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A field experiment was conducted to investigate if carbon isotope (13C) discrimination () measured at the vegetative stage of spring wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) is related with the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) at ripening. A line source sprinkler irrigation system exposed the wheat genotypes to different watering regimes, from rainfed to full irrigation and thereby increased the range in yield and WUE attainable in the four genotypes studied. The results indicated that values measured at the late stem elongation stage 60 days after planting (DAP), showed strong positive correlation with total dry matter yield (r=0.732***), and a highly significant negative correlation with WUE (r=–0.755***) measured at ripening 105 DAP. The data suggest that the imprints of measured at vegetative growth stage persists throughout the entire growth period, until maturity. Subject to confirmation from additional studies in other crops and locations, early measurements of may prove a useful tool for rapid and early screening of cultivars, for high yield and high WUE.  相似文献   
Maize and grain sorghum seeds were sown in pots and grown for 39 days in sunlit controlled-environment chambers at 360 (ambient) and 720 (double-ambient, elevated) μmol mol−1 carbon dioxide concentrations [CO2]. Canopy net photosynthesis (PS) and evapotranspiration (TR) was measured throughout and summarized daily from 08:00 to 17:00 h Eastern Standard Time. Irrigation was withheld from matched pairs of treatments starting on 26 days after sowing (DAS). By 35 DAS, cumulative PS of drought-stress maize, compared to well-watered plants, was 41% lower under ambient [CO2] but only 13% lower under elevated [CO2]. In contrast, by 35 DAS, cumulative PS of drought-stress grain sorghum, compared to well-watered plants, was only 9% lower under ambient [CO2] and 7% lower under elevated [CO2]. During the 27-35 DAS drought period, water use efficiency (WUE, mol CO2 Kmol−1 H2O), was 3.99, 3.88, 5.50, and 8.65 for maize and 3.75, 4.43, 5.26, and 9.94 for grain sorghum, for ambient-[CO2] well-watered, ambient-[CO2] stressed, elevated-[CO2] well-watered and elevated-[CO2] stressed plants, respectively. Young plants of maize and sorghum used water more efficiently at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2], especially under drought. Reductions in biomass by drought for young maize and grain sorghum plants were 42 and 36% at ambient [CO2], compared to 18 and 14% at elevated [CO2], respectively. Results of our water stress experiment demonstrated that maintenance of relatively high canopy photosynthetic rates in the face of decreased transpiration rates enhanced WUE in plants grown at elevated [CO2]. This confirms experimental evidence and conceptual models that suggest that an increase of intercellular [CO2] (or a sustained intercellular [CO2]) in the face of decreased stomatal conductance results in relative increases of growth of C4 plants. In short, drought stress in C4 crop plants can be ameliorated at elevated [CO2] as a result of lower stomatal conductance and sustaining intercellular [CO2]. Furthermore, less water might be required for C4 crops in future higher CO2 atmospheres, assuming weather and climate similar to present conditions.  相似文献   
蒸散发是水文能量循环和气候系统的关键要素。研究蒸散发的时空变化特征及其响应气候、土地利用的变化规律,对理解城市流域水循环和生态过程效应具有重要意义。本研究基于三温模型和MODIS影像,估算并分析2001—2018年南宁市的蒸散量时空演变特征,并探讨了主要气候要素、土地利用类型对蒸散量的影响规律和驱动模式。结果表明: 2001—2018年,南宁市年均蒸散量在495.7~781.1 mm,年际相对变化率为-22.5%~23.1%,整体呈上升趋势;区域蒸散量呈南北高、中间低的分布格局,市区蒸散量显著低于郊区。南宁市蒸散量与气候因子呈显著的复相关性,气温对蒸散量的影响大于降水,在郊区呈气温驱动型,而市区则存在多种驱动类型复合现象。南宁市各土地利用类型的平均蒸散量大小依次为:林地(823.4 mm)>草地(675.6 mm)>耕地(582.9 mm)>建设用地(346.6 mm)。土地利用类型的转变是导致区域蒸散量发生显著变化的主要下垫面因素。  相似文献   
