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广西桂平市鳄蜥种群及栖息地现状的分析研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2004年7月,对广西桂平市鳄蜥种群及其栖息地进行了调查,并首次采用量化指标对鳄蜥栖息的回水塘进行了分析。结果表明:桂平市鳄蜥分布区已破碎成白沙坑、牛头坳和黄凉冲、大藤峡碧滩段三个片段,分布区面积从58.39km^2减小至16.14km^2。鳄蜥种群数量约为150只。通过主成分分析发现,鳄蜥栖息回水塘的长度、宽度、水深、塘底组成、水温、栖枝类型和栖枝高度是影响鳄蜥选择回水塘的主要因子,而海拔、栖枝直径、水流速度的影响不大。鳄蜥倾向栖息于常绿阔叶林生境中,对溪沟的坡向和沟型选择不明显。  相似文献   
普通小麦远缘杂交F1代表现型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
小麦远缘杂交试验采用常规杂交方法,不进行胚培养,在自然条件下,实现了普通小麦与小黑麦(6X,AABBRR)、柱穗山羊草(2X,DD)、人工合成六倍体小麦(6X,AABBDD)、CIMMYT人工合成小麦(6X,AABBDD)的杂交.发现在F1代中,出现了2~7种植株表现型、7种性状分离现象;小麦颖壳颜色变化可能受多个加性基因控制;杂交F2代结实率较F1代有数倍或十余倍的增长.  相似文献   
小麦苗期水分利用效率及其相关性状的QTL分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以小麦DH群体(旱选10号×鲁麦14)为研究材料,采用复合区间作图法,对小麦幼苗在水分胁迫及非胁迫条件下的水分利用效率(WUE)及其相关性状的QTL进行定位,并对比分析QTL的加性效应.两种水分条件下共检测到14个具显著加性效应的QTL,分布在2A、3A、4A、5A、6A、7A、1B、3B、3D染色体上,可解释表型变异的范围在6.36%~19.73%.其中,非胁迫(对照)条件下检测到10个QTL,包括2个单株WUE的QTL,5个地上部WUE的QTL,1个根系WUE的QTL及2个总耗水量的QTL;水分胁迫条件下上述性状各检测到1个QTL.对于同一性状没有检测到在两种水分条件下均位于同一标记区间的QTL,表明不同水分环境条件下同一性状的QTL表达模式是不同的.论文也讨论了可能用于标记辅助选择的QTL及其分子标记.  相似文献   
用由247个株系组成的珍汕97B/密阳46重组自交系群体及其含207个分子标记的连锁图谱,在2002年和2003年分别测定亲本和重组自交系群体开花后10 d和20 d籽粒的淀粉分支酶的活性,检测到3个控制开花后10 d Q酶活性的主效应QTL(qnantitative trait loci),联合贡献率为10%,其中qQ10-6与环境发生显著的互作;分别检测到5对和2对染色体区间对开花后10 d、20 d Q酶活性的影响具有加性×加性上位性作用,其中开花后10 d的3对染色体区间具有显著的上位性×环境互作效应.由此可见,水稻籽粒Q酶活性相关基因的表达,受到环境因子的极大影响.  相似文献   
Genetic mapping provides a powerful tool for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis at the molecular level. A simple sequence repeat (SSR) genetic map containing 590 markers and a BCI population from two cultivated tetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars, namely TM-1 and Hai 7124 (G. barbadense L.), were used to map and analyze QTL using the composite interval mapping (CIM) method. Thirty one QTLs, 10 for lobe length, 13 for lobe width, six for lobe angle, and two for leaf chlorophyll content, were detected on 15 chromosomes or linkage groups at logarithm of odds (LOD)≥2.0, of which 15 were found for leaf morphology at LOD≥3.0. The genetic effects of the QTL were estimated. These results are fundamental for marker-assisted selection (MAS) of these traits in tetraploid cotton breeding.  相似文献   
硝酸盐供应对玉米侧根生长的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以两个玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系478和Wu312为研究材料,采用琼脂培养方法,研究不同浓度NO-3对侧根生长的影响.结果表明,在外部浓度0.01~1.0mmol/L范围内,NO-3供应能显著增加侧根的长度及根生物量.但当NO-3供应超过1.0 mmo1/L后,侧根长度开始下降.当NO-3供应分别在超过5.0(Wu312)与10(478)mmol/L后,侧根密度显著下降.在10 mmol/LNO-3下,Wu312的侧根生长几乎完全被抑制.而478在20 mmol/L时,侧根密度仍可达到其最大值的30%(主根)~50%(胚根).植株地上部全氮及硝酸盐含量随NO-3供应的增加而升高,二者与侧根长度、侧根密度及冠根比的数学函数关系相同.  相似文献   
甘蔗蔗汁品质性状的回归分析及模型   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文对47份不同甘蔗基因型的蔗汁品质性状进行简单回归和逐步回归分析.结果表明,蔗汁蔗糖分(Suc)与锤度(BX)、温度校正后锤度(BX′)、蔗汁旋光读数(0Z)以及转光度(pol)之间均呈线性回归,简单回归模型均达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数(R2)分别为0.9393、0.9199、0.9861及0.9839.通过逐步回归分析和残差分析建立多重线性回归方程为Suc=0.05706 0.21488BX 0.181030Z,方差分析表明多重线性回归模型达极显著水平(P<0.01),决定系数为0.9931.t测验表明,蔗汁蔗糖分的模型预测值与实测值间的差异不显著,相对误差平均为0.49%.  相似文献   
