distribution of births over several decades in an Inuit community located 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Several shifts in birth seasonality are noted, the most significant of which is a dramatic shift from pronounced seasonality in the 1970s to non-seasonality in the 1980s. Longitudinal ethnographic fieldwork has allowed an examination of social and economic changes accounting for the rather sudden disappearance of birth seasonality. These include increasing reliance upon wage employment and social assistance, decreased dependence upon subsistence hunting and trapping, changing attitudes on the part of young people entering their prime reproductive years, and the introduction of television, radio, and southern-style recreational activities.  相似文献   
We present measurements of the effective spontaneous curvature of fluid lipid bilayers as a function of trans-bilayer asymmetry. Experiments are performed on micrometer-scale vesicles in sugar solutions with varying species across the membrane. There are two effects leading to a preferred curvature of such a vesicle. The spontaneous curvatures of the two monolayers as well as their area difference combine into an effective spontaneous curvature of the membrane. Our technique for measuring this parameter allows us to use vesicle morphology as a probe for general membrane-solute interactions affecting elasticity. Received: 3 June 1998 / Revised version: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 21 August 1998  相似文献   
Perinatal mortality is high among small-for-gestational age (SGA) piglets and continues to be an economic burden and threat to animal welfare. As the physiological role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in perinatal development and gastrointestinal function in the pig remains unknown, the aim of this study was to assess the enteric distribution of 5-HT cells and to determine 5-HT together with its precursor tryptophan in the serum of perinatal normal and SGA piglets. For this purpose, proximal and distal parts of the small intestine (SI) were processed for immunohistochemical analysis to assess the presence of 5-HT endocrine cells. Serum 5-HT was measured with ELISA, whereas its precursor, that is, the free fraction of tryptophan (FFT) together with albumin-bound tryptophan and total tryptophan, were analysed with HPLC in postnatal piglets. In addition, the morphological growth patterns of the different intestinal tissue layers of both normal and SGA piglets were stereologically analysed. The stereological volume density of 5-HT enteroendocrine cells showed a significant interaction effect between age and region. Indeed, the amount of 5-HT cells in both the proximal and distal part of the SI tended to decrease according to age, with the lowest values detected at day 3 postpartum. No differences could be observed related to BW. Interestingly, the serum concentration of 5-HT was higher in normal piglets compared with SGA piglets. Moreover, the ratio of FFT to total tryptophan was significantly affected by age and BW. Normal piglets had, on average, a lower FFT/total tryptophan ratio compared with SGA piglets. An approximate linear decrease was observed with increasing age. Finally, the immaturity of the intestinal system of the SGA piglets was not reflected in altered volume densities of the different intestinal layers. To conclude, although no BW effect could be detected in the distribution of enteric 5-HT cells, serum 5-HT and the ratio of FFT to total tryptophan ratio showed significant differences between normal piglets and their SGA littermates.  相似文献   
To study spontaneous and induced mutagenesis in vivo we recently constructed a series of transgenic mice harboring different numbers of bacteriophage lambda shuttle vectors, provided with a LacZ mutational target gene, integrated in their genome. The transgenic mice enabled analysis of spontaneous and induced mutation frequencies in postmitotic tissues like liver and brain. The obtained data indicated spontaneous mutation frequencies in the order of −5 - 10−6. Here we report a 25–100 times higher spontaneous mutation frequency in liver and brain DNA of mice from strain 35.5, with the lambda-gt10LacZ concatemer integrated on the X-chromosome. These results indicate the presence of a mutational ‘hot spot’ in the mammalian somatic genome in vivo.  相似文献   
Spontaneous mutation at the adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) locus in clone 707 of the Friend cell line was examined. The frequency of cells resistant to 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP) was found to be 2.6 × 10−5 with a mutation rate of 1.81 × 10−6 cell−1 generation−1. APRT activities in 9 DAP-resistant clones were found to vary between 0 and 27% the level observed in wild-type cells. It is suggested that clone 707 cells are heterozygous or functionally hemizygous at the APRT locus.  相似文献   
The birth rate of natural cladoceran populations can change rapidly (during 2–3 days), reflecting rapid changes in their environment. If the egg ratio is calculated on the basis of egg age distribution, the birth rate can be estimated at short sampling intervals (shorter than egg stage duration) by modified Paloheimo's (1974) formula. When female size structure and age of eggs in clutches at the beginning and the end of a sampling interval are known, death rates of ovigerous females and eggs in separate size classes can be determined and incorporated in birth rate estimates. All these methods have been employed using the data on the population of Diaphanosoma brahyurum from the lake Obsterno (North-Western Belarus) in July–August, 1992. The birth rate values computed by the proposed methods and Poloheimo's formula differed significantly in many cases. The accuracy of birth rate estimations from various calculation methods was tested using a computer simulation. The model contains the essential features of cladoceran life history: distinct egg, juvenile and adult stages, development of eggs and reproduction. The population was divided into 25 age classes, each of 1 day duration. Durations of the egg, juvenile and adult stages were set at 3, 6 and 20 days, respectively. The embryogenesis was divided into three egg stages, each of 1 day duration. Survivorship was set from 0.2 up to 1.0 for each age class. The survivorship and brood size were changed through each of five time intervals (days) that allowed to simulate an increase or reduction of population density. Fecundity, survivorship and egg stage duration remained constant during each of 5 days that assumed stability of an environment (this does not occur in nature). Nevertheless, the egg ratio, proportion of juveniles and birth rates were variable even under these circumstances. Computer simulations showed that Poloheimo's formula evaluates birth rate with the relative error of 62% and usually overestimates its values. We propose methods to decrease errors of birth rate estimations by 3.5–5.5 times.  相似文献   
