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绣球亚科花粉形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了绣球亚科9属31种植物的花粉形态.本亚科的花粉多为近球形至近长球形,少数为扁球形.多具三孔沟。在叉叶蓝属观察到了极度缩短的花粉沟.花粉外壁表面纹饰为具颗粒状或棱形突起、孔穴状或明显网纹,表现出一定程度的变异.花粉形态表明黄山梅属在本亚科与其它属具一致性,冠盖藤属和钻地风属亲缘较近.绣球属花粉形态所表现出来的变异范围大致将其它几属的都包括在内了,表明绣球属可能在本亚科演化上处于一个中心位置。花粉形态结合外部宏观形态又表明绣球亚科各属之间没有十分明确的界限,存在着复杂的性状上的重叠.  相似文献   
在修订茜草科绣球茜属过程中,笔者注意到Ridsdale在发表阿萨姆绣球茜新组合时,因忽视了花萼裂片和苞片的区别而将阿萨姆石丁香错误地转隶绣球茜属,现予以更正,并将其作为新改名的阿萨姆石丁香的新异名。  相似文献   
本文报道我国盘菌属中两个具有绣球样子囊果的种。一个是新种贵州盘菌(Pezizagutzhouensis M.H.Liu);另一个是国内新记录种希氏盘菌[Peziza shearii (Gilkey) Korf]。文中对新种作了拉丁描述并附图,描述了新记录种并附图。还为该属中具绣球样子实体的已知种提供了检索表。新种模式标本的主模式保藏在HMAS,等模式保藏于贵州省安顺地区卫生防疫站标本室(GZAS)。  相似文献   
云南干巴菌挥发油化学成分的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对云南干巴菌的挥发油化学成分进行了研究,共鉴定出49种组分。其中主要成分为业油酸甲酯、棕榈酸、1,1-二乙氧基乙烷、苯乙醛、十六碳烯酸、十五烷酸、邻苯二甲酸二丁 、苯甲酸、苯乙醇、硬脂酸、二十一烷、肉豆蔻酸、十八碳烯酰胺、苯乙酸等,其中亚油酸甲酯的含量最高,占挥发油成分总量的27.12%,检出成分占挥发油总量的90%。  相似文献   
Clematis montana lectin (CML), a novel mannose-binding lectin purified from C. montana Buch.-Ham stem (Ranunculaceae), has been proved to have hemagglutinat- ing activity in rabbit erythrocytes and apoptosis-inducing activity in tumor cells. However, the biochemical properties of CML have not revealed and its structural information still needs to be elucidated. In this study, it was found that CML possessed quite good thermostability and alkaline re- sistance, and its hemagglutinating activity was bivalent metal cation dependent. In addition, hemagglutination test and fluorescence spectroscopy proved that GuHCI, urea, and sodium dodecyl sulfate could change the conformation of CML and further caused the loss of hemagglutination activity. Moreover, the changes of fluorescence spectrum indicated that the tryptophan (Trp) microenvironment conversion might be related to the conformation and bioactivities of CML. In addition, it was also found that Trp residues, arginine (Arg) residues, and sulfhydryl were important for the hemagglutinating activity of CML, but only Trp was proved to be crucial for the CML con- formation. Furthermore, the Trp, Arg, and sulfhydryl- modified CML exhibited 97.17%, 76.99%, and 49.64% loss of its anti-proliferative activity, respectively, which was consistent with the alterations of its hemagglutinating activity. Given these findings, Trp residues on the surface of CML are essential for the active center to form sub- strate-accessible conformation and suitable environment for carbohydrate binding.  相似文献   
张修国  张天宇 《菌物学报》2007,26(4):477-483
报道匍柄霉属的四个新种:播娘蒿匍柄霉Stemphylium descurainiae、绣球匍柄霉Stemphylium hydrangeae、豌豆匍柄霉Stemphylium pisi和塔形匍柄霉Stemphylium turriforme。研究过的标本(干制培养物)及活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   
瑞丽茜Fosbergia shweliensis (Anth.) Tirveng. &; Sastre的基名为Randia shweliensis Anth., 是高黎贡山地区的特有种。根据作者1998-2004年从云南西部高黎贡山所采集的标本, 本文补充了瑞丽茜果实的形态描述, 更正了关于本种原描述的若干错误, 报道了本种的生活习性、生境和分布情况。  相似文献   
福禄考叶片直接和间接地由单细胞形成体细胞胚。直接形成的体细胞胚来自叶表皮细胞、紧邻表皮的第一层栅栏细胞及维管束鞘内部和外部的薄壁细胞。间接形成的体细胞胚来自愈伤组织的表层或较深层细胞。体细胞胚有典型胚柄、多细胞胚柄和无胚柄3种,均经类似于合子胚的发育过程形成无根小植株。  相似文献   
欧洲绣球的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1植物名称欧洲绣球(Viburnum opulus L.),又名欧洲荚蒾. 2材料类别未萌发的顶芽或侧芽.  相似文献   
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