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PRAX-1蛋白主要结构和功能的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文就外周型苯二氮卓类受体(Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor,PBR)的相关蛋白PRAX-1的主要结构和功能进行论述,为细胞凋亡研究和抗抑郁治疗提供一个新的思路。  相似文献   
目的:探讨呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)早产儿血清维生素A(VA)、降钙素原(PCT)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)及C反应蛋白(CRP)水平的表达及临床意义。方法:选取2015年2月~2018年5月期间青岛市妇女儿童医院收治的90例RDS早产儿纳入观察组,根据RDS分级将观察组分为轻度组48例,中重度组42例。另选取同期于本院出生的非RDS早产儿35例作为对照组。根据血清VA水平将125例早产儿分为VA缺乏组(n=72),亚临床VA缺乏组(n=36),正常组(n=17)。比较观察组与对照组、轻度组与中重度组早产儿血清VA、PCT、TNF-α及CRP水平,比较不同血清VA水平早产儿的RDS发病情况,分析观察组早产儿血清VA与PCT、TNF-α及CRP水平的相关性。结果:观察组早产儿血清VA水平明显低于对照组(P0.05),而观察组早产儿血清PCT、TNF-α、CRP明显高于对照组(P0.05)。中重度组早产儿血清VA水平与轻度组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05),而中重度组早产儿血清PCT、TNF-α、CRP水平明显高于轻度组(P0.05)。随着血清VA水平的升高,RDS发病率逐渐降低,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示,观察组早产儿血清VA与PCT、TNF-α及CRP水平无显著相关性(P0.05)。结论:RDS早产儿血清VA与PCT、TNF-α及CRP水平均存在明显异常,但四者无明显相关性,血清VA相对较低者更易发生RDS,临床可通过及时干预VA水平以降低RDS的发生风险。  相似文献   
目的:探讨超声内镜(EUS)辅助下内镜黏膜下切除术(EMR)对食管癌前病变患者肿瘤标志物及应激反应指标的影响。方法:选择山东大学齐鲁医院青岛院区消化内科于2016年3月至2018年4月期间收治的食管癌前病变患者137例,采用随机数字表法将患者分为常规组(n=68,常规胃镜下行EMR)和EUS组(n=69,EUS辅助下行EMR),比较两组患者临床指标,比较两组术前、术后血清肿瘤标志物及应激反应指标水平,比较两组术前、术后1周相关遗传学分子水平。结果:EUS组手术时间、术后流质饮食时间均短于常规组(P0.05),并发食管黏膜小穿孔例数、使用钛夹止血例数均少于常规组(P0.05)。两组患者术后肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF)、细胞角蛋白19血清片段21-1(CYFRA21-1)、鳞状上皮细胞癌抗原(SCC-Ag)均较术前升高,但EUS组低于常规组(P0.05)。两组患者术后肾上腺素(E)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、肾素(R)、血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)、醛固酮均较术前升高,但EUS组低于常规组(P0.05)。两组患者术后1周细胞周期素E(Cyclin E)、转化生长因子-α(TGF-α)均较术前降低,且EUS组低于常规组(P0.05)。结论:相比于常规胃镜,经EUS辅助下EMR治疗食管癌前病变可有效改善患者的临床指标,减轻患者应激反应,有利于降低血清肿瘤标志物及遗传学分子水平。  相似文献   
目的:研究肺结核患者血清γ干扰素(IFN-γ)、白介素-1β(Il-1β)以及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平的临床检测价值。方法:选择2015年1月~2018年12月在北京市顺义区医院治疗的25例肺结核患者作为肺结核组,并且选择同期在该院进行体检的25例健康人作为对照组。采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测并且比较肺结核组以及对照组研究对象的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β和TNF-α水平,比较痰菌阴性组(n=14例)以及痰菌阳性组(n=11例)、无空洞组(n=15例)以及有空洞组(n=10例)的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平。结果:肺结核组患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于对照组(P0.05);痰菌阳性组肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于痰菌阴性组患者(P0.05);有空洞组肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β、TNF-α水平均明显高于无空洞组患者(P0.05)。结论:肺结核患者的血清IFN-γ、Il-1β和TNF-α水平明显高于健康者,有助于判断疾病进程,这些细胞因子可能在结核病的发病中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   
曾艾  张琴  刘炜  何梅  王聪 《现代生物医学进展》2019,19(11):2144-2147
目的:探讨超声联合钼靶X线对直径小于1 cm的乳腺癌诊断价值。方法:选择我院2012年1月至2017年12月收治的66例乳腺疾病患者,所有患者术前均经钼靶X线及彩色多普勒超声检查,分析其病理结果,分析钼靶X线、彩色多普勒超声及二者联合对乳腺肿块的检查结果(边缘毛刺征、血管、淋巴结、微小钙化),比较其对乳腺癌的灵敏度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值及阴性预测值。结果:66例患者中,经病理检查发现恶性肿瘤34例,良性肿瘤32例。与病理检测相比,彩色多普勒超声联合钼靶X线对乳腺肿块的良恶性检出率无差异性(P0.05),而彩色多普勒超声,钼靶X线的良恶性检出率均显著降低(P0.05)。彩色多普勒超声与钼靶X线良恶性检出率对比无差异(P0.05),但均低于彩色多普勒超声联合钼靶X线的检出率(P0.05)。彩色多普勒超声与钼靶X线对乳腺癌的边缘毛刺征的检出率对比无统计学意义(P0.05);彩色多普勒超声对血管和淋巴结的检出率明显高于钼靶X线,而微小钙化的检出率明显低于钼靶X线,对比差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。彩色多普勒超声联合钼靶X线的灵敏度、特异度、准确度、阳性预测值及阴性预测值均明显高于彩色多普勒超声及钼靶X线(P0.05),钼靶X线及彩色多普勒超声间对比无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:彩色多普勒超声与钼靶X线对直径小于1 cm乳腺癌的诊断各有优势,二者联合应用的诊断价值优于单一诊断方法。  相似文献   
