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2000年至2002年冬季,在河南董寨国家级自然保护区对我国特有珍稀雉类白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)越冬期栖息地进行了调查,并结合RS和GIS在多个尺度上对其栖息地选择进行了分析.结果表明,不同尺度上影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的因素存在差异,影响因子之间还存在相互作用.在微生境上,影响因子主要是坡度、乔木盖度以及坡向余弦值与灌木高度的相互作用;在115 m尺度上,关键因子是灌木林、阔叶林和针叶林的面积;250m尺度上,主要因子是针叶林和阔叶林的面积及针叶林与阔叶林面积的相互作用;对于距离因素,到河漫滩和到农田的距离是影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的关键因子.根据回归分析和AIC及AICc值,115 m尺度上栖息地变量对白冠长尾雉越冬期的栖息地选择影响最大.综合分析发现,在较大的尺度上,影响白冠长尾雉越冬期栖息地选择的关键因子有针叶林面积、阔叶林面积、针叶林和灌丛面积的相互作用、到河漫滩的距离以及到农田的距离.  相似文献   
不同孵化湿度下的乌龟卵孵化成功率及新生幼体特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杜卫国  郑荣泉 《动物学报》2004,50(1):133-136
A total of 51 Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii eggs were incubated on wet and dry substrates (water potentials of - 12 kPa and - 300 kPa, respectively) at 30℃ to assess the influence of the hydric environments on egg survival and hatchling traits. Eggs incubated in the dry condition lost weight, whereas those incubated in the wet condition did not. The hydric environments did not affect incubation lengths (60.3 vs 60.7 days) as well as hatching successes (69.2% vs 88.0% ). Except for wet body mass and carapace width, which were larger for hatchlings from the -12 kPa treatment than from the -300 kPa treatment, the hydric environments did not affect most hatchling traits. These unaffected traits included dry body mass, carapace length, tail length, limb length, hatehling components (carcass, residual yolk and fat bodies), swimming performance and critical thermal minimum. In conclusion, within the water potential of -12 to -300 kPa, hydric environments have little effect on embryonic development and hatchling traits in Chinese three-keeled pond turtles [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1) : 133 - 136, 2004].  相似文献   
Home range and habitat use of male Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) were studied during winter of 2001∼2002 and 2002∼2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province. Results from five individuals of Reeves’s pheasant with over 30 relocations, indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03 ± 1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method, 8.60 ± 0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method, and 9.50 ± 1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method. It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season. The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88 ± 0.37 hm2. Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals, a large part of the habitats used were composed of confier and broadleaf mixed forests, masson pine forests, fir forests, and shrubs. Habitat use within the study area was non-random, while habitats within home ranges were randomly used. Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height, shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m. The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter. Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, increasing suitable habitat for Reeves’s Pheasant through artificial plantations (e.g. firs), and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests. __________ Translated from Biodiversity Science, 2005, 13 (5) [译自: 生物多样性, 2005,13(5)]  相似文献   
乌龟血液生物化学指标的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌龟Chinemys reevesii 隶属龟鳖目、龟科、乌龟属。    相似文献   
乌龟白细胞发育过程的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对乌龟骨髓、脾脏、肝脏等几种组织涂片的观察研究,发现骨髓与脾脏是乌龟的主要造血器官;白细胞的发育过程大致经过三个阶段,即原始阶段、幼稚阶段、成熟阶段。着重描述了各个阶段细胞的形态特征,并对乌龟白血细胞的发育及命名等问题作了初步探讨。  相似文献   
林炽贤  杜宇  邱清波  计翔 《动物学报》2007,53(3):437-445
作者用蜡皮蜥(Leiolepis reevesii)为模型动物,检验产卵于温暖且热稳定巢内的蜥蜴应有相对较高但较窄的孵化温度的假设。卵在三个恒定温度(27、30和33℃)、一个波动温度处理下孵化。温度的平均值而非方差影响孵化期,27、30和33℃的平均孵化期分别为101.1、69.6和55.3d。幼体性别不受孵化温度影响。不同处理孵出的幼体仅有稍许形态差异,但运动表现差异显著。27℃孵出幼体在跑道上的表现比其它处理孵出幼体差。卵能在27℃和33℃下孵化,但这两个孵化温度并不适宜。蜡皮蜥适宜的孵化温度范围可能处于最频繁的巢温变化范围(28℃-32℃)内。与其它在低温生境或温暖生境但产卵于浅巢的有鳞类爬行动物相比较,蜡皮蜥有相对较高但较窄适宜的卵孵化温度。因此,作者的数据支持上述假设。  相似文献   
Home range and habitat use of male Reeves's Pheasant(syrmaticus reevesii)were studied during winter of 2001~2002 and 2002~2003 in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve,Henan Province.Results from five individuals of Reeves's Pheasant with over 30 relocations,indicated that the average size of home range was 10.03±1.17 hm2 by Minimum Convex Polygon method.8.60±0.35 hm2 by 90% Harmonic Mean Transformation method,and 9.50±1.90 hm2 by 95% Fixed Kernel method.It was observed that the winter range is smaller than that in the breeding season.The mean core area of the home range was found to be 1.88±0.37 hm2.Although the habitat composition of the core area varied greatly for individuals,a large part of the habitats used were composed of conifer and broadleaf mixed forests,masson pine forests,fir forests,and shrubs.Habitat use within the study area was non-random,while habitats within home ranges were randomly used.Habitat use was dictated by tree diameter at breast height,shrub height and coverage at 2.0 m.The proximity between forests and shrubs were also found to be important in providing refuge for the birds during winter.Recommendations for conservation management include protecting the existing habitats in Dongzhai National Nature Reserve,increasing suitable habitat for Reeves's Pheasant through artificial plantations(e.g.firs),and restoring some parts of the large shrub area into forests.  相似文献   
本文主要描述池塘养殖条件下鲥鱼幼鱼的生长与食性。1)1987—1989年8月至11月幼鱼生长迅速,快于同期珠江天然个体的生长速度;2)体长26.6—94.9mm的幼鱼主要摄食浮游动物,轮虫和浮游植物出现率随个体增大而减少。食物共有18个属种,摄食频度为100%;3)幼鱼的平均饱满指数为75.70‰。各类食物重量百分比的顺序为:桡足类>枝角类>无节幼体>虾类溞状幼体>轮虫>藻类。  相似文献   
本文主要描述池塘养殖条件下鲥鱼幼鱼的生长与食性。1)1987-1989年8月至11月幼鱼生长迅速,快于同期珠江天然个体的生长速度;2)体长26.6-94.9mm的幼鱼主要摄食浮游动物,轮虫和浮游植物出现率随个体增大而减少。食物共有18个属种,摄食频度为100%;3)幼鱼的平均饱满指数为75.70‰。各类食物重量百分比的顺序为:桡足类>枝角类>无节幼体>虾类溞状幼体>轮虫>藻类。  相似文献   
龟鳖类锥虫两新种(动体目:锥体科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龟鳖类锥虫的研究,国内外均比较少。本文记述了在中华鳖和乌龟血液中发现的两新种,鳖锥虫和龟锥虫。这是国内首次对龟鳖类锥虫研究的报道。  相似文献   
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