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The Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres is an Endangered colonial cliff-nesting species that is typically cited as monogamous. Observations of wild Cape Vulture colonies note extra-pair breeding activities but homosexual activity has never been confirmed. Observations of breeding behaviours within a captive colony were conducted at VulPro’s breeding facilities in South Africa The captive breeding programme included 10 breeding pairs and a total of 41 non-releasable, individually recognisable, and genetically sexed subadults or adults. Observations were conducted over the 2014 breeding season as part of a study investigating the social and rearing conditions of chicks intended for release in a population supplementation programme. A high percentage of total colony copulation attempts (22%) were extra-pair copulations but only 23 interactions resulted in cloacal contact or possible sperm transfer. Four paired males formed extra-pair relationships, two of which were homosexual.  相似文献   
The Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus occurs throughout its range in small and dwindling population fragments with limited genetic differentiation between populations, suggesting that the species might be managed as a single entity. The numbers of East and Southern African Bearded Vultures included in previous studies were small, so we determine the genetic variation within, evolutionary placement of and connectivity among sub‐Saharan African populations. Mitochondrial DNA fragment analyses detected little or no differentiation between populations in Ethiopia and Southern Africa, with reduced haplotype diversity in Southern Africa compared with populations in the Northern Hemisphere. The results inform conservation management of this species globally and locally, and offer guidelines for translocations should populations continue to decline.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.   We designed a system of solar-powered video cameras that transmitted images via telemetry to a monitor. This system allowed us to study the breeding behavior of the Bearded Vulture ( Gypaetus barbatus ) in the Pyrenees (northeastern Spain). From 2000 to 2004, 12 nests in seven territories were equipped with video cameras. To avoid disturbing the birds, equipment was installed 3–8 weeks before egg-laying. The acceptance rate was 75%. No decline in productivity was observed for nests monitored with video cameras compared to control nests. The cameras enabled us to document egg-laying, hatching asynchrony, the nestlings' diet, and the parents' breeding behavior from distances of 2–3 km, although technical problems temporarily interrupted the transmission of images. Video cameras can be used successfully to study the Bearded Vultures, and probably other cliff-nesting raptors, without reducing productivity.  相似文献   
Deserts shrubs are well known to facilitate vegetation aggregation, mostly through seed trapping, and stress amelioration during and after plant establishment. Because vegetation aggregation effects are a by‐product of shrub presence, beneficiary species may not only be native, but also exotic. However, despite the high risk that exotic invasive species pose to ecosystem services, little is known of the role of desert shrubs on plant invasions. We assessed the influence of two shrub species on the non‐dormant soil seed bank (i.e. the number of seeds that readily germinate with sufficient water availability) of an invasive annual grass (Schismus barbatus) and of coexisting native species in a central‐northern Monte Desert (Argentina). Soil samples were collected beneath the canopies of two dominant shrub species (Bulnesia retama and Larrea divaricata) and in open spaces (i.e. intercanopies) in May 2001. Overall, the density of germinated seedlings of Schismus and that of the native species were negatively associated across microsite types. Schismus density was similar to that of all native species pooled together (mostly annuals), and was highest in Larrea samples (with no significant differences between Bulnesia and intercanopies). On the contrary, the density of all native species pooled together was highest in Bulnesia samples. Our results suggest that shrubs may contribute to plant invasions in our study system but, most importantly, they further illustrate that this influence can be species specific. Further research is needed to assess the relative importance of in situ seed production (and survival) and seed redistribution on soil seed bank spatial patterns.  相似文献   
Capsule: The nesting habitat of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina extensively overlap, indicating that they exploit similar resources.

Aim: We aimed to determine the overlap in the nest platforms, nest trees and nest stands used by these raptors, find any evidence for the avoidance of the larger Lesser Spotted Eagle by the smaller Common Buzzard, and provide conservation implications for habitat protection of the former species in habitats that overlap extensively.