目的:探讨沙丁胺醇联合福多司坦治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期的临床疗效及对患者血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、超敏c反应蛋白(hs-CRP)水平的影响。方法:选择2016年1月到2017年1月我院接诊的稳定期慢性阻塞性肺病患者100例作为研究对象,按照随机数表法分为观察组(n=51)和对照组(n=49)。对照组使用沙丁胺醇治疗,观察组采用沙丁胺醇联合福多司坦治疗。比较两组治疗后的疗效、治疗前后血清IL-6、TNF-α、hs-CRP、肺功能的变化及不良反应的发生情况。结果:治疗后,观察组临床疗效总有效率(94.12%)显著高于对照组(75.51%,P0.05)。两组患者治疗后血清IL-6、TNF-α、hs-CRP水平均治疗前均明显下降,且观察组患者血清IL-6、TNF-α、hs-CRP水平均明显低于对照组(P0.05);两组治疗后各第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)、最大呼气流量(PEF)较治疗前均显著升高(P0.05),且观察组FEV1、FVC、PEF均明显高于对照组(P0.05);两组患者不良反应总发生率分别19.61%、38.78%,观察组显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:沙丁胺醇联合福多司坦治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期的临床疗效和安全性均显著优于单用沙丁胺醇治疗,可能与其有效改善患者血清IL-6、TNF-α、hs-CRP水平有关。  相似文献   
The development of alternative therapeutic strategies to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-blocking antibodies for the treatment of inflammatory diseases has generated increasing interest. In particular, selective inhibition of TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) promises a more precise intervention, tackling only the pro-inflammatory responses mediated by TNF while leaving regenerative and pro-survival signals transduced by TNFR2 untouched. We recently generated a monovalent anti-TNFR1 antibody fragment (Fab 13.7) as an efficient inhibitor of TNFR1. To improve the pharmacokinetic properties of Fab 13.7, the variable domains of the heavy and light chains were fused to the N-termini of newly generated heterodimerizing Fc chains. This novel Fc heterodimerization technology, designated “Fc-one/kappa” (Fc1κ) is based on interspersed constant Ig domains substituting the CH3 domains of a γ1 Fc. The interspersed immunoglobulin (Ig) domains originate from the per se heterodimerizing constant CH1 and CLκ domains and contain sequence stretches of an IgG1 CH3 domain, destined to enable interaction with the neonatal Fc receptor, and thus promote extended serum half-life. The resulting monovalent Fv-Fc1κ fusion protein (Atrosimab) retained strong binding to TNFR1 as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and quartz crystal microbalance, and potently inhibited TNF-induced activation of TNFR1. Atrosimab lacks agonistic activity for TNFR1 on its own and in the presence of anti-human IgG antibodies and displays clearly improved pharmacokinetic properties.  相似文献   
Honey is rich in bioactive compounds, phenolic acids, and flavonoids and is an antioxidant and an immunomodulator. The objectives of this study were to determine the honey chemical composition of Indonesian stingless bees and their potential roles as an immunomodulator in the malnourished rats. Tetragonula laeviceps honey was used to analyses of chemical composition was obtained from three different geographical origins were Depok Sleman, Bayan Lombok, and Nglipar Gunungkidul. Thirty-two rats were divided into four groups of 8 rats and placed in individual cages. The experimental designed was as follows: T1 = normal rats + without honey (0–7 weeks), T2 = normal rats + with honey of 1.8 g/kg BW/day (0–7 weeks), T3 = malnourished honey of 1.8 g/kg BW/day started from 2 weeks after the malnourished condition (2–7 weeks). The results showed that the chemical composition of Tetragonula laeviceps honey from three different geographical origins were vitamin C content (6.49–13.58 mg/100 g), total phenolic content (0.65–2.30% GAE/100 g), total flavonoid content (0.28–1.00 mg QE/g), and antioxidant activity DPPH (61.43–90.28%). The application of fresh honey from stingless bee that was offered to either normal or malnourished rats were increased lymphocytes proliferation and decreased the production of both proinflammatory markers, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) from tissue culture supernatant of lymphocytes (p < 0.01). Data from this study clearly indicates the potential role of honey from stingless bee as an immunomodulator in malnourished rats.  相似文献   
