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长江安庆新洲水域鱼类群落结构及多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙洲水域环境良好,饵料资源丰富,栖息生境多样,为鱼类的生长繁殖提供了优良的生存环境。为了解长江安庆新洲水域鱼类群落结构特征,于2017年4月、7月、10月和12月对安庆江段新洲水域鱼类群落进行季节性调查。共采集鱼类64种,分属5目11科48属,其中62.5%为鲤科鱼类。以物种数和多样性指数分析群落多样性特征,结果表明新洲水域鱼类种类多样性水平较高。单因素方差分析表明,该群落多样性季节差异显著(P0.05),空间差异不明显。新洲水域鱼类群落优势种为鳊(Parabramis pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758)、贝氏■(Hemiculter bleekeri Warpachowsky, 1887)、银鮈(Squalidus argentatus Sauvage et Dabry, 1874)和似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni Bleeker, 1864)。4种摄食功能群中,杂食性(42.19%)和肉食性(35.94%)鱼类物种数比例较高;3种生态类群中,淡水定居性鱼类占绝对优势(84.37%);3种栖息水层类型中,底层鱼类物种数比例较高,占37.50%。大型经济鱼类占总渔获物比例低(0.01%),但个体较大,因而相对重要性指数(IRI)高。总体上,新洲鱼类群落多样性和丰富度指数较高,均匀度指数偏低,个体小型化趋势明显。捕捞强度过大、水利工程建设导致的江湖阻隔及外来物种入侵是新洲水域渔业资源衰退的主要因素。由此,建议持续开展长江渔业资源监测,加强长江干流沙洲水域渔业资源保护。  相似文献   
说明:本年度索引分别按汉语拼音和英字母顺序排列。每一款目均由关键词于期数(圆括号内)、起始页码两部分构成,年号卷数省略。  相似文献   
<正>《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》是中国科技核心期刊,半月刊,全年出刊24期,定价672元,国内刊号CN 11-9147/R,邮发代号80-728,被万方数据库、中国期刊网、维普数据库、美国化学文摘、乌利希期刊指南、波兰哥白尼索引等国内外知名数据库收录。2012年度重点栏目征稿及2012年优惠征订详情,请见中华临床医师杂志官方网站www.  相似文献   
高考热点问题,指的是那些对社会影响大、几乎人所共知、易被学生接受的与生物学知识有关的内容。高考热点问题的题材具有时效性强、影响面广等特点。如克隆羊、人类基因组计划、细胞周期蛋白的发现等。  相似文献   
科技日报东京5月31日报道:日本理化学研究所的一个研究小组日前找到了一种能够抑制细胞“自杀”的技术,由此开发出一种大量培养人体胚胎干细胞的新方法,这一成果有望应用于未来的干细胞研究。[编者按]  相似文献   
The concept of ecological thresholds was raised in the 1970s. However, it was subsequently given different definitions and interpretations depending on research fields or disciplines. For most scientists, ecological thresholds refer to the points or zones that link abrupt changes between alternative stable states of an ecosystem. The measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds have great theoretical and practical significance in ecological research for clarifying the structure and function of ecosystems, for planning sustainable development modes, and for delimiting ecological red lines in managing the ecosystems of a region. By reviewing the existing concepts and classifications of ecological thresholds, we propose a new concept and definition at two different levels: the ecological threshold points, i.e. the turning points of quantitative changes to qualitative changes, which can be considered as ecological red lines; the ecological threshold zones, i.e. the regime shifts of the quantitative changes among different stable states, which can be considered as the yellow and/or orange warning boundaries of the gradual ecological changes. The yellow thresholds mean that an ecosystem can return to a stable state by its self-adjustment, the orange thresholds indicate that the ecosystem will stay in the equilibrium state after interference factors being removed, whereas the red thresholds, as the critical threshold points, indicate that the ecosystem will undergo irreversible degradation or even collapse beyond those points. We also summarizes two types of popular Methods in determining ecological thresholds: statistical analysis and modeling based on data of field observations. The