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利用黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvldraco)、尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia nilotica)对三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)钩介幼虫进行了寄生实验,分析了幼虫在寄主鱼上的寄生周期和脱落数量与寄主种类、寄主鱼单尾体重的相关关系.以未寄生幼虫的罗非鱼为空白对照,测定分析了罗非鱼在幼虫寄生前、脱落后主要血浆生化指标的变化.实验结果显示:黄颡鱼、罗非鱼平均每千克体重脱落稚贝的数量分别为(26 435±6 430)只、(26 327±3 091)只,两种寄主鱼间不存在显著差异;脱落的稚贝数量随着寄主鱼体重的增加而增加,并呈显著线性相关.在水温(24±1)℃条件下,黄颡鱼组、罗非鱼组的稚贝脱落高峰分别出现在寄生后的第8 d、第7 d,罗非鱼组表现为明显的"早脱落"现象.罗非鱼在寄生前后血浆总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(Alb)、总糖(Glu)、总胆固醇(Tc)和高密度脂蛋白(HDL)含量均未出现显著变化,而血浆甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)含量显著下降(P=0.001,0.020).未寄生组罗非鱼的7项指标均未出现明显变化.实验结果将为三角帆蚌钩介幼虫变态发育相关营养因子的探讨提供理论参考.  相似文献   
The pathology of glochidial infection of the freshwater mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was examined in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in fresh water and for 150 days after transfer of salmon to sea water. Prevalence of infection in fresh water was 95%, mean abundance 134 per fish and mean infection intensity 140. Prevalence in sea water was 80–94% in the first 7 weeks after transfer but glochidia were absent, apart from remains, after 50 days in sea water. Glochidia on salmon in fresh water were associated with localized hyperplasia and fusion of secondary gill lamellae. Focally extensive epithelial hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae were present 4–10 days after transfer to sea water. Twenty-three days after transfer, small nodules with a more discrete appearance were present suggesting partial resolution of tissue response; hyperplastic responses associated with glochidia were much reduced after 50 days. Plasma chloride in infected fish 10 days after transfer was 153 mmol. 1−1, significantly higher than fish without infection, suggesting poorer adaptation to sea water. No mortalities due to glochidial infection in sea water were recorded and there was no significant difference in mean weight between infected and control fish.  相似文献   
绢丝丽蚌胚胎发育的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
绢丝丽蚌卵为均黄卵,爱精卵在雌蚌外鳃中进行胚胎发育,其卵裂为不等完全卵裂。在秋季自然常湿(水温变幅为24-8℃)时,胚胎发育历时51d,经过卵裂期、原肠期,发育为具有透明原壳、过钩、闭壳肌丝、内足丝、刚毛和外足丝的成熟钩介幼虫。胚胎发育的不同时期与外鳃特征具相关性。  相似文献   
为揭示褶纹冠蚌钩介幼虫变态发育特征及过程,采用体外培养方法实现了褶纹冠蚌钩介幼虫的非寄生变态发育。运用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对变态发育过程中幼虫外部形态、内部器官发育进行了系列观察,对非寄生变态发育的稚蚌后期生长发育进行跟踪研究,并分析了底泥和光照两种环境因子对稚蚌存活及生长的影响。结果显示:在整个培养过程中,钩介幼虫的外部形态及大小未出现显著性变化,而斧足、鳃丝、外套膜及内脏团等组织器官逐步形成;在培养第3天,幼虫可见斧足雏形,鳃丝、外套膜纤毛尚未发现;在培养第6天,斧足成形,可见斧足侧沟,外套膜纤毛稀疏,鳃丝出现;培养第9天,斧足纤毛、外套膜纤毛增多,鳃丝密集。稚蚌投喂30d后,鳃丝基本成形。养殖试验结果表明:底泥对稚蚌存活和生长具有显著影响(P < 0.01),而光照无显著性影响(P>0.05)。该结果为蚌科钩介幼虫变态发育生物学研究积累了基础资料,也通过对稚蚌生长的评估证实了体外培养是蚌类人工繁育及保护的有效技术途径。  相似文献   
背瘤丽蚌胚胎发育的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用显微技术研究了背瘤丽蚌(Lamprotula leai)胚胎发育和钩介幼虫结构。结果表明,背瘤丽蚌卵为均黄卵,受精卵分布在雌蚌内、外鳃腔中进行胚胎发育;胚胎发育同步;胚胎发育过程包括受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、膜内钩介幼虫期和钩介幼虫期;卵裂为螺旋不等完全卵裂;未受精的成熟卵在鳃腔内退化;胚胎发育期与胚胎、外鳃和内鳃颜色相关;怀卵母蚌胚胎在外界环境变化时容易全部流产。分析认为背瘤丽蚌胚胎发育期的繁殖特征可指导人工苗种生产。  相似文献   
