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巨角猫头鹰是一种可怕的猛禽。但是对于像山雀这样机敏的鸟类而言,体型较小也更灵活的侏懦捕头鹰才是更大的威胁。研究人员报告说,黑头山雀有一套精密复杂的“叫声报警系统”,能够传递捕食者的体型信息,,这些叫声似乎能够帮助黑头山雀根据危险的程度调整相应的防御措施。  相似文献   
匍匐茎草本植物形态可塑性、整合作用与觅食行为研究进展   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
综述了匍匐茎型克隆植物在形态可塑性、整合作用及觅食行为方面的研究进展。资源斑块性分布是生境异质性的特征之一,适应于异质性生境,匍匐茎植物对环境资源表现了一系列可塑性反应。本文着重从匍匐茎植物对光、水、肥的可塑性反应及其整合作用以及觅食行为等方面的研究进行总结分析,以期对匍匐茎型克隆植物进行更广泛深入的研究。  相似文献   
通过野外和室内实试检测蝘蜒逃逸行为的影响因子。野外研究显示,蝘蜒可接近距离与隐蔽所间距呈显著正相关。与动物体温和基底温度无关;在开阔生境中,成体和幼体的可接近距离相似.而郁闭生境中成体的可接近距离显著大于幼体。室内试验表明。两性蝘蜒的可接近距离差异显著,繁殖期雌体的可接近距离大于雄体。  相似文献   
人工饲养条件下蜡皮蜥昼间行为时间分配及活动节律   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2003 年 5 月~ 2004 年 5 月, 采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件观察法对人工饲养条件下蜡皮蜥(Leiolepis reevesii) 的昼间行为时间分配和活动节律进行了初步研究。结果表明: 昼间不同天气下蜡皮蜥行为时间分配中, 休息行为占有绝对的比例, 其次为运动、晒太阳、警戒、摄食和其他行为。晴天其休息、运动和晒太阳行为分别占 94 73%±0 01%、3 24%±0 01%和 1 56%±0 01%, 而阴天休息、运动和晒太阳分别占97 03%±0 02%、1 31%±0 01%、0 89%±0 01%。晴天和阴天蜡皮蜥的运动、警戒、休息和晒太阳等行为在时间分配上存在显著性差异 (P<0 05); 雄、雌和亚成体的行为时间分配上, 只有雌雄之间的警戒行为存在差异性 (P<0 05)。在活动节律方面, 晴天和阴天蜡皮蜥只有在行为发生的起始和持续时间上有差异, 晴天其晒太阳的高峰期在10:00~11:00, 运动高峰期在11:00~14:00, 休息低谷期在10:00~13:00, 而阴天晒太阳的高峰期出现在11:00~12:00、运动高峰期11:00~15:00, 其休息未表现出明显的低谷。  相似文献   
利用隆线趋光行为评价铬的生物毒性   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
报道了以隆线单克隆Dc42为生物监测器,利用其趋光行为变化评价铬生物毒性的方法.结果表明,隆线趋光行为抑制率能较好地反映水中铬的污染程度.在重铬酸钾标准毒物溶液中,趋光指数与Cr6+的浓度呈极显著负相关(R2=0.8089,P<0.001),Cr6+浓度的检测下限为0.056 mg·L-1,远低于LC50和EC50,平均精度达到5.46%,说明趋光指数法用于监测化学物质生物毒性灵敏度高、精确可靠.  相似文献   
In addition to forward undulatory swimming, Gymnarchus niloticus can swim via undulations of the dorsal fin while the body axis remains straight; furthermore, it swims forward and backward in a similar way, which indicates that the undulation of the dorsal fin can simultaneously provide bidirectional propulsive and maneuvering forces with the help of the tail fin. A high-resolution Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) imaging camera system is used to record kinematics of steady swimming as well as maneuvering in G. niloticus. Based on experimental data, this paper discusses the kinematics (cruising speed, wave speed, cycle frequency, amplitude, lateral displacement) of forward as well as backward swimming and maneuvering. During forward swimming, the propulsive force is generated mainly by undulations of the dorsal fin while the body axis remains straight. The kinematic parameters (wave speed, wavelength, cycle frequency, amplitude) have statistically significant correlations with cruising speed. In addition, the yaw at the head is minimal during steady swimming. From experimental data, the maximal lateral displacement of head is not more than 1% of the body length, while the maximal lateral displacement of the whole body is not more than 5% of the body length. Another important feature is that G. niloticus swims backwards using an undulatory mechanism that resembles the forward undulatory swimming mechanism. In backward swimming, the increase of lateral displacement of the head is comparatively significant; the amplitude profiles of the propulsive wave along the dorsal fin are significantly different from those in forward swimming. When G. niloticus does fast maneuvering, its body is first bent into either a C shape or an S shape, then it is rapidly unwound in a travelling wave fashion. It rarely maneuvers without the help of the tail fin and body bending.  相似文献   
