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Dahm R 《Developmental biology》2005,278(2):274-288
Over the past 60 years, DNA has risen from being an obscure molecule with presumed accessory or structural functions inside the nucleus to the icon of modern bioscience. The story of DNA often seems to begin in 1944 with Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty showing that DNA is the hereditary material. Within 10 years of their experiments, Watson and Crick deciphered its structure and yet another decade on the genetic code was cracked. However, the DNA story has already begun in 1869, with the young Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher. Having just completed his education as a physician, Miescher moved to Tübingen to work in the laboratory of biochemist Hoppe-Seyler, his aim being to elucidate the building blocks of life. Choosing leucocytes as his source material, he first investigated the proteins in these cells. However, during these experiments, he noticed a substance with unexpected properties that did not match those of proteins. Miescher had obtained the first crude purification of DNA. He further examined the properties and composition of this enigmatic substance and showed that it fundamentally differed from proteins. Due to its occurrence in the cells' nuclei, he termed the novel substance "nuclein"--a term still preserved in today's name deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   
采用套袋自交结实率和自然结实率为主,花粉育性和田间目测整株育性为辅的综合性状,判定新型细胞质雄性不育系马协A以及它与明恢63的杂种F1,F2和BF1的植株育性,并以野败型珍汕97A作对照,比较研究了其有性的遗传规律,结果表明,马协A与珍汕97A不育性的遗传均由两对基因控制,但新型细胞质雄性不育系马协A两对基因的作用方式与珍汕97A不同,前者F2群体的育性分离符合9:3:3:1的比例,BF1符合1:  相似文献   
绿豆抗豆象遗传的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿豆象(Callos0bruchun chinensis L.)是豇豆属豆类作物重要的仓库害虫.本研究通过抗豆象杂交育种后代VC1973A/TC1966 F1、F2和VC1973A/(VC1973A/TC1966 F2)BC1F1及TC1966/(VC1973A/TC1966 F2)BC1F1分离群体的遗传分析,发现绿豆抗豆象性状符合31的遗传分离规律,证明绿豆对豆象的抗性由1对显性单基因(Aa)控制,抗虫性为显性(A),感虫为隐性(a).  相似文献   
粳稻特殊广亲和系GC13的遗传分析及利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粳稻品种GCl3对亚种内亲和力弱,而对亚种间亲和力强,因此特称之为特殊广亲和系(Special wide compatibility variety,SWCV)。广亲和基因等住性和遗传规律研究结果表明,GCl3的广亲和性主效基因效应明显,同时受微效基因修饰,与已知的S7、S9、S15三个育性基因住点之一等位。GCl3可与培矮64S等籼型光敏核不育系配组育成亚种间杂交稻;GCl3是粳型恢复基因源,从其杂交后代中选育出的偏粳(K’)型或偏籼(H’)型通用恢复系GR209、GR220和GR238等,对“野败”、“矮败”等多种不育细胞质和培矮64S等光敏核不育系具有强恢复性,配制出的“三系”或“二系”杂交稻具有高产潜力和利用前景。  相似文献   
本文通过对28个汉族家族共230人的指纹进行捺印、编号、测量、统计分析, 研究亲子代之间指纹的总嵴线数、各指位嵴线数、a-b嵴线数以及atd角之间的关系, 计算它们之间的相关系数以及回归方程,分析家族指纹的遗传性。  相似文献   
为选育枫香(Liquidambar formosana)优良家系,对其24个种源310个家系的遗传变异进行分析,采用多目标决策法选育用材林优良家系及单株。结果表明,9年生枫香胸径、树高、材积、第一枝下高、冠幅和树干通直度等性状在种源和家系间存在显著差异(P0.01),以云南富宁、广西凭祥和江西湖城3个种源的材积生长表现最佳。各性状的家系遗传力属于中等遗传控制,为0.24~0.44,单株遗传力为0.20~0.50。共选出优良家系26个和单株41株,优良家系的平均胸径、树高、材积、冠幅、树干通直度分别大于总体均值的19.63%、18.56%、52.16%、5.11%和4.03%;遗传增益分别为6.67%、8.24%、20.28%、1.82%和1.75%,优良单株平均材积大于总体均值的150.25%。这为枫香育种策略制定和生产应用等提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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