温带森林生态系统水热通量在多时间尺度上受各种生物物理因子的影响。该研究假设这些因子对水热通量的影响机制具有时间尺度分异性, 通过涡度相关法(EC)于2019年全年对北京松山典型天然落叶阔叶林生态系统蒸散发(ET)、显热通量(H)、潜热通量(LE)、土壤热通量(G)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、空气温度(Ta)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)及10 cm深度土壤水分(VWC)等要素进行原位连续监测, 使用小波分析的方法分析了日、季节尺度上生物与非生物因子对生态系统能量分配与水汽交换的调控机制。主要研究结果: 2019年松山天然落叶阔叶林生态系统年均波文比(β)为1.53。ET具有明显的季节变化特征, 从第100天开始逐渐增加, 7月达到峰值, 第300天下降到最低水平。ET最大日累计值为5.01 mm·d-1, 年累计值为476.2 mm, 年降水量为503.3 mm。在日尺度上水热通量与VPD间滞后时间最短, 为3.36 h。在季节尺度上与PAR间滞后时间最短, 为8天。季节尺度上PAR通过VPD来对ET造成间接影响, 而对β造成直接影响。该研究发现不同时间尺度上水热通量与环境因子间的时滞关系, 为选择模型在不同时间尺度下北方温带落叶阔叶林生态系统过程的最佳输入参数提供科学支持。  相似文献   
宁夏中部干旱带潜在蒸散量变化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李媛  谢应忠  王亚娟 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4680-4688
潜在蒸散量(PE,Potential Evapotranspiration)的估算与分析对于研究气候变化、监测农业旱情、提高农业水资源利用率具有十分重要的意义。在利用FAO Penman-Monteith(FPM)公式计算研究区1975—2012年PE日值的基础上,采用去趋势预置白Mann-Kendall检验法及敏感性分析探讨了历年来PE的变化规律和影响因素,将Matlab与Arc GIS相结合,研究了PE及其时序趋势的空间特征。结果显示:研究区多年平均PE月值呈现倒U形的变化规律,最大值和最小值分别出现在7月和1月;多年来,同心县PE具有明显的增长趋势,盐池和海原县则表现为微弱的减少。就影响因素而言,年际尺度上,同心县PE的主导因素为温度和风速,海原县为风速和水汽压,盐池县则以风速为主;月际水平上,温度的变化幅度最大,特别是在植物的生长季节(5—9月份)明显高于其他因素。研究区内PE具有明显的空间变化规律,盐池县表现为沿经向递减,同心和海原县则表现为沿纬向递增;就PE变化趋势的空间特征而言,盐池县大部分区域的PE变化不明显,显著增加的区域仅占该县总面积的2.52%,同心县显著和极显著增加的区域占全县面积的61.98%,海原县PE则以微弱减少和微弱增加为主,显著增加的区域面积比例小于30.00%。  相似文献   
Global modeling efforts indicate semiarid regions dominate the increasing trend and interannual variation of net CO2 exchange with the atmosphere, mainly driven by water availability. Many semiarid regions are expected to undergo climatic drying, but the impacts on net CO2 exchange are poorly understood due to limited semiarid flux observations. Here we evaluated 121 site‐years of annual eddy covariance measurements of net and gross CO2 exchange (photosynthesis and respiration), precipitation, and evapotranspiration (ET) in 21 semiarid North American ecosystems with an observed range of 100 – 1000 mm in annual precipitation and records of 4–9 years each. In addition to evaluating spatial relationships among CO2 and water fluxes across sites, we separately quantified site‐level temporal relationships, representing sensitivity to interannual variation. Across the climatic and ecological gradient, photosynthesis showed a saturating spatial relationship to precipitation, whereas the photosynthesis–ET relationship was linear, suggesting ET was a better proxy for water available to drive CO2 exchanges after hydrologic losses. Both photosynthesis and respiration showed similar site‐level sensitivity to interannual changes in ET among the 21 ecosystems. Furthermore, these temporal relationships were not different from the spatial relationships of long‐term mean CO2 exchanges with climatic ET. Consequently, a hypothetical 100‐mm change in ET, whether short term or long term, was predicted to alter net ecosystem production (NEP) by 64 gCm?2 yr?1. Most of the unexplained NEP variability was related to persistent, site‐specific function, suggesting prioritization of research on slow‐changing controls. Common temporal and spatial sensitivity to water availability increases our confidence that site‐level responses to interannual weather can be extrapolated for prediction of CO2 exchanges over decadal and longer timescales relevant to societal response to climate change.  相似文献   
植物群落蒸散量和CO2交换量的测定方法多种多样。该文以水分、CO2动态的区域性整合为目标,开创了一种新的、同时测定群落蒸散量和CO2交换量的方法——LI—6262CO2/H2O分析仪接气窒法。借助这种方法测定了内蒙古锡林河流域典型草原区群落蒸散量和CO2交换量,取得了较好的结果。该方法将群落的重要生态过程2蒸散与光合、呼吸作用的测定联系起来,也因此得到一系列表征群落特性的有用指标;同时该方法具有精度高、简便易携带、适于野外操作等特点,经进一步改进后可广泛用于草原、沙地及湿地植物群落的气体通量测定。对于精确研究草原区各种植物群落类型的水分利用、光合和呼吸特性及草原区植被在全球气候变化中的地位和作用等有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   
华北平原参考作物蒸散量变化特征及气候影响因素   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
刘园  王颖  杨晓光 《生态学报》2010,30(4):923-932
参考作物蒸散量是估算作物需水量的关键因子,对指导农田灌溉是有十分重要的现实意义。在气候变化的背景下,利用Penman-Monteith方法,计算华北平原典型站点1961 2007年逐日参考作物蒸散量,并从能量平衡和动力学角度对其分解,分析年际变化和季节变化特征;结合数理统计方法,研究影响参考作物蒸散量及其构成项变化的主次气候因子,为该区农田水分管理提供更有效的科学指导。研究结果表明:在华北平原全区温度显著上升、日照时数,相对湿度,平均风速呈显著下降的背景下,绝大部分站点参考作物蒸散量及构成项呈显著下降趋势。夏季的参考作物蒸散量和辐射项值相对最高,冬季值最低;春季的空气动力学项值相对比例最高。辐射项与空气动力学项年际间呈负相关关系,春夏两季之间呈不显著正相关趋势,秋冬两季呈不显著负相关趋势。辐射项的变化主要受日照时数、风速及温度的影响,其中风速的贡献是负效应;空气动力学项的变化主要受风速、相对湿度及平均温度的影响,相对湿度的贡献是负效应。参考作物蒸散量的变化主要受日照时数、相对湿度、温度日较差和风速的综合影响。此外,降水与其呈显著负相关关系,下降幅度略高于参考作物蒸散量的变化幅度。  相似文献   