applications of ecological thresholds in ecosystem service, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management research are also reviewed. Future research on ecological thresholds should focus on the following aspects: (1) methodological development for measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds; (2) emphasizing the scaling effect of ecological thresholds and establishment of national-scale observation system and network; and (3) implementation of ecological thresholds as early warning tools in ecosystem management and delimiting ecological red lines.  相似文献   
石龙宇  杜玫  刘玲玉 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5200-5210
全球气候变化和城市化背景下城市生态环境问题越发凸显,面对日趋紧张的土地资源现状,垂直绿化建设成为重要的城市绿地补充手段,对改善城市环境具有重要意义。垂直绿化具有多种生态效益,且其效益发挥受到多因素共同影响。如何统筹协调生态效益和影响因素之间的复杂关系,以使其综合生态效益最大化,是当前垂直绿化建设亟待解决的科学问题之一。基于文献综述法归纳了不同生态效益的机制及其关键影响因素,并对多效益和多影响因素进行了综合分析。结果表明,垂直绿化具有缓解城市热岛、建筑节能减排、固碳、净化空气、降噪、截留雨水和支持生物多样性等七种主要生态效益,并受到植被特征、设施结构特征、气象条件、空间格局等多方面因素的共同影响。基于对效益和影响因素的综合分析,进一步提出了两点规划思路:首先,关注环境需求和效益供给的耦合关系能够更加科学合理地指导区域垂直绿化建设布局。其次,关注生态效益间的关系,以区域关键生态环境问题为导向进行效益权衡并结合考虑其影响因素的重要性程度能为规划设计提供有效建议。  相似文献   
虫草不同部位氨基酸和蛋白质的分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sub-multilayer of MCF-7 cell, an established human breast carcinoma cell line, was achieved by culturing the cells on millipore filters for a long time. The superficial layer cells maintained their membrane polarity features as MCF-7 cells in monolayers did. MAM-6, a human milk fat globule membrane antigen, was polarized distributed in apical domain of 97.5% superficial layer cells revealed by immunoperoxidase cytochemistry. Whereas, among the low layer cells, which had no free surface (apical domain) toward the culture medium and did not show morphological polarity features, only 12.9% expressed surface MAM-6 with weak immunoperoxidase staining and random distribution. But the immunostaining for detecting cytoplasmic MAM-6 in low layer cells was stronger than that in superficial layer cells, indicating that the vectorial delivery and insert of MAM-6 carrying glycoprotein to the plasma membrane seemed to be stopped or declined and became undirectional in the later situation. The study demonstrates that an asymmetric spatial environment, which is composed of a liquid phase space and a solid phase space, is crucial for the establishment of epithelial membrane polarity of MCF-7 cells.  相似文献   
唐古拉山以北地区生态资产核算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生态系统核算可以为生态文明建设提供定量性的决策依据,包括生态资产核算和生态系统服务核算两个方面,生态资产指生产和提供生态系统产品和服务的生态系统。以唐古拉山以北地区(简称唐北地区)为研究对象对其生态资产进行了核算,建立生态资产实物量及变化核算表、损益表,提出了生态资产综合指数。2015年唐北地区草地生态资产面积为21800.01 km~2,其中良级比重最高达68.46%,湿地生态资产面积为4763.01 km~2,其中优级比例最高为59.72%,野生动植物共有138种,其中重点保护动物10种。2015年唐北地区生态资产综合指数为79.77,比2000年降低了3.60%。2000—2015年,湿地、草地生态资产分别增加了164.23、2.82 km~2。2000—2015年湿地生态资产存量增加202.90 km~2,其中由湿地恢复导致面积增加最大为200.50 km~2,存量减少38.63 km~2,其中湿地退化是导致存量减少的主要原因,面积为36.23 km~2,草地存量增加了39.18 km~2,主要是由于湿地退化导致的草地扩张,存量减少36.26 km~2,主要由湿地恢复和荒漠化引起。研究中不同生态资产质量等级的核算以及生态资产综合指数的提出利于生态资产的全面核算和比较,对于建立离任责任制、生态文明建设意义重大。  相似文献   
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