The effects of powders from dry flower buds of Eugenia aromatica Baill., seeds of Piper guineense Schum and Thonn and fruits of Capsicum frutescens L. on adult behaviour, mortality and reproductive fitness of the cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) were investigated under ambient laboratory conditions. All experiments were carried out in glass Petri plates. All powders elicited aversion in adult beetles. The contact toxicity symptoms included restlessness, loss of coordination, knock down and eventual death of adult beetles. These behaviours were more pronounced with E. aromatica in which adult beetles died within 16 hours. P. guineense and C. frutescens powders did not cause 100% mortality of adult beetles, even after 24 hours. Each of the three powders significantly (P 〈 0.05) reduced the mating competition of adult males after sub-lethal exposure for one, two, and three hours, respectively. E. aromatica powder caused more reduction in male mating competition for females than any of the other two powders after each period of exposure. Receptiveness of treated females to courting males was also decreased by exposure to any of the three powders. Similarly, E. aromatica powder caused greater decreases in female receptiveness to males than any of the other two powders after each period of exposure. Exposure of either adult male or female C. maculatus to the powders for sub-lethal times of three, six and nine hours significantly reduced the fecundity of the beetles. E. aromatica powder caused the most reduction of eggs laid and also significantly reduced fertility of the eggs.  相似文献   
人为干扰对黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2003年11月至2004年3月,采用目标动物取样法和人为干扰实验法,于浙江省乐清湾滩涂进行人类活动对黑腹滨鹬(Calidrisalpina)觅食行为影响的研究。取样观察结果表明,在每天沿海堤可观察黑腹滨鹬持续觅食的1h里,96.6%的黑腹滨鹬在35m或更小的距离上通过奔跑或惊飞对人类的活动作出反应;黑腹滨鹬花费90%(人类较多的盐盆滩涂为85%,较少的乐成滩涂为94%)的时间觅食,10%的时间用于避免人类的干扰;人数、人类活动类型对觅食时间具有显著影响,人数、人离黑腹滨鹬的距离、人类活动类型对黑腹滨鹬移动的距离、移动的次数以及黑腹滨鹬对人类靠近的反应均具有显著效应。人为干扰最小接近距离实验结果表明,黑腹滨鹬对人类反应的距离在3~30m;干扰人数为1人时的最小接近距离显著大于2人;人类行走和奔跑的两种活动类型对黑腹滨鹬的最小接近距离没有显著影响。本研究验证了滨鸟觅食区内的人为活动严重影响黑腹滨鹬觅食行为的假设。  相似文献   
内蒙古图牧吉冬季大鸨调查初报   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
大鸨(Otis tarda)属大型草原鸟类,过去曾广泛分布于黑龙江省西部及内蒙古的东部,目前已经处于濒危状态。图牧吉自然保护区是大鸨的主要栖息地,繁殖数量约200多只。1998年开始记录到越冬大鸨个体,2003年冬季,本区越冬数量达到165只(其中保护区内记录到85只)。本文对图牧吉自然保护区大鸨的越冬数量分布进行了调查,并对大鸨越冬行为及食性进行了初步的观察和分析,对大鸨越冬地管理及越冬鸟类的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   
秦岭川金丝猴冬季和春季在自然栖息地的空间利用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2000年9月到2003年3月共计197天的时间里,我们采用目标动物取样法(Focalanimalsampling)和行为的全事件记录法(Alloccurrencesampling)对一群生活在秦岭北坡周至保护区内的秦岭金丝猴(Rhinopithecusroxellana)在自然栖息地内空间利用的进行了研究。当猴群在离开人工投食区进行自由活动时我们开始收集数据。结果表明:秦岭川金丝猴在不同年龄性别组的个体对植被的空间利用明显不同,它们花费每天活动的14%的时间在地面上活动,53%时间在树叉处活动,33%的时间在树冠中间活动。与其它年龄性别个体相比,成年雄性有27%的观察时间在地上活动,并且20%的取食时间或29%的休息时间是在地上的,明显地高于其它年龄性别组的个体。群体迁移时,成年雄性有53%的时间在地上移动,而只有13%的时间是在树冠层移动的。在通过不同树冠的时候,成年雄性经常会同时抓住两边再把身体摆过去。它们也经常下到地上迁移而回避在树间跳跃。相比之下,亚成年雌性和青少年猴更加经常地在低植被层和树冠层中找食和休息。它们明显地比成年猴更加频繁地在树冠中移动,却很少下地。它们还经常使用跳跃的方式通过树冠间的空隙。从观察到摔下树的事例分析,青少年猴从树上摔下来的风险比成年猴大。本文进而讨论了影响秦岭金丝猴空间分布和移动的因素,比如说身体的重量等.  相似文献   
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