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正由《中国实验动物学报》《中国比较医学杂志》主办的"糖尿病相关动物模型研究进展"专题研讨会于2014年4月24日在北京举行。专题研讨会由精品期刊项目资助。与全球糖尿病的流行趋势相似,我国糖尿病病人的数量也在以惊人的速度急剧增多,并已成为我国非传染性疾病中的第三位主要疾病(心血管疾病,肿瘤,糖尿病),是严重威胁我国人民健康的常见病和多发病,  相似文献   
1 A Brief History of Deception
The conceptual roots of deception began to sprout at the dawn of zoology, when Aristotle (350 CE) discussed his observations of the 'deceitful' reproductive tactics of cuckoos and partridges in his classic work The History of Animals. However, the scientific origins of deception were cemented in Descartes' (1641) Meditations on First Philosophy, in which he reasoned: All that I have, up to this moment, accepted as possessed of the highest truth and certainty, I received either from or through the senses.  相似文献   
Escape theory predicts that flight initiation distance (FID=distance between predator and prey when escape begins) is longer when risk is greater and shorter when escape is more costly. A few tests suggest that escape theory applies to distance fled. Escape models have not addressed stochastic variables, such as probability of fleeing and of entering refuge, but their economic logic might be applicable. Experiments on several risk factors in the lizard Sceloporus virgatus confirmed all predictions for the above escape variables. FID was greater when approach was faster and more direct, for lizards on ground than on trees, for lizards rarely exposed to humans, for the second of two approaches, and when the predator turned toward lizards rather than away. Lizards fled further during rapid and second consecutive approaches. They were more likely to flee when approached directly, when a predator turned toward them, and during second approaches. They were more likely to enter refuge when approached rapidly. A novel finding is that perch height in trees was unrelated to FID because lizards escaped by moving out of sight, then moving up or down unpredictably. These findings add to a growing body of evidence supporting predictions of escape theory for FID and distance fled. They show that two probabilistic aspects of escape are predictable based on relative predation risk levels. Because individuals differ in boldness, the assessed optimal FID and threshold risks for fleeing and entering refuge are exceeded for an increasing proportion of individuals as risk increases[Current Zoology 55(2):123-131,2009].  相似文献   
动物解剖学和生理学 总分66分,时间60min。 在这组测试中,要完成下列2个任务: 任务1:研究动物骨骼系统。(54分) 任务2:半量化估计含氮物代谢的废物(或无用产物)。(12分)  相似文献   
2006年11月18日是郑作新院士百年华诞,这是值得中国和世界动物学和鸟类学界纪念的日子.作为郑老的学生,怀着无比崇敬的心情,谨撰此文以表深切的怀念.  相似文献   
2004年本刊已被国际重要检索系统美国《剑桥科学文摘:生物科学》(CSA)列为来源期刊。据统计,截止到2005年第4期,该系统已收录本刊英文摘要486条(查询清登陆网站http://www.lac.cn的网络数据库)收录本刊的国际重要检索系统还有:美国《化学文摘》(CA)、《昆虫学文摘》(EA),俄罗斯《生物学文摘》(AJ),英围的《农业科学文摘》(CABI)、《动物学记录》(ZR)、《应用昆虫学》(AE)、《应用昆虫学年评》(RAE)、和联合国粮农组织的《Agrindex》等;  相似文献   
为了更好地促进生命科学领域跨学科的合作与交流,在北京市自然科学基金委员会和北京市科技协会的支持下,北京生理科学会、北京生物化学与分子生物学会、北京免疫学会、北京遗传学会、北京神经科学学会、北京实验动物学学会、北京环境诱变剂学会、北京微生物学会、北京生物工程学会、中华医学会北京消化分会、北京中关村生物工程和新医药企业协会等机构于2006年2月25日在首都医科大学召开第四届北京生命科学领域联合年会(北京·2006)。会议主题是“生命科学与人类健康”。自2003年以来,北京生命科学领域联合年会已成功举办了三届。会议围绕国…  相似文献   
郑清梅 《生物学杂志》2010,27(5):106-107,102
改革动物学实验内容,提出新颖且具创新性的问题,使教学内容丰富且与时俱进。教学方法以人为本,在教学中采用"角色换位法",即鼓励学生参与实验的各个环节,并上讲台来分析实验过程与结果。几年来教学实践表明,通过教学内容与方法的改革,使实验课成为教师有意识、有计划地延伸实验课堂,营造创新思维的场所,有利于活跃实验教学氛围,培养学生的创新能力。  相似文献   
老虎是人们熟知的一种大型猛兽,在中国可谓家喻户晓、妇孺皆知。每逢谈论起虎,人们的内心极其矛盾:既喜爱又畏惧。  相似文献   
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