Methods: Nest sites were mapped during 2012–2014 in the Bir?ai Forest Spatial Protection Area, northern Lithuania. Fifty-three nest sites occupied by Common Buzzards and 26 by Lesser Spotted Eagles were compared.

Results: The nest platforms of both raptors were similarly placed in the tree canopies. Most Lesser Spotted Eagle nests were built in spruce, while the Common Buzzard usually nested in birch. The nest stands of the eagles were on wetter soil and located closer to the forest edge than those of the buzzards, otherwise, the nest stands did not differ significantly. There was no evidence for spatial avoidance of the larger raptor by the Common Buzzard.

Conclusions: The different components of the nesting habitats extensively overlapped, and the distribution of the interspecific pairs lacked spatial avoidance. We suggest that the nest sites of both raptors were a largely shared resource, especially if located close to the forest edges. We propose, as a rule of thumb, applying protection by way of buffer zones around buzzard nest sites if they are located close to eagle nest sites and the forest edge.  相似文献   
During the last decades, the critically endangered Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus has strongly declined across its African range. Although direct persecution has been suggested as a major cause of this decline, little is known about the impact of humans on reproductive output in West Africa. We studied the impact of human activities on the reproductive output of Hooded Vultures in the Garango area of Burkina Faso. Twenty and 56 nesting attempts were monitored, respectively, during the breeding season in 2013/14 and 2014/15, to determine reproductive success and identify causes of nest failure. Annual breeding success varied between 0.68 and 0.71 chicks fledged per breeding pair per year and productivity was assessed at 0.57 chicks fledged per territorial pair in 2014/15. The main threats imposed by humans were poaching of eggs, chicks and collection of nest materials, leading to 20% (13 out of 64 breeding attempts) of nest failures over the two years. An additional important reason for nest failure was the pruning and (partial) cutting of nest trees. Despite this high level of human interference, we found that Hooded Vulture nest success increased with proximity to human settlements, probably because breeding vultures benefit from protection by people against persecution and disturbance.  相似文献   
Two hypotheses have been proposed to link population regulation to density‐dependent changes in demographical parameters: the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis (HHH) states that, as population density rises, an increasing proportion of individuals are forced to occupy low‐quality territories, which provokes a decline in average per‐capita survival and/or productivity although some individuals show no decline in fecundity; and the individual adjustment hypothesis (IAH), which suggests that increased densities lead to reductions in survival and/or fecundity by enhancing agonistic interactions, which affect all individuals to a similar extent. However, density‐dependent effects can be affected by density‐independent factors (DIF), such as weather. We test the effects of density dependence on annual reproductive success in Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus at four spatial scales, nest‐site, cliff, colony and metacolony, in northern Spain from 2008 to 2015. Our results showed most support for the HHH at all scales. At the colony and cliff scale, IAH and DIF had similar importance, whereas there was little evidence of IAH at the metacolony and the nest scale. The best protected eyries (caves, potholes and sheltered ledges) produced the most fledglings and were used preferentially, whereas low‐quality eyries (exposed ledges or open crevices) were used only when the number of breeders increased. The significant interaction between breeding failure and density found for the more exposed eyries suggests that at higher densities, breeding pairs are forced to use poorer nesting areas, and the negative effect of density at the cliff scale could be due to the combined effect of a higher proportion of pairs using low‐quality eyries and the negative effect of rainfall.  相似文献   
