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对湖南省浏阳市周洛村桂花峡、福建省长汀县官坊村石峰寨东北坡和南坡、浙江省龙泉市供村及张公桥和毛圩村6个野生桂花〔Osmanthus fragrans(Thunb.)Lour.〕居群中桂花单株的性别比例进行了统计,并对单性雄株和两性株的花部雌蕊形态、花粉粒数量和外部形态及花粉在柱头上的萌发情况进行了观察和比较。结果显示:6个居群中雄性比率差异较大(0~0.62),平均值接近0.5;其中,石峰寨东北坡和南坡居群的雄性比率最大(0.62),张公桥居群的雄性比率最小。两性株花的雌蕊发育正常,而单性雄株的花具有退化雌蕊的痕迹。不同居群及个体间每个花药的花粉粒数量存在一定差异,且单性雄株每个花药的花粉粒数量多于两性株,但差异均不显著(P>0.05)。单性雄株和两性株的花粉粒形态一致,花粉粒均为长椭圆形、极轴长16μm、具三沟和网状雕纹型表面纹饰;花粉均具有较高活力且均能在柱头上萌发。结合对木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)其他种类的观察结果认为:桂花的繁育系统应属功能性的雄全异株,这种繁育系统可能为两性同体与雌雄异株间的过渡类型,在木犀属的其他种类中也能观察到雄全异株的存在。  相似文献   
Floral morphogenesis and the development of Cercidiphyllumjaponicum Sieb. et Zucc. were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the pistillate inflorescences were congested spikes with the flowers arranged opposite. Great differences between the so-called "bract" and the vegetative leaf were observed both in morphogenesis and morphology. In morphogenesis, the "bract" primordium is crescent-shaped, truncated at the apex and not conduplicate, has no stipule primordium at the base but does have some inconspicuous teeth in the margin that are not glandular. The leaf primordium is triangular, cycloidal at the apex, conduplicate, has two stipule primordia at the base, has one gland-tooth at the apex occurring at first and some gland-teeth in the margin that occur later. In morphology, the "bract" is also different to the vegetative leaf in some characteristics that were also illustrated in the present paper. Based on the hypothesis that the bract is more similar to the vegetative leaf than the tepal, we considered that the so-called "bract" of C.japonicum might be the tepal of the pistillate flower in morphological nature. Therefore, each pistillate flower contains a tepal and a carpel. We did not find any trace of other floral organs in the morphogenesis of the pistillate flower. Therefore we considered that the unicarpellate status of extant Cercidiphyllum might be to highly reduce and advance characteristics that make the extant Cercidiphyllum isolated from both fossil Cercidiphyllum-like plants and its extant affinities.  相似文献   
为了解孝顺竹(Bambusa multiplex)的大孢子及雌配子体的发育过程,利用扫描电镜对孝顺竹的雌蕊形态以及大孢子和雌配子体的发育进行了观察。结果表明,孝顺竹雌蕊单子房,1室,双珠被,薄珠心;大孢子母细胞是由1个雌性孢原细胞直接发育而成,大孢子四分体为线性,位于珠孔端的1个大孢子分化成为功能大孢子,然后由功能大孢子依次经历二核、四核、最终形成1卵细胞2助细胞2极核3反足细胞的成熟胚囊。此外,孝顺竹为雌雄同熟类型,根据雌、雄蕊发育的对应关系,从雄蕊形态可估测雌配子体发育阶段。有少数雌蕊出现败育现象,可能是孝顺竹结实率低的原因之一。  相似文献   
用免疫金电镜法观察了大叶国花柱、珠孔及助细胞内玉米素(t-Z)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、赤霉素(GA7一GA4)和脱落酸〖(+)ABA〗的分布。刚授粉地的花柱引导组织细胞内与胞间基质中t-Z较多、IAA、GA7/4、(+)ABA较少;授粉后24h(此时花粉管已穿过花柱中部),该部位t-Z显著减少,IAA略增加,GA7/4显著增加,而(+)ABA仍较少。授粉后24h,花柱中段薄壁组织细胞与胞间基质中IA  相似文献   
花柱和柱头的结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘宁 《生物学通报》1998,33(4):15-17
雌蕊由柱头、花柱和子房3部分组成。柱头是接受花粉的表面,通常将柱头分为2种类型:干砂和湿柱头。干柱头在传粉时没有分泌物的形成,表达干燥并覆盖有一层蛋白质薄膜;湿柱头在传粉时是湿润的,表面被一层分必物所覆盖,有皮细胞人有腺细胞的特征。花柱也被分为2种类型:开放型和闭合型。开放型花柱即中空花柱,花柱中央为花柱道,花柱道周围分布有一层特殊的通道细胞;闭合型花柱即实心花柱,也有2种类型,一类其中央有引导  相似文献   
利用RNA原位杂交和免疫组织化学定位技术分别检测了钙调素mRNA和钙调素蛋白在水稻(OryzasativaL.)花药和雌蕊发育过程中的时空分布特征。钙调素基因在绒毡层、柱头、花粉管生长途径、退化助细胞以及维管薄壁细胞中大量表达,也可在小孢子母细胞、小孢子、花粉、反足细胞、卵细胞以及中央细胞中检测到。钙调素基因的表达强度随不同的发育阶段而变化:花药发育早期表达强,以后逐渐减弱并向特定部位集中,如绒毡层和花粉萌发孔等。胚胎发育早期,钙调素基因在胚乳细胞中的表达比原胚中强,而后期则在分化胚中比胚乳细胞中强。推测在有性生殖过程中,钙调素可能通过Ca2+CaM信号途径调节小孢子发育、花粉萌发、花粉管生长、受精以及物质运输等生理过程  相似文献   
王乃江  赵忠 《西北植物学报》2001,21(6):1241-1244
在陕西省淳化县对大扁杏、梅杏和山杏的抗旱性和雌蕊发育情况进行比较,发现在荒坡条件下大扁杏的叶绿素含量高于山杏和梅杏,山杏的抗旱性最强,大扁杏次之,梅杏最差。同时,3种杏雌蕊发育有明显的差异,大扁杏完全花的数量远大于梅杏和山杏,山杏雌蕊发育最差。  相似文献   
拟南芥叶片直接分化雌蕊的诱导及其RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以拟南芥为材料,通过培养诱导首次获得了叶片上直接分化雌蕊忱一自然界罕见的拟南芥变异体,雌蕊结构典型,RAPD分析结果表明变异体DNA分子上发生了突变。  相似文献   
白的,黄的,粉的,红的……一只小蜜蜂吮吸过无数花朵的"甜蜜",携带着无数粒花粉,飞到一朵苹果花上给这些花粉"求亲"。接下来就是,一部分幸运的花粉被苹果的雌蕊柱头所接受,在阳光的照耀和雨露的滋润下,它开始萌发并长出花粉管,花粉管一点点伸长,到达雌蕊的胚珠,最终在这里完成了受精作用,在不远的将来,一个小苹果就要诞生了。  相似文献   
The pistil, the female reproductive organ of plants, is a key player in the success of sexual plant reproduction. Ultimately, the production of fruits and seeds depends on the proper pistil development and function. Therefore, the identification and characterization of pistil expressed genes is essential for a better understanding and manipulation of the plant reproduction process. For studying the function of pistil expressed genes, transgenic and/or mutant plants for the genes of interest are used. The present article provides a review of methods already exploited to analyze sexual reproductive success. We intend to supply useful information and to guide future experiments in the study of genes affecting pistil development and function.  相似文献   
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