In this study, semivariance was used to quantitatively measure the spatial heterogeneity for the egg population of cotton bollworm during a growing season. The typical characteristic parameters of theoretical semivariance models against lag distances were applied to measure components of spatial heterogeneity: trend, range, spatial dependence, and the strength of spatial dependence. Then, kriging interpolation was used to evaluate the population risk of cotton bollworm exceeding economic thresholds. From early June through early September, the population densities were sampled 10 times in the study field. Results showed that the spatial patterns were related to population density. For its low-density population, the spatially heterogeneous trends were usually of spherical shapes; but for highdensity ones, the trends shifted to Gaussian shapes. The spatial dependence appeared at varied distances ranging from 52 meters to 936 meters, and the spatial dependence was in the range of 0.39-288.60, which changed with population densities. While having high heterogeneity, the strength of spatial dependence became much stronger. Results of population risk analysis showed that there was a high risk during its early stages, especially in mid-June. In August, population risk was so low that it did not need to be controlled.  相似文献   
The silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows and Perring) is a widely distributed pest of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and the population levels may be affected by rates of nitrogen fertilization and planting date. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of cotton planting date and nitrogen fertilization on silverleaf whitefly population dynamics. Cotton was planted on 26 April and 8 June, for the early and late plantings, respectively. Nitrogen treatments consisted of soil applications of 0, 112, 168 and 224 kg of nitrogen per hectare. The population levels of adult whiteflies were much higher on early-planted cotton than on late planting. Also, increased numbers of adult whiteflies on both early and late plantings occurred with increasing amounts of applied nitrogen.Applied nitrogen increased seed cotton yields of early plantings but had no effect on the yields of late plantings.  相似文献   
胡杨、灰叶胡杨果实空间分布及其数量特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡杨、灰叶胡杨种间比较,果穗、种子在树冠上的垂直分布均表现为树冠上层最多,中层居中,下层最少,树冠南北侧相比较,南侧果穗量多于北侧.单果种子量在树冠各层次上差异不显著.胡杨单果重是灰叶胡杨的2.68倍,千粒重是灰叶胡杨的1.33倍,单果种子量是灰叶胡杨的2.14倍,单株种子量是灰叶胡杨的1.28倍,而单株果实量灰叶胡杨是胡杨的1.59倍.同一个种不同居群间比较,胡杨、灰叶胡杨均是单株果穗数和果穗果实数各居群间都存在差异,胡杨各居群间单果重、单果种子量差异不显著,而灰叶胡杨各居群间单果重及单果种子量差异极显著.表明胡杨在物质和能量上对后代的投资能力强于灰叶胡杨,生殖策略是通过较高的单果种子量来保证一定数量的单株种子量;而灰叶胡杨单果种子量较低,却是通过较高的单株果量来保证单株种子量,并且较小的种子占据空间生态位的潜能较胡杨占优势.  相似文献   
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