珠蚌科六种蚌的钩介幼虫形态比较研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
本文观察了背角无齿蚌、沼纹冠蚌、剑状矛蚌、圆顶珠蚌、刻裂丽蚌和洞穴丽蚌等6种蚌的育儿囊类型;用光镜和扫描电镜观察和研究了幼虫的形态特征。结果表明,前4种蚌的育儿囊属外鳃类的同生型,后2种的育儿囊属外鳃类的四生型;6种幼虫均为钩介幼虫,其中前4种为有钩型,后2种为无钩型;6种幼虫的大小、形态有别,并证明种间幼虫的壳钧和壳饰的亚显微形态显然有异。本文还就6种蚌在Simpson分类系统中的地位与按它们的育儿囊和钩介幼虫类型得到的归类进行比较。结果表明,Simpson对6种蚌中3种的分类与归类不妥。本文为研究我国淡水贝类的分类提供一条新的途径,并为建立珠蚌类的自然分类系统积累资料。  相似文献   
绢丝丽蚌寄生变态发育的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
绢丝丽蚌钩介幼虫在雌蚌外鳃中发育成熟后于冬季排放到体外,而后寄生到宿主鱼的鳃丝进行变态发育,寄生期历时近4个月.寄生后3d,内、外足丝消失;35d后,肉足形成;90d后,肠、闭壳肌、肾脏和鳃原基等生成;壳面加厚且外凸.次年春季,钩介幼虫变态发育成大小为253.37×273.26×179.96μm的稚蚌,脱离鱼鳃营独立生活  相似文献   
Although historically understudied, parasites may play an important role in freshwater invertebrate population ecology and evolution. We quantified abundance of parasitic mites and trematodes in the freshwater mussel Pyganodon grandis, in a southeastern Alabama stream (USA), to assess parasite impact on adult mussel physiological condition and reproductive output. We used stepwise multiple regression analyses to assess the effects of mussel size and parasites on reproduction and condition. Multiple regression analysis found no multivariate models that predicted reproductive output or physiological condition. However, univariate models revealed that increased parasite densities predict reduced mussel reproductive output and physiological condition. These findings suggest that parasites may have important negative consequences for freshwater mussels. We hypothesize that elevated parasite loads may reduce mussel fitness in impounded or nutrient-enriched streams with high densities of intermediate hosts (chironomid midges).  相似文献   
The southern sandshell, Lampsilis australisSimpson, 1900, is a rare freshwater mussel endemic to the Escambia, Yellow, andChoctawhatchee river drainages in Alabama and Florida. Laboratory observationsconfirmed L. australis as a superconglutinate producer.Superconglutinate and glochidial morphology are similar to those of othersuperconglutinate producers. The current distribution of L.australis, as determined from recent surveys (1995–2000) andfield notes (1990–2000), is compared with its historical distribution asdefined by museum collections and field notes made between 1900 and 1989. Thecurrent distribution of L. australis is reduced by76% compared to its historical distribution, although L. australis waslocated at new sites in the recent surveys. Relative abundance of L.australis was low at all but two sites. Based on reproductivestrategy, range reductions, low relative abundance, and potential threats withinthe Escambia, Yellow, and Choctawhatchee river drainages, we believeL. australis should be considered for protection under theEndangered Species Act.  相似文献   
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