The focus of this study is the relationship between water table depth (WTD) and water vapor [evapotranspiration (ET)] and carbon dioxide [CO2; net ecosystem exchange (NEE)] fluxes in a fen in western Canada. We analyzed hydrological and eddy covariance measurements from four snow‐free periods (2003–2006) with contrasting meteorological conditions to establish the link between daily WTD and ET and gross ecosystem CO2 exchange (GEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco; NEE=Reco?GEE), respectively: 2003 was warm and dry, 2004 was cool and wet, and 2005 and 2006 were both wet. In 2003, the water table (WT) was below the ground surface. In 2004, the WT rose above the ground surface, and in 2005 and 2006, the WT stayed well above the ground surface. There were no significant differences in total ET (~316 mm period?1), but total NEE was significantly different (2003: 8 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: ?139 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: ?163 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: ?195 g C m?2 period?1), mostly due to differences in total GEE (2003: 327 g C m?2 period?1; 2004: 513 g C m?2 period?1; 2005: 411 g C m?2 period?1; 2006: 556 g C m?2 period?1). Variation in ET is mostly explained by radiation (67%), and the contribution of WTD is only minor (33%). WTD controls the compensating contributions of different land surface components, resulting in similar total ET regardless of the hydrological conditions. WTD and temperature each contribute about half to the explained variation in GEE up to a threshold ponding depth, below which temperature alone is the key explanatory variable. WTD is only of minor importance for the variation in Reco, which is mainly controlled by temperature. Our study implies that future peatland modeling efforts explicitly consider topographic and hydrogeological influences on WTD.  相似文献   
Wetlands evapotranspire more water than other ecosystems, including agricultural, forest and grassland ecosystems. However, the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (Ca) on wetland evapotranspiration (ET) are largely unknown. Here, we present data on 12 years of measurements of ET, net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), and ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE, i.e. NEE/ET) at 13:00–15:00 hours in July and August for a Scirpus olneyi (C3 sedge) community and a Spartina patens (C4 grass) community exposed to ambient and elevated (ambient+340 μmol mol?1) Ca in a Chesapeake Bay wetland. Although a decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community was counteracted by an increase in leaf area index (LAI) to some extend, ET was still reduced by 19% on average over 12 years. In the S. patens community, LAI was not affected by elevated Ca and the reduction of ET was 34%, larger than in the S. olneyi community. For both communities, the relative reduction in ET by elevated Ca was directly proportional to precipitation due to a larger reduction in stomatal conductance in the control plants as precipitation decreased. NEE was stimulated about 36% at elevated Ca in the S. olneyi community but was not significantly affected by elevated Ca in S. patens community. A negative correlation between salinity and precipitation observed in the field indicated that precipitation affected ET through altered salinity and interacted with growth Ca. This proposed mechanism was supported by a greenhouse study that showed a greater Ca effect on ET in controlled low salinity conditions compared with high salinity. In spite of the differences between the two communities in their responses to elevated Ca, EWUE was increased about 83% by elevated Ca in both the S. olneyi and S. patens communities. These findings suggest that rising Ca could have significant impacts on the hydrologic cycles of coastal wetlands.  相似文献   
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