BackgroundComparative effectiveness studies of cancer therapeutics in observational data face confounding by patterns of clinical treatment over time. The validity of survival analysis in longitudinal health records depends on study design choices including index date definition and model specification for covariate adjustment.MethodsOverall survival in cancer is a multi-state transition process with mortality and treatment switching as competing risks. Parametric Weibull regression quantifies proportionality of hazards across lines of therapy in real-world cohorts of 12 solid tumor types. Study design assessments compare alternative analytic models in simulations with realistic disproportionality. The multi-state simulation framework is adaptable to alternative treatment effect profiles and exposure patterns.ResultsEvent-specific hazards of treatment-switching and death are not proportional across lines of therapy in 12 solid tumor types. Study designs that include all eligible lines of therapy per subject showed lower bias and variance than designs that select one line per subject. Confounding by line number was effectively mitigated across a range of simulation scenarios by Cox proportional hazards models with stratified baseline hazards and inverse probability of treatment weighting.ConclusionQuantitative study design assessment can inform the planning of observational research in clinical oncology by demonstrating the potential impact of model misspecification. Use of empirical parameter estimates in simulation designs adapts analytic recommendations to the clinical population of interest.  相似文献   
Gastric cancer(GC)is a primary cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide,and even after therapeutic gastrectomy,survival rates remain poor.The presence of gastric cancer stem cells(GCSCs)is thought to be the major reason for resistance to anticancer treatment(chemotherapy or radiotherapy),and for the development of tumor recurrence,epithelial–mesenchymal transition,and metastases.Additionally,GCSCs have the capacity for self-renewal,differentiation,and tumor initiation.They also synthesize antiapoptotic factors,demonstrate higher performance of drug efflux pumps,and display cell plasticity abilities.Moreover,the tumor microenvironment(TME;tumor niche)that surrounds GCSCs contains secreted growth factors and supports angiogenesis and is thus responsible for the maintenance of the growing tumor.However,the genesis of GCSCs is unclear and exploration of the source of GCSCs is essential.In this review,we provide up-todate information about GCSC-surface/intracellular markers and GCSC-mediated pathways and their role in tumor development.This information will support improved diagnosis,novel therapeutic approaches,and better prognosis using GCSC-targeting agents as a potentially effective treatment choice following surgical resection or in combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.To date,most anti-GCSC blockers when used alone have been reported as unsatisfactory anticancer agents.However,when used in combination with adjuvant therapy,treatment can improve.By providing insights into the molecular mechanisms of GCSCs associated with tumors in GC,the aim is to optimize anti-GCSCs molecular approaches for GC therapy in combination with chemotherapy,radiotherapy,or other adjuvant treatment.  相似文献   
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