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The cDNA fragments of hnRNPA2/B1 were cloned from the giant panda and black bear using RT-PCR method, which were, respectively, 1029bp and 1026bp in length encoding 343 and 341 amino acids. Analysis indicated the cDNA cloned from the giant panda encoded variant B1 while the cDNA cloned from black bear encoded variant A2.

Analyzing the hnRNPA2B1 peptide of the giant panda and black bear, 76 glycine residues and 86 glycine residues were, respectively, found, and moreover, most glycine are concentrated in the latter halves of the hnRNPA2B1 peptides. Functional sites prediction also showed many N-myristoylation sites existed in the glycine-rich domain, which is probably related to the role of telomere maintenance.

From base bias and substitution analysis, we can conclude that the ORF of hnRNPA2/B1 biased G while hated C, and transition of the third site did not achieve the level of saturation.

Orthology analysis indicated that both the nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence showed high identity to other 26 hnRNPA2/B1 sequences from mammals and nonmammals reported. These sequences were used to construct phylogenetic trees employing the NJ method with 1000 bootstrap, and the obtained tree demonstrated similar topology with the classical systematics, which suggested the potential value of hnRNPA2/B1 in phylogenetic analysis.

This report will be the first step to the study function of hnRNPA2/B1 in the giant panda and black bear, and will provide a scientific basis to disease surveillance, captive breeding, and conservation of the endangered species.  相似文献   
Barrier to autointegration factor 1 (BANF1) is a DNA-binding protein found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells that functions to establish nuclear architecture during mitosis. The cDNA and the genomic sequence of BANF1 were cloned from the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus mupinensis) using RT-PCR technology and Touchdown-PCR, respectively. The cDNA of the BANF1 cloned from Giant Panda and Black Bear is 297 bp in size, containing an open reading frame of 270 bp encoding 89 amino acids. The length of the genomic sequence from Giant Panda is 521 bp, from Black Bear is 536 bp, which were found both to possess 2 exons. Alignment analysis indicated that the nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence are highly conserved to some mammalian species studied. Topology prediction showed there is one Protein kinase C phosphorylation site, one Casein kinase II phosphorylation site, one Tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, one N-myristoylation site, and one Amidation site in the BANF1 protein of the Giant Panda, and there is one Protein kinase C phosphorylation site, one Tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, one N-myristoylation site, and one Amidation site in the BANF1 protein of the Black Bear. The BANF1 gene can be readily expressed in E. coli. Results showed that the protein BANF1 fusion with the N-terminally His-tagged form gave rise to the accumulation of an expected 14 kD polypeptide that formed inclusion bodies. The expression products obtained could be used to purify the proteins and study their function further.  相似文献   
To elucidate the cause of prenatal and early postnatal death in giant panda, pathological studies have been carried out on paraffin-fixed tissue sections from two fetuses and four cubs. The fetuses appeared to have classical atrophic changes in lung and hemorrhage in multiple organs, whereas the cubs showed purulent inflmnmation in various organs, most profound in lung and umbilicus. Localized infusion of bacteria and neutrophils were identified in the focus. Acute enteritis and hepatitis were also observed, as well as purulent encephalitis in one case. Variable degrees of congestion, hemorrhage, denaturalization and putrescence were evident in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, and lymph nodes. The results indicated that the fetuses died from suffocation whereas the cubs died from infection.  相似文献   
鉴于野生大熊猫种群的濒危现状,已经不允许对其生境进行破坏性或干扰其行为活动较多的调查活动。例如,野生大熊猫个体数量稀少、其栖息地地形复杂或植被茂密,野外直接观察和调查野生大熊猫极为困难。自动感应照相系统是一种非损伤性野生动物调查工具,在很大程度上弥补了传统调查方法的不足,为野生动物的调查和研究提供了新的有效途径。本研究利用自行研究和开发的自动感应照相系统,获得了野生大熊猫及与其同域分布的其它物种的重要生态信息,显示了自动感应照相系统在物种鉴定、区系调查、个体识别、种群监测、性别确定和行为生态学研究等多方面的应用价值[动物学报51(3):495—500,2005]。  相似文献   
Population viability of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is threatened by small population sizes in scattered isolated habitat areas. Designing a conservation plan for protecting and connecting the fragmented habitat will improve the chances for survival of this endangered species. For such a plan, this study assessed the overall habitat suitability for the species in the Qionglai mountain range (Sichuan, China) using Landsat TM imagery acquired in 2001, geographical data, field surveys, and information acquired in previous researches. Results show that the habitat is separated by roads and rivers, as well as by human settlements and cropland areas, into four main habitat blocks. Overlapping these four habitat blocks with the current nature reserve network reveals that only 36% of the total habitat is protected within nature reserves. Thus, the current nature reserve network is failing to preserve essential habitat for dispersal and genetic exchange. In this study, five key areas and four linkage areas were identified and suggested as nature reserves and/or corridors. These areas, together with the six currently established nature reserves in the mountain range, will form a conservation unit for facilitating the exchange of giant panda individuals among previously isolated habitat blocks. Policies recently implemented by the Chinese government, including the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) and the Grain-to-Green Program (GTGP), could aid in the formation of such a conservation unit.  相似文献   
西氏贝蛔虫Baylisascaris schroederi是圈养大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca最常见、危害最严重的一种体内寄生虫,采用药物驱虫是目前控制圈养大熊猫蛔虫病的主要措施。为了筛选有效的驱虫药物,本研究观察了3种苯并咪唑类药物(阿苯达唑片剂、芬苯达唑膏剂和甲苯咪唑片剂)对大熊猫蛔虫的驱虫效果,统计了驱虫前后粪检蛔虫卵转阴率及排虫情况。结果表明,除芬苯达唑按5 mg·kg^-1体质量口服,每天1次,连续服用2 d,效果较差外,3种药物按10 mg·kg^-1体质量口服,每天1次,连续服用2 d,用药安全且有较好的驱虫效果。  相似文献   
秦岭大熊猫冬春季节对巴山木竹竹林生长指标的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2005年冬季的12月、1月和春季的4月、5月,在秦岭山系南坡佛坪自然保护区内就大熊猫对构成其主要栖息地和食物来源的巴山木竹竹林的选择进行研究后的结果表明:在冬季,大熊猫栖息地多为幼竹与死竹比例基本持平、密度稳定的巴山木竹竹林,主要取食老竹;在春季,大熊猫更偏好选择竹子密度和盖度略低、竹子粗壮高大、幼竹与竹笋比例高的竹林活动,主要取食幼竹。大熊猫春季栖息地幼竹比例通常高过死竹比例,竹林密度处于增长期。竹林进入发笋期后,稀疏、高大的竹林下的粗大竹笋成为大熊猫的主要食物来源。  相似文献   
在回顾大熊猫生境选择研究历史的基础上,总结了大熊猫生境选择的考察因子、研究方法,概括了大熊猫对对觅食条件、隐蔽条件和气候条件的选择机制,并探讨了大熊猫生境选择的灵活性及大熊猫和与其同域分布的动物种的共存机制。作者认为,野外调查误差大、研究尺度单一等是目前大熊猫生境选择研究中存在的主要问题,应用目前较流行的已被证明比较优良的资源选择函数法、DNA指纹技术、无线电遥测、红外线自动感应照相系统、GIS与遥感成像等先进技术,并融合景观生态学理论,从较大尺度空间来研究大熊猫的生境选择,应是今后的发展方向。  相似文献   
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