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气候变暖对中国褐飞虱越冬北界的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于GIS技术,利用1951—2010年中国南方地区289个气象站点观测资料和褐飞虱历史越冬考察资料,通过采用典型年褐飞虱越冬实况调查资料进行检验,对前人研究的褐飞虱越冬北界指标进行优选,最终选择1月10℃等温线作为中国褐飞虱越冬北界位置确定的指标,分析了最近60年来气候变暖背景下中国褐飞虱越冬北界年代际变化以及前后30年的变化。结果表明:在气候变暖背景下,由于暖冬年份频次的增加,使得每隔10年、30年褐飞虱越冬北界平均界限均不同程度北移,与冷冬年相比,暖冬年褐飞虱越冬北界位置可向北推移2~3个纬度;年代际变化以20世纪80年代最为明显,80年代之后的30年较之前的30年北移显著;空间北移较明显的地区为云南中部和福建南部,其中云南境内最大位移处60年约向北移动了近90km。  相似文献   
主要从湖北沙湖湿地自然保护区白尾鹞(Circus cyaneus)的生境偏爱和影响因子两方面分析中国东南部越冬区白尾鹞的种群动态。方差分析表明:年度间白尾鹞丰富度差异不显著。T检验表明:4a季节间白尾鹞丰富度差异极显著,秋季高于冬季。方差分析表明:4种生境中白尾鹞的丰富度存在极显著差异,草甸芦苇农田水域。4种生境中白尾鹞丰富度变异系数为:草甸水域芦苇农田。草甸生境是白尾鹞相对较好的越冬生境。多独立样本非参数检验(Kruskal-Wallis H法)表明:4种生境中雀形目鸟类和环颈雉的丰富度均存在极显著差异。多元线性回归模型(Enter进入法)显示:白尾鹞丰富度与其捕食对象丰富度在芦苇和草甸生境中呈强正相关,在农田和水域生境中相关性不显著。虚拟线性回归模型(Enter进入法)表明:草甸中的影响因子极显著的影响草甸中白尾鹞的丰富度。方差分析表明:草甸中白尾鹞的丰富度随草甸面积的下降而显著性下降。T检验表明:围网对白尾鹞在水域生境出现频次无显著影响。  相似文献   
【目的】探明梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta (Busck)在果园中的越冬场所及越冬幼虫与越冬代成虫发生的关系, 为更好地防治梨小食心虫提供科学依据。【方法】选取山东省不同地区(济南、泰安、肥城、广饶、莱芜)6个代表性的果园进行系统调查, 刮树皮调查记录梨小食心虫越冬幼虫在树体上的分布和存活情况, 利用封闭纱网调查土壤中梨小食心虫越冬幼虫数量, 同时利用性诱集和糖醋液对越冬代成虫发生量进行监测, 分析同园越冬幼虫与成虫发生的关系。【结果】梨小食心虫幼虫平均越冬成活率高达62.99%; 不同果园间梨小食心虫的越冬幼虫数量差异显著(P<0.001)。 越冬场所选择更倾向于树体下部(45.10%)和中部(46.28%)以及相应的主干(28.48%)和主枝(44.24%), 而位于树体上部(8.62%)及相应的侧枝(27.28%)的相对较少; 对树枝方位的选择没有显著差异(P>0.05)(东27.57%, 西26.13%, 南23.76%, 北22.54%)。同园越冬幼虫数量与越冬代成虫诱集数量无显著相关性。【结论】梨小食心虫以老熟幼虫在果树中、下部主干和主枝及树干周围的土壤中越冬。梨小食心虫在果园调查获得的越冬幼虫数量不能作为该果园翌年越冬代成虫发生和防治的依据, 发生危害情况还需根据周围环境情况做综合考虑。  相似文献   
绿盲蝽在Bt转基因棉及枣树上的发生规律   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本对绿盲蝽在Bt转基因棉及枣树上的发生规律进行了系统研究,结果表明,在沧州地区绿盲蝽以卵在枣树多年生枣股芽鳞内和地面双子叶杂草上越冬,在多年生枣股芽鳞内的越冬卵占总卵数的91.5%,在地面双子叶杂草上的越冬卵仅占总卵数的8.5%。该虫1年发生5代,枣树和棉花是该虫的主要互为寄主,1—2代危害枣树,2代成虫转主于棉花,转主高峰为6月19—25日,3—5代危害棉花,第5代成虫于9月初开始返回枣树产卵越冬。1—3代若虫孵化时间集中、成虫羽化高峰明显。根据绿盲蝽生活史中的薄弱环节,提出了抓住关键时期,采取大面积统一防治,将该虫消灭在孵化期和成虫羽化及转主之前的防治策略。  相似文献   
紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)是全球性的栽培牧草, 因其秋眠性强弱而导致的抗寒性差异为深刻解析植物耐寒适应的进化生态学机制提供了一个很好的研究模式。作为多年生豆科植物, 秋眠性是紫花苜蓿适应晚秋日照缩短、温度降低, 以及提高越冬存活率的一种生长特性。秋眠性的形成与几千年来紫花苜蓿在全球的传播扩展和栽培利用有关, 长期处于不同的气候生境, 导致秋眠性的适应进化, 这为人类利用提供了丰富的遗传资源。根据秋眠性的强弱, 学术界目前将之分为11个等级。一般而言, 秋眠性的强弱影响了紫花苜蓿的低温驯化与越冬耐寒适应等过程, 导致不同品种间的抗寒性存在差异。迄今, 关于秋眠性的光温调控, 以及秋眠性影响低温驯化的生理生态过程研究较多, 而对相关的细胞信号转导与基因表达调控途径, 尤其是对秋眠性如何影响越冬紫花苜蓿抗冻蛋白作用等耐寒适应的分子机制, 尚知之甚少。针对目前研究中存在的问题, 该文提出了未来需要重点关注的科学问题。  相似文献   
Diapause, a strategy to endure unfavourable conditions (e.g. cold winters) is commonly found in ectothermic organisms and is characterized by an arrest of development and reproduction, a reduction of metabolic rate, and an increased resistance to adversity. Diapause, in addition to adaptations for surviving low winter temperatures, significantly influences phenology, voltinism and ultimately population growth. We review the literature on diapause and overwintering behaviour of two bark beetle species that affect spruce‐dominated forests in the northern hemisphere, and describe and compare how these strategies can influence population dynamics. The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) is the most important forest pest of Norway spruce in Europe. It enters an adult reproductive diapause that might be either facultative or obligate. Obligate diapausing beetles are considered