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A cDNA clone encoding gallerimycin was isolated from larval fat body of immunized Samia cynthia ricini and named as Scr-gallerimycin. In naive larvae, no gene expression was detected, but strongly induced in fat body and hemocytes following immune challenge with bacteria or entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Strong expression of the gene was also induced by injection of peptidoglycan and zymosan, but very weakly by non-pathogenic fungus Aspergillus oryzae. Analysis of the sequence upstream from the cDNA shows the presence of motifs homologous to binding sites for NF-κB, C/EBP and CRE-BP1.  相似文献   
蓖麻蚕不同组织脂酶同工酶的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本工作为蚕类同工酶研究中的一部分,研究了蓖麻蚕五龄幼虫不同组织器官酯酶的分布情况,试图逐渐建立酶谱化。目的在于利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,检验家蚕的DNA对蓖麻蚕的诱变作用(陈元霖等,1981),以期供体、受体与转化体之间几种酶谱的异同,从分子生物学的角度对蚕类DNA诱导遗传性变异加以阐述。  相似文献   
本研究指出20—羟基蜕皮酮(20-OHE)参加蓖麻蚕蛹对大肠杆菌的体液免疫反应。20-OHE的作用方式是多方面的,包括提高血淋巴蛋白质含量,产生抗菌蛋白,增加溶菌酶活性,和激活原酚氧化酶系统。这表明多个免疫控制系统参与蓖麻蚕蛹体液免疫反应的可能性。  相似文献   
Abstract The present study shows that 20-hydroxyecdysone(20-OHE) participates in the humoral immune responses of Philosamia Cynthia ricini, either normal or debrained pupae, to the E. coli. The mode of action of 20—-OHE is multiple. It raises hemolymph protein content, makes antibacterial proteins be produced, increases lysozyme activity, and activates prophenoloxidase system. It is possible that several immune control systems are involved.  相似文献   
以蓖麻蚕Philosamia cynthia riciniBoisduval为材料,全面比较了雌雄蓖麻蚕减数分裂前期I染色体的行为变化,从细胞学角度证明了雌蚕减数分裂染色体完全连锁,而雄蚕发生连锁交换;详细观察了雌蚕减数分裂I双线期过程中性染色体的动态变化,发现其存在着自身配对的过程,进而对其起源进化假说进行了探讨,认为其可能来源于一对同源常染色体片段的易位融合。  相似文献   
野桑蚕、蓖麻蚕及家蚕基因组的RFLP分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以家蚕Bombyx mori丝素重链基因、丝胶基因1和胰凝乳蛋白酶抑制因子13基因为探针,对野桑蚕B.mandarina、蓖麻蚕Philosamia cynthia ricini和家蚕B.mori基因组DNA进行限制性片段长度多态性分析。结果发现,在野桑蚕、蓖麻蚕基因组中存在着家蚕丝素重链基因、丝胶基因1的同源序列,而在中日野桑蚕以及蓖麻蚕品种间存在着限制性酶切位点差异;丝胶基因1在中国野桑蚕基因组的EcoRⅠ酶切图谱较日本野桑蚕与家蚕更为一致,表明家蚕与中国野桑蚕亲缘关系更近。此外,在野桑蚕基因组中发现了家蚕胰凝乳蛋白酶抑制因子13基因的同源序列,并且在家蚕品种间以及中日野桑蚕之间也存在着多态性。这些结果表明不同绢丝昆虫在适应生存环境的进化过程中,基因组发生了结构改变。  相似文献   
蓖麻蚕雄蛾触角的嗅觉感受细胞对性信息素各组分的反应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
吴才宏  刘启渊 《昆虫学报》1996,39(2):121-125
本文用单个嗅觉感受细胞电反应的记录方法,测定了蓖麻蚕Philosania cvnthiaricini)雄蛾触角的毛形感器对其性信息素组分及雌蛾腹部性腺提取物的反应。发现反-4,反-6,顺-11-十六碳三烯醛和反-4,反-6,顺-11-十六碳三烯乙酸酯能引起反应。对前者发放大脉冲,对后者发放小脉冲,对雌蛾腹部提取物发放大、小两种脉冲,但以大脉冲为主。选择性适应试验表明,蓖麻蚕雄蛾触角的毛形感器中存在两种不同类型的嗅觉感受细胞。  相似文献   
小鼠胚胎核移植实验的初步报告   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Abstract:Oocytes recovered from Fallopian tubes of female mice of Kun-Ming-Bai strain were enucleated by microsurgery and a single blastomere aspirated from 2-cell stage embryo derived from C57 was injected into the perivitelline space of earh enucleated oocyte.Then those coupled cells were exposed to PEG solution and cultured in an atmosphere of 5% Co2 at 37℃ for four hours.After that,couples which had been fused to one cell were transferred to the oviducts of pseudopregnant foster mothers.Six offsprings were obtained from this transplantation. Key words:Mouse,Embryo,Nuclear transplantation  相似文献   
Both allatotropic and allatostatic activities were found in crude extracts of brain from adult and larval Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini, but it seems that allatotropic activity dominates in each stage. There was a high level of allatotropic activity in the crude extract of brain from newly emerged female adults, but allatostatic activity appeared in the bioassay when excessive amounts of crude extracts of brain were added. Crude extracts of brain from premoulting fourth‐instar larvae and from newly ecdysed fifth‐instar larvae exhibited allatotropic activities, whereas extracts of brain from the second and third day of the fifth‐instar larvae inhibited juvenile hormone (JH) release slightly. Allatotropic activity from the brains of adults and larvae stimulated both adult and larval corpora allata (CA) to synthesize JH. Manduca sexta allatotropin (AT) (Mas‐AT) and M. sexta allatostatin (AST) (Mas‐AST) also stimulated and inhibited both adult and larval S. cynthia ricini CA to synthesize JH, respectively. Higher concentrations of Mas‐AT (10?4 or 10?3 M) showed an inhibitory effect on adult CA. CA from newly emerged female adults were the most sensitive to inhibition by Mas‐AST, whereas CA from female pharate adults at about 6 h before adult emergence were the most sensitive to stimulation by Mas‐AT and S. cynthia ricini brain allatotropic activity. An extract of brain and Mas‐AT induced some of the non‐active female pharate adult CA at 12 h before emergence to synthesize a small amount of JH.  相似文献   
测定了蓖麻蚕Samia cynthia ricini线粒体基因组(mtDNA)含完整的细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅲ(COX3)、tRNA-Gly和部分的NADH亚基Ⅲ(ND3)基因的DNA片段序列。COX3基因编码框包含789个核苷酸,编码262个氨基酸的蛋白质。通过同源性比较,发现COX3基因的3′端比5′端要保守,其编码的蛋白在C端有两个保守序列存在。COX3的下游为66 bp的tRNA-Gly基因。蓖麻蚕的COX3与家蚕COX3同源性最高,核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别是80.2%和85.6%。根据COX3氨基酸序列进行了12种无脊椎动物的分子进化树分析,认为在采用线粒体基因序列进行分子进化分析时,应该综合考虑物种的繁殖模式及生态特点。  相似文献   
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