 Embryonic, larval, and juvenile development of a Taiwanese cyprinid fish, Candidia barbatus, is described from laboratory-reared specimens. The eggs, measuring 1.8–2.1 mm in diameter, were demersal, almost spherical in shape, transparent and unpigmented, with a pale yellow yolk and no oil globule. Hatching occurred 56–69 h after fertilization, the newly hatched larvae measuring 4.9–5.3 mm in body length (BL) with 25–26 + 13–14 = 39–40 myomeres. The yolk was completely absorbed at 7.6 mm BL. Notochord flexion was initiated at 6.8 mm BL and finished at 7.6 mm BL. Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at 12 mm BL. Barbels on the upper jaw appeared near the corner of the mouth at 17 mm BL. Eggs of the species closely resembled those of its related cyprinid genera, Opsariichthys and Zacco. Larvae and juveniles of C. barbatus were similar to those of O. uncirostris subspp., Z. platypus, and Z. pachycephalus, but differed from the latter in the process of disappearance of the adipose finfold (postflexion larval stage), barbels on upper jaw (juvenile stage), and pigmentation on the lateral body surface (postflexion larval and juvenile stages). Although C. barbatus also differed from the Z. temminckii species' group [Z. temminckii and Zacco sp. (sensu Hosoya, 2002)] in having barbels, larvae and juveniles of the former showed more similarity to the latter species group than to O. uncirostris subspp., Z. platypus, and Z. pachycephalus, from the aspect of head and body pigmentation.  相似文献   
Genetic relatedness among founders is a vitalparameter in the management of captivepopulations as kin structure can have asignificant effect on subsequent populationstructure. Methods for inferring relatednessfrom microsatellite markers have all beendeveloped for natural populations; theirapplicability to captive populations withunknown founder origins needs thereforetesting. We used information derived from 14microsatellites in 177 individuals and Quellerand Goodnight's approach, to estimaterelatedness in the captive bearded vulturepopulation and to test the assumption ofunrelated founders. Mean relatedness of knownparent–offspring, full-sib and half-sib pairswithin the captive population were in agreementwith theoretical distributions. Pairwiserelatedness values among the founders had amean of –0.051 (SE ± 0.007) and theirdistribution did only differ marginally fromthe one found in the natural Pyreneanpopulation. A maximum likelihood approach wasused to determine the likelihood of founderpairs to be as closely related as full-sibs orparent–offspring. These results were combinedwith data from 268 bp mitochondrial DNA controlregion sequences and studbook information. Wecould exclude a close relationship among themajority of the 36 successfully reproducingfounders. Our study therefore removesmanagement concerns about hidden problems ofinbreeding and inbreeding depression. Itdemonstrates the applicability of relatednessestimates based on microsatellite allelefrequency data even in captive populations.Furthermore, we verified studbook informationon the origin of two founders from thePyrenees, and show the value of assignmenttests based on microsatellites for deducingfounder origins and their important role infuture monitoring projects.  相似文献   
高山兀鹫(Gyps himalayensis)在海拔2 400~4 800 m的悬崖峭壁之上营巢,行为观测难度较大,资料匮缺。2013年至2015年,在天山采用样线调查法、问卷调查法,寻找到上百个巢穴。通过布设红外自动相机的方法,对高山兀鹫繁殖期巢内行为进行拍摄,同时结合焦点动物取样法和瞬时扫描法,对其交配及巢内行为进行观察和研究。共拍摄11万张照片,选出有效照片2 150张。对繁殖期行为进行了描述和定义,共7大类16种行为。根据照片逐一对比每种行为,统计各种行为拍摄张数及所占比例,其中,交配135张(6.3%),筑巢403张(18.7%),休息420张(19.5%),警戒375张(17.4%),保养335张(15.6%),运动200张(9.3%),其他282张(13.1%)。照片记录显示,交配行为从1月16日持续到3月2日,在一天的8:00~16:00时间段内,除9:00~10:00时没有记录到交配行为外,其余时间段内都有发生。交配行为次数(张数)在13:00~14:00时达到高峰,与气温同期达到高峰。交配过程持续8~15 s。筑巢期间,巢材由雌雄兀鹫运输,雌性负责将巢材放入巢中,整理、铺垫和修缮。筑巢行为在白天有三个高峰期,分别为11:00~12:00时、13:00~14:00时和15:00~16:00时。在每个高峰期后,往往出现一个短暂的低谷期。冬季食物短缺,照片显示雕鸮(Bubo bubo)、雪豹(Uncia uncia)等食肉动物进入巢内,对兀鹫繁殖造成干扰,甚至中断繁殖。作为高原健康指示物种,高山兀鹫生存状况不容乐观,急需加强保护。  相似文献   
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