strictly univoltine, entering this dormancy type regardless of environmental cues. Facultative diapausing individuals enter diapause induced by photoperiod, modified by temperature, thus being potentially multivoltine. The spruce beetle Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infests all spruce species in its natural range in North America. A facultative prepupal diapause is averted by relatively warm temperatures, resulting in a univoltine life cycle, whereas cool temperatures induce prepupal diapause leading to a semivoltine cycle. An adult obligate diapause in D. rufipennis could limit bi‐ or multivoltinism. We discuss and compare the influence of diapause and overwinter survival on voltinism and population dynamics of these two species in a changing climate and provide an outlook on future research.  相似文献   

Nests of both common (Vespula vulgaris) and German wasps (V. germanica) sometimes overwinter in New Zealand. Three overwintering common wasp colonies were found in low-altitude honeydew beech forest; about 2% of the colonies initiated there in 1988 survived the winter. Wasp traffic rates from nests in Nelson city and a nation wide survey of wasp abundance, showed that more German wasp than common wasp workers were on the wing in winter and spring. German wasp colonies in Nelson city were more likely to overwinter than were common wasp colonies. Of the active German wasp colonies recorded in Nelson in January and February 1989, only two (4%) had previously overwintered, but these two nests accounted for 38% of all German wasp workers estimated to leave nests in the area. Had other overwintering colonies not been poisoned, overwintering colonies might have accounted for up to 11 % of nests and produced up to 64% of German wasp workers on the wing in January and February 1989.

Overwintering common wasp colonies did not produce queens or drones in their first year or second spring, but all 10 overwintering German wasp colonies examined produced sexuals at both times. German wasp queens produced in winter and spring may influence the number of colonies successfully initiated and affect the population dynamics of German wasps in New Zealand.  相似文献   
Sporulation in the floating fern Azolla filiculoides Lam. is both frequent and widespread in Britain and might therefore play a greater part in the population dynamics of the species than has been suggested by earlier reports. In laboratory experiments, increasing plant density and/or phosphorus supply resulted in increased sporulation. It was estimated that a thick mat of 8 kg m2 fresh biomass can produce 380000 microsporocarps and 85000 megasporocarps per m2.
Light and temperatures >10°C were necessary for sporocarp germination. Sporocarps could survive exposure to both low temperatures (5°C for at least 3 months) and sub-zero temperatures (−10°C for at least 18 d). Sporocarps were found to survive storage in water for 3 yr and to germinate from mud samples collected in the field. In laboratory culture, sporeling growth and survival were optimal at 15°C.
There is some evidence that A. filiculoides might have adapted to the British climate since its introduction.  相似文献   
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