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美国、日本和越南研究人员2005年十月14日报告说,在一名越南患身上的H5N1型禽流感病毒毒株中,他们发现了一些毒株对目前最有效的流感药物“达菲”已具有抗药性。科学家警告说,禽流感病毒的变异速度大大超出人们的想象,各国绝不能单纯依赖“达菲”。  相似文献   
于洁 《生理通讯》2005,24(1):12-13
威尔逊森林大学圣徒约翰医学中心的科学家们宣称,他们发现了与Ⅱ型糖尿病有关的基因,此基因与胰岛素的作用有关。  相似文献   
PPⅡ二级结构是一种稀有的蛋白质结构类型。目前使用机器学习方法预测此二级结构的工作还比较少见。引入一种新的方法———支持向量机 (SVM)来预测PPII二级结构 ,并与神经网络方法进行了比较 ,结果表明 ,SVM方法在预测PPII结构上表现良好 ,预测精度达到 76 .5 2 %。  相似文献   
Susceptible and resistance wheat cultivars, Triticum aestivum L, were presented to two biotypes of Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), in multiple choice tests to assay their relative acceptability as host plants. Both apterae (third and fourth instars) and alate adults were offered plants at the two-leaf stage in different cultivar combinations at 22±1℃ and 16:8 (L: D) hour photoperiod. Apterae were released from Petri dishes in the center of a circle of test plants, whereas alatae dispersed from a mature aphid colony to settle on plants arranged in rows. Both alatae and apterous nymphs of both biotypes readily colonized all cultivars tested:‘2137', ‘Akron',‘Ankor’,‘ Halt’ ,‘ Jagger’ ,‘ Prairie Red’ , ‘Stanton',‘TAM 107',‘TAM 110',‘Trego', ‘ Yuma', and ‘Yumar'. Fewer biotype I apterae responded (settled and fed) in the combination containing more resistant (Dn4- and Dny-expressing) cultivars, compared to the combinations that had fewer. The reverse was true for biotype 2 apterae; more aphids responded in the combination containing the largest number of Dn4 expressing cultivars. Differential colonization of cultivars was observed in only one combination, in which biotype 2 apterae colonized Akron and Yumar in larger numbers than they did Stanton and Yuma. A separate experiment confirmed that, 48 hours after infestation, more biotype 2 apterae abandoned plants of Yuma than plants of Yumar. This differential response was likely due to genetic differences between the two ' near isogenic' lines that include the lack of Dn4 expression in Yuma. Choice tests with alatae did not result in differential rates of cultivar colonization by either biotype in any combination tested. These results suggest that young wheat plants appear to lack any meaningful antixenosis toward D. noxia, even though the aphids appear to perceive, and sometimes respond to, certain differences in cultivar suitability.  相似文献   
富含巯基的植物II型金属硫蛋白(MT)对植物抵抗重金属胁迫具有重要作用,其中一个可能机制是金属硫蛋白可能猝灭重金属引起的氧化胁迫。利用转MT-II基因和野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)植株来对比研究MT在胁迫过程中通过清除氧自由基,特别是H2O2而对植物抗旱性的影响。研究表明,转基因型拟南芥能有效维持体内氧化—还原势,减少MDA的产生,从而缓解干旱胁迫引起的伤害,提高抗旱性。  相似文献   
The silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring) is a widely distributed pest of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and the population levels may be affected by rates of nitrogen fertilization and planting date. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of cotton planting date and nitrogen fertilization on silverleaf whitefly population dynamics. Cotton was planted on 26 April and 8 June, for the early and late plantings, respectively. Nitrogen treatments consisted of soil applications of 0, 112, 168 and 224 kg of nitrogen per hectare. The population levels of adult whiteflies were much higher on early-planted cotton than on late planting. Also, increased numbers of adult whiteflies on both early and late plantings occurred with increasing amounts of applied nitrogen.Applied nitrogen increased seed cotton yields of early plantings but had no effect on the yields of late plantings.  相似文献   
早世代稳定水稻的ISSR标记   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周黎军  李爱仙  吴先军  李仕贵 《遗传学报》2005,32(10):1074-1081
2个早世代稳定亲本与4个普通水稻杂交,F2代出现了8个早世代稳定株系。遗传分析表明,稳定株系出现时杂交F1群体分离,同一组合的F2群体中既出现农艺性状整齐一致的稳定株系,又出现按孟德尔分离的株系。利用26个ISSR引物对F2稳定株系进行分子标记,结果表明稳定株系出现4种类型的标记带型:母本带型出现,父本带消失;父本带型出现,母本带消失;由双亲的部分标记带组合而成;双亲标记带型消失,而出现新的标记带型。没有出现由双亲标记带组合而成标记带型。ISSR引物900标记的2000bp标记带可以将稳定株系与普通水稻材料划分为两类群。  相似文献   
猪链球菌2型FBPS的纤连蛋白结合部位的初步确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据猪链球菌2型江苏分离株HA9801的fbps基因序列,设计合成不同的引物,用含全长fbps的pMD-T-FBPS质粒为模板,通过PCR技术,扩增不同片段fbps,并按正确的阅读框架定向克隆到表达载体pET-32a( ),构建分别表达全长7~82、7~165和87~320氨基酸FBPS的重组表达质粒pFBPS、pFBPS(7~82)、pFBPS(7~165)和pFBPS(87~320);将重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE)株,经IPTG诱导,表达rFBPS(7~82)、rFBPS(7~165)、rFBPS(87~320)和rFBPS(全长),分子量分别为29、34、42及83kD的融合蛋白。配基亲和Western blot试验表明,表达的融合蛋白除rFBPS(7~82)外,均可与人纤连蛋白(Fn)结合,由此可以推断SS2的纤连蛋白/血纤蛋白原结合蛋白(FBPS)N端87~165氨基酸区域为具有结合活性的线性部位。  相似文献   
采用绿脓杆菌培养上清及绿脓菌素刺激人呼吸道上皮细胞株A549和SPC-A-1,用ELISA方法检测细胞IL-8分泌水平,并使用免疫印迹(Western blot)方法观察绿脓菌素对细胞内重要的炎症信号传导途径NF—κB及丝裂原激活蛋白激酶(MAPKs)的激活作用。实验发现,绿脓杆菌培养上清及绿脓菌素可诱导呼吸道上皮细胞株IL-8分泌增加,且具有剂量依赖效应。绿脓菌素刺激细胞可使细胞内IκB—α发生降解,同时使MAPK家族蛋白分子(ERK1/2、p38、JNK)发生磷酸化。MEK1/2(ERK1/2激酶)抑制剂U0126(10μmol/L)和p38MAPK抑制剂SB203580(10μmol/L)可降低绿脓菌素诱导A549细胞IL-8的合成。以上结果显示绿脓菌素通过MAPK信号传导通路增强呼吸道上皮细胞IL-8的表达;NF-κB通路也参与了绿脓菌素调控细胞IL-8表达的过程。  相似文献   
以2n团头鲂为对照,对诱导产生的同源四倍体、自繁后代(4n-F1)和倍间交配后代(正交3n和反交3n)的染色体组型及形态遗传特征进行比较分析。结果发现:(1)团头鲂四倍体(包括4n和4n-F1)和正反倍间交配三倍体的染色体众数分别为96和72,是2n团头鲂的2倍和1·5倍;在四倍体团头鲂组型排列中,sm1的四条较大的染色体明显可见,可视为标记染色体;(2)9个比例性状的测量结果显示,多倍体的体长/体高、体长/头长比例值显著小于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);而对于背棘长/体长比例值,多倍体则显著大于2n团头鲂(P<0·05);(3)29个参数的主成分分析结果表明,团头鲂同源4n、4n-F1、倍间交配3n及2n团头鲂等5个不同倍性群体的传统形态差别很大部分是由躯干部的形态差异,主要是体长/体高引起的,可作为团头鲂多倍体与二倍体群体鉴别的形态依据;(4)聚类结果显示,正交3n和反交3n相聚类,亲缘关系最近,然后,它们与4n-F1聚类后,再与4n奠基群体聚类,与二倍体群体的聚类关系较远[动物学报51(3):455-461,2005]。  相似文献   
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