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育苗移栽对麦套棉^14CO2同化量及运转分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
育苗移栽不仅使陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)株在苗期、蕾期、花铃期的(14)~CO_2同化强度和同化量显著提高,而且对上述各生育期同化产物向籽棉的再动员具有明显的促进作用。各期标记后3d的测定结果显示,育苗移栽增加了棉苗同化物质向根系中的分配而减少了向顶芽的分配,有利于促根壮苗;使蕾期同化物质向顶芽和边心的分配比例下降,有利于控制棉花的营养生长,防止或减轻茎叶狂长,使棉株健壮稳长,促进花芽分化;在花铃期,促使更高比例的同化物质向成铃中分配,有利于蕾铃发育。  相似文献   
用^3HTdR掺入法研究了经N^7+重离子注入贯穿处理的82579小麦和8812小麦种胚的DNA合成动态。结果发现,未经N^7+重离子任何处理的两个小麦品种的对照种胚,在萌发早期(20h内)仅存在一个DNA合成峰(于萌发的第14h),而经过N^7+重离子注入和贯穿处理的小麦种胚则存在两个DNA合成峰(分别于萌发的8-10h和14-16h),该种子经DNA修复合成的抑制剂咖啡因处理后,第一个DNA合  相似文献   
It has been proven that the Ce content of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ) leaves was enhanced with the increase of CeC13 concentration in Hoagland solution. The Chl a/b ratio of cucumber leaves in the control was the same as that in the treated plant, both being 3.67. However, under lower light intensity, the Chl a/b ratio in leaves of the contral was 2.72 whereas that of the treated leaves was 2.86. It showed that only under lower light intensity Ce could decrease the contents of chlorophyll b in leaves. The authors also evidenced that Ce was able to accelerate the formation of chlorophyll-protein complexes of PS Ⅰ and 110 kD polypeptide and decrease the light harvesting complex protein and 27 kD polypeptide.  相似文献   
吴洪超  龚大洁  杨莉  赵鹏 《四川动物》2007,26(2):419-421
通过实地调查,证实中国林蛙在甘肃省康乐县也有大规模种群分布,并对康乐县中国林蛙冬季越冬环境进行了调查。对其冬季活动状态做了定点观察,发现在气温、水温都很低的初冬季节,无论成体还是幼体均活动正常,无冬眠现象。根据此现象分析了其原因与生态学意义,为该物种的保护和人工养殖提供参考资料。  相似文献   
Single crystals of KCl doped with Ce3+,Tb3+ were grown using the Bridgeman–Stockbarger technique. Thermoluminescence (TL), optical absorption, photoluminescence (PL), photo‐stimulated luminescence (PSL), and thermal‐stimulated luminescence (TSL) properties were studied after γ‐ray irradiation at room temperature. The glow curve of the γ‐ray‐irradiated crystal exhibits three peaks at 420, 470 and 525 K. F‐Light bleaching (560 nm) leads to a drastic change in the TL glow curve. The optical absorption measurements indicate that F‐ and V‐centres are formed in the crystal during γ‐ray irradiation. It was attempted to incorporate a broad band of cerium activator into the narrow band of terbium in the KCl host without a reduction in the emission intensity. Cerium co‐doped KCl:Tb crystals showed broad band emission due to the d–f transition of cerium and a reduction in the intensity of the emission peak due to 5D37Fj (j = 3, 4) transition of terbium, when excited at 330 nm. These results support that energy transfer occurs from cerium to terbium in the KCl host. Co‐doping Ce3+ ions greatly intensified the excitation peak at 339 nm for the emission at 400 nm of Tb3+. The emission due to Tb3+ ions was confirmed by PSL and TSL spectra. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
将Wistar大鼠暴露于3 780 m低氧环境,分别于24 h、2 wk及3 wk后采用酶联免疫法和硝酸还原酶法测定血液中的ET~(-1)和NO的含量,计算NO/ET~(-1)值,并与高原鼠兔比较,探讨低氧条件下大鼠与高原鼠兔血液中NO与ET~(-1)含量的变化趋势。结果表明,低氧24 h后,大鼠血液中NO和ET~(-1)的含量显著高于同海拔的高原鼠兔(P<0·01),而NO/ET~(-1)值无显著差异(P>0·05)。随着大鼠在高海拔停留时间的延长,血液中NO含量呈减少趋势,而ET~(-1)则有上升趋势,二者呈显著的负相关(r2=0·2416,P<0·01)。高原鼠兔NO/ET~(-1)值约为大鼠低氧2 wk和3 wk的2倍(P<0·01)。说明不同低氧暴露时间,高原鼠兔和大鼠的NO、ET~(-1)及NO/ET~(-1)值有显著差异,提示NO/ET~(-1)值可以作为有机体是否适应高原低氧环境的一个指标。  相似文献   
丹参对心肌低氧/复氧损伤的保护作用的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:研究中药丹参(SM)对心肌低氧/复氧损伤的保护作用。方法:运用^31P-NMR技术对离体灌流大鼠心脏的高能磷酸化合物含量及细胞内的pH值(pHi)进行动态跟踪。结果:丹参注射液能明显减轻低氧期间心肌高能磷酸合物含量的下降,促使复氧期间PCr、ATP相对含量的恢复,减少低氧及复氧阶段心肌pHi的下降。结论:丹参参改善低氧及复氧期间心肌能量代谢水平,减轻心肌低氧/复氧损伤,并能显著改善细胞内酸碱  相似文献   
我们用双抗体免疫沉淀法,从牛垂体多聚核糖体中分离出牛生长激素特异多聚核糖体,由此多聚核糖体纯化的牛生长激素Poly(A)~+RNA,可以在麦胚体外翻译系统中和兔网织红细胞体外翻译系统中促进~(14)C-亮氨酸的参入。合成的含~(14)-亮氨酸的翻译产物中有91%可以被牛生长激素抗体沉淀。用SDS-11%PAGE对翻译产物进行鉴定表明,翻译产物在25KD处呈一条放射自显影带,与报导的牛生长激素前体分子量相吻合。  相似文献   
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