The somatosensory system in the brain has been widely used for investigating the mechanisms underlying neural circuit formation and developmental neural plasticity. In the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of rodents, there are discrete cytoarchitectonic units called barrels. Reverse genetic analyses using knockout mice have revealed molecules that control spatial pattern formation of barrels in S1. Glutamatergic receptors such as the NMDA receptor and mGluR5, and molecules related to serotonin such as serotonin transporter and monoamine oxidase A are essential for the formation of barrels. In addition to the mechanisms of spatial pattern formation, those regulating the timing of developmental processes were uncovered recently. Barrels are formed soon after the birth of newborn mouse pups from their mothers, and it was shown that the timing of barrel formation was determined by the timing of the birth of mouse pups. The mechanisms downstream of birth were also examined. It would be intriguing to examine if the mechanisms found using the somatosensory system are applicable to other brain regions.  相似文献   
Reproductive data were collected on individually-held adult oriental fruit flies, Dacus dorsalis, melon flies, Dacus cucurbitae, and Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata including age-by-parity relations, birth interval, frequency distribution of individual egg production levels and the concentration of reproduction among females in a cohort. Specific findings include: i) delay in reproductive peaks in a cohort after eclosion is due almost entirely to the variance in attainment of reproductive maturity among individuals; ii) low reproductive output of reproductively mature melon flies is due mostly to long birth intervals; iii) high egg production in both the medfly and the oriental fruit fly is due to their consistency of egg laying levels and frequency (short birth intervals). Discussion stresses the importance of viewing reproduction, not as a singular and discrete life history trait, but as consisting of subcomponents of daily parity, cumulative parity and birth interval.
Résumé Les informations sur la reproduction ont été obtenues à partir d'adultes de Dacus dorsalis, D. cucurbitae, C. capitata, élevés individuellement. Elles portent sur les paramètres suivants: distribution par âge en fonction de la fécondité, échelonnement des pontes, distribution des niveaux quotidiens de ponte, fréquence des pondeuses par cohorte.Différents caractères spécifiques ont été mis en évidence: 1) La variabilité de la date d'apparition de la maturité reproductive est pour l'essentiel responsable du retard dans les dates de reproduction maximale; 2) De 30 à 50% des femelles de D. dorsalis âgées de 10 jours pondent plus de 50 oeufs/jour pendant les deux semaines qui suivent, tandis que seulement 10 à 20% des femelles des deux autres espèces parviennent à pondre cette quantité d'oeufs à n'importe quel âge; 3) D. cucurbitae ayant atteint sa maturité pond environ pendant 40% des jours (c.à.d. chaque 2,5 j), tandis que les deux autres espèces pondent au moins quelques oeufs pendant 80% des jours (c.à.d. chaque 1,25 j); 4) La production élevée d'oeufs de C. capitata et de D. dorsalis est due à la régularité de leur niveau de ponte et à la fréquence (faible espacement); 5) Les fractions des effectifs qui ont pondu au moins 600 oeufs en 30 jours étaient approximativement de 0,8, 0,7, et 0,4 pour D. dorsalis, C. capitata, D. cucurbitae; 6) 50% des femelles de chacune des trois espèces contribuent en gros pour 65% à la ponte.
Preterm birth (PTB) is a leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity worldwide, and represents a heavy economic and social burden. Despite its broad etiology, PTB has been firmly linked to inflammatory processes. Pro-inflammatory cytokines are produced in gestational tissues in response to stressors and can prematurely induce uterine activation, which precedes the onset of preterm labor. Of all cytokines implicated, interleukin (IL)-1 has been largely studied, revealing a central role in preterm labor. However, currently approved IL-1-targeting therapies have failed to show expected efficacy in pre-clinical studies of preterm labor. Herein, we (a) summarize animal and human studies in which IL-1 or IL-1-targeting therapeutics are implicated with preterm labor, (b) focus on novel IL-1-targeting therapies and diagnostic tests, and (c) develop the case for commercialization and translation means to hasten their development.  相似文献   
Recent experimental studies have revealed that up and down transitions exist in membrane potential of neurons. This paper focuses on the neurodynamical research of these transitions in a single neuron since it is the basic to study the transitions in the neural network for further work. The results show there exists two stable levels in the neuron called up and down states. And transitions between these two states are bidirectional or unidirectional with the values of parameters changing. We also study the periodic spontaneous activity of the transitions between up and down states without any inputting stimulus which coheres with the experimental